Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 500: Ancestor

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At this moment, Lei Yi's eyes were also on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

There was a touch of murder in his eyes. He was determined in his heart that Ning Xiaochuan must be eliminated.

However, at this moment, he saw that Zi Hanyan walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, talking with Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing. It seemed familiar.

"Is he the strong man secretly cultivated by the Zi people?" Lei Yi guessed so.

Zihan Yan carried a thin veil, hazy jade face, wrapped in purple clothes, outlined a bumpy figure, smiled sweetly at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Ninggongzi, buy a million pieces of iron bone Dan Xuan Shi, the younger sister has brought it. However, our ancestor of the Zi tribe wants to see you, I wonder if the son of Ning is willing to reward his face? "

"The old ancestors of the Zi people?" Ning Xiaochuan and the Zi people didn't have any friendship. I really didn't really want to see any old ancestors.

However, Situ Jing secretly spoke to him and said a word.

After hearing this, Ning Xiaochuan's face changed slightly, exclaiming: "Heaven ... Okay! Girl Zi leads the way."

Ning Xiaochuan is still in awe of the warriors in Heaven and Earth, not to mention Heaven and Earth, even if he is a figure at the level of Emperor Yulan, he needs to look up now.

However, the emperor Yulan and the warriors in the heaven and human realm were another ten thousand miles apart.

It can be said that every warrior in the heaven and human realm is a person who completely transcends the category of warriors, not Ning Xiaochuan can now imagine.

"Old ancestor, Ning Xiaochuan has already brought it." Zi Hanyan worshiped gently in the car.

Ning Xiaochuan felt a faint air flow, which escaped from the car.


Immediately, he and Zi Hanyan entered a white and independent world, and everyone around them disappeared, leaving them alone and the gorgeous car in front of them.

It's just incredible, like the whole world has disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately mobilized his mind and explored the surrounding space, but it was still nothing.


The other side is too high, and the entire space has been isolated. Even if Ning Xiaochuan uses all the means, it is impossible to break this space.

An old voice sounded in the purple-gold car, saying, "Young man, don't be nervous. You are old and please come here. It is not malicious. Just curious about some things and want to consult you one or two. Of course, you can choose not to Reply."

Ning Xiaochuan knew that the other party far surpassed himself in martial arts practice, so he seemed quite respectful. He said, "As long as the younger people think that they can answer the question, they will not hide it."

The old man's voice sounded again, saying, "Have you practiced the Dharma?"

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a little startled, and it seemed that he had just realized the power of Tianzun Seal, but he was still aware of the true martial arts power.

The secret of Tianzun Yin is related to the white bone beads, which are treasures that cannot be seen by the light.

Once the ancestors of the Zi people know that he has such a mysterious treasure, I am afraid it will not be so polite as now!

Ning Xiaochuan worked hard to control his emotions and calmly said, "The juniors did not practice the Taoist method, but the practice method of the juniors was" Xuan Qi Xuan Qi ". As the practice deepened, the younger generation discovered" Xian Qi Xuan Qi "and Dao Men There are many similarities in the practice method. "

"You practice" Xian Qi Xuan Qi "?" Zi Hanyan was surprised.

"Tian Di Xuan Qi" is known as the most common practice cheat book. It can be bought everywhere in Jiulongjiang. Only those martial arts practitioners can practice this low-level practice.

She can practice up to the present martial arts level when practicing "Tianqi Xuanqi", her heart is naturally surprised, staring at Ning Xiaochuan curiously.

The ancestor of the Zi ethnic group said, "How many levels have you cultivated?"

"Tenth floor!" Ning Xiaochuan did not hide.

The purple smoke is even more shocked. Can the Heaven and Earth Mystery reach the tenth floor?

The old man in the purple gold car was silent for a long while and said, "I see! Are you a disciple of Tiandi Mountain?"

Ning Xiaochuan said for a moment, "The junior has never been to Tiandi Mountain."

"Impossible. If you are not a disciple of Tiandi Mountain, how could you have the tenth-level practice method of" Tian Di Xuan Qi "? You know that" Tian Di Xuan Qi "was originally created by a great figure in Dao Men, only in Tian Di Only in the mountains can there be a tenth-level practice method. "

Naturally, Ning Xiaochuan did not dare to say that he found the cultivation formula of "Xuan Qi Xuan Qi" on the white bone beads, so he fabricated a lie, saying: "The younger generation did not know what happened, in fact, the cultivation of" Xuan Qi Xuan Qi " The tactics are passed on to me by the Master. "

"Who is your Master?" The ancestor of the Zi ethnic group asked.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "I don't know! Master's identity is mysterious, and the junior met him in the wilderness. After he taught me to practice, he left. I'm looking for him now."

"Haha! I see!"

