Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 702: Sub-secretary

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The little girl in red clothes was not afraid of the King of the Fish, clapping her palms and singing: "Hee hee! The King of the Fishes, King of the Fishes, I knew 'Wang Wang Wang' all day! Can't bite people You can't bite the demon, you can only bite yourself! "

Why has the Holy Fish King ever been teased like this, and is very angry, saying: "King Qing, you are too indulgent to your subordinates, so humiliating a Beast King, are you not afraid of revenge by the Holy Fish family?"

The King of Qingyu looked very lazy, and said, "A divine beastmaster should have his own energy. How can he have general knowledge with a little girl? Now, what a holy fish king is, even a demon can't get near Your body was actually burned by a little girl and shattered the eardrums. If it was passed out, it would be your own face. "

The King of the Holy Fish's face was very red, and he pressed his hand on the top of the Holy Flame Mirror, and a ray of demon rushed out of his body, trying to hit the Supreme Device.


A cold hum rang, dispersing the demon qi in the body of the holy fish king, taking two steps backwards, and a little blood was hanging on the corner of his mouth.

The sacred fish king stared in horror behind the king of the green princes, his body cold, as if seeing a ghost and god, "Hey ..."

Behind the king of green dragon, stood a black demon mist.

Inside the demon mist, it seemed to be wrapped in an old figure, exuding the icy death breath.

Any light shining on that demon mist will be swallowed up immediately and turned into darkness, weird to the extreme.

Not only is the Holy Fish King, all the monsters of the demon family have changed their faces and kept back, and did not dare to be too close to the Qingyu King.

The only creature who was able to stay calm was the man in the silver robe, King Shinji.

King Zhenji frowned slightly after seeing the crickets standing behind King Qingji, saying, "The predecessors of the prince came to the holy nation of the demons and did not inform them in advance. The juniors had to arrange ceremonies in advance to welcome the predecessors.

The King of Qingyu said: "Uncle Xun came to the holy kingdom of the demon tribe for these half of the imperial imperial tools. After taking away the half of the imperial imperial tools, he will naturally leave immediately."

King Shinji's pupils flickered and said: "This half of the Supreme Emperor's Tool is the war soldier left by the first generation of Damenze's demon emperor 'Tianmeng Demon Emperor'. It should belong to Damenze. Demon Emperor's exit. Then come and collect it from the meeting. "

Although King Jinzhen likes King Qingzhen, he is not a fool.

Now Damengze's strongest warrior is just a supreme king weapon, which is in the hands of the Vatican demon emperor, which can shake millions of territories and suppress the living beings of the four sides.

If the Vatican Demon Emperor gets half of the Supreme Emperor's weapon, his strength will surely be improved, and the territory ruled by the future will be wider, and it may even become North. Xinjiang's first demon emperor.

Therefore, these half pieces must not be allowed to be taken away.

"This half of the Supreme Emperor, this seat must be taken away, who dares to stop me, a dead end." The uncle's body was wrapped in a black demon mist, exuding a bitter chill, and strode forward toward the mist. past.

King Shinji wanted to stop, but He just stretched out a finger and drew a ray of black demon mist to pump King Shinji out.

The King of Qing and the two little girls followed behind He and walked into the mist.

King Shinji covered his chest, feeling that his whole body bones had been cut off, the pain was more than painful, his teeth were clenched, and he was very resentful: "Holy fish king, you are here to guard the town people's tower, and my king will now go to the obituary Vatican demon emperor, please demon emperor to leave the customs in advance. "

After saying this, King Shinji turned into a series of afterimages, left the town's tower, and rushed to the place where the demon emperor of Vatican was closed.

When Xun appeared, Ning Xiaochuan knew that the big event was not good. Even if the three of them had the Supreme Emperor's weapon, they would definitely not stop him.

So they immediately put away the Heavenly Emperor Blade and rushed to the tenth floor of the town's tower.

However, as soon as they reached the tenth floor, the king of Qingyu chased after him and stopped the three of them.

"Ning Xiaochuan, why did you escape?" Qing Qing Wang was imposing, with his hands on his hips, a little annoyed.

"Amitabha ..." said monk Tangan.

King Qingyu immediately stared at the monk Tangan again, reprimanding: "Monk, how did you escape?"

"Amitabha! Poor monk, I don't know what happened, somehow appeared in the town people's tower, Daqian world is so wonderful." Tangan monk kept sighing, lamenting the magic of nature, lamenting what he encountered. Incredible.


A three- or four-year-old girl staggered towards Ning Xiaochuan, hugged Ning Xiaochuan's trousers, and a pair of crystal clear eyes fluttered, looking extremely happy.

It is Xiao Linger who has been practicing with the King of Qing.

Another little girl in red clothes soared, fell on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders, hugged Ning Xiaochuan's head, and kept kissing Ning Xiaochuan's face.

"Are you ... Little Red?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the lovely little girl in red with some joy and some surprise.

