Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 522: Source of ghost river

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"We need to get out of here immediately." The monk Dangan looked at the direction of the canyon and said with some worry,

The battle over the canyon is about to end, and it is estimated that few people of the Yan and Lei races can escape.

When those slaves clean up, they will definitely come to deal with Ning Xiaochuan and others.

Ning Xiaochuan knows that ghost slaves are intractable, and it's not a good thing to be targeted by them!

They set off again and hurried towards the central area of ​​the Black Mist Onihara.


Yan Shuiyi and Yan Mingzhu are also rushing towards the central area of ​​the Black Mist Ghost Plain, as if two ghostly ghost shadows, and the speed is amazing.

Suddenly, Yan Mingzhu stopped.

Yan Shui also stopped and said, "Feeling that your dignity has been trampled on?"

"Aunt! I hate it."

Yan Mingzhu's eyes were extremely cold, her fingers pinched tightly, and the cold air from her body froze the ground around dozens of meters into ice.

Yan Shui said, "It's good to know hate. To be brave and to be brave is also the motivation to cultivate martial arts. Whoever loses the dignity in his hands, he can find it in his hands. If Stuart can do it, then You will be the final winner. "

Yan Mingzhu said: "The person who is more hateful than Situ is Ning Xiaochuan, and I will let him return the dignity lost in his hands."

"Although I know that I can't change your will, I still want to remind you that it is best not to provoke Ning Xiaochuan again. There must be a big man behind this son."

Yan Shuiyi's martial arts are close to the heavens and people, and can clearly feel the unusual breath of Ning Xiaochuan.

That breath, even she felt fear.

If Yan Mingzhu doesn't know how to deal with Ning Xiaochuan, it is likely that Moth will end the fire.

Yan Mingzhu has regarded Ning Xiaochuan as the number one enemy, but with a chill in her beautiful eyes, she could not listen to any advice.



"Brother Ning, offend a woman, do you know how miserable it will be?" Situ Jing carried a purple spear, steady footsteps, and stepped on black leaves.

The spear was the war soldier of Lei Yi, and the purple dragon gun was a treasure of the Lei people.

Ning Xiaochuan thought for a moment and said, "It's miserable."

"Then you still offend Yan Mingzhu? She will definitely retaliate against you, and she will do whatever she can." Situ Jing said with some worry.

"It doesn't exist, anyway, a woman who is more severe than her, I have offended." Ning Xiaochuan seemed very optimistic and did not take Yan Mingzhu to heart.

They walked for more than ten days in the black mist Guilin, and rushed during the day to find Yu Ningsheng, hoping to find the mark she left behind.

At night, I searched for a hidden place to hide.

Because, at night, the power of ghost slaves will become more powerful.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally will not rest, and continues to refine the bone marrow of the nine-level mysterious animal, and strives to reach the ninth place of dignity as soon as possible.

Until the seventeenth day, I finally heard the sound of water flowing in the forest, rushed past the sound of the water, and finally saw the ghost river.

"As long as you drive upstream along the ghost river, you will be able to reach the source of the ghost river." Situ Jing looked quite excited.

Ning Xiaochuan said cautiously: "However, you have to be careful. Those other big tribe children, Taoist gatekeepers, and high-end mysterious animals are likely to rush to the source of the ghost river, and we may encounter them at any time."

Situ Jing said: "Also, we have to be careful about the two women of the Yan tribe. They may hide in the dark and attack."

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved, his face showed a happy expression, "The two-headed stone beast and the humanoid stone beast are completely merged!"

Yang Xin Zhen Ding flew from the heart, suspended in the void, the top cover opened, and a crimson glow rushed out.


A giant roar!

The two-headed stone rushed out of Yangxin Zhending. The whole body was covered with hot lava, and the huge body fell heavily into the black jungle.

The high temperature on the body caused the trees in the jungle to burn up, forming a forest fire.


The two-headed stone beast's body has become two hundred meters high, and the rocks are more condensed and the breath is extremely thick.

There was a long howling sound in his mouth, shaking the mountain, even the ghost river was rolling fiercely.

Zen Toad said: "Good guy! It's afraid that it's a little stronger than me now, but I have ancient blood, and if I display the supernatural power left by my ancestors, it will be enough to break it."

Situ Jing looked at the behemoth in front of him, and said, "Its combat effectiveness is probably comparable to the warriors on the second step ladder."

Ning Xiaochuan also nodded with satisfaction. The fighting power of the two-headed stone beast did indeed increase to a large level.

"come back!"

Ning Xiaochuan re-entered the double-headed stone beast into the mysterious beast book, and then continued to drive upstream of the ghost river.

They found traces left by other human warriors on the ghost river, and apparently someone really had already gone one step ahead to the source of the ghost river.

The seventh day!

