Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 208: Three thousand years

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When Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, she calmly said, "You know this, too?"

"of course I know."

Zi Luoer said: "Although the Emperor ordered no one to mention it, everyone would still talk about it in private. I heard that the previous generation of the magic gate maiden was the daughter of the emperor, but fell in love with a certain Houfu. Little Houye. For love, the demon sage did not hesitate to sever the father-daughter relationship with the emperor, and resolutely married the young Houfu of Houfu. But that was 20 years ago, young A generation knows very little about that. "

"I heard that eleven years ago, the previous generation of the maiden of the magic gate and the young master Hou were given to death."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "According to your saying, that twenty years ago, the sage of the magic gate severed the father-daughter relationship with the emperor?"


Zi Luoer said: "However, how can the father-daughter relationship be easily broken? After all, people are animals with emotions. I heard that because of this, the Emperor also led the masters of the magic gate eleven years ago. Into the Imperial City. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What about later?"

"Later ... Later I didn't know. I only know that, since the incident eleven years ago, the Emperor ordered that all disciple disciples can no longer enter the Imperial City, nor can they talk about it, and He himself practices retreat. This retreat is ten years. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart secretly said, "It is no wonder that the magic gate has a huge power, but no monk monk can be seen in the imperial city. What happened in the imperial city that year? Why did the magic emperor order the disciples of the world Enter the Imperial City? What is the reason for this? "


Zi Luoer was young and didn't know much about the events of that year. Even she didn't know that Ning Xiaochuan was the son of the last maiden of the magic gate.

In her mouth, definitely can't ask any more useful things, unless you can find the person responsible for that event.

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "Why are you going to Nine Dead Cliffs?"

Zi Luoer laughed: "It's not just that I'm going to Nine Dead Cliffs. When the masters of the magic gates are today, they will gather at the Nine Dead Cliffs on the ninth day of the second month of this year to hold a magic gate conference."

"Magic meeting! Then say, the Emperor is out of customs?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Zi Luoer laughed: "That's natural. The significance of this magic gate meeting is very significant, it is unlikely to change the whole world."

In a sense, the devil is still Ning Xiaochuan's grandfather.

However, Ning Xiaochuan didn't feel it at all. It was only when he was a stranger. This time he went to Nine Dead Cliff and wanted to find out the truth of that year.

After five days on the road, heavy snow never stopped.


At night, weird cries were heard again in that iron coffin, screaming quite sternly, like a ghost howl, like a roar of beasts, and it sounded creepy!


The iron coffin vibrated violently, and the iron nails nailed inside the iron coffin were shocked, as if to cover the coffin.

The master of the magic gate looked completely like a nearby enemy, surrounded by the iron coffin, and felt panic to some extent.

After all, the dead body contained in the iron coffin is a trivial matter. If it really turns into a monster, then a big disaster is imminent.

"It's started again! Every night at this time, the coffin is going to make this noise, and it becomes more and more terrible. The iron coffin is almost unable to suppress it." A warrior whispered.

Fortunately, there is a sage, or there must be many warriors who have escaped.

The maiden of the magic gate also looked dignified, took out an ancient Liupinxuan, a purple little tripod, only the size of a wine glass, suspended in the palm of her hand, held by the mystery!

After absorbing the mysterious air, the purple little tripod continued to rotate, its volume expanded, and a dragon-shaped pattern flowed on the surface.


The purple little tripod, which is about six feet high, floats between the hands of the sage of the magic gate, sending out a bit of mysterious light, covering the sky halfway, and rolling the snow and the sky.

The purple giant tripod was suppressed above the iron coffin, and the huge power of the mystery was used to forcibly suppress the Yin in the iron coffin.

Hearing the sound of the change, Ning Xiaochuan stepped out of the carriage and looked out from a distance, seeing that purple giant tripod, reflecting the entire sky into purple.

"The cultivation of this demon maid is terrible!" Ning Xiaochuan said to himself.

Zi Luoer also looked with reverence, and said, "It's natural. If it weren't for her talent, she was unparalleled, she won the same generation, and the person who became a saint is Sister Duanmu."

"How do you say that?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Zi Luoer said: "Sister Duanmu is the granddaughter of the Emperor. She is also quite outstanding and an important candidate for the sage. But the gift of the sage can no longer be described as extraordinary. It is shocking. I listen The mother said that her talent reached the level of "three thousand years of hardship."

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was shocked, a level that is rare for three thousand years!

When Ning Xiaochuan crossed the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge at the seventh weight of the Divine Body, he also reached the level of "Eight Hundred Years" and was named the first genius of the Imperial City.

If the maiden of the magic gate really has the talent of "three thousand years", then the first genius of Ning Xiaochuan, the imperial city, is too inferior to her.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan's current talent is definitely not as simple as "an eight hundred years of hardship".

