Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 613: Three thousand extinction law

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Yue Mingsong said: "The sword is long, ten feet and three points. The sword is heavy, thirty-eight kilograms. The sword body is engraved with twenty-seven formations, ten worlds with purple lightning and lightning. The mystery is considered to be the best. The fighting power that erupted is more powerful than many innate nine-pin mystery! "


Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a hand and held one of the black war swords!


The black battle sword, violently shaking, made a deafening roar.

The ground was torn apart, the sword kept shaking, and purple lightning was emitted, as if to fly out of Ning Xiaochuan's hand!

Jiu Pin Xuan Qi already has a certain spirituality, has a powerful soldier soul, especially Jiu Pin Xuan Qi just forged, it is most difficult to conquer, it is like a wild dragon!

According to rumors, some Jiu Pin Xuan Qi had just been successfully forged, and they flew away to find their masters.

"It is worthy of being a Jiupin Xuanzi with a sub-God bone, and it is really strong in spirit."

With a smile on Ning Xiaochuan's face, a "yin and yang fire" poured out of the palm of his hand, wrapped the black war sword, and used the power of the fire to burn the war sword and control the soul of the soldiers.

Under the suppression of Ning Xiaochuan, the three-handed war swords were all conquered, flying around Ning Xiaochuan, emitting a trace of the power of purple fire and lightning, forming a field of sword energy!


Ning Xiaochuan retracted all the three-handed swords and nodded with satisfaction, saying, "Yue Mingsong, thank you."

Later, Ning Xiaochuan burned nine hundred pieces of "The Book of Strange Doors" on the jade with his divine power, and handed it to Yue Mingsong as a reward to Yue Mingsong.

Yue Mingsong received nine hundred pieces of "Qi Men Qi Dian" and never took care of Ning Xiaochuan again. He excitedly researched "Qi Men Qi Dian". From time to time, his mouth gave out a laughter that made people feel sweaty.

After Ning Xiaochuan obtained three pieces of Jiupin Xuanqi-level war swords, he couldn't wait to get back to his residence and began to practice in isolation.

Ning Xiaochuan was sitting in the middle of the formation, holding one of the black war swords in his hands, and the palm of his hand breathed out Tianwu's vitality, completely wrapping the war swords.


The black battle sword penetrated Ning Xiaochuan's body, and a trace of crimson blood flowed from the wound!

Ning Xiaochuan immediately ran the exercises and began to refine the black war sword.

Ning Xiaochuan's body contains seven war swords, all of which are condensed into the magical powers of "Million Swords and Rain" and merged into concrete magical powers.

Now he is melting the eighth sword of war!

The Jiupin Xuanqi-level war sword is extremely difficult to melt, and it will also cause huge damage to Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan has the experience of smelting Jiu Pin Xuan Qi. This time, it seems relatively easy to melt it. It took eight days to finally refine that Jiu Pin Xuan Qi War sword. The handle is like a magic sword!

While refining this nine-pin mysterious war sword, Ning Xiaochuan also absorbed the soul and essence of the war sword, including the sub-bone in the war sword, which not only strengthened his physical body again. Great cut, let him hit the fifth step ladder in one fell swoop!

Finally broke through!

"Ning me!"

Realm breakthrough, Ning Xiaochuan began to consolidate martial arts!

Reaching the fifth step of the heavenly ladder means to understand martial arts to a certain degree, to be able to communicate the world with martial arts, and to consolidate your own martial arts.

Between heaven and earth, a ray of swords came together, forming a black magic mist above Ning Xiaochuan's head!

Ning Xiaochuan's body has also undergone earth-shaking changes, a ray of sword gas and magic qi escaped, connected with the magic mist above his head, and gathered into a "corpse mountain blood sea" scene!


Later, there was a scene of magic energy condensing into a "fire of heaven"!


The scene of "the tide sinking" also appeared.

The three scenes represent the three ways of extinction.

It's almost like three terrifying worlds to be destroyed. It's broken, the gods are dead, the stars are burned, the continent is flooded with black water ... It is very shocking and makes people feel awe.

The phantom of a blood-red magic sword is just like the "pillar of heaven and earth". It penetrates through three worlds of destruction and stands on the top of Ning Xiaochuan, exuding the magic of maggots.

This magic sword is extremely horrible and belongs to Ning Xiaochuan's Faxiang. One sword is cut out, as if it can destroy a world!

"A terrifying phoenix, Ning Xiaochuan, you practiced" The Extinction of the World ", I am afraid it is really a supreme magic path, terrible!" Tiandi Blade's voice sounded loudly.

The Heavenly Emperor Blade had always looked down on the Book of Extinction, thinking that the Book of Heaven and Earth was the supreme nerve. After seeing Ning Xiaochuan's practice of the Fa, it was finally shocked and felt the horror of the World Extinction.

"People like you, don't you really want to destroy the world?" Tiandi Blade said a little bit taboo.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know much about the way to destroy the world, saying: "How is it possible? There is only one heir to each generation of the way to destroy the world. Do you want to destroy the world by one person? Hey! The way of destroying the world should be just a Taoist philosophy!"

