Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 501: Silver Extraterrestrial Star Iron

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When the sun at the sky set, a bright full moon appeared in the sky, and a clear moonlight was set.

Yan's auction has finally begun.

All human warriors with heads and faces are cultivated as deep mysterious beasts, take out tokens that symbolize their identity, and walk into a huge blue-grey castle.

Of course, many people were blocked outside the auction house. Because of their insufficient status, they are not eligible to enter the auction house.

After Ning Xiaochuan and Situ Jing showed the tokens, they entered the castle, and led by a maid, came to the lobby on the first floor of the castle, and sat down in two positions.

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head and looked forward.

At the center of the lobby on the first floor, a ten-meter-high round platform is built with blue crystals.

Below the round table, stood twelve warriors wearing black gold armor, holding a sword as wide as a slap. Every part of the body was covered with armor, and even the eyes and teeth were blocked by spar pieces.

The position of their chests is inlaid with a top-quality black stone, which provides the source of power for the armor on their bodies, which can increase their combat power to the seventh-largest level of ground respect.

"The twelve warriors wore armor, which must be the" black gold armor "forged by the great forgesmith of the Yan tribe."

"As long as you wear this set of armor, even the warriors from the other world can explode to the seventh most powerful combat power. However, the price of black gold armor is very expensive, and the value of each set is at least 100,000 pieces. stone."

"Furthermore, black gold armor needs to be maintained with top-quality black stones, which consumes a lot of black stones. Only those dead men cultivated by the clan are eligible to wear black gold armor." Situ Jing whispered.

Black gold armor is indeed a good thing. If it is brought back to the Yulan Empire, even if it is a set of 100,000 black stones, it is estimated that it will be robbed by the palaces of all the kings.

In the Yulan Empire, the seventh-ranked martial arts soldiers were already standing on top of the martial arts echelon.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's Xuanshi Doll is much more powerful than Hei Jinjia. If he can buy a piece of Xuanshi, it may even erupt the power to counter the warriors in heaven and earth.

The auction hall is divided into six floors.

Each floor was full of monks, one-third of them turned out to be high-ranking mysterious beasts.

"There are too many people coming to bid!" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

The more people bid, the greater the competition. Originally only 10,000 pieces of black stone were needed, and maybe they would be fired to the price of 20,000 pieces of black stone.

Situ Jingdao said: "In normal times, there are not so many people in the Yan auction house. It was mainly because of the birth of the Burial God Mountain that attracted many powerful men from Jiuyujiang to create a crowded scene. This level of auctions, even in Jiuyi Tiancheng, belong to the top level, and many giants of power are hidden among the auctioneers. The Yan tribe will certainly not miss this opportunity, and I am afraid that everything will be auctioned out. It's some great treasure. "


Suddenly, the lights in the auction house went out completely and fell into darkness.

The entire auction floor became quiet.


In the middle of the auction hall, the blue water crystal platform of ten meters high lit up, and a faint mystery escaped from the crystal, filling the entire auction hall.

In the faint blue haze, came out a beautiful and charming woman, with black hair neatly bundled behind her, wearing a robe of blue scales, each of which was flashing crystal light, to set off her skin. Especially fair.

This girl is the most outstanding girl of the Yan tribe, Yan Mingzhu.

She was indeed beautiful and beautiful, and many martial art monks held their breath in the auction room, just like seeing the fairy from the heavens stole from heaven.

Even some high-end mysterious beasts were amazed and were impressed by their beauty.

Yan Mingzhu ’s martial arts are top-notch among his contemporaries, and his manners are extraordinarily elegant. His voice is very soft and spreads throughout the audience. The most prosperous night of the Yan auction house. Everyone present is some of the predecessors of the predecessors, some of the king of the beasts, some of the younger generation of the Supreme, and we can welcome your support for the Yan auction house. Surely, the Yan auction house will never let you down. There are as many as 176 items to be auctioned tonight, each one is a rare and rare treasure. Next, please invite us today The first auction item late. "

Two brutal warriors with a height of more than three meters, carried a square iron box with a height of three meters to the auction table.

The box seemed to be very heavy, so that two mighty warriors with a lot of might were carrying it very hard.

Everyone present was very curious, what was it that was so huge and so heavy?

After slinging everyone's appetite, Yan Mingzhu stretched out her slim hand and removed the iron skin on the four sides of the iron box. The silver light burst out in it, and many people's eyes hurt.

"The extraterrestrial star iron, but also the silver star iron." On the second floor of the auction hall, someone exclaimed, yelling out the origin of the silver item.

