Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 604: Return to Tianmen City

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About a quarter of an hour later.

The scars on the saber-toothed white tiger completely disappeared, and the flesh seemed a lot stronger than before.

It turned over from the ground and climbed up, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with some horror, then turned and fled into the mountains.

The human in front of him was a neuropathy, and it was unreasonable to beat it to death and cure it. Don't provoke this kind of neuropathy. The Saber-toothed White Tiger escapes faster!

Ning Xiaochuan touched his chin and said to himself, "Although hundreds of mysterious medicines have been refined, the grades of mysterious medicines are not high, and the medicinal power of mysterious liquids is not strong enough. Medicine, to increase the healing power of mysterious fluid. This is a long path of spiritual practice! "

He is only in his twenties, and has already entered the rank of Da Yang Xin Shi, in the entire North. The territories of Xinjiang are unique. Only the legendary "Shen Nong" that can bring people back to life is so amazing at a young age.

It can be said that, just by virtue of his talents above the mind nurturer, he can already be on an equal footing with the emperor, the emperor, and the like.

Juvenile Shennong, not to mention just in Tiandi Mountain, even if you go to the sixth grade civilization, the seventh grade civilization, it is definitely the arrogance of heaven to be cultivated.

Moreover, the mind-raiser will not be jealous of other warriors, and will only be respected by the warriors. Even the ancient families and the imperial palace of the Tianshu Great Empire are willing to attract such young Shennong.

In the forest, a purple swarthy figure flew out, with a very slender figure. With a faint scent of fragrance on his shirt, his feet fell lightly on the grass.

She didn't know how light her body was. She didn't even bend the blades of grass. In the faint, she could see a stream of purple flowers flowing around her body, just like a fairy in a painting.

"Ninggongzi can reach the realm of the Great Yangxin Master at a young age. His future achievements are definitely not low, maybe he can become the legendary Shennong!" Zi Hanyan's purple clothes fluttered, her hair swayed, and her eyes were bright. With a faint smile, it gives a beautiful and elegant temperament.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Zi Hanyan, and said with a quiver in his mouth, "Miss Zi, have you had any adventures recently? You have broken two realms and reached the fourth step ladder!"

Zi Hanyan's face showed a bit of a different color, and said calmly, "Maybe it is a blessing caused by misfortune! In the case of being severely injured by Fang Jie, it has stimulated the potential of the body and broke the bottleneck that cannot be broken normally. Practice The road is like this. Once the bottleneck is broken, there will be a flat road ahead, which can make rapid progress. "

Regarding the "awakening of the blood of the gods", Zi Hanyan actually did not want to hide Ning Xiaochuan. She knows that Ning Xiaochuan is a reliable person, but after all, this matter is of great importance, not only for her alone, but even for the entire Zi clan.

If the Zi people are the descendants of the Zijin emperor, it will be a disaster for the Zi people.

Zihan Yan has figured out the reason for the awakening of the blood of the gods in his body, which is probably related to the stone recorded in the "Zixia Sutra" brought out from the buried mountain.

After being beaten by Fang Jie, the stone was stained with her blood and had flown into her body, turned into a huge purple stone wall, suspended in the martial heart!

After the blood of the gods was activated, she could finally recognize the text on the purple stone wall.

That's not ancient text at all, but divine text.

Only the sub-gods can write the text, and only those with the blood of the gods can understand the text above.

It is also because she comprehends the complete Purple Han Jing that her realm breaks through so fast.

Ning Xiaochuan took a deep look at Zi Hanyan, and naturally saw that she was hiding something, but she did not continue to question.

Everyone has their own secrets, even the closest ones can't tell.

Ning Xiaochuan also hid a secret that no one can tell, so he understood Zi Hanyan very well and laughed: "In general, I still want to congratulate Zi Zi. We have been training here for more than a month and I do n’t know Brother Situ What happened to them? "

"Then we go to Wanjian Palace to find them." Zi Han smoked.

"I think they should be in Tianmen City now." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Returning to Tianmen City, Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan immediately went to the manor where the monks in Jiuyinjiang gathered.

Situ Jing and those young talents in Jiuyinjiang gathered in the manor. In addition to them, Wu Qing's worry is also there.

"Brother Ning, where have you been recently? Did you know that you were astonished because of your disappearance, and everyone thought you were assassinated!" Wu Qing worried.

Situ Jing laughed: "Sister Wu, you haven't seen Brother Ning and Girl Zi with glorious faces, I'm afraid we are all worried for nothing. They must be visiting the places of interest in Tiandi Mountain. Hey! "Beauty, paired in pairs, it just wreaks loneliness like us."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Brother Situ, with your rare talent for three thousand years, if you want a partner, just put a word out, there must be many excellent women willing to stay with you. I think sister Wu is good, you can consider it! "

Ning Xiaochuan reached the state of Da Yang Xin Shi and was naturally in a good mood, so he laughed at Situ.

