Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 605: Chi Xin

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Ning Xiaochuan naturally heard the conversation of those people and asked, "The genius who burned the sword sect for eight thousand years was really killed?"

Wu Qing nodded sadly, and said, "Three days ago, even the two inner disciples, the elders, who guarded the genius who was hard to come by for eight thousand years, all died by death. A big sensation. "

"Yes! After all, it is a rare genius for 8000 years. If it really breaks through the heaven and earth, when the Tianmen exam is taken, it will certainly occupy the top three positions. Naturally, many people do not want him to live in the world." Road.

While drinking, Yue Mingsong laughed and said, "This is the second middle school boy! Without a strong background, it is best to keep a low profile. Too high profile, don't know how to hide, it will attract jealousy, and live long. Ah! For ten thousand years, which Tianmen Exam had candidates with such a high level of talent? Did n’t Tiandishan really have candidates with a higher level of talent? I do n’t know, but everyone does n’t want to expose their true talents. That's it! "

After Yue Mingsong's words were spoken, Situ Jing and Ning Xiaochuan both looked at each other slightly, with a smile that only the two of them could understand, and then bowed their heads and drank at the same time.

Wu Qingyou could not help but glanced at Yue Mingsong and said, "This is true! The candidates of all ages in Tiandishan do hide their talents and cultivation. Just like the top figures of this year, the talent of the emperor Prince The level is 'seven thousand years of rare encounters', the fairy fairy, the orchid fairy, and the three young kings are all talent levels of 'six thousand years of rare encounters'. As if it has been agreed, everyone will control the talent levels at Within this level. "

"But this is just their talent level on the surface. In fact, no one knows their true talent level and anti-physical constitution."

"Burning the Sword Sect wants to overwhelm our Wanjian Palace, and releases the news of a genius who is rare for 8000 years, but they did not expect that the balance was broken invisibly. This balance was broken, Naturally, it is impossible for him to survive. "

The sitting genius Junjie nodded!

Zi Hanyan's expression moved, and said, "What if a genius who is‘ unusual forever 'appears? ”

Wu Qing worried for a moment, and then smiled: "It depends on the identity of the genius who has been in trouble for thousands of years. If the emperor is the crown prince, then it will be safe and sound. Or His Highness, or Nothing is wrong. If anyone else has the talent of "every year in a lifetime" and it is exposed, it will be dead. "

"The royal families of the Tianshu Great Empire and those ancient families will not allow such characters to appear within the sphere of influence of Tiandi Mountain. Once they grow up, they will threaten their dominant position. The means of killing, I am afraid that Killing a genius that is rare for 8,000 years is ten times and a hundred times more fierce. "

Situ Jing's face was serious, saying: "The ancient peoples who can inherit for thousands of years are very careful. It is easy to lay down the rivers and mountains, but it is not easy to keep them. As long as a flame threatens their dominant position, He will use a bucket of water and ten channels of water to extinguish it in the fastest time, and he will not be given the opportunity to grow up. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "That said, killing the genius who is rare in 8000 years is the most suspicious of the emperor?"

"A lot of people think so. But at that time, the emperor was talking with the young kings, so more people are looking at our Wanjian Palace. After all, our Wanjian Palace and the Burning Sect are deadly opponents. , The suspicion is not small. "Wu Qing worried.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "As far as I know, 诛 天 谷 is a killer organization, but it is not a bunch of stupid people. If the price given by the other party is not high enough, they cannot risk being crusked by the masters of Tiandi Mountain. Such a thing as man and **** is angry. "

If a brilliant genius appears, he will be assassinated. Who would dare to come to Tiandi Mountain to worship a teacher in the future?

Therefore, this time, the top of Tiandi Mountain will definitely make a heavy punch. If you do not give the candidates from Tiannandibei an account, Tiandishan's reputation will be greatly affected!

Of course, since Dian Tiangu dare to assassinate a genius who is rare in 8000 years, he must have expected to be hit, and he must have a strategy to cope with it.

These are not things they should consider, they are too much involved, they just need to concentrate on preparing for the Tianmen exam.

On the second floor of the Tianyu Tower, a group of distinguished monks are gathering. Jin Wuyi, Lu Ren, Jin Ling, and some family members of Wang Sun House are also there.

They are also talking about the assassination of a rare genius who burned the sword for eight thousand years!

"This is a good show! It is estimated that this time the Tianmen Exam, the sword-burning ancestors and Wanjian Palace will fight even more fiercely." A tall and thin young monk in a robe, leaving a goatee, laughed.

The young monk named "Chi Xin" is one of the eight second-class disciples of Wang Sunfu, and a figure of the same level as Jinling!

"Is it really the Wanjian Palace?" Someone said unbelief.

Chi Xin laughed: "In addition to the Wanjian Palace, who else can it be? Let them fight each other, it is best to lose both. At that time, there will be more people in our Wang Sun House as core disciples."

Jin Wusong said: "In addition to Master Chi and my sister, who has the qualifications of a core disciple? Yes, there is Brother Lu. The number of masters in Wang Sun Palace is more than that of Wanjian Palace and Fenjian It ’s going to get up a lot, and this session must still be our number one for Wang Sun. "

Lu Ren's heart was very depressed, and he had no intention to talk to them about it.

He managed to raise a large sum of black stones and went to Tiangu to place an order.

As a result, Ning Xiaochuan disappeared for a whole month.