"I don't think so. There are three thousand avenues of destruction, and now you realize the several ways of annihilation. If you have cultivated the three thousand avenues to great consummation, I don't know how terrible things will happen!" There is a deep awe, and I always feel that Ning Xiaochuan's future road will deviate from the world and be the enemy of all beings.

Ning Xiaochuan's practice of the Fa phase is very weird, and the magic is magnificent, converging into three worlds of Fa phase.

However, the three Fa-phases were pierced by a towering magic sword, forming three broken Fa-phase worlds!

The practiced martial arts phase is very different from that of Ning Xiaochuan's imagination. In the future, if we realize more ways of extinction, it seems that it will still change.

"It's called 'Thousands of Extinction Laws!'" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Just by cultivating a nine-class sword, Ning Xiaochuan hit the fifth step of the ladder in one fell swoop.

If you also refine the other two swords of Jiupin Xuanqi level, wouldn't it be able to impact the heaven and earth in one fell swoop?

When Ning Xiaochuan was about to hit Heaven and Earth, he suddenly developed a sense of alertness and immediately took back the martial arts law, took a look out of the door, and asked, "Is it Purple Girl outside?"

"Ninggong, tomorrow is the time for the Tianmen Examination. The three palace masters asked all the outside students who participated in the Tianmen Examination to the Presbyterian Hall to arrange the deployment of the Tianmen Examination." Zi Hanyan stood outside the door and said softly . Her voice is very nice, such as the high-grade spring stone, and the empty flute playing the flute, giving a very pleasant feeling!

"It's actually time for the Tianmen exam!"

Ning Xiaochuan put away the array, opened the door, saw Zi Hanyan standing outside the door, her eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "Girl Zi's recent practice speed is really fast, I am afraid that she has to break through the fifth step ladder? "

Zi Hanyan laughed: "It's not as fast as Ning Gongzi when you practice fast. I heard that the Lord of the Second Palace gave you a human-level Dan. This time you have closed the barrier, have you broken through to heaven and earth?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile and said, "The higher the talent, the harder it is to break through. It is easier said than done to break through the heavens and the human world. We must continue to practice hardships. Let's go! We go to the elders' hall!"

Ning Xiaochuan stepped out first.

Zi Hanyan stood behind and looked at the back of Ning Xiaochuan. For some reason, she felt a familiar atmosphere on Ning Xiaochuan's body, and it had some similarities with her practiced "Zixia Sutra"!

"Did Ogawa also practice the Purple Sutra? Probably not. He probably got some secret treasures in the Tiandi Mountain with the divine power left by his ancestors."

Zi Hanyan thought secretly in his heart and decided to tell Ning Xiaochuan his secret when necessary. If she could, she even took the Purple Sutra to practice with him!

After all, the Zixia Classic is a nerve, not an ordinary martial art.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan came to the Presbyterian Hall, the other disciples of Wanjian Palace had already arrived. There were more than 400 people, all wearing uniforms of the disciples of Wanjian Palace.

Each of them is a hero of the younger generation. No one in the genius has reached the fourth level of respect for the earth.

More than half of these candidates were outside disciples trained by Wan Jian Palace, and some were young monks recruited from other civilizations. They are very full of energy and spirit, in their own civilization is known as `` juvenile martial arts '', can be called a young hero!

Situ Jing, Yue Mingsong, Wu Qingchou and others all stood in the crowd.

The higher the cultivation, the more talented the person, the more advanced.

"Wanjian Palace deserves to be ranked among the top ten forces in Tiandi Mountain. It has recruited so many talented talents, and there are only ten candidates for the fifth step ladder." Ning Xiaochuan also reached the fifth step ladder, basically You don't need to release your mind, you can see the practice of the candidates present clearly.

This is the special ability of the Seven Magic Gods Demon Heart Palace!

The lord of the second house, the lord of the third house, and the lord of the sixth house are all sitting at the top, just like Sanqing Daozun, and they are all wrapped up in Tianwu's vitality, so that the people below cannot see their true meaning.

In addition to the three main palace masters, there are also seven elder-level figures in the elder hall, sitting on both sides of the hall. There are also some disciples inside the elders' hall, but all are standing behind the elders, looking at the candidates for this session!

"A hundred years ago, when we took the Tianmen exam, there were only 220 candidates in Wanjian Palace, which has doubled this year."

"Brother Xiao, you haven't found that the talents of the candidates in this session are quite scary. The overall strength is several times stronger than ours, and there is actually a natural person!" An inner disciple stared at Fenghua's peerless Luo Dance, with an envious look.

"It seems that our Wanjian Palace is about to rise in this Tianmen exam, and it is expected to break into the top three!"

"I heard that not long ago, the younger generation of our Wanjian Palace fought once with the younger generation of Wang Sunfu, letting the family members of Wang Sunfu lose the family. Recently, Wang Sunfu has not been so arrogant as before. Haha!"

"Don't underestimate Wang Sunfu. For three hundred years, every session of the Tianmen Examination is No. 1 and it is definitely the No. 1 force in Tiandishan!"

Those inside disciples are talking a lot, looking forward to the Tianmen exam this year.

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