Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 393: The true power of the Heavenly Blade

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"Ning Xiaochuan, die!"

Yue Wuyang gave a loud sigh, and ninety-nine flame dragons were entangled to form a three-footed three-crow **** crow, suspended in the sky like a scorching sun, emitting extremely terrifying heat.

The floor painting pavilions of the Houfu House in Yunzhong were burning, and the water in the pool was boiling. The guards, servants, and maids all burned, and their bodies became big red lanterns.

Yue Wuyang Does this mean that the entire Houfu House in Yunzhong is smelted into ashes?

Ning Xiaochuan has just tried the power of the flame dragon, which is comparable to the full blow of the most important warrior in the state.

And this three-legged **** crow is made up of ninety-nine flame dragons, which can erupt the power of eye-catching terror?


Ning Xiaochuan bit his teeth, mobilizing all the vitality of the martial arts, all pouring into the Emperor Blade.

He intends to activate the first power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade is a magical soldier that surpasses the Jiu Pin Xuan Qi. There are six fields in the blade body, and every time one of the fields is activated, more powerful power will erupt.

The Emperor Blade's first field has eight formations. Only when all eight formations are urged can the Emperor Blade's first power be exhibited.

Since Tiandi abandoned it on the continent's continent, this is the first time someone has martial arts energy into Tiandi's blade. Tiandi's blade naturally trembled with excitement and said wildly: "My power is finally released!"

Ning Xiaochuan scored half of the vitality of martial arts, and then urged the first formation in the first field.

God! You must know that there are eight formations in the first area. How much martial arts energy is enough to use the Emperor's Blade?

At least with Ning Xiaochuan's current martial arts as a force to urge the Heavenly Emperor Blade, it will definitely consume Shouyuan in the body.

Now that the formation has been urged, there is no such thing as retreating halfway.

Ning Xiaochuan swallowed a bottle of nine-color mystic water into his mouth, and operated the eighth layer of the "Xuanqi Xuanqi" method. Nine vortexes were suddenly condensed in the martial arts heart palace, and the nine-color mystic water was absorbed madly and transformed into martial energy .

However, the absorption speed of the nine vortexes still cannot keep up with the loss of martial arts vitality.

The second formation was urged!

Ning Xiaochuan also consumed three-quarters of the vitality of martial arts, leaving less than 30% of vitality. Once the vitality of martial arts was drained, it would be death for him.

"If you can cultivate the ninth layer of" Sky and Earth Xuan Qi ", it will be able to absorb 256 times the speed of Xuan Qi absorption, which will be enough to support the consumption of the eight-matrix method in the first field."

Tiandi Blade has begun to absorb the blood in Ning Xiaochuan's body, transform the blood into power, and urge the third array method. It doesn't take long for the fourth array method to work.

Ning Xiaochuan finally understood why the martial arts practice of the old master, using Jiu Pinxuan, would overdraw the physical potential and damage Yangshou.

Isn't he now overdrawing his physical potential and damaging Yangshou?

If the Emperor Blade continues to operate like this, even if the eight formations are urged, Ning Xiaochuan's Yangshou will probably be reduced by 80 years, and the talent level that will never be experienced for thousands of years will be returned to its original form.

However, if he does not continue to urge the Tiandi Blade, and waits for the three-legged **** crow to fall down, it will be his death.

At this time, the white bone bead in the heart of Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows flickered, forming a huge spiritual cave, with endless mystic energy flowing out. This is almost like a mysterious spring eye gushing out, quickly permeating Ning Xiaochuan's entire body.

This is like a clear spring pouring into the dry desert, and the moisture is absorbed by the desert crazy.

Ning Xiaochuan's body is the desert that absorbs a large amount of heaven and earth, and the body suddenly becomes saturated, and each vein is sending out a refreshing sigh. Groan.

Moreover, this time Ning Xiaochuan almost depleted the martial arts vitality in his body, and filled the body with white bone beads again, and it seems that some strange changes have taken place in the body, but at this moment he does not have time to check the physical condition. .

The three-legged **** crow burned the blazing flame, pressed down towards Ning Xiaochuan, opened his golden mouth, and even swallowed Ning Xiaochuan.


The martial arts vitality in Ning Xiaochuan's body has returned to fullness, his eyes have become extremely sharp, and the momentum of his body has continued to rise. A huge emperor's virtual shadow burst out of his body, reaching a height of more than one hundred meters, just like a **** in the sky You Xiansheng!

In the imperial city, many people saw this scene, and even some people really thought that the emperor was holy, and they actually knelt on the ground and worshipped in front of the huge virtual shadow.

All martial arts martial arts fighters who have attained a level above the vulgar realm feel the breath of the emperor and almost drain the heaven and earth of the entire imperial city.

"What the **** is going on? The emperor is really holy?"

"So horrible power fluctuations, Ning Xiaochuan activated the power of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, did he want to smash the entire imperial city with one stab?" Qing Penghou said in shock, his old body trembling.

