Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 820: Return to Tiandi Mountain

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"Hey! Human boy, the old man wants you to die!"

The bite rat suddenly disappeared from the place, and the next moment, it appeared on the top of Ning Xiaochuan's head and patted it with one claw.


There was a dragon groan behind Ning Xiaochuan. A giant dragon claw pinched the god-eating rat and flew it away.

A crimson dragon head, tens of meters in length, rose from the back of Ning Xiaochuan, staring at a pair of dragons, snarling at the rat-eater.

"Abominable, again a dragon of the dragon."

A bite of the god-stealing rat tears the void, plunges into the space again, and disappears.

"Is this going to escape?" Nie Lanxin punched out the Yujing Ice Coffin, but he hit an empty space without hurting the Devouring Rat.

"In the Xingluo Shenhai Battlefield, it can't escape. However, the God Rats have a talent for shuttle space, they are amazing, and they are good at sneak attacks. Be careful!"

Ning Xiaochuan and the god-eating mice have taught hands and know more about the means of eating the gods than Baozhu Jizo and Nie Lanxin.

The god-rat rat family, if they kill by means of a sneak attack, are absolutely invincible. They can assassinate creatures in a high level in a low level.

The three of Ning Xiaochuan were able to force the Demon Rat with the level of the demon king to use sneak attacks, which is also a great skill.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately mobilized the minds of the Seven Magical Demon Hearts, and sensed the position of the rat.

Although the bite rat hides in the space, other monks cannot sense its position. However, the magic spirit of Qiqiao God can be.

Even if it escapes into a different space, Ning Xiaochuan can find it.

After determining the position of the bite rat, Ning Xiaochuan immediately slashed with his sword.

Nie Lanxin and Baozhu Jizo also shot together and attacked at the same time, forcing the bite rat out of the crack in space.

"You help me!"

Ning Xiaochuan took out half of the star halberd, and drove the vitality into the star halberd continuously, urging the power of the supreme king weapon to attack the god-eater.

With the power of Ning Xiaochuan alone, it is difficult to exert the power of the Supreme King. Just like a baby, it is impossible to lift a large knife with more than a hundred pounds.

However, Nie Lanxin and Baozhu Jizo followed suit, hitting their vitality into Xing Luoji.

The strength of the three of them finally awakened the power of this half of the Supreme King.

A half of the almost rusted bronze ancient halberd immediately exploded with glaring glare, regaining divinity, like a broken bamboo, piercing through the chest of the bite rat.


A bowl-sized blood skull was stabbed in the chest of the bite rat, and the demon in his body continued to escape, and even the demon Yuan suffered severe damage.

You know, this is a Supreme King. Even if it shows only a little power, it is extremely terrible. It is not that the bite rat can stop it.

Ning Xiaochuan did not give the Devouring Rat a chance to recover his injury. He summoned the magic sword and flew into the sky. A sword stabbed. The magic sword pierced the head of the Devourer and inserted it into the body.

"You ... you ..." The Demon Rat wanted to push the magic sword out of the body with its powerful flesh.

However, Ning Xiaochuan's palm was firmly pressed against the hilt of the sword, and did not give the rat the rat a chance to escape.

It took a full hour before the magic sword drank the blood from the Devouring Rat.

The bite rat recovers itself and becomes a dried up giant rat.

"The grade of the magic sword is still too low. It took an hour to drain the blood of the god-sniffing mouse."

"Fortunately, the Devouring Rat has been severely damaged by Xing Luo Ji. Otherwise, the Magic Sword has not drained its blood, and it will have forced the Magic Sword out of the body."

The magic sword has only the level of Jiu Pin Xuan Qi. When Ning Xiaochuan Di respected him, he was regarded as a good soldier.

However, in the current state of Ning Xiaochuan, a piece of Jiupinxuan is far from meeting the needs of battle.

In the battle, others use the Supreme Device, but you use a Jiu Pin Xuan device, you will definitely be at a disadvantage.

You must find a way as soon as possible to make the level of the magic sword reach the level of the supreme device.

If the magic sword reaches the level of the sublime supreme device, it will only take about one minute to **** up the blood of the demon king in the body of the **** mouse.

If the magic sword has reached the level of the supreme device of the middle class, I am afraid that the demon rat has not waited for the reaction, and the demon blood in its body has been completely absorbed by the magic sword.

Ning Xiaochuan regained the magic sword.

The demon blood of the **** rat, after being refined by the magic sword, is transformed into an endless force, and merges into Ning Xiaochuan's blood and Tao Fei.

The God Eater Mouse is a demon king, whose blood is extremely tyrannical. After being poured into Ning Xiaochuan's body, he immediately allowed Ning Xiaochuan's repair to climb rapidly.

