Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 491: Thunderstorm

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Lei Hai and Lei Yue rushed towards Ning Xiaochuan, but did not fight with Ning Xiaochuan, but ran from the left and right sides of Ning Xiaochuan.



The two jumped into the ghost river directly, and only two waves burst out, and they sank into the bottom of the river completely.

This scene was so horrifying that even Lei Jiu's face changed.

"Lei Hai ... Lei Leopard is crazy, but ... jumped into the ghost river?" Said a young woman in Lei's family, shocked.

"Did there be water ghosts in the ghost river, which took away their souls and lured them into the ghost river?"


The scene at this time is really weird. The two ninth-ranked warriors from the vulgar realm jumped into the ghost river and committed suicide by themselves.

No one doubts that Ning Xiaochuan's head, no one would believe that he has such a great ability.

"Someone is helping you in secret, let alone, you two are lucky today! Huh!"

Lei Jiu stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing, and looked around vigilantly. In the end, he still gritted his teeth and led the young warriors of the Lei ethnic group away from the ghost river.

Ning Xiaochuan walked to Situ Jing, took out a healing intermediate Dan, and gave it to him.

Although Situ Jing didn't help, at least he was beaten because of speaking for him. Ning Xiaochuan still has a good impression on him.

After Situ Jing took the intermediate Dan, there was a hint of surprise on his face, saying: "Xiongtai, even if you can take out the intermediate Dan, it doesn't seem to be an ordinary casual martial artist."

Ning Xiaochuan did not explain so much, saying: "In Xia Ning Xiaochuan, there is one thing I want to know. It is too dangerous to break into the wilderness with Brother Situ's martial arts practice."

Ning Xiaochuan can see that the martial arts of Situ Realm is only ninth most important. This level of martial arts practice is much weaker than those of martial arts in the field.

Situ Jing's face looked a little stunned, but soon he calmed down and said, "This ... this story is a long story, and I just want to go to the mountain of funeral to try my luck."

His face became calm and continued: "Brother Ning, you must be careful of the Lei people. Just now a secret senior man was helping us, so Lei Jiu left the Lei people. But Lei Nine is a man who must report, and it is impossible to give up on this. "

The expression on Ning Xiaochuan's face was a little weird. Just now the four genius Junjie of the Lei tribe would jump into the ghost river, and naturally it was all he did.

Ning Xiaochuan used the power of Qiqiao's demon's heart to control the minds of the four Lei genius Junjie without being aware of them, and turned them into Ning Xiaochuan's slaves.

Any action they take must naturally be under the control of Ning Xiaochuan.

Therefore, there is the previous scene-four Lei genius Junjie, like the evil, jumped into the ghost river.

Ning Xiaochuan scared away the Lei people in this way, and did not want to cause too much trouble.

He also has to rush to the upper reaches of the ghost river to find Yu Ningsheng, not wanting to delay too much time here.

"Thank you Brother Szeto for telling each other, but I really have to rush to the upper reaches of the ghost river. If there is a chance in the future, I will tell the old man again."

Situ Jing hurriedly said, "Brother Ning, I don't know what weird things happened to you, but I have to remind you that the source of the ghost river is really the burial mountain. This is the upper reaches of the ghost river. Death is forbidden. There's no such thing as the black man you say! "

Ning Xiaochuan stopped and frowned deeply. "How can this happen? Perhaps, the ghost river just flows from the Burial God Mountain. It seems I must spare the Burial God Mountain."

"There is no ghost river on the other side of the Burial God Mountain." Situ Jing once again said, "The source of the Ghost River is in the Burial God Mountain, which is so recorded in ancient books."

Ning Xiaochuan naturally did not believe that this was completely different from everything he experienced, so he immediately rushed to the west along the periphery of the Burial Mountain.

He had to find the upper reaches of the ghost river, the dark misty plains.

How could the black misty man disappear from nothing?

The funeral mountain is huge and towering, covering hundreds of miles, no one dares to break in easily.

The mountain is a place of death, and once heaven and man fell into it.

Ning Xiaochuan rushed along the edge of the Burial God Mountain, circling more than a thousand miles before reaching the other end of the Burial God Mountain. However, it is too barren here to see even one tree, let alone a ghost river!

Ning Xiaochuan was naturally unwilling to continue looking around the outer part of the Burial God Mountain. When he encountered the Ghost River again, he had already made a circle around the Burial God Mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the bank of the river, staring at the dark river, with an incredible expression on his face, "How could this be? This is impossible, absolutely impossible ..."

Obviously it was washed from the upper reaches of the ghost river to the lower reaches. However, after finding the upper reaches of the ghost river, it was found that there was no road ahead. Instead, a mountain buried with the sub-god appeared.

"Is it ... can all this be related to the appearance of the burial mountain?"

The tombs of gods are changed for another day.