Among them, the strongest are the powerful men in Daomen, because they worship the **** of the gods. How can they not be shocked when they see the huge ghost of the emperor appearing in the imperial city?

Even the first master of the national class asked Huadu for the breath erupting from the Emperor's virtual shadow, came out of the retreat, stood in a Taoist temple, and overlooked the statue of the Emperor in the middle of the imperial city!


The eight formations in the first field of the Heavenly Emperor Blade are fully operational, and the horrible sword rushes out. A beam of light rises from the sword and breaks the clouds, as if it has hit the starry universe!

He slashed across with a slash and immediately shattered the three-legged crow.


The Eight Winds of God who had originally wrapped up the Houfu House in Yunzhong was also torn apart by the sword, tearing the ground, and on the ground, a horrible knife mark of thousands of kilometers was formed, which shattered more than 40 streets. I don't know how many houses collapsed into ruins.

This is a one-stroke power, not like human beings can do it, but rather like the power of a god.

The body of the three-legged **** crow shattered into thousands of pieces, falling into a fire and rain, and smashing horrible pits in the imperial city.

After the calm and calm, Yunzhong Houfu had completely turned into ruins. Fireworks were burning everywhere, the palace collapsed, mysterious trees and trees turned into fly ash, and a thick smoke was rising towards the sky.

A princely residence turned into scorched earth, and the prosperity of the past was not seen, not even a trace of vitality.

Yue Wuyang was standing opposite Ning Xiaochuan, her body was not moving, her eyes were wide, "Ning Xiaochuan, you ..."


Suddenly, a cracking bone sounded!

A crack appeared in Yue Wuyang's eyebrow, and the crack began to spread. The body was like broken glass, and blood-red cracks appeared on every skin.


His body shattered and turned into a mist of blood!

For more than ten years in the world of Megatron, Yunzhonghou, known as the eternal talent in martial arts, has fallen like this!

He used to be the idol of countless young warriors. He was regarded as a young warrior. Even many veteran princes in the court refused to score three points. Now he is killed in his own palace. This is bound to shake the whole world Big event.

Many warriors saw the scene where Yunzhong died.

"Is Yunzhong Hou really falling like this?" Many people feel unreal and think they are dreaming.

Someone finally woke up and said, "Ning Xiaochuan suddenly became so angry that he desperately entered Yunzhonghoufu and turned the entire Yunzhonghoufu into a scorched soil? Isn't he afraid of being punished by the Holy Ghost?"

This is a question everyone wants to ask.

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down, reaching out and receiving the bronze ancient lamp.

"This lamp is a good thing. With the will left by the Emperor of Heaven, as long as it has enough high-level blood to make the lamp oil, its power is comparable to Jiu Pinxuan. In addition, this lamp should be better than Jiu Pinxuan in some aspects. Be mysterious. "Tiandi Blade said.

Jiu Pinxuan was never met, but Ning Xiaochuan was naturally not polite and put away the bronze ancient lamp.

"Why did you kill Yun Zhonghou, revenge for Ji Hanxing, revenge for Xin'er's parents, revenge for Murong Hua and Lin Sanzhi, revenge for Yu Ningsheng's family, for seventy Wan Dajun avenged his vengeance and sighed for myself, but ... why is my heart still so sad? "Ning Xiaochuan squeezed his fists tightly, and there was an indescribable sense of loss.

Emperor Tiandi said graciously: "Ji Hanxing likes you after all, and it can even be said that she died in the hands of Yue Wuyang because of you. Although you did not kill Bo Ren, Bo Ren died because of you. You will feel It is normal to feel guilty and lost. However, you can now be regarded as vengeful for her and killed Yue Wuyang in person, and you are worthy of her. Martial arts! You will always experience these sweet and bitterness, otherwise how can you refine Out of invincible arrogance? You are a genius that is hard to come by forever. Look forward, and do n’t delay practice because of temporary guilt. "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and said, "Ji Hanxing was not killed by Yue Wuyang."

After Ning Xiaochuan calmed down, he figured out the key points. If Yue Wuyang really wanted to kill Ji Hanxing, why did he dig her heart? With just one finger, you can let Ji Hanxing soul fly away.

The only explanation is that Ji Hanxing dug out his own heart in order to return Yue Wuyang's grace for nurturing and giving, and at the same time ended his life.

She eventually died in her own hands, and no one could stop it.

Yue Wuyang is the murderer who killed her. Ning Xiaochuan himself has no responsibility?

This is the real reason for Ning Xiaochuan to feel guilty. Maybe he should really reflect on it. How should he continue to go the next way?

Now is Ji Hanxing. Who will be next? Yu Ningsheng? Nie Lanzhi?

Ning Xiaochuan had tried not to hurt them, but he just hurt every one.


Three hundred Heijia troops went straight to the outside of Yunzhong Houfu, and surrounded Yunzhong Houfu, which had become scorched soil. An old **** wearing a green dove-colored official uniform came out and said inscrutablely: " The emperor ordered to order Ning Xiaochuan to enter the palace hall immediately! "

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