Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 492: Mind raising heart

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Situ Jing once was the first day of the Situ tribe. When he was only ten years old, he entered the state of divine body. At the age of 22, he reached the state of honor and became the youngest person in the history of Situ.

However, the good times don't last long.

During a training exercise, Situ Jing was conspired by a mysterious master to dig out his "human-shaped heart palace" of heterogeneous martial arts.

Although the Stuart later spent a lot of resources and invited a big cultivator to transplant another martial arts heart into his body, his martial arts level continued to decline.

In the end, from the dignified state to the ninth level of the mysterious state!

As martial arts declined, status immediately fell.

From genius to waste, his position in the Situ tribe naturally plummeted. I don't know how much bullying and ridicule he suffered.

After listening to his story, Ning Xiaochuan groaned and said, "Brother Situ, this time I am buried in Shenshan, is it because I want to find psychic medicine and heal the injuries on my body so that I can continue to practice martial arts?"

Situ Jing shook his head with a smile and said, "It's been three years, and I've already watched it. Cultivation is a retrogression, let's go backwards! It's a big deal to be a normal mortal. Mortal happiness. I came here to bury Shenshan to find a psychic medicine and take it home to save my grandpa. "

"Your grandpa is not the prince of the Situ clan?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Situ Jing sighed: "If my grandfather is really the Situ tribe, how dare the Lei Jiu and the Lei tribe really hit me? Hey! The Situ tribe has been replaced. Three years ago, I My grandfather was conspired when he was conspired, and he has been in bed for three years. If he can't find a psychic medicine to renew his old man's life, I'm afraid ... I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive this year. "

"Then you are too miserable!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Situ Jing laughed: "After experiencing the ups and downs of life, I will understand the value of life. If I had not been conspired and lost the former aura of genius, I am afraid I would also become a big family like Lei Jiu. Lost, there must be gain! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I have also learned some medicine from a mind nurse. Should I come to see Brother Situ's injuries?"

Situ Jing was slightly surprised, and said, "Are you still a mind teacher?"

"If I weren't a mind trainer, how could I have given you an intermediate Dan to heal you before?" Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

"This time I really looked away. Brother Ning was still a middle-level mind-raiser. However, I was dug out of the martial arts heart palace, and even the big mind-raiser was helpless, and it was impossible to recover." However, Situ Jing respected Ning Xiaochuan and extended his hand.

Ning Xiaochuan split his mind, condensed into a light spot, and flew into the palm of Situ Realm.

The light spot flew into the veins of Situ's realm, and followed the veins for a big week.

After the end of a big Sunday, the light spot flew out of Situ's body and back to Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Ning Xiaochuan opened his eyes slowly, his face solemn, and said, "There is something wrong!"

Situ Jing said: "Brother Ning, what did you find?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "You said, after your heterogeneous heart palace was dug out, the family invited a big cultivator to transplant a new martial art heart palace for you. But no one told you , The martial arts heart transplanted by that great spiritual master is not only very ordinary, but also a broken heart. "

"What? The incomplete martial arts heart palace? How is this possible? That great spiritual master is extremely famous in Jiulongjiang, how could it be possible for me to transplant an incomplete martial arts heart palace?" Situ Jingdao said.

Ning Xiaochuan sneered: "Da Yang Xin Shi won't do this, wouldn't the Situ tribe let him do it? You're being schemed, and your grandpa is being schemed. How can there be such a coincidence in the world? I think that someone in the Situ clan wanted to take the position of the clan king, and then deliberately abolished you and abandoned your grandfather. "

Situ Jing had doubted this before, but he couldn't believe that the person who had spent a lot of resources in bringing in a big cultivator to help him heal the martial arts palace was the one who harmed him.

"Is ... is it really Grandpa Six ..." Situ Jing's face showed a bitter expression, and he was reluctant to believe the guess in his heart.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Who is Grandpa Liu?"

"Grandpa Six is ​​my grandfather's younger brother, and is now the prince of the Situ clan. He used to spend a lot of resources regardless of the opposition of the elders in the clan. I continue to cultivate. "Situ Jingdao said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "If he really cares about you so much, he won't be allowed to bully you over the years. If I didn't guess wrong, the reason why he behaved so righteously at that time is so serious In order to get your grandpa's support, pass the position of the clan king to him. "

"That's right. After Grandpa was conspired, he was bedridden. At that time, Grandpa also thought that Grandpa Six's character was the best, so he passed the position of the clan king to him, and then he retired and recuperated." Situ Jingdao.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "I can now be 100% sure that you and your grandfather have been conspired, even if it's not your six grandfather himself, it must be related to him."