Even if the sky is changed for another day, how can Heiwu Mangyuan disappear out of thin air? Where did the blood-red camel go? Where did Yu Ningsheng go?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the ghostly river below, and wanted to jump into the river and head up from the bottom of the river all the way to find the answer in his heart.

However, with his current martial arts practice, being able to stand on the bottom of the ghost river for a moment is already the limit, and it is impossible to go up against the current, unless he has the practice of heaven and humanity.

"Ah!" Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

Just then, on the other side of the ghost river, there was a stir.

An old man in a robe came in a cloud cart, walked down from the cloud cart, and headed towards the mountain of funeral gods.

This old man is a master of the ancient Taoist Taoism. The Daoist cultivation is extremely profound, but his life is not much, and he is about to die.

Therefore, he intends to take a final bet and wants to break into Burial God Mountain in search of a life-sustaining psychic medicine.

His pace is steady, every step out, the body can walk forward ten feet away, as if walking in the gaps of time and space, with a touch of rhyme!

"Since the ghost river flows from the funeral mountain, as long as you follow the ghost river, you must be able to enter the funeral mountain. This should be the safest way to enter the funeral mountain!" Said the old man in a robe.

After saying this, a thick layer of blue glow erupted in the body, condensing into a huge vitality hood with a diameter of more than ten meters. Six pieces of mystery were suspended inside the vitality hood, guarding him in the most central position. .


The old man in robes pinched Yin Ju with his hands, and walked along the ghost river toward the mountain of burial gods.

About ten miles away, suddenly, there was a scream of a weird noise in the buried mountain.

The old man in the robe stopped suddenly, and the hood covering his body began to tremble.


Six pieces of mystery exploded one after another and turned into a pile of broken copper and iron.

The old man in robes changed his face and wanted to retreat, but there was an invisible force between heaven and earth that suppressed him and made him unable to move.

"no, do not want……"

The scream of heartbreaking lungs in his mouth, the skin on his body became dead gray, and it was constantly cracking, and finally, the sound of a "swipe" burst and turned into a blood-red mist.

Just after walking more than ten miles away, a powerful Taoist name and death died so that everyone felt terrified.

Ning Xiaochuan originally planned to enter the Funeral Mountain along the Ghost River to find the source of the Ghost River, but after seeing the end of that Daomen master, his heart was slightly cold, and he immediately dispelled the thought.

Have to find another way.

"It seems that I need to improve my strength before I can enter the Burial Gods Mountain. Since it is not far from Jiulongjiang, then go to Jiulingjiang to buy a real estate black stone. As long as there is a real ground stone, you can let Xuanshi puppet erupted from the power of heaven and earth, and then when I went to bury the mountain, I was a little more sure. "

However, Ning Xiaochuan didn't know about Jiujiang Xinjiang and had to find someone who knew Jiujiang Xinjiang to help!

Ning Xiaochuan looked towards the other side of the ghost river.

Across the shore, many casual martial arts begin to withdraw, preparing to return to Jiulongjiang. Obviously, the fall of the Damon master just now caused many people to retreat.

Although the treasure is good, no matter how good it is, life is not important.

Situ Jing stared at the direction of Burial God Mountain, his heart was very unwilling, but in the end, he sighed, and returned to Jiulongjiang with those who practiced martial arts.


A figure suddenly fell from the sky and stood in front of him.

"Brother Ning, you are not going to bury the other side of Shenshan. Why did you come back so soon?" Situ Jing was surprised.

It was only an hour past, and he naturally did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan had made a circle around the buried mountain. If it were that terrible speed, it would be terrifying.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I have figured it out. I should accept the reality. The source of the ghost river should really be the Burial Mountain."

Situ Jing smiled and said, "After all, death can't be resurrected. Brother Ning was able to come out of his sorrow so quickly. It is a precious and happy event. I don't know what Brother Ning plans next?

From Situ Jing's perspective, it should be that Ning Xiaochuan's relative or lover died in the ghost river. In the distressed situation, he will get mad, say some crazy words, and even look for the ghost desperately. The upper reaches of the river.

If it wasn't for the madness, how would you say that you were climbing up from the ghost river?

If it wasn't for the madness, why would you desperately rush to the Burial Mountain?

The corner of Ning Xiaochuan's mouth moved slightly, and his heart sighed. It seemed that he thought I was crazy.

"Brother Ning, what's wrong with you?" Situ Jing saw Ning Xiaochuan silent, persuaded with some worry: "Brother Ning, you still grieve! Sometimes death is also a kind of relief, and living may not be better than death."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Oh! Brother Situ, seems to be deeply touched?"

Situ Jing smiled bitterly and said, "Let's walk and say, tell me your story slowly, and you will find that I am worse than you."

Next, Situ Jing told his story to Ning Xiaochuan.

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