Ning Xiaochuan was originally only the first congenital fetus, belonging to the early stage of the eighth realm of heaven and humans. However, after absorbing the power of the bite rat, the fetal fetus doubled and became more stable, like a rock.

"It should be regarded as the cultivation practice of the eighth stage of Heaven and Man. After reaching the sixth stage of Heaven and Man, every step of promotion is extremely difficult. No wonder so many geniuses are blocked from the threshold of real people."

Assimilating the blood of a real person is just a step for Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation to improve. It is still far from real life.

However, since Ning Xiaochuan has condensed his debut, it is among the best in the younger generation. In the north. Jiang, among the younger generations, can not compete with him any more.

After beheading and killing the rat, Ning Xiaochuan and others immediately left the bright sacred earth, and then they took Nie Lanzhi again and immediately rushed to the Great Empire of Huoyun.

The battle of the bright holy earth naturally also has a huge impact on the surrounding four high-level and fifth-grade civilizations. Some organizations have organized an army to rescue the bright holy earth. Many monks have left human civilization and fled to Middle-earth.

When Ning Xiaochuan and others came to Huoyun Emperor City, this glorious and prosperous capital city was already so depressed that the streets were full of fallen leaves, and there was no sight of the once crowded traffic.

The Hall of Yangxin, the blue building, and the wine shop have been closed for a long time, and most of the monks have left this bustling world capital to join the fugitive army.

Nie Lan said: "If the human race lost the battle in Damenze, failed to overthrow the bone bone altar, and failed to regain the martial arts palace of the Emperor Zijin, I am afraid that even the major sacred soils must flee their homeland and move to Middle Earth. world."

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently and said, "The reason why the holy earth is called holy earth is that the cultivation site of each holy earth is a dojo built by the sub-gods, but a holy land for cultivation. Losing the holy land for cultivation, Is it still sacred earth? How many years can the sacred earth inherit the guardianship of the Second God?

"Furthermore, Middle-earth is the territory of human rule. It has long been ruled by the sacred soils for many years. Will it allow foreign influences to be condemned? North. If the disciples of the sacred soils of Xinjiang have moved to Middle-earth will certainly be crowded out and suppressed. "

Baozhu Dizang said: "If it is forced to do so, who is willing to leave North. Xinjiang?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently and said, "Now, we can only hope that the battle of Damenze can hope for humanity to win. If it can recapture the Jindo Emperor's martial arts palace and let the Zijin Emperor rise to the sky, then the north . Not only will the people of Xinjiang not decline, they will usher in a more brilliant world. "

In Huoyun Emperor City, Ning Xiaochuan and others met the monks who fled to the bright sacred earth here, and asked the monks of the bright sacred lands, but they learned that the bright maiden also escaped, just in Huoyun Imperial City.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately led the monks of the bright holy earth to the shelter of the monks of the bright holy earth.

This place of refuge was guarded by two masters in the seventh realm of Heaven and Man.

Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lan reported their identities before they saw the Bright Lady and Bright Son.

"Ninggong son, it's great that you can escape!" After seeing Ning Xiaochuan, the bright **** son had swept away, and even smiled.

The maiden of light was dressed in white and covered with a veil, as if the white orchid was flawless. She stared at Nie Lanxin and bowed down immediately, saying, "Mother-in-law, you have just returned from the bright sacred earth! Know Did you teach real people to escape? "

The surrounding monks of the bright sacred earth also saluted Nie Lanxin and regarded her as the emperor.

Nie Lanxin didn't want to explain so much either, he stared directly at Ning Xiaochuan.

The Bright Lady followed her gaze at Ning Xiaochuan, with an ominous premonition in her heart.

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a moment, and then he took the body of Guangzhangjiao and placed it carefully on the ground.

"Sorry, when we rushed back to the bright sacred earth, the real person was dead in the hands of the thunder demon emperor, and there is only so much we can do." Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Grandpa!" The Light Saint's body trembled slightly, and she knelt down in front of the body where Light was teaching.

Seeing the corpses of the bright palms, all the monks of the bright sacred earth kneeled on the ground. Everyone's eyes were a little red, immersed in sorrow.

Later, Ning Xiaochuan took out more than a dozen real human corpses and lined them up neatly.


An old man in the bright sacred earth, recognizing the bones of one of the real people, immediately rushed to his feet, crying and crying.



After seeing one of the corpses, the bright lady showed an unbelievable look in her eyes, and almost fainted with her cultivation.

"Father ... Father ..." She went to the corpse, closed her eyes, and felt terrible pain.

For the Lady of Light, today is definitely a gloomy day. Father and grandfather died at the same time.

