Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 701: Two little girls

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Hua Qinglian and Tangan monk immediately sweared in accordance with Ning Xiaochuan's regulations. After swearing, Ning Xiaochuan took out the Emperor's Blade, holding the handle with one hand and pressing the tip with the other.

The monk Tangan swallowed madly, and wanted to pounce on Tiandi Blade, but his hand was close to Tiandi Blade, and before he touched the blade, he immediately retreated, like a frightened rabbit!

"It's the Emperor's Blade, the Emperor's Sabre, the legendary sword!"

Tan Gan's face changed drastically, and he did not dare to approach the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

Hua Qinglian also felt the strong evil sent out by the Heavenly Emperor Blade, which invaded his body and wanted to control him.

He immediately mobilized the divine power, a white sacred aura appeared behind him, and then barely resisted the evil spirit emitted from the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

"It really is that evil knife. Legend has it that it has been abandoned to the funeral continent by the Emperor of Heaven, why did it appear in the north. Xinjiang?"

"Ningzi, this evil knife is very strange. It will control the monk who controls it, become its sword slave, lose its mind, and become a bloodthirsty mad. You must be careful!" Hua Qinglian also had some taboos Heaven Emperor Blade, keep three steps away from it.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "It doesn't matter! I have a way to suppress it without turning into a sword slave."

The Heavenly Emperor Blade has been suppressed by the Xuanshoujian. Even if it was a world-class evil soldier, it must be obedient and obedient now.

Tiandi Blade's voice sounded, "Ning Xiaochuan, you used my power again just now, and you owe me half a supreme weapon."

Ning Xiaochuan ignored the Heavenly Emperor's Blade and gave it back to the Xuanshoujian. He said to the Tangan monk and Hua Qinglian, "The power of the demon tribe will come soon. We will hurry to the higher level of the tower. But Be careful, that headless monk is in the tower. If you encounter him again, it is better to retreat immediately. "

That headless monk has been dead for many years, but he is still chanting, walking in the town's tower, unwilling to end his life, it is absolutely a terrible existence.

For some reason, he refused to die?

"Wait a minute!"

Hua Qinglian thoughtfully said: "I have a way, I don't know if you two are willing to adopt it?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "But it doesn't matter?"

Hua Qinglian said: "The town's tower is a soldier of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. There are 16 floors in total. We have only reached the ninth floor and we have encountered such a terrible existence of a headless monk. Climbing, I'm afraid we can't reach the top of the tower because of our cultivation. "

"Since Prince Ning has a supreme imperial weapon, why don't we fight against the strong among the monsters?"

The monk Tangan folded his hands and said, "Hua Shi makes a lot of sense. The ninth floor of the town's tower is full of thick fog, which is just used to sneak attack on the strong monsters without exposing the royal weapon."

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the monk Tangan, and said, "Aren't you a monk? How can you do such a sneak attack?"

"Amitabha! Goodness! Goodness!"

The monk Tangan was very calm, closed his eyes gently, and turned a deaf ear to Ning Xiaochuan's words, like a holy monk who didn't care about worldly eyes.



The Buddhist enchantment was finally broken.

The King of the Holy Fish rushed out of the passage first and reached the ninth floor of the town's tower.

Subsequently, the monsters of the demons rushed to the ninth floor, looking at the thick and cold fog in front of them, and many of the demons had a dangerous feeling and did not dare to rush in.

"The town's tower is a soldier of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. The more upward it is, the more dangerous it is. The three humans who dared to break into the town's tower must have died in the tower. "A demon with a dry body and an old age had some taboos about the town's tower and did not want to continue chasing upwards.

"Fart! What if the three humans find the spirit of the town's tower? Wouldn't our demon's supreme royal weapon fall into the hands of humans?" A burly man with a hammer, covered in black Long hair, legs as thick as pillars.

It is the great demon of the black ape demon tribe, full of explosive power, and rushes into the mist first.

But it just rushed into the mist ...


In the depths of the fog, a wicked gas gushes out.

The fog was condensed into the shape of an evil knife, pierced through the chest of the black ape tribe, and spilled the black demon blood on the ground.

The black ape's great demon uttered a scream of screaming, the demon's body was torn, and its bones and skull were penetrated by a terrible force.

It didn't even have a chance to fight back, and it died by death.

The corpse fell to the ground and was immediately dragged away by an invisible large hand.

Even the sledgehammer in the hands of the great black ape tribe was touched away by a "ghost hand" with the light of Buddha and disappeared into the mist.

All the monsters of the demon tribe were shocked and couldn't help backing.

They all understand the power of the black ape tribe. They have reached the pinnacle of Heaven and Man's fourth realm, but they are killed in an instant, and they have no chance to escape.

It's really scary!

"It's a terrible evil spirit. Sure enough, evil spirits are hidden in the town's tower. We still don't want to break into it." Said an old big demon.

"I really don't believe in evil!"

The Holy King took out the Supreme Vessel.

