Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 394: Into the palace

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Yue Wuyang was a prince in the court, with a high weight and a confidant beside Yu Lan, but now he was killed by Ning Xiaochuan in the imperial city under the broad daylight.

It is strange that Emperor Yulan is not angry!

Where is Ning Xiaochuan to enter the palace?

This is simply to tell Ning Xiaochuan to go to **** to report.

Jingtianhou and Wanhuhou climbed out of the pool. There were as many wolverines as there were wolverines. All were covered with limescale, and the hair was covered with plasma. On weekdays, virtue is high and respected by thousands of people. I never thought it would be so miserable that I lost all my faces.

Jingtianhou swallowed his saliva and shouted, "Ning Xiaochuan, you dare to kill the court prince without any princes. If you are in trouble, you will definitely be punished by the five elephants."

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Jingtianhou coldly, lightning flashes flowed from his pupils, and a cold air poured out from the soles of his feet, causing a thick layer of ice to form on the ground.

Jingtianhou felt that the blood in his body seemed to be frozen, and the dry blood on his body was frozen into ice crystals by the cold. He was shocked and closed his mouth suddenly, afraid to provoked Ning Xiaochuan again.

Ning Xiaochuan is not the same Huang Mao kid!

He was able to destroy the entire Hunfu House in a single shot, and even repaired as powerful as Yue Wuyang killed Huang Quan. Martial arts repair was so horrible. If it really angered him, it would be difficult to guarantee that he would not destroy the sky. Hou House.

The strength of Jinghouhoufu is not as strong as Yunzhonghoufu.

Ning Xiaochuan took back the double-headed stone beast and the black-haired ghost bat beast to take back the mysterious beast book, put it into the Qiankun cloth bag, drew the quilt, and said, "I'll go to the palace to see the Holy Lord."

Naturally Ning Xiaochuan knew that going to the palace would be a life of nine deaths, but if he dared not to obey the instructions of the emperor Yu Lan and escaped now, then the emperor Yu Lan had justifiable reasons to kill him, and he would be dead. .

What's more important is that the entire Jiange Hou government will be affected because of him alone. At that time, there will be many people landing on the ground. Old Hou will die, Ning Xin'er will die, and everyone will die.

Ning Xiaochuan is not a person without responsibility. Since he dares to kill, he is not afraid to take responsibility.

This is why he has to go to the Imperial Palace!

Ning Xiaochuan singled out the entire Hou House and beheaded the prestigious Yun Zhonghou.

The news spread quickly throughout the Imperial City, and even old and young women were moved by it, becoming the biggest news in the Imperial City today.

The grandsons of the grand princes' residences and the grand masters of Qianjin County were all shocked and stunned. They were also descendants of princes and geniuses. How could the gap be so large?

"Ning Xiaochuan is indeed the first day of the imperial city, only 20 years old, but has reached the mysterious state of martial arts.

"Although Yunzhong Houfu is powerful, it is still not as strong as the hereditary princely residence. It was destroyed by the power of Ning Xiaochuan alone. You must know that some time ago, the two magical ways of 'Wushengdao' and 'Suradao' The masters did everything, and they did not break the Jiange Houfu. In the end, they suffered heavy losses and returned.

"Or hereditary princely residence is more powerful, just like a towering tree. No storm can attack the foundation!"


At the same time, news was passed to Jiangehoufu.

"My brother finally killed Yue Wuyang and avenged his father and mother, but the Holy Father will never let him go. Now Grandpa is retreating and healing. What should I do?" Ning Xin'er got mixed feelings when she heard the news.

"Miss Er, the lord of Qianxi sent a message telling you not to worry about Xiaohouye, Your Highness has entered the palace with Wangye. With Wangye here, Xiaohouye should have no worries about his life." Yu Qianxi The girl around came to deliver the letter.

Ning Xin'er shook her head vigorously and said, "This time the truth is too serious. Even the prince of the court was killed. Can my brother be all right?"

The girl said: "Master Wang has a gold medal for death prevention, at least he can save Xiaohouye's life."

The old man in Jiangehoufu has passed the news to the four ancestors in Jiange. The four ancestors have ordered, and to use all connections and financial resources, they must keep Ning Xiaochuan's life. At the age of only 20, he can slay the fifth-ranked Emperor Wu Zun, who is definitely a promising youth supreme. The old people of Jiange Houfu think that Ning Xiaochuan will surely become the leading figure of Jiange Houfu.

Anyway, the influence of this incident is rapidly expanding. Some people hope that Ning Xiaochuan will die, while some people will save Ning Xiaochuan. The people on both sides rushed to the palace, and a new round of competition began.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan had entered the palace door of the palace. He had never removed his armor and was full of blood. He scared away the guards, palace ladies, and eunuchs who guarded the palace door. They also all heard the news that Ning Xiaochuan killed Yun Zhonghou, who would dare to provoke him now?

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was quickly thinking about coping strategies. This time, it may be as difficult as possible to get out of the sky. After all, it was a prince who died, which had too much influence!


