Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 265: Virgin and killer

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The backyard of Guanyu Tower is wrapped in a dow pattern envelop and isolated from the outside world.

Yu Ningsheng and Meng Ying, one wearing a white robe and one wearing a black robe, each suspended in the void!

They are all peerless witches, but their temperaments are completely different!


Flames emerged from the Dragon Sword and Black Sword, making the glacier swift, like a meteorite impacting the earth, stabbing Yu Ningsheng. Mengying's body was wrapped in flames, and the golden mask on her face was dazzling in the flames.

Yu Ningsheng is like an ice lotus fairy girl hanging in the sky. He never moves. He stretches out a delicate jade hand and hits a faint blue cold ice mist.


The flames penetrated the ice mist.

The ice mist also suppressed the flame's power.

When the dragon scale black sword stabbed Yu Ningsheng's palm, the flame on the sword had completely disappeared.


Frozen wrapped the sword body to form an ice sculpture, permeating toward the arm of Meng Ying.

The ice and fire double flying wings on Meng Ying's back disappeared into an intertwined air of ice and fire, which rushed from his arm and crushed the cold air.

The blade of the dragon scale and black sword burned the flame again.

Yu Ningsheng floated and then retreated.

Meng Ying unfolded the body style of "disintegrating magic shadow" and disappeared from the void.

"call out!"

Jian Guang emerged from behind Yu Ningsheng, and a sword was cut across her neck, sending a ray of hair from Yu Ningsheng.

Yu Ningsheng also practiced the Peerless Method, which was fast like a white light, avoiding the sword of dreams.

One is the sage of the magic gate, and the other is the first gold killer of the dark imperial city. They are all heavenly pride girls.

Above midair, there were two black and white silhouettes of celebrities fighting each other, and dozens of silhouettes flashed in the void between the electric light and flint.

It was so dazzling that they couldn't tell which one was their real body?

Ning Xiaochuan seemed very relaxed. He sat back in his chair and began to study the techniques and methods of Mengying and Yu Ningsheng, thinking about strategies to deal with them. If he will be an enemy in the future, he may be able to use them!

"People without thought, he must worry about."

We must be vigilant against each and every one. We are now friends, and we may not be friends in the future.

"Dad, who is your mother fighting with?" Xiao Linger walked through the heavens and the earth into this space, her round eyes were blinking like two little stars!

She had bare feet and a long hair, and staggered to Ning Xiaochuan's face, hugging Ning Xiaochuan's thigh.

Ning Xiaochuan couldn't help wondering that Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong were both born heterogeneous and could ignore the barrier of enchantment.

What do these two little guys really do?

"Xiao Linger, are you hungry?" Ning Xiaochuan picked up Xiao Linger and put it on his lap. He took a mysterious medicine out of Qiankun's bag and handed it to Xiao Linger.

After seeing Xuan Yao, Xiao Ling'er's eyes stared rounder, and when he caught it, he put it in his mouth, and made a sound of "唧 唧 吧唧".

"Daddy, can you tell Niangbei to fight with others?" Xiao Linger said.

"Yes, of course. But you have to call her, she listens to you best!" Ning Xiaochuan gently stroked Xiao Linger's forehead. Suddenly, she felt a current flowing from Xiao Linger's forehead. The blood of Jining Xiaochuan passed to the heart.

Ning Xiaochuan's whole body of blood boiled, and every drop of blood seemed to be fused with a current.

Ning Xiaochuan dripped a drop of blood from his fingertips, and the blood was suspended in the air, which directly evolved into three giant devil tigers, making a howling tiger sound that sounded through the sky.

One drop of blood turns into three tigers!

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a joy, looked at his palm in shock, and looked at Xiao Linger's forehead.

Unexpectedly, the blood was raised to another level.

It seems that Xiao Linger's body is indeed hiding a secret.

"Daddy, why is there a current on your arm? It hurts Xiao Linger's forehead!" Xiao Linger pursed her lips and stared curiously at Ning Xiaochuan's hand.

"Daddy also wants to know why, Xiao Linger, you lie down. Let me check what's in your body?"

Xiao Linger was very smart, lying in Ning Xiaochuan's arms and closing her eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan's hand was slowly pressed on her forehead, sinking the spirit and spirit into the heart, inspiring the mind, and probing into Xiao Ling's eyebrow!

There was a shocking picture in Ning Xiaochuan's mind, and a purple star was hovering in Xiao Ling's brows!

This is a real star. On the surface of the star, it is covered by green vegetation, shrouded in clouds, mountains, rivers, the sea, and some palaces suspended in the void, and castles floating on the sea, forming a magnificent and magnificent Big world.

The purple star was spinning in her mind.

I don't know who it is, and sealed a star to the size of a glass bead.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was extremely shocked. Just when he was going to let his mind enter the purple stars, a burst of auspicious light broke out in the purple stars, and he was bombarded into his body.