A golden ancient mirror, shaped like a flame, is engraved with countless fine scale lines on the surface, giving off a glorious glory than the sun.

It puts the spirit of the demon Yuan into the "holy flame". The mirror surface of the ancient mirror appeared a picture of a sea of ​​fire.

A golden flame burst out of the mirror.

The temperature in the air rose rapidly.

Centered on the body of the sacred fish king, golden flames are suspended in the void, forming a sea of ​​fire world.

Those demon monsters stepped back, summoned Jiu Pin Xuan Qi, resisted the power of the Supreme Vessel, and were afraid of being accidentally injured by the Holy Fish King.

The Holy Fish King not only wants to kill Ning Xiaochuan, but it also has ambitions and wants to take the town's tower as its own, so it must continue to rush to the top of the tower anyway.


The repair of the Holy Fish King is world-renowned and full of enchantment. He will knock out the "holy flame mirror" of the supreme device level, and want to refine the ninth heavy fog of the town's tower.

At the same time, Ning Xiaochuan, Hua Qinglian, and Tangan monk also sacrificed the Heavenly Emperor Blade, and the three beams of light penetrated into the Heavenly Emperor Blade, awakening the power of the Supreme Emperor's weapon, and chopped down towards the Holy Fish King.


The flame of torch was beaten out by the Heavenly Emperor Blade.

A tiny crack appeared on the mirror surface, and a trace of golden flame escaped from the crack.

The sacred fish king's finger was chopped by the knife gas, flowing blood, and immediately burst back, staring a little at the icy fog.

"In the fog, what evil is hiding in the end?" The Holy Fish King took back the flame mirror, and saw the crack on the surface of the flame mirror, and his heart was pained.

The Holy Fish family only has such a complete supreme weapon, which was also injured. I wonder how much resources it will take to repair it?

"Holy fish king, should we still exit the town tower first, and falsely report to the demon emperor, and ask the demon emperor to take over this supreme weapon?" The true emperor was also more taboo about the evil spirit just now, and did not want to rush into it .

Actually, the Supreme Device has been cut off. If it is cut on the demon body, I am afraid that even the Beastmaster cannot resist it.

"That's the only thing!"

The Holy Fish King is unwilling, but it is helpless. A supreme imperial weapon is not that it can be possessed. Even if the town tower is obtained, it is estimated that it will only bring it to death.

"Why do you have to wait for the Vatican Demon Emperor? This king has come to take away these half of the Supreme Emperor's weapon!" The Qing Emperor wore a green feather robe with a bun on his head and a jade belt around his waist, sketching a slim curve. The lower passage came up.

She looks like a fifteen- or six-year-old girl with bright eyes, snowy skin, and a peerless style. I am afraid that only the three-tailed fox king can compete with her in the demon tribe.

Those demon monsters gave way to her one after another, all knowing that the king of green **** was very difficult to mess with.

Behind the King of Qing, there were two little girls, who looked like pink and carved jade. They were less than one meter tall, three or four years old, naked with two little feet, very cute.

One of the little girls was wearing red clothes and had big round eyes. Every inch of skin was flowing with flames and brilliance, and she had long red hair. She made funny faces at the big demon and made silver bell-like laughter. .

The other little girl was very quiet, wearing royal blue clothes, black hair, crystal-clear skin, snow-white as porcelain, and exuding a faint fragrance, just like the souls of heaven and earth.

When King Zhenzhen saw King Qingyu, he immediately showed his joy on his face and greeted him, saying: "King Qing, the town's tower is not small and dangerous. Even the Supreme Fish of the Holy Fish is damaged. Don't rush into it. "

"The King will do things that he is not sure of? The Holy Fish King's cultivation is too weak to naturally break through, as expected." The King of Qingyu stared at the thick mist in the distance, and did not even look at the Holy Fish King and Zhen. King of Kings.

The sacred fish king was very angry, and said with a embarrassed expression: "King Qing, don't be too proud, wait for you to die in the town's tower, no one will collect the body for you ... ah ... where the little ghost, find death ... "

The little girl in fiery red clothes, somehow came to the side of the king of the fish, exhaling a flame, let the golden armor of the king of the fish ignite.

The armor worn by the sacred fish king is naturally not ordinary, and its defense is amazing. Even the undead flame that it cultivates by itself cannot melt the golden armor.

However, after encountering the flames spit by the little girl, it really burned and melted into a golden liquid.

"court death!"

The sacred fish king immediately turned his strength to extinguish the flames, and became angry and slammed at the little girl.

That little girl's speed is astonishingly fast, it is almost like a transposition. Before the palm print of the sacred fish king was photographed, it first flew to the sacred fish king's shoulder and made three loud sounds to the sacred fish king's ear. Roar.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The Holy Fish King is like being struck three times in a row with a heavy punch, taking three steps backwards, blood flowing from his ears, and his head dizzy.

If it hadn't been for deep repair, I'm afraid it had been shocked to death on the spot by three roars.


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