Behind him, a pearly dragon elephant car rushed over. As soon as the car halt stopped, Yu Qianxi jumped off the two-meter-high car hoe. Regardless of the image of the aristocratic county master, he chased Ning Xiaochuan.

"Imperial watermelon ..." Ning Xiaochuan stopped, his red armor was still bleeding, and Jun-Yi's face was a little surprised, and frowned slightly. "Why did you enter the palace too?"

Yu Qianqian caught up with Ning Xiaochuan, a pair of big round eyes staring straight at him, pink and fist hammered his chest fiercely twice, and hammered the iron armor into a bang, saying: " You do n’t know that you have done a great calamity. Even if you have a deep hatred with Yue Wuyang, you should n’t do it in the eyes of the imperial city. Are you pretending to be powerful? What do you think of yourself? You do n’t want to kill yourself and fight the whole Houfu, do you really think your Emperor turned and possessed the God of War? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Watermelon, listen to me and explain this ..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen ..." Yu Qianqian wasn't grand, she wasn't gorgeous, and she was very different from her wealthy clothes when she was traveling. Obviously she had no makeup at all and immediately Came to the palace.

From this, we can see her concern for Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan sighed, "Don't you say that my business, you will not care anymore?"

"That's when you and Yu Ningsheng's fox are fine. People will say that. Now, you ... you obviously fight in the army, why did you run back to the Imperial City to kill?" Yu Qianxi stared with affection. Ning Xiaochuan, would like to see what Ning Xiaochuan's heart is thinking?

Da Jinpeng Wang came slowly, looking calm, and said, "Xiaochuan, go to the temple to talk to the Holy Spirit! I hope you can give a reasonable explanation to the Holy Spirit."

Although King Jinpeng spoke very calmly, Ning Xiaochuan had already heard what King Jinpeng said. This is an intentional reminder!

Soon, Ning Xiaochuan realized the meaning in Da Jinpeng's words, and the key was in the five words "reasonable explanation".

As long as there is a reasonable explanation, I am afraid that even the emperor Yu Lan cannot rule his sin.

Ning Xiaochuan already had a plan in mind, and suddenly the whole person relaxed, and finally knew how to deal with it.

The emperor Yulan sat on the dragon chair, standing high above him, his body was dazzling, and behind him was a huge golden dragon ghost, his eyes were cold, and he said, "Ning Xiaochuan, can you confess sin?"

Slammed and carried the imperial spirit.

If it is a lower person, it will surely be shouted to kneel.

Many princes and masters came to the hall and stood on the left and right sides. Many of them had sneer on their faces, ready to watch the show.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the center of the hall, standing upright, wearing **** armor, the dark long hair naturally drew down, his eyes sharp, and his spirited words: "Chen, innocent."

"Ning Xiaochuan, you killed Yunzhonghou, slaughtered thousands of lives in Yunzhonghou, and I and Jingtianhou couldn't stop you from committing murder. Do you dare to say that you are not guilty?" Wan Huhou's voice was rough and cold Voice accusations Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan said unchangeably: "Most of the servants and guards of the Houfu House in Yunzhong were killed by the mysterious tools played by Yue Wuyang, and the rest were blocking the capital from capturing the rebels, , Were killed by the capital, it can be said that they are all dead. "

Ning Xiaochuan is still the commander of the right army, so there is nothing wrong with calling himself this way.

"Treason criminal? Who is the treason criminal?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Hou Yunzhong, Yue Wuyang."

Emperor Yulan sitting on a dragon chair frowned slightly, Yue Wuyang would rebel? He was the first not to believe.

Many people who want to watch good shows are also a little surprised. Everyone knows that Yue Wuyang is the emperor Yu Lan pulled up and became a marquis. Will he rebel?

"Ning Xiaochuan wanted to hit the rake backwards, but unfortunately it was too clever to be seen through at a glance." Many people thought so.

"Yunzhong Hou will rebel? Do you have evidence?" Wan Huhou said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Chen Ben has captured more than 20 rebels in Tian Yinzong, including the disciples of Empress Wan Yin and the master of Lan Xiao, one of the eight main halls of Tian Yin Zong. Back to the imperial city, waiting for the holy deeds. However, Yue Wuyang was jealous of the minister's great work, and even released the people of Tian Yinzong privately. It is only a trivial matter that the minister can't make a contribution. Once these rebellions have escaped, they will definitely become great in the future. Woe, they will avenge not only Jiangehoufu, but also the entire court. May I ask, what is the difference between Yue Wuyang's act and rebellion? "

Ning Xiaochuan said eloquently: "You do n’t have to believe it, the Captain of the Sky Knights Camp Huo Fanfan, guarding the 100,000 army who returned to Yuancheng, and the captain Ji Hanxing who has ... Can testify for me. "

Talking, his voice was choking.

He was quite honest and impassioned. Many people who did n’t believe showed a look of doubt. Could Mo Wuyue really be jealous of his merits and let Tian Yinzong's rebellion go?

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