And now, a genius that was rare for 8000 years was killed. When such a big thing happened, when he went to contact the people in Yuntiangu, there was no news at all, and the portrait of Yuntiangu suddenly disappeared completely.

But he has already paid half of the deposit and more than 100 million pieces of black stones. It won't be swallowed by Lu Tiangu, right?

One hundred million black stones are also a huge number for him, and he borrowed a lot from his elders in the clan.

If Yuntiangu was annihilated, then his black stones could not be completely recovered.

Lu Ren is now in a mood to cry.

Those black stones are the money that he originally intended to use to buy psychic medicines, which will impact the level of the great spiritual master!

Now, without killing Ning Xiaochuan and purchasing psychic medicine, how to explain to the elders in the clan?

Thinking of this, he hated Ning Xiaochuan even more.

"Well! Brother Jin, brother Lu, look, the guy below is not Ning Xiaochuan?" A family member of Wang Sunfu said.

Hearing the name Ning Xiaochuan, Lu Ren jumped up from the ground, biting his teeth and looking downstairs. Sure enough, he saw Ning Xiaochuan talking with a group of young talents and sitting beside him. There was also a woman in a purple dress with a natural beauty!

When Jinling's heart moved, she also looked downstairs, staring at Ning Xiaochuan's body, showing a strange radiance in her eyes.

Chi Xin has always been pursuing Jinling. Naturally, she knows that Jinling has high talents and high spirits. Few people are able to let her look like this, so she is a little unhappy: "Not just a genius minder, what is it? A fuss? "

Jinling's fingers lightly touched his pointed chin, and smiled: "Master Master Chi has no idea, Ning Xiaochuan is not an ordinary mind-raiser, but also a rare martial art genius who has not been able to live for three thousand years."

When Jinling praised Ning Xiaochuan, Chi Xin's heart was even more displeased, and he looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a bit of disdain: "It's only the third step of the ladder. Anyone we shot here can beat him. Find teeth all over the floor. "

Jin Wu shouted: "Master Master Chi has no idea. Then Ning Xiaochuan was so arrogant and arrogant that he did not look at the family members of our Tianshu Empire. Not long ago, Brother Lu was beaten by him, almost He was killed. "

Hearing that Jin Wuzhen said this, Lu Ren felt a faint pain in his face, his fists squeezed tightly, and his eyes seemed to spit out flames.


Chi Xin slaps on the table with a cold hum, and said, "It's so bold, even the people in our Wang Sun Man's House dare to fight. Lu Gongzi, this one face pool will help you find it!"

Lu Ren said: "If Master Chi had abandoned that kid, Lu would have to thank him again."

Jinling naturally knows Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation behavior better than anyone, and deliberately stimulates Chi Xin to deal with Ning Xiaochuan. She laughed: "Master Master Chi is indeed the hero of our King's Sun House. The younger generation, except His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, is probably the best Master Master Chi."

Being so praised by Jinling, Chi Xin's vanity increased greatly, and his heart secretly decided that he must learn a good lesson from that Ning Xiaochuan, and also perform well in front of Jinling.

Jinling is the first female Tianjiao of the Jin nationality. If she can get her favor, it is tantamount to holding the thighs of the Jin nationality. In the future, she will definitely have a higher status in the family and get more resources.

Chi Xin's talent is not weaker than Jinling. It can be regarded as going hand in hand, and no one loses to anyone.

However, in terms of family background, Chi Xin is much weaker than Jinling.

Therefore, the family where Chi Xin belongs has always hoped that Chi Xin pursues Jinling, thereby marrying the Jin family and strengthening the momentum of the family!

this is a good chance!


Ning Xiaochuan raised his glass and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Brother Situ, aren't you going to seek justice from Wang Sunfu, how did that go?"

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, the young talents of Jiuyijiang who were present all smiled and became angry and cold.

A month ago, a woman who came to take the Tianmen exam in Jiuyijiang was killed by a second-class disciple of Wang Sunfu.

Originally, Ning Xiaochuan planned to accompany them to Wang Sunfu for justice, but because of the injuries, he hid from Zi Hanyan and recovered.

Now back to Tianmen City, so Ning Xiaochuan asked about the result of that incident again.

Situ Jing pursed his lips, feeling very unpleasant, and sighed: "Brother Ning was right that day, we were really naive. The second-class disciple of Wang Sunfu's practice is too strong. All of us Everyone has shot, but he is still defeated. Although he has not reached the level of heaven and humanity, the displayed combat power is not much weaker than that of heavenly people. "


sweat! I read the book review today. Everyone said that the monthly ticket is one thousand, and that's more.

I'm speechless. I'm talking about voting at the "Golden Keyboard" event, it has nothing to do with monthly passes! I said that since there are two chapters a day, I will not ask for a monthly pass, and I am sorry to ask for a monthly pass.

Let me explain:

Monthly pass-Only a monthly subscription of 15 yuan, or a reward of 100 yuan, can get a monthly pass. (I wo n’t ask, I wo n’t argue)

Tickets for Golden Keyboard events-free, at least three a day, for anyone, sometimes more than ten a day. There are essential differences between the two.

I was wondering, it was very clear! In addition, tickets for the gold keyboard event are much easier to obtain, and now there are only more than 700, but fewer than monthly tickets.

Still, as long as there are two chapters a day, I will not ask for a monthly pass. Hope everyone can vote for other favorite books, don't waste your monthly pass!

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