A beautiful smile appeared on Yan Mingzhu's face, saying: "Yes, this is a silver extraterrestrial star iron, but the top treasure of forged mystery. How high is the extraterrestrial star iron? I don't think I need to continue to talk more. I am afraid that the calcinators here are even clearer than me. Now that the auction has begun, the 180,000-pound silver extraterrestrial star iron has a starting price of 60,000 xuanshi. For a thousand black stones. "

As soon as Yan Mingzhu's words fell, more than a dozen people were clamoring.

"Sixty-one thousand black stones!"

"Sixty-two thousand black stones!"

"Sixty-five thousand black stones!"

"Seven thousand mysterious stones!


Situ Jing stared at Yan Mingzhu standing on the auction table, with a cold look in his eyes, and said, "Just as the auction has just begun, he took out treasures such as silver extraterrestrial iron. It seems that the Yan tribe for this auction Really worked a lot. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes also stared at the silver-level extraterrestrial star iron, and then thought of the "single-wheeled star" of the nine-pin mystery seized from Baizu's ancestor.制 制。 Made.

However, the number of silver-level extraterrestrial irons used to forge a single round of stars is more than ten times that of the one on the auction floor, weighing millions of pounds.

If it weren't for a single round of stars that had been refined into a mystery, I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan would not be able to move this nine-pin mystery.

If there are more silver extraterrestrial stars on the auction floor, Ning Xiaochuan may take pictures of them, and use them to turn "single-round stars" into "double-round stars", or even the legendary top treasure " Jiuxing Renzhu. "

However, the number of silver extraterrestrial stars on the auction floor is too small to be enough for the forging of two-wheeled stars, so it is not within the consideration of Ning Xiaochuan.

In the end, the silver extraterrestrial star iron was bought by an old man wearing a kiln gown at a high price of "100,000 pieces of black stone".

Being able to purchase silver extraterrestrial star iron as a calciner material is likely to be a noble master calciner.

The second auction item was sent up and placed in a glass tray. When Yan Mingzhu unveiled the tulle covering the tray, ten white ice jade bottles were immediately revealed.

"Tonight's second auction item is a high-grade Dan made by a mysterious high-level minder, called 'Iron Bone Dan.'"

Later, Yan Mingzhu explained the medicinal effect of Tiegu Dan again.

The medicinal effect of Tiegu Dan has aroused the interest of many monks.

Some high-level mysterious animals have also whispered, and they are very interested in Tiegu Dan. Because Tiedandan can make their bodies stronger.

In the end, the ten iron bone dans were bought by the "Xuanqing View", one of the Four Avenue Views of Jiujingjiang, for the price of 410,000 pieces of black stones.

The elders of the Yan tribe bought ten iron bone dans from Ning Xiaochuan for 350,000 pieces of black stones and put them in the auction house. They only made 60,000 pieces of black stones in one hand.

However, the Yan people also took risks.

If ten iron bone dans were sold for less than 350,000 pieces of black stone, they would lose.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart thought secretly that if there were any treasures in the future, he would have to deposit them in the auction house to maximize the value.

Subsequently, more than ten rare treasures were auctioned out, and one of the items was a beautiful human woman with white skin and beautiful appearance, and even sold 30,000 high-priced black stones.

There is also an auction item for a small piece of "Xuanling Wood", which was bought by a psychologist at the sky-high price of 230,000 pieces of black stones.

At this time, another auction item was sent up, placed in a white prohibition box, and wrapped in a white light.

Yan Mingzhu said: "The starting price of this auction item is one million pieces of black stone!"

As soon as the voice fell, it caused a lot of exclamation.

The starting prices of the items just auctioned are almost tens of thousands of black stones, which has opened many people's eyes.

However, the items that were put up for auction at this moment actually reached the sky-high price of one million pieces of black stone, naturally curbing everyone's curiosity.

Situ Jing said, "Small Gao at the auction. The tide is coming. Look at the level of things that the Yan clan has come up with. The starting price is one million pieces of black stone. Do you think it will be a fine stone?"

"I'm really not sure." Ning Xiaochuan also sat up straight.

If it is really a topographical black stone, he will shoot it at all costs.

Yan Mingzhu watched everyone ’s reactions, and said slowly: "This auction item is a volume of Wujing. The predecessors of the Yan tribe were found in a large desert, but this volume of Wujing and our purple The tribe ’s cultivation practice is somewhat divergent, so it will be put up for auction. "

"It turned out to be a volume of Wujing!"

Even the seniors of various ethnic groups were shocked. Each volume of Wujing is a rare treasure, very rare, and it is impossible to measure its value with black stones.

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