They finally reached the source of the Ghost River, and as soon as they looked up they could see the black waterfall hanging from the mountains. As long as you climb this mountain, you can find the "spring of life", which is the source of the ghost river.

However, they were blocked!

"The Fountain of Life already has a master, please come back!" A man full of silver fish scales came out, stood on a boulder, staring at Ning Xiaochuan and others coldly.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at him and said, "It's a joke, 'the fountain of life' is the director of heaven and earth. How can there be a master?"

"Tell you to get out of the way, hurry up! What's so much nonsense? The fountain of life has been occupied by our four princes of the holy fish clan and the princess moon princess of the fox tribe. Any human warrior who dares to provoke is a dead end. "Said the Silverscale Man.

One is wearing a red belly. Pocket sex. The touching woman Shi Shiran came out, and Feng Xi's buttocks had a white velvet fox tail, which was exposed from the skirt, and said with a smile: "Even the two heavenly pride girls of the Yan family have retreated. Do you dare to break through? Young people, learn to forbear! "

A three-meter-tall man came out of the forest, dragged two dead corpses in his hands, and threw them in front of Ning Xiaochuan and others with a smirk, and said, "In the north. On the land of Xinjiang, our mysterious aliens Master, you humans had better be honest. Otherwise, this is the end! "

Situ Jing stared at the two dead corpses on the ground, his face changed, and said, "This is the two elders of the Situ tribe.

"Hey! It turns out that the Situ clan is really old, and their blood is really delicious, just like the medicine spring, which has allowed me to grow a lot." The big man showed a sharp tooth and smiled imperiously.

Situ Jing was extremely angry, saying: "Aren't you afraid of the Situ tribe's revenge?"

"Haha! You Situ clan kings must bow in front of the Holy Fish King, what do you think?" The three-meter-tall man seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world.

In the distance, many human monks gathered, standing on a mountain, looking far away at the source of the ghost river.

"Well! Who is that? It doesn't seem to be our disciples of the Jiu Dazu and the Four Avenues." A beautiful woman in a robe looked at the Ning Xiaochuan four from afar, trying to see their origin.

A man in a battle suit frowned slightly, saying: "The Holy Fish and Canghu clan gave 'the fountain of life' to the occupation. Once human monks approach, they will be suppressed, and they are no exception."

"No way! The Holy Fish King and the Three-Tailed Gosha King are both beast kings in the wilderness. They are so arrogant that even the ancestors are quite taboo about them."

"The four princes of the holy fish tribe and the princess of the moon fox tribe are sky-strength wizards. It is estimated that they must use the power of the" spring of life "to impact the realm of heaven and earth. There are two of them sitting at the source of the ghost river unless It's heaven, and who can break in? "

"Unfortunately, all the ancestors have gone to bury the main body of Shenshan! Even if there is a treasure at the source of the ghost river, it will not be our human monk."



Human warriors of all ethnic groups are gathered not far from the source of the ghost river. They are all in search of psychic medicine.

However, everyone was blocked by the subordinates dominated by the two mysterious beasts, and anyone who dared to approach them was cramped and peeled, turning into a mysterious human medicine.

Purple smoke also stands in the camp of human warriors, fresh and refined, graceful and graceful, a pair of bright eyes staring in the direction of the black waterfall.

Two purple elders followed her, guarding her safety.

After seeing Ning Xiaochuan, her heart was a joy, turned into a purple streamer, and flew in the direction of the black waterfall.

"Ning Xiaochuan, you can't make it here." Zi Hanyan's voice was soft and sweet, with a fragrant wind, like the fairy of Lingbo.

Two purple robe elders followed her behind, protecting her safety, and alerting the three-headed high-end mystic who turned into a human form in the distance!

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "Why can't we break?"

Zi Hanyan was very taboo about the three high-end mysterious beasts that turned into human figures in the distance, saying, "I heard that the strong of the Lei tribe must deal with you and take the nine-pin mystery in your hands. In the burial **** mountain, you must Be careful. The ancestors believe in you very much and intend to solicit you into the Zi tribe. Otherwise, you still walk with our Zi tribe. At least one will take care of it! "

She didn't know that, except for the old ancestor of the Lei tribe, the other monks of the Lei tribe had already died dead.

If she knew, I'm afraid she would look at Ning Xiaochuan with another look.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Is that sacred fish king and three-tailed fox king very powerful? You Zi people dare not provoke them?"

Zi Hanyan seems unwilling to mention them more, avoiding their names, and said, "Leave here first, and say that they are the two masters in the great wasteland, and the nine major races are unwilling to provoke them, otherwise they will cause great disaster."

In the distance, the man covered with silver scales laughed, "This girl is aware of current affairs. What kind of woman are you?"

Zi Hanyan frowned slightly, not humblely saying: "Zi, Zi Han Yan. After long hearing the name of the silver scales, you should be the beasts of the silver scales, right?"

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