Xiao Hong could actually be transformed into a human form, and finally opened the magic trick!

However, Ning Xiaochuan did not expect that Xiao Hong was actually a little female dragon, and she was very cute and very naughty. She sat on Ning Xiaochuan's shoulders and kept making faces.

Xiao Hong is hatched from the dragon's egg, with the blood of the dragon. Once the magic trick is turned on, the speed of cultivation is much faster than other creatures, and the power in the body is contained.

Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong belong to the same life form, but they are not dragons, but descendants of another ancient creature, which can be called the heaven and earth spirit.

"Da da!"

獠 came out from behind, with no human touch on her body, and said hoarsely: "There is a huge danger in the town's tower. The three of you leave as soon as possible! Young girl, take them all out and stay old. Now. "

Qing Qing Wang said: "Uncle, do I want to leave too?"

He nodded his head and said, "Although the town's tower is incomplete, the body of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is in the tower. Although she has been dead for many years, the demon in her body is too arrogant and you cannot resist it. Moreover, there are some horrible ancient creatures in the tower. If you walk out of one, you will be killed. "

Ning Xiaochuan didn't think that Xi was an alarmist, after all, they had encountered an ancient fierce creature before, which was the headless monk.

Had they not been in control of the Heavenly Emperor Blade, they would have been killed by the sound waves from the headless monk.

However, why did He affirm that the body of the Heavenly Demon Emperor was in the town's tower?

Ning Xiaochuan bravely asked, "How did the seniors know that the corpse of the Emperor Tianmeng is in the tower?"

Xu stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan, his eyes with the power to penetrate the human soul, without explanation, but just gave birth to a black finger, facing the void a little.


The void splits into a mirror image,

Everyone saw that in a vast and dark space, there were countless cold currents, thousands of demon elements suspended in the space, emitting a dazzling brightness, just like a bright starry sky.

In the middle of those demon yuans, a huge iceberg stands, as high as ten feet high, and cold, it seems that it has not melted for billions of years.

In the center of that iceberg, sat a woman with white hair.

Her body was extremely bright, exuding a terrifying demon, covering up the glory of the stars.

That space was dead and dead, without any anger, including the woman enclosed in the iceberg, which had also become part of the iceberg and lost any signs of life.

However, it can be seen faintly that dozens of white ghosts are flying around the iceberg, like strands of ghosts that will never die.

Among them, a white vanity glanced at Ning Xiaochuan and others. Just a glance flew and shattered the condensed mirror. Everyone felt sore, as if they were hit by lightning. .

"What the **** is that? Looking at us across a space, we have been hit hard." Tangan monk said.

Hua Qinglian said solemnly: "It should be the remnants left after the fall of the sub-god! A thought, a ray of soul. Although the sub-god has died, but the remaining thoughts can also condense the adult form, which can be easily Kill us. "

"It seems that the Heavenly Demon Emperor has really cultivated into a sub-god, and has left dozens of thoughts. Just letting out one, I am afraid it will cause a great disaster."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Senior Man, the place in the picture just now is in the town's tower?"

"Sixteenth floor of the town's tower!" Shouted.

Wang Qingdao said: "Let's go! Let's exit the town tower first. The danger here is not something we can handle. Even with the uncle's cultivation, we may not be able to reach the sixteenth floor of the town tower. See Tianmeng The corpse of the demon emperor. "

King Qingying, Ning Xiaochuan, monk Tangan, Hua Qinglian, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Linger all quit the town tower and flew to the distance, afraid to approach the town tower.

The holy fish king took the big demon of various races and stood in the other direction, staring at Qing Qing Wang and others, but did not take the initiative to attack.

After all, I was in the town's tower, and once I was enraged, the ten holy fish kings were not enough to die.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "King Qing, how much do you know here? Is this really just the place where the corpse of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is buried?"

The King of Qingyu blinked with staring eyes, her eyelashes flickered, and she smiled, "It is indeed a huge secret, but even if it is told to you, it's useless. Your current cultivation is too low to be here. What a role it played. "

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "What is secret?"

Dangan monk and Hua Qinglian's ears are erected, I want to know the secrets hidden in this space.

Xiaohongdao: "I don't know? See that purple star? It's not a real planet, but the martial arts heart of the human sub-god Zijin Emperor Zixia Heart Palace" Xiaxia Heart Palace. "

"The Emperor Zijin was buried in the Burial God Mountain, establishing a yin and yang pattern, bringing together the fountain of life, and wanting to be born again against the sky and live again."

"Originally the Zijin Emperor was very likely to succeed, but the Heavenly Demon Emperor broke into the mountain of burial gods, took away the Zidao Emperor's martial heart, and was sealed in this space forever."

"In order to suppress the martial arts palace of the Emperor Zijin, the Heavenly Demon Emperor also sealed himself and eventually sat inside the town's tower. Who can think of that, after countless months, the gate of the underground of the demon holy kingdom opened again The secrets of the two ancient gods will also surface. "

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