Xiao Ling'er's body trembled a little, and she was covered by the Holy Light. A light rain swirled around her body and got into her body.


Above, Yu Ningsheng sacrificed a bronze magic lamp, dripping a drop of blood into the lamp.

The bronze magic lamp burns automatically, emitting a cyan light.

Mengying holds the strange and unpredictable body style, but under the light of the "eight-phase beacon", there is still nowhere to hide.

In the light, the ghost images of the eight beast-headed warriors appeared, hit the eight-phase **** fist, bombarded the dream shadow, spit blood in his mouth, and was hit hard.

"Surely the maiden of the magic gate is well-deserved, but you are waiting for the army of the imperial court to come and see Guanyu Tower tomorrow! Hehe!"

Meng Ying fell to the roof, with his toes slumped, spreading the wings of ice and fire on his back, flying out of the heaven and earth, and disappearing into the night.

Yu Ningsheng held the eight-phase beacon and turned it into a white light.

"Still run away by her!"

Not long after, Yu Ningsheng flew back on the ice and snow and landed on the ground with a worried look on her face, saying, "Now the identity of both of us will be exposed."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Unless necessary, she will not reveal my identity."

"Because, she also wants to be the owner lady of Ghost Villa." Yu Ningsheng said.

Ning Xiaochuan did not refute.

Yu Ningsheng's body exudes a faint fragrance, came over, and said with concern: "What happened to Xiaolinger?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently.

The holy light on Xiao Linger began to converge slowly, and finally disappeared completely.

"Well! She seems to have grown taller." Ning Xiaochuan said.

If you say that Xiao Linger was only two years old, then she is now three years old!

Is her growth related to the purple star in her brows?

Xiao Linger slowly opened her eyes, sat up from Ning Xiaochuan's arms, blinked her eyes, and said, "Daddy, Xiao Linger is hungry again!"

"Why are you more like a foodie than Xiao Hong?" Ning Xiaochuan gently touched Xiao Ling's head with a smile on her face.

This little mysterious animal is indeed quite cute!

"Is Xiaohong very good?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "After a while, I will take you to see it. I believe you will be good partners!"

The boundary between heaven and earth in the backyard of Guanyulou slowly dispersed, and the ground was a mess, with sword marks everywhere, broken walls, whole body rubble and residual wood.

Meng Ying has fled. She may not reveal Ning Xiaochuan's identity, but she will definitely try her best to deal with Yu Ningsheng. The news that Yu Ningsheng is the maiden of the magic gate will soon spread throughout the imperial city. If Yu Ningsheng is still in Guanyu Tower, it will be extremely dangerous.

"Follow me to Ghost Villa!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Yu Ningsheng stood among the broken rubble and looked at the full moon above the sky. He exuded an air of magic and magic, saying, "After you think that my identity is exposed, there is no place in the imperial city. Need you to help me? "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said: "The Momen's stronghold in the imperial city is definitely more than this, but there is no place where there is a ghost villa more secure. Moreover, I invite you to visit the ghost villa not just When you are a guest, you hope to use your strength to help me get rid of a major problem. "

"What if I don't agree?" Yu Ningsheng stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Then I will say goodbye, Her Royal Highness take care of her. The humanity owed tonight will be returned tomorrow."

Ning Xiaochuan must immediately rush back to the ghost villa, and when the courtiers have not responded, he will get rid of this big problem.

In fact, even without the help of Yu Ningsheng, Ning Xiaochuan has seven layers of control to deal with the courtiers. He invited Yu Ningsheng to take refuge in Ghost Villa, and also wanted to repay her.

"Daddy, don't you go?" Xiao Linger ran over, hugging Ning Xiaochuan's back, tears in his eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched Xiao Linger's face and smiled: "Little Linger is good! Father, will come back to see you. Her Royal Highness, Xiao Linger has to entrust you to continue to take care of you."

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Fengwu walked out of Guanyu Tower and hurried toward the imperial city.

Xiao Linger cried with tears in her face and hugged Yu Ningsheng, and said poorly, "Mother, why don't you go with your father?"

Yu Ningsheng took Xiao Linger's hand, his eyes blurred, and said, "I can't go to Ghost Villa. Once I go, the master of the magic gate will definitely go to Ghost Villa. Your father will be in danger!"

Yu Ningsheng is the identity of the demon sage, the highest authority of the demon in the imperial city.

Her every move could not conceal those great figures of the magic gate.

The six masters of the magic gate are about to come to the imperial city. She does not want to expose Ning Xiaochuan's identity because of herself. Therefore, even if she really wants to go to Ghost Villa, she can only restrain herself!

"How dad isn't it dangerous then?" Xiao Linger flattened her mouth, but didn't cry anymore.

"Unless ... the great demon of the magic gate is dead!"

Yu Ningsheng took Xiao Linger's hand and walked out of Guanyu Tower, disappearing in the hazy night.

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