Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 523: We are the King of Qing

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"The Silverscale is one of the six mysterious races under the throne of the Holy Fish. I am the fourth beast of the Silverscale. Mu Tianhen. Girl, would you like to be my maid?" The man with scales laughed.

High-level mysterious animals can be transformed into human figures, which can communicate with humanity. Among them, many high-level mysterious animals will capture some beautiful human women and raise them in captivity as maids and women. Slave, arch them to drive and kinky. fun!

If these maids have a relationship with high-level mysterious beasts, they can also conceive and give birth to the half-human half-beast xenomorph.

Most of the half-human and half-beast xenobiotics lacked congenital ability to cultivate martial arts, nor inherited the powerful physique of the mysterious beast, and eventually became the lowest slaves of the mysterious beast group.

Only a few alien species can give birth to anti-physical constitutions, but their status is still quite humble.

Neither belongs to the mysterious beast nor human.

Hearing the words of the silver scale man, Zi Hanyan's face changed slightly.

An old man in purple robe standing behind her came out and worshiped the man covered with silver scales and said, "Respectable beast, my lady is the granddaughter of the Zi family king. If the adults really want to collect maids, we can send hundreds of them to the Silverscale tribe. "

The man covered with silver lin, with red eyes. Staring naked at Zi Hanyan, the more she looked at it, the more she felt the beauty of the girl, and sneered, saying: "It was the granddaughter of the Zi family king. In this case, I will marry her as a prince, and I will definitely go there in the future. The Zi family proposed to the family king. But today, she must follow me. "

The old man in the purple robe looked cold and said, "Our Zi people are also big people with ancient heritage. Don't bully people too much!"

"Don't know anything, I have enough to give you the face of the Zi people."

A silver light appeared on the arm of the man covered with silver scales, turning it into a giant hand that was tens of meters long, and grabbed it towards Zi Hanyan.

"Don't want to take my lady away!"

The old man in purple robe raised his hands, condensing a spherical purple flame.

The purple flame kept spinning, and the temperature became higher and higher, like a furnace, attacking the man covered with silver scales.

The old man in purple robes is the ninth-ranked master of respect for the realm. He exhibited the martial arts supernatural powers of "Mixed Yuan Zihuo", which specifically restrained the aquatic beasts in the water, and wanted to force the silver scale men back.

The silver scale man laughed strangely, and patted it with his big hand, crushing the huge purple fire ball.

"A man who didn't even realize human beings and dared to fight with him, really didn't know how to live or die."

The silver scale man turned into a silver streamer, stretched out a claw full of scales, and broke the vitality of the purple robe old man's body.

The old man in purple robe was frightened, and his soles stepped on the ground fiercely, and the mud poured from the ground, forming a high wall three feet thick.

The high walls are wrapped in vitality, with a layer of metallic color.


A giant silver fish condensed on the back of the silver scale man. The tail of the fish swayed and shattered the wall. A boxing was on the chest of the old man in purple robe.


The old man in the purple robe was punctured, his ribs were completely broken, a mouthful of blood spit out, and his body kept receding.

The silver-scale man chased up, slap the old head of the purple robe into the neck with a slap, reached out and pulled out the old heart of the purple robe, and put it in his mouth.

"Let's do it!"

The silver scale man chewed and looked delicious.

The heart of a human warrior is, to Xuan Beast, like a high-level Xuan Dan that improves Xiu Wei.

By eating the heart of a ninth heavy martial artist, the silver scale man's cultivation can improve a lot.

"Mu Tianchen, you have done too much! The warrior who slashed the Zi tribe will definitely pay the price." Another old purple robe shivered with fright.

"Our silver scales are still afraid of you purple races?" The silver scale men's hands are all blood, walking towards Zi Hanyan, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, saying: "Little girl, go with this seat! Don't force Ben It is not good for you to use force. "

"Purple girl, go back first and leave it here to me." Ning Xiaochuan will not forget the kindness of the Zi people. This little thing can still help solve it!

Zi Hanyan shook his head gently and said, "Let me solve it! After all, I am the granddaughter of the Zi family king. The silver scales dare not really treat me? You leave with your friends soon Lest they be targeted. "

The silver scale man saw the words of Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan quite intimately, his eyes suddenly showed a killing intention, and he sneered: "Don't go away! I just want to impact the realm of the high-ranking nine-level mysterious beast and swallow you My heart should help me. "


With a wave of the arm of the silver scale man, a large silver scale flew out, with hundreds of pieces.

Each scale is extremely sharp, wrapped in silver light, marking hundreds of silver light marks.

Ning Xiaochuan's palm gathers Tianwu's vitality and turns into a golden barrier. Above the barrier, ripples like water ripples appeared, sweeping in all the scales.


The silver scales flew back at a faster speed.