He has refined nine supernatural powers, cultivated an unprecedented tenth supernatural power, and stepped into the first realm of vulgarity. Even if his talents have not yet entered the "three thousand years of hardship", it is estimated that they are not far behind.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What is the identity of this demonic maiden?"

Zi Luoer shook her head and said, "I don't know, the identity of the maiden is mysterious, and she rarely shows up. I also saw her for the first time."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Being able to compete with the granddaughter of the demon emperor, the birth of this virgin is absolutely extraordinary, and it is likely to be the grandson of a great person in the demon."

Zi Luoer thought for a while, and said, "I've heard San Niang said that the lord lady lives in the imperial city all the year round, and is in charge of everything that the magic gate has in the imperial city."

Ning Xiaochuan's brow jumped and said, "Isn't the demon order that the people in the gate should not enter the imperial city?"

"That's just the order on the surface. The imperial city is the throat of the world, and the soldiers must fight. How could the Momen give up and give up? Maybe it was only 11 years ago.

A contract signed by Emperor Yulan. "

"On the bright side, people in the magic gate cannot naturally move to the imperial city. But in the dark, the magic gate has no power in the imperial city, do you believe it?"

Zi Luo'er's words reminded Ning Xiaochuan that eleven years ago, the emperor might have negotiated with Yulan the Great Emperor, and signed some unknown agreement that people in the magic gate should not enter the imperial city.

However, the Emperor Yu Lan must have agreed to certain conditions of the Emperor.

Eleven years ago, Emperor Yulan's daughters were all given death by Emperor Yulan. Is it possible to negotiate this matter?

Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his fist tightly, he couldn't figure out the reason, and his mind was full of thoughts.


In the distance, the iron coffin trembled again, shaking the purple giant tripod, and a devastating yin erupted.

A stream of yin-sha, rushed out of the coffin, condensed into an adult form, like a ghost flying in the air, with a chirping sound in his mouth.

Yin Sha is powerful enough to condense the human form and become "Yin Sha Ling".

Just like a ghost.


A master of the magic gate was hit by Yin Sha against his chest, and Yin Sha merged with his body.

There was a scream of screams in his mouth, fangs grew, his nails turned blood red, and his hair turned green, which was quite scary.

Yin Sha Ling, collided in the team, any mysterious energy can't resist them.

The screams began to rise and fall. More than twenty people have been possessed by the evil spirits and become monsters that do not look like humans and ghosts do not look like ghosts.

"Closer to me." Ning Xiaochuan's expression was solemn.

Zi Luo'er's pretty face showed hilarity, and he quickly hugged Ning Xiaochuan from behind and put his face on Ning Xiaochuan's back.

"Yunxia returns to strength!"

Ning Xiaochuan held up a layer of purple hood to protect the two in the center.

The surface of the mysterious hood presents a mysterious sunset pattern, with forms such as chariots, monsters, and palaces, erupting a strong defense.

If it is an ordinary hood, it will still be broken by Yinshaling.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's mysterious spirit is 氤氲 Xuan Qi, a higher level than martial arts Xuan Qi, naturally not afraid of Yin Shaling.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The Yin Shaling collided outside Yunxia Guiqi's vitality, shaking the mysterious hood constantly, but he couldn't help Ning Xiaochuan at all.

The Mormon's body soared, suspended in mid-air, her arm pointing towards the sky.

Suddenly, the heavens and the earth changed color, the dark clouds rolled over the sky, and a thunder sounded!


Hundreds of lightnings fell from the sky, killing all the evil spirits, all turned into a plume of smoke.

"It turns out that the sage of the magic gate is also a‘ celestial deity ’, which can mobilize the power of the celestial celestial body.” The Yinsha spirits were all killed, and Ning Xiaochuan quickly put away Yunxia's vitality.

Fortunately, there was chaos just now, everyone was too busy taking care of himself, and no one found him using Yunxia Guiqi.

"Five false accusations, a total of fifty-six people were insulted by the insidious body. Although they were subdued by us, the situation was quite bad." Elder Lin falsely accused this incident to the sage of the magic gate.

Duanmu Linger said: "I have ordered people to make mysterious medicine, and they should be able to recover soon."

"Brew mysterious medicine? Alas, do you not know that the boiled mysterious medicine has lost nine layers of medicine? Besides, yin sha belongs to evil, and ordinary mysterious medicine cannot be expelled at all, unless it is taken by an old man. Dan in the dark. "

An old man dressed in a middle-level minder's robe came out, with an arrogant look on his old face, looking superior.

This is the middle-level mind trainer, named Liu Canyang, who was conquered in the White Dragon City by the Saint Mormon.

Liu Canyang can practice to the level of an intermediate mind trainer, and is naturally quite proud. He has just joined the magic gate and is anxious to prove his ability.


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