Ning Xiaochuan is just an outsider, but only outsiders can see it most clearly.

Situ Jing is naturally not a fool. He also understands that Ning Xiaochuan really makes sense, revealing a smile that is uglier than crying, punching a trunk against a hard iron-like trunk, punching the trunk into a dent, and his fist burst. , Flowing crimson blood.

"I hate it! I must tell this to my grandpa, and let him expose Stuart Nanlie's ugly crime."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It's useless! I guess, your grandfather must have seen the true face of Situ Nanlie long ago. After all, your grandfather once came from the Situ tribe's prince. He could cheat him for a while. "

"But now that Situ Nanlie is already the Situ tribe's clan, you can't compete with him at all. The reason why your grandfather didn't tell you everything was because he was afraid of you being impulsive and doing the stupid thing of hitting stones."

Situ Jing also calmed down and said, "Yes! Situ Nanlie has now taken control of the entire Situ clan. My grandfather's confidante either died somehow or was sent to a remote place. I am just a disused person now, basically It cannot be his opponent. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Although your cultivation has regressed to the mysterious realm, after all, you were the first genius of the Situ. After all, if your martial arts heart can recover, there is always a chance."

Situ Jing shook and said: "Since you are a mind trainer, you should know that a martial artist can only transplant the martial arts heart once in my life. The martial arts heart in my body is now a broken heart, and it is destined that we can no longer do so in the future Xiu Wu. "

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Although a martial artist can only transplant the martial arts heart once, in my life, I know there is a way to make the martial arts heart that has been taken out grow back."

"What? You can let my former" human-shaped heart palace "grow up again? How is this possible? Even Da Yang Xin Zhi said, this is impossible, isn't it ... Are you Da Yang Xin Zhi?" Situ The situation stared at Ning Xiaochuan in suspicion.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Although I am not a great mind-raiser, there are times when I cannot do it, but I can do it."

Situ Jing hurriedly worshiped Ning Xiaochuan and said, "If Brother Ning can let my martial arts heart grow back, no matter what kind of remuneration Brother Ning wants, my Situ Jing will give the reward at all costs."

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Brother Situ does not have to do this gift. It may not be possible for others, but it is a hand for me. It only takes a drop of blood of Brother Situ. "

"A drop of blood can grow out of the martial arts heart again?" Situ Jingdao said.

"Haha! Maybe it's really that simple. If you are lucky, maybe Brother Situ's martial arts practice can restore the seventh and eighth floors." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Situ Jing was so excited that he could not speak, and he did not expect that martial arts cultivation could be restored.

As long as the martial arts heart can grow back, he believes that with his own efforts, he can definitely cultivate martial arts for cultivation.

Without any hesitation, Situ Jing condensed a mysterious short sword and cut his finger.

Blood bleeds immediately from the skin.

Ning Xiaochuan took away a drop of blood from Situ Jing, and used the vitality to transport the blood to the blood vessels in the body. Finally, that drop of blood entered the heart of Ning Xiaochuan and was suspended in the "heart habit".

The "mind-knocking" of the Qiqiao Demon Heart Palace represents life and the divine side of the heart. "Blood trick" represents destruction and the demon side of the heart.

Other big mind-raising masters naturally cannot allow martial arts to re-grow out the martial arts heart that was taken away.

However, the "Mind" of the Seven Minds and Demon Heart Palace possesses such ability.

Although Situ Jing's martial arts heart was dug away, the blood in his body was all conceived by the former martial arts heart, with a breath of the former martial arts heart.

Ning Xiaochuan only needs to extract this breath to use the power of the mind to re-cultivate the human heart.

Time was lost so slowly, and half a month passed.

Ning Xiaochuan sat on an ordinary Qinglu carriage and hurried towards Jiulongjiang. Suddenly, his eyes opened, his eyes burst into dazzling light, and he smiled, "It's done!"

Situ, who was driving, opened the curtain and said, "Ning brother, did you succeed?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and smiled: "Yes! Go to a quiet place and prepare to restore the martial arts heart!"

"Then go to the place where I live now. We are less than a day away from there." Naturally, Situ Jing was quite excited. He waved his whip and made the Qinglu horse run faster.

They have stepped out of the wasteland and entered the northern border of Jiulongjiang.

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