Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 614: Team up

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Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan walked into the Presbyterian Hall and came to the side of Yue Mingsong and Situ Jing.

All the disciples worshiped at the same time and said in unison: "Meet the three palace masters."

"Let's all get up!" The lord of the third house raised his arms, and a faint emptiness escaped, covering the entire elder's hall.

Under the influence of that invisible force, all the outside disciples stood up and stared in shock at the Sannomiya Lord sitting above.

The power just now was terrible, seemingly invisible, but made them irresistible.

In other words, as long as the Lord of the Three Houses is willing, they can completely manipulate their behaviors with thoughts, making them completely unable to resist, even suicide.

The elder elders in a blue palace costume walked under the three palace masters and faced all the disciples, saying: "Tomorrow is the Tiantian Mountain once-a-year 'Tianmen Examination'. Those who can pass the exam will be able to reach the sky in one step , Become a high-ranking disciple of the inner gate, and in the future can be vigorously cultivated by Tiandi Mountain! "

"This year, our Wanjian Palace is full of talents, and there are 487 outside students who are qualified to take the 'Tianmen Examination', which is a record high."

"However, Tiandi Mountain has no less than a hundred forces, and other forces are also talented. Masters are like clouds. Who is the hero and who is the grass crocodile? We have to wait for the results of the Tianmen Examination before we can determine the level."

"In the last session, that is, a hundred years ago, a total of 78 outside students in our Wanjian Palace successfully passed the Tianmen exam, and finally ranked seventh among the major forces. In this session, our goal is to enter Top three. Can everyone be confident? "

Yue Mingsong took the lead in shouting, "I'm confident! Absolutely confident! Master, let alone the top three, even if you take the first place, you are absolutely confident."

Subsequently, all the disciples also began to shout, the sound was like a thunder, ringing through the entire Wanjian Palace.

Next, those inner disciples started to explain to everyone the precautions of the "Tianmen Examination", the dangers that the "Tianmen Examination" may encounter, and the skills of fighting between the major forces during the exam, and so on.

Ning Xiaochuan, Zi Hanyan, Situ Jing, Yue Mingsong, etc., are the top geniuses of Wanjian Palace, and naturally receive special treatment. Yue Mingsong's female master, Elder, will explain to them personally.

Elder Tong said: "The content of each Tianmen exam is different, but the changes are inseparable. The main assessment is the young monk's practice, understanding, courage, and finally luck."

Yue Mingsong coughed twice and said, "Master,‘ perceived ’and‘ courage ’are better understood.‘ Lucky ’is also tested?”

Elder Ji nodded solemnly and said, "Everyone has their own" luck ", which can also be called" qi luck. "A strong person with" qi luck "can pass the Tianmen exam even with his eyes closed. , Will not encounter any danger. Even if he has bad luck, even if he reaches the heaven and human realm, he may die in the exam of heaven. Luck is a very mysterious thing. Whoever can master it can be invincible. .Unfortunately, many sacred things have been studied, but no one can master it. It is a fixed number in the meditation! Only the darlings of heaven and earth can get the atmosphere, the sword will not die, and the fire will not burn. Destroyed, you can pick up the Supreme Device, you can drink the fountain by the water on the roadside, you may encounter the beauty who shows his respect to him at all times, and will never give up. Picking a stone at hand may kill the heavenly person. "

"Picking a stone at hand can kill the heavens and the human?" Situ Jing didn't believe it.

Elder Wu laughed: "Ordinary people can't do it naturally, but for those who have great luck, the stones that they can pick up may be 'destroying stone', not to mention killing the heavenly people, even if they kill the gods, it is not impossible. .Luck, this thing is inaccurate! "

Ning Xiaochuan was a little ashamed and said: "If luck really reaches that level, I'm afraid that lying on the ground and sleeping can be cultivated into gods. Unfortunately, no one can say such things as" qiyun ", nor will they always care for the same person. . "

Elder Tao said: "It is not necessarily that, although everyone has their own luck, but those who have the blood of the gods can get the care of the gods, and the luck is more powerful than others."

"Neither of us is a descendant of the gods, so we won't talk about luck!" Yue Mingsong anxiously said, "Master, is there any danger to life if you take the 'Tianmen Examination'?"

"Yeah! Every Tianmen exam will surely kill a lot of genius Junjie, but this is no way! If you don't go through the test of life and death, how can you test the real potential and psychological endurance of the candidates? Cultivation Along the way, those with low potential are unreachable; those with unsound mind are also unreachable. "Said Elder Wu.

Elder Wu said, "But you can rest assured that Tiandishan will arrange to be a powerful proctor and enter the examination room with you. If there is a large-scale intentional killing, the proctor will kill him."