The silver scale man was a little surprised, his sleeves shook, and a turtle-like mysterious shield flew out, blocking all the silver scales.


A series of crashes!

All silver scales fell to the ground.

"It's no wonder that I don't know how thick the sky is, but it's a bit of a skill." The silver scale man suddenly stepped on the ground and rushed out like a silver arrow off the string, making a handprint!

His palm was five times larger than normal humans, full of scales, and a silver flame lit in the center of his palm.

The temperature of the flame was not hot, but a stream of cold air flowed.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were sharp, striding forward, and lightning flashed from every pore on his arm.

A huge lightning beast claw emerged from the palm, with black scales, and its claws were extremely sharp.

This is the magical power of "Lightning Divine Beast"!

Since Ning Xiaochuan cultivated Tianwu's vitality, the lightning beast has become more solid, almost like a beast claw made of steel, with indestructible destruction.

He even doubted that practicing this magical power to the extreme might be able to truly cultivate a lightning beast from his body.


Both palms slammed together.

The lightning beast claws torn a bloodstain on the silverscale man's palm, the scales are broken, and the flesh is turned out. Lightning penetrated the wound, slashed into the flesh of the Silverscale Man, and struck above the bone.

There was a muffled sound in the silverscale man's mouth, and he immediately stepped back.

He only felt that the blood of the entire arm was cut by lightning, half of his body lost consciousness, and his heart was extremely angry. He pinched the ancient shell of the tortoise shell in his hand and smashed it towards Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan shot faster than him.

Hit a flash of magical power again, knock out the turtle shell Gudun in his hand, and smash it into the dirt.


Ning Xiaochuan turned his palm into a knife, splitting Tianwu's vitality, and opened up the silverscale man's protective vitality, leaving a foot-long blood mark on his neck.


There are three consecutive palms.

The Silverscale man was split and flew out, leaving three more **** scars on his body.

He is covered with silver scales all over, but he can't stop Tianwu's vitality. If it wasn't for his physical strength, he would have been cut into pieces long ago.


The silver-scale man was extremely angry, with a long howl in his mouth.

The body emits a dazzling silver light, and tens of thousands of "silver water droplets" condense in the air, like light spots suspended in the void.

The silver water droplet completely surrounded Ning Xiaochuan, and at the same time attacked Ning Xiaochuan, turning it into a huge silver water ball, and confined Ning Xiaochuan inside.

This is the talent of the silver scale tribe "Taiyi Shenshui", every drop of water is heavy!

The talents in the body will only be awakened if they reach the level of level nine mysterious beast.

"Well! A human kid dare to fight with me, I don't know if I live or die!" The silver scale man snorted coldly.

Its voice had just fallen, and a loud noise erupted.


A crimson column of flames of light rushed out of the silver water polo, splitting Taiyi Shenshui.

Ning Xiaochuan, holding a bronze ancient lamp, stood in the void, with the eyes of the heroes of the world, pointed at the silver scale man, "I don't know if you are alive or dead!"

A huge three-legged flamingo flew out of the bronze ancient lamp, flying out along Ning Xiaochuan's fingers.


The three-footed flamingo was wrapped in flames, like a flame **** day, and stretched out a giant claw to tear the silverscale man into pieces.

The horrible flame power burned his body to ashes.

The bronze oil of the ancient lamp uses the blood of the warrior of the fourth step ladder. The power is naturally much stronger than before. How can an animal be able to resist?

Ning Xiaochuan held the bronze ancient lantern and fell from the sky.

Wrapped in divine light, as the same young **** came to earth, the other two high-end mysterious beasts that turned into human form took a slight step back!

"Bold! How dare you slay the beast under the throne of the holy fish, no matter who you are, you will surely die tragically in the Burial Mountain." The three-meter-tall man knew that he was not Ning Xiaochuan's opponent, and he uttered a cry. Long shouts, the sound reached the top of the mountain, sending a message to the four princes of the holy fish clan.

Zen Tou smiled coldly, and said, "The beast under the throne of the holy fish will be killed. That's what he deserves. I really don't believe it, how can you treat us?"

"His good breath, even the sacred fish king is not in my eyes. I am afraid that no one has such a large tone in the whole wilderness." The woman with a white fluffy fox tail was cold. Laughed.

"Is that so?" Zen Tou took out a token and shone brightly at the big man and the fox girl, and said, "Truth tell you, we are the King of the Qing Dynasty King. What kind of thing do you dare to make with Qing? The king is the enemy? "

"King of the Qing Dynasty!" The three-meter-tall man and the fox girl were slightly surprised, staring at the token in the hands of Zen Toad.

On the top of the black mountains, dozens of high-level mysterious beasts soared down.

They can all be transformed into human figures, at least all seven mysterious beasts. Some of them turned into beautiful women, some of them turned into scholars in white, and some of them turned into old men.

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