Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 264: Gold Killer First Man

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The air is filled with mysterious lines, interwoven into a net, and condensed into an enchantment.

The space in the backyard of Guanyu Tower is completely isolated.

Obviously, the female assassin has made perfect arrangements and does not want to alarm the people in Guanyu Tower. He must kill Ning Xiaochuan in the most secret way.

What's more, she practiced Taoism!

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the ground, and the ground under his feet seemed to be covered with a light curtain, and every step of it could create ripples.

"Who? How dare you assassinate the owner?" Situ Fengwu said in a deep voice.

Ning Xiaochuan gave birth to a hand, stopped her, and stared at the female assassin flying in the air with a smile, and said, "Meng Yao, aren't you going to take a bath and change clothes? Isn't this more a killer clothes?"

The female assassin flying in the air gave out a silver bell-like laughter, and a pair of snow-white * loomed under the black robe, exuding a strong magical spirit, and said, "How do you know that I will kill you?"

A cold wind blew, blowing up the black robe on her body, making a hunting sound.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Tianchenzi sent you to my side, didn't you just want to use your hand to kill me? Once I'm about to grow up, this is when you kill me."

"But how can I kill you with my cultivation?" The female assassin laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Because you hide Xiuwei, your real means is not martial arts magic. It is the Taoist method!"

Xie Mengyao is indeed a martial arts double practitioner, not only practicing martial arts, but also Taoist exercises.

Her martial arts practice is far inferior to Ning Xiaochuan, but the Taoist culture has been unpredictable, comparable to those of the fourth and fifth grade masters.

The female assassin said: "What I am practicing is" The Magical Techniques to Solve the Devil ", which can cultivate the Taoism in the body into the blood, dissolve it in the invisible, and it is impossible to expose the flaws. How do you know that I have cultivated the Taoism?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Actually, I just guessed. Until you killed me, I didn't dare to be sure. You know, when did I doubt you?"

"When?" The female assassin said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Do you remember, you told me, how did you leave the Heavenly Emperor's Palace? You said that your identity was exposed and you were hunted down by a famous sheep before you escaped from the Heavenly Emperor's Palace. Based on your cultivation at that time, It is impossible to open the heavenly gate, and it is impossible to escape from it. It can only explain one thing. Your cultivation is not as simple as it appears on your face. "

"The owner is really careful, no wonder Master reminds me not to be taken lightly, it seems I still underestimate the owner," the female assassin sighed.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm curious, what exactly did you do in the Dark Empire? Tianchenzi sent you to my side, then you must not be an ordinary person."

The female assassin laughed: "The landlord actually has such a strong interest in me, may I already like me?"

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's arm, a blood-red light appeared on the palm of his hand, condensing a magic sword, forming a magic picture of the blood of the corpse, and saying, "I'm afraid you won't have a chance to speak! "

The female assassin also condensed boundless magic, a layer of golden armor condensed and formed in the air, wrapping her slender body, the dragon scale and black sword in her hand exuding a hint of flame, saying: "Since the owner wants to know Then I'll tell you. Xie Mengyao is not my real name. My previous status was Emperor Dark City, and the gold medal killer was first--Meng Ying. "


The female assassin's body turned into six strands of black smoke, disappeared from the place, and completely integrated into the world.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately held up the "Yunxia returning vitality", and the whole body was covered by Xiaguang, becoming a huge mysterious hood!

Mengying's figure is extremely strange, combining the strengths of Taoism and Wujia, dissolving the demon scattered into the natural world, disappearing without a trace.

Even if Ning Xiaochuan has telepathy, it's hard to find her position!

The Dark Emperor once ranked as the gold medal killer, and was able to have such a powerful stealth hiding method, which was expected by Ning Xiaochuan.

"call out!"

A black sword light flashed quickly from Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

The light is almost to the extreme.

Even before Ning Xiaochuan captured Jianguang, Jianguang had disappeared!

Ning Xiaochuan felt a pain in his neck, and hot Lulu's blood dripped down.

"So fast!"

Ning Xiaochuan touched the scar on his neck with his fingers.

Just leaving a shallow blood stain did not kill him.

However, it is conceivable that if the opponent wants to take his life, the sword just now is enough!

"Zhuang owner, do you think my" disintegration shadow "is faster, or your" rainbow movement "is faster?"

The magic mist in the air condenses into a weird and beautiful figure.

She is holding a dragon-scale black sword, with red lips slightly hooked, and her eyes are staring at Ning Xiaochuan, with a smiling smile!

There was a drop of blood between Ning Xiaochuan's fingers and he was very calm, saying, "If it is in the same realm, I will definitely be faster than you!"