"That's good! That's good!" Yue Mingsong breathed a long sigh of relief.

It didn't take long for the discussion to end and the vast majority of candidates retreated, leaving only a dozen of the best outside students.

These more than a dozen outside students are either practicing to reach the fifth step of the ladder or possessing a high level of cultivation talent, including Luo Wu, Situ Jing, Ning Xiaochuan, Zi Hanyan, and Yue Mingsong, a total of 15 people .

The inner disciples also retreated, and in the elders' hall, there were only three palace masters and seven elders.

The master of the Sixth Palace stood up, glanced at the fifteen young monks below, and smiled, "You are the best disciples of the Wanjian Palace. There is a chance to become a core disciple, but of course there is only a chance. . Han Li, Yue Mingsong, you two are out of the queue. "

A bald man and Yue Mingsong who were more than three meters tall took a step forward at the same time, bowing to the sixth house master.

The sixth house said: "Yue Mingsong, you have a rare talent for three thousand years, but because you were born in the middle-fifth grade civilization, you have not got the best training, so Xiuwei still has a certain gap with the top masters. Han Li has The talent that is rare in the four thousand years, the talent level is similar to yours, but he has reached the peak of the fifth step of the ladder. During the Tianmen exam, you two of you. Han Li, you must protect your master ! "

The bald man stood next to Yue Mingsong, his arms were thicker than Yue Mingsong's waist, and he laughed and said, "The rest of the palace is assured that the disciples will definitely protect Master Yue from passing the Tianmen exam, and will never be attacked by other forces. Give it a chance to kill. "

The host of the Sixth Palace nodded, and then Situ Jing and an outside disciple named "He Yuanyuan" formed a team, and He Yuanyuan protected Situ Jing.

"Thank you Sister He!" Situ Jing politely worshiped He Yanyuan.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Han Li and He Yuanyuan, and nodded gently.

Both of them are extremely arrogant and exude arrogant fighting power. They are definitely Chi Xin-level characters. Although they are only monks in the fifth step, they have the ability to escape from heaven.

One person's strength is enough to defeat three or five masters of the fifth step ladder.

The younger generation in Wanjian Palace, except Luo Wu and Ning Xiaochuan, counted them as having the most terrifying fighting power.

Yue Mingsong and Situ Jing are naturally not weak, and it is not difficult to pass the Tianmen Examination. However, the strong who are afraid of other forces know that they have a high level of talent. During the Tianmen Examination, they took the opportunity to remove them.

Therefore, the sixth house master arranged for the two top masters to form a team with them.

The eyes of the Lord of the Sixth Palace finally fixed the bodies of Gening Xiaochuan and Luo Wu, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, have you entered the third step ladder?"

"That's right." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan's current practice is the third step ladder. In fact, his practice has reached the fifth step ladder!

The Sixth Palace said: "The news that you broke through the Great Yangyang Master has spread throughout the entire Tiandi Mountain, and the news that the Lord of the Second Palace received you as a disciple has also leaked out. Many forces are guessing that you may have been It is set to be in the top three. Of course, this is also the fact that the owner of the second house has already mentioned your name to the real teacher. The real teacher has drawn a line in the top three places! "

The name of a young monk who can enter the ears of Tiandishan to teach is definitely a shocking event.

This means that Ning Xiaochuan has entered the horizon of Tiandi Mountain's high-level, and future cultivation resources will continue to tilt to him, and more opportunities will be taken care of him.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Thank you very much, Master!"

The Ninomiya master touched his chin and smiled: "Thank you fart, a word! But if you really want to get into the top three, it depends on your next performance. After all, it's just a picture for you now. Line, no one can predict whether another guy will emerge during the Tianmen exam. "

The Sixth Palace said: "Don't be too happy! Don't let this happen too quickly, it will be a huge test for you. During the Tianmen exam, there will definitely be many people who will come to kill you, of which It even includes characters from the realm of heaven and human. That is to say, no matter how well you perform in the Tianmen exam, as long as you can pass the Tianmen exam alive, it is already a success. "

"I just need to pass the Tianmen exam alive?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The host of the Sixth Palace nodded and said, "In order to save your life, Luo Prom will team with you and she will protect you."

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was frightened, and she needed to send Luo Wu to protect him personally. It seems that the palace masters must have received some reports. The degree of danger of the Tianmen exam this time may be far beyond his expectations!

If you did not worship the master of the second house, maybe you would not fall into such a great danger.

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not regret it. With his current practice, even if he fights with the young Tianjiao in the realm of heaven and man, he may not lose.

Who is the deer? Still not sure.

Besides, he only needs to refine the remaining two-handed Jiupin Xuanqi-level war sword, maybe he will hit the heaven and earth in one fell swoop! By then, the younger generation, who can fight?

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