After Situ Jing returned to Wanjian Palace, he has already tested the talent level. It is like Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong.

How could this happen?

Ning Xiaochuan felt that Yue Mingsong and Situ Jing should both be like him, hiding their talent levels.

Situ Jing has been accepted as a personal disciple by an elder of Wanjian Palace, and he is naturally in a good mood. He swept away the haze of the past, so he deliberately teased Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan and wanted to match them.

"Today is such a great day, we must celebrate it. I am the East, and we go to the most gorgeous Tianyu Tower in Tianmen City, and we must taste the delicious food there." Situ Jingdao said.

"Tianyulou! I heard that Tianyulou's wine and cuisine have the effect of increasing cultivation. It is not ordinary food, and each dish is extremely expensive. Moreover, there are beautiful accompaniments and dances selected from major civilizations. Heaven on earth. It seems that Brother Situ is about to bleed today! "Laughed a young Taoist.

Everyone is going to Tianyu Tower ...

Yue Mingsong walked in from the outside, watching the crowd going out, hesitated slightly, and said, "What are you?"

"It was Brother Yue. We are planning to go to Tianyu Tower to celebrate Brother Ning and Zi Zi's safe return. Would you like to go together?" A beautiful woman in a white brocade said with a smile.

"Ah! It's better to come early than it happened. It really caught up today! Go, of course!" Yue Mingsong added his lips. Recently, he was miserably abused in Wanjian Palace. He wanted to come out and enjoy it. Caught up.

The group went towards Tianyu Tower, all of them are young talents, each with extraordinary qualifications, more than half of them are handsome men and beautiful women.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "Brother Yue, how did Elder Fan willingly let you out?"

Yue Mingsong touched the beard on his chin and said, "Thank you very much, brother!"

"Thank you?" Ning Xiaochuan was a little surprised.

"Yeah! You're not missing! I told her that Ning Xiaochuan is my brother. He's still uncertain about his life and death. How can I still cultivate? So she let me out. He gave me a heavenly man The burning attack disk is used to save lives. I heard that it is worth more than 10 million pieces of black stones, really Master! "Yue Mingsong said.

Yue Mingsong glanced at Zi Hanyan and whispered to Ning Xiaochuan: "Brother Ning, you actually hooked up with a beauty again. I think her temperament is very extraordinary, and she is imbued with the essence. . Are you not afraid that the little county master who cultivates in the holy land is jealous? But I heard that the little county master is very jealous! "

Although Zi Hanyan walked quietly on the right side of Ning Xiaochuan, he also listened to Yue Mingsong's words with his ears raised. When he heard the words "Xiaojunzhu", a few waves appeared in his eyes.

Extremely arrogant like Ning Xiaochuan, there can not be few confidantes around. Zi Hanyan had long guessed that there must be other women who adore him by Ning Xiaochuan's side. At this moment, she finally had news of her rival.

However, she still looked very breezy, as if she hadn't heard Yue Mingsong at all.

Soon, their party came to Tianyu Tower.

Recently, more and more candidates have gathered in Tianmen City and can always see young talented monks coming in and out of Tianyu Building.

The Tianyu Building was really gorgeous, just like the palace temple. Just entering the door, every monk must pay a thousand pieces of black stone to enter the door!

However, all this is paid by Situ Jing. They only need to go in and have a variety of delicacies delivered. There are also some beautiful women who play the guqin and dance, just like they came to heaven. Dining by the side of Yaochi is not like being on the earth!

In addition to Ning Xiaochuan and others, there are other young monks also in Tianyu Tower. At this moment, they are talking about recent events, nothing more than the emergence of some great genius, or the content of the Tianmen exam. Leaks, etc.

"Fen Jian Sect is really unlucky. First, Fang Jie, who was on the fifth step of the ladder, was killed, and then, an extremely rare genius who had been in trouble for 8000 years was assassinated by Lu Tiangu."

"The killers in Yuntiangu are indeed brave enough. I heard that an extremely talented genius who is rare for 8000 years is hitting the heaven and earth, and there are two inner disciples and a guardian of the elder Jianzhuang around, but, Still killed. "

"Even the two inner disciples and Elder Wu died! Those three heavenly men, and Elder Wu is not an ordinary heavenly man. He is already a character who has entered the" Shangjing Heaven ", but has been silent. Cut his head without interest. "

"I don't know what level of killer Luan Tiangu sent, it is too scary!"

"I heard that the lords who burned the sword sect were going crazy, even a few old guys who have lived for hundreds of years jumped out, and they have already spoken to pack up Tiantiangu severely, and place an order for them. People are going to be bad. "

"But I heard that even among the sacred soil, the top of Tiandi Mountain has been alarmed, and a big man has released a message to eradicate Wutiangu. It seems to be moving this time!"

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