"Oh! Owner, don't treat me as a little girl who is easy to deceive, I will not downgrade Xiu to fight with you in the same realm. For a killer, killing is the most important. Students do. "Meng Ying's voice with a sweet smile.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Why didn't you kill me just now?"

"The landlord, young and bright, talented, talented, and talented, will surely be a hero in the future. The landlord becomes a senior mind trainer at a young age, and he will definitely become a big mind trainer in the future. Are people killed in the cradle? You can't wait too long to get rid of them. "Meng Ying said.

"If the killer is soft-hearted, he will surely die quickly."

"It depends on who it is, right?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "As you say, can we still talk?"

"Of course, as long as the owner is willing, how can we talk?" Mengying laughed.

Meng Ying's sword just now is to prove to Ning Xiaochuan that he has the power to kill him.

Only then can she increase her bargaining chips.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Tianchenzi is your master. If you don't kill me, how do you go back and deal with him?"

Meng Ying said: "Tian Chenzi just regarded me as his murderous sword. He thought that I was still a little girl and a murderous puppet, but he didn't know anyone would be willing to be a puppet, and wanted to control his own destiny . "

Ning Xiaochuan raised his eyebrows and said, "You want to be the owner of Ghost Villa?"

"Oh! I don't have such great ambitions, I just want to be the owner lady of Ghost Villa. The owner, you said, am I asking too much?" The dream shadow turned into a ray of black smoke and fell to Ning Xiaochuan's In front of it, it is condensed and shaped.

Meng Ying is very clear that with her background in family affairs and martial arts, she may be the strongest killer in the world, but she can never be the master of the ghost villa.

The reason why Ning Xiaochuan was able to become the owner of Ghost Villa is because the Jiange Houfu supported his back and was assisted by masters such as Lin Sanzhi and Muronghua.

Therefore, Mengying knows exactly what he wants, and more clearly who he should talk to.

Ning Xiaochuan's potential far exceeds that of the courtier. This is why she is willing to talk to Ning Xiaochuan!

For Ning Xiaochuan, this is definitely not an excessive request. Not only can he be saved from a robbery, but he can also beautify the beauty. Why not?

However, the vision is often beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

"call out!"

Heaven and earth enchanted, a crack was torn.

Yu Ningsheng walked in through the cracks, fluttering white clothes, black hair like catkins, and moon-white tulle on his face, covering the peerless face.

The entire space is shrouded in cold air, and snowflakes are condensed automatically!

The breeze blew through, snowflakes were blown up piece by piece, spinning around her body to form a snow dragon!

Meng Ying's face changed slightly, turning into six black mysterious mists.

Condensing her body again, she was already standing in the ten-meter-high void, spreading the wings of ice and fire on her back. Her eyes narrowed and she said, "Yu Ning Sheng!"

It was something that made her quite surprised!

The heaven and earth enchantment she arranged is so mysterious and incomparable that most people can't even notice it. Even if she notices it, it can't be broken.

However, Yu Ningsheng broke the heaven and earth enclave and walked in.

A youth. How could a woman on earth have such a powerful cultivation practice?

With a smile on Ning Xiaochuan's face, he put away the magic sword, and said, "Her Royal Highness, I seem to owe you another life."

Yu Ningsheng walked on the snow and said, "I can't see it. In your heart, I'm afraid you're blaming me for being nosy, after all ... standing on the opposite side is most likely the lady of the owner of the future ghost village, you are not afraid I hurt the owner's wife? "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and didn't explain to her.

"I don't think you're nosy, but you're afraid I'll take Ning Xiaochuan?"

Mengying's mouth laughed, "It turned out that the sage of the magic gate actually hides in the jade tower and is still the first beauty of the imperial city. If this matter is passed on, I'm afraid that her maiden will have no place in the imperial city."

"Do you think that you can still walk out of Guanyu Tower alive today?" Yu Ningsheng stretched out a jade white finger, exuding mystery at his fingertips, and instantly formed white ripples!

Mysterious air is transformed into a snowy sky, manifested into a world of ice and snow, and the dream shadow is arranged to freeze the heaven and earth.


Meng Ying stood in the void, the black robe fluttered, the jade skin was crystal clear, and the dragon scale and black sword in his hand were pierced into the void cave, and the entire space was fixed.

The martial arts superb power condensed by Yu Ningsheng has the power of the frozen world, freezing the void cave, even the mysterious energy is frozen into ice silk.

"His Royal Highness is indeed the first master of the younger generation of the magic gate. Martial arts are admirable." With a wave of Meng Ying's arm, a sword broke the ice, and a trace of flame emanated from the body, forming a fire Lotus, forcing the cold around the body back, melting into a white water mist.

Obviously in the first confrontation, Yu Ningsheng took the upper part, forcing Meng Ying to only passively defend.

However, just now the struggle for space sovereignty was not a real fight.

No one knows who is dead!

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