Inside the Zijin car, the laughter of the old ancestors of the Zi ethnic group rang, saying: "Your Master must be a certain heavenly man in Tiandi Mountain. The reason why he left should also be to train you and give you the opportunity to grow independently. . "

Ning Xiaochuan showed a happy look, and said, "Thank you for your guidance on the clear way. One more thing, the younger also wanted to ask the senior. The senior was very knowledgeable. Have you ever heard of a blood-red camel?"

"Blood-red camel?" Zi Hanyan frowned slightly. "Isn't there many blood-red camels in Jiulongjiang?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "Is there a blood-red camel with a height of more than 10,000 meters in Jiulongjiang?"

Zi Hanyan was shocked and stunned, saying: "There can be no such a huge creature in the world ..."

"But I just met it!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The purple-gold car emits a dazzling purple brilliance, the brilliance gradually fades, and an old man with white hair is already standing next to the car.

Every hair on the old man's head is crystal clear and translucent like jade silk, exuding a white light, and his eyes are sharp like sharp swords, a little excited; "Where did you meet that blood-red camel? "

For the first time, Zi Hanyan saw his old ancestors so morbid.

Ning Xiaochuan was stunned by the strong martial arts breath of the other side for a moment, just like the mountain of Jiuzhong pressed to his head, making people unable to breathe, saying, "It is in the middle of nowhere."

Later, Ning Xiaochuan told what she had encountered and seen.

After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's account, the eyes of the ancestors of the Zi people became cloudy, and after a long time, he said: "It seems that the blood-red camel you said should be the time of the **** of legend, the legendary one Living beings. It walks in various spaces, carrying ancient treasures of the gods, going to unknown directions, and there is no end. Many Xeons have predicted that the era of Fengshen is not completely over, and there are hidden dangers. It is likely to continue into this era. "

"The blood-red camel hides a shocking secret about the Fengshen era, and many people want to unlock that secret. But few people can meet that camel. You can witness its wake, absolutely It's no coincidence, maybe it's foreshadowing something? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What does senior mean?"

"The sleeping blood-red camel is like a closed door. However, you are like a key, accidentally breaking into its sleeping place and waking it up, as if a door was opened!"

The ancestors of the Zi people stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply: "The birth of the Burial God Mountain should be affected by its breath, the space fluctuates, and the Burial God Mountain is excited from the ground to the ground."

"I said, well, why did the Burial Body Mountain suddenly come out, and it turned out that thing was awake again! I am afraid that a big era has really come, and many of the souls who have fallen asleep since ancient times will probably wake up one after another."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Since Burial Body Mountain was born, where did that blood-red camel go?"

The ancestor of the Zi ethnic group said: "That is a creature that no one can guess. No one knows where it is now. Maybe it has reached the territory hundreds of millions of miles away. The birth of the Burial God Mountain, also It was just because the space fluctuated violently that it came out of the ground. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Since the source of the ghost river is the Burial God Mountain, why does it appear in the Black Mist Ghost Plain?"

The old ancestors of the Zi people smiled slightly and said, "The blood-red camel was born. At that time, the entire barren space had been chaotic. The ghost river appeared in the black mist and ghost forest. Doesn't it just mean that the birth of the Burial God Mountain is related to the wake of the blood-red camel? Now worrying is whether the Black Mist Ghost was transported to the Burial God Mountain by the chaotic time and space. "

The ancestors of the Zi ethnic group showed a condensed look, and issued a guest order, saying, "Little friend, you have finished asking the old man, and you can go back."

A white light flew from the fingertips of the ancestors of the Zi tribe, and fell on Ning Xiaochuan.

"call out!"

Immediately, Ning Xiaochuan felt himself being pulled by a force and his body soared.

When he fell to the ground again, he was already standing by Situ Jing.

His eyes were a bit horrified and he glanced at the purple-golden car not far away. The means of the warriors in the heavens and the human territories were too terrible, and they simply exceeded the scope of the warriors.

The words of the ancestors of the Zi people just made Ning Xiaochuan think a lot. Since it is because of space fluctuations, I will jump into the ghost river. Well, it shows that Yu Ningsheng is probably still in the Black Mist Ghost Plains and is not trapped in the Burial God Mountain.

However, another situation is not ruled out.

Maybe, the entire Black Mist Ghost was transported to the Burial God Mountain because of space fluctuations.

This is also the worst case!

"When the Yan auction ends, I will immediately rush to Heiwu Guiyuan. As long as Heiwu Guiyuan has not disappeared, Yu Ningsheng must still be in Guiyuan."

In the purple-gold car, the ancestor of the Zi ethnic group thought for a moment, and then transmitted a message to the power of a five-step ladder in the Zi ethnic group. The original had disappeared into the wilderness, and you sent me the message as quickly as possible. "

A middle-aged man standing behind a purple-gold car, hearing the rumours of the ancestors of the Zi ethnic group, immediately left Tianshi City and hurried toward the wilderness.

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