It was almost like falling from heaven, suddenly, into hell.

Ning Xiaochuan didn't know until this moment that the middle-aged man who originally met in the Holy Land of Light turned out to be the father of the Bright Lady.

After all, the Lady of Light is also a proud lady of heaven. She soon calmed down, and the tears in her eyes were dry. She bowed slightly to Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanxin and said, "Thank you both for taking back the Holy Land of Light. On behalf of the sages, I thank you all on behalf of the monks of the Holy Land of Light. "

Ning Xiaochuan's mood was also relatively heavy, saying: "The bright sacred earth has been completely destroyed. What are your plans next? If you have nowhere to go, you can go to Tiandi Mountain for the time being, and in recent days, the north. Xinjiang's overall situation may have variables . "

Only a few human strong men knew about the human monk's attack on Damenze. Other monks, even the bright lady, did not know about it.

"Variables? What else?"

"The demon army is so powerful, let alone the Heavenly Demon Emperor, that is, the Nine Great Demon Emperors, and the Nine Demon Emperors. Any one shot can also compete against a holy earth."

After this battle, the hearts of many human monks have developed deep fears about the demon tribe, feeling that the demon tribe is invincible.

Ning Xiaochuan naturally knew what the variables were, but couldn't tell the monks of the bright holy earth.

If the monks of the bright sacred soil knew that they were just a bait that the sacred soils had thrown to the Heavenly Demon Emperor, they were already destined to die under the siege of the monster army, and many people would surely be angry.

This is a situation nobody wants to see!

The Lady of the Light discussed with the older monks of the Holy Land of Light, and finally decided to go to Tiandi Mountain for a while and wait for the variable Ning Xiaochuan said.

The battle between the Phoenix, Tangan monk, Qixuandaoren, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor continued for a day and two nights. No one knows the outcome.

Because, the whole North. Jiang, there are no creatures dare to approach that battlefield.

When Queen Wanyin rushed to that battlefield, the battle was over, and I did not see any of the four living beings, and I did not know the outcome of the victory.

After the battle, Ning Xiaochuan took the monk of the bright sacred earth and immediately set off to return to Tiandi Mountain.

Ning Xiaochuan has been worried about the safety of Yue Mingsong, Situ Jing, Luo Wu and others, but when he returned to Tiandi Mountain, he found that his worries were completely redundant.

Yue Mingsong, Situ Jing, and Luo Wu had already returned to Tiandi Mountain long ago, and no one was injured.

At the gate of the Dojo of Wanjian Palace, there is a sword-shaped tree as thick as a bucket, which is said to have grown for thousands of years.

At this moment, the three imperial lions were tied to the trunk of that sword-patterned tree. Yue Mingsong did not know where to cut a large bundle of grass, and was actually feeding the three imperial lions.

"Small. Three! Eat more. You also carried us so far, but tired, if not enough, despite telling me, I will cut you again." Yue Mingsong touched the necks of the three lions, Speaking with a smile.

At this moment, the three imperial lions have a crying heart. Damn, I ’m the arrogance of the demon tribe, okay, I ’m the strong one who awakens the blood of the beast.

Ning Xiaochuan asked Situ Jing, and said, "Did you really meet the monsters to chase you down or stop you?"

"No! All the way is smooth, without encountering any danger." Situ Jing said not surprised.

However, from the perspective of Ning Xiaochuan, this is too abnormal!

You know, he experienced a life of nine deaths before he killed the siege and fled. However, they did not encounter any danger, and this luck was too unreasonable!

Ning Xiaochuan then asked: "The royal family should already know that I killed the Crown Prince, and they have not dealt with you?"

Situ Jing said, "Don't you know? The real person of the royal family is dead. The status of the royal family has plummeted. Under the suppression of the Jin and Luo ethnic groups, it is estimated that it will not be long before the Tianshu Great Empire Will be completely history. "

Now that the royal family can't find how big the waves are, Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother to continue to deal with them. After asking Situ Jing a few words, he went to Baicaoyuan.

These days, Yu Qianqian has been studying medicine and studying alchemy in Baicaoyuan, and she has already reached the level of a high-level mind-raising master, even breaking through to the level of a large mind-raising master.

After hurriedly meeting with Yu Qianqian, Ning Xiaochuan went to call on the teacher "Master Mu Lan" again.

Even when Master Mu Lan saw that Ning Xiaochuan had already reached the soul-level great mind-raising master, he was naturally very relieved and praised Ning Xiaochuan.

Later, they mentioned the marriage with Miss Jin.

Ning Xiaochuan also had a headache for this wedding.

You know, he and Jinling don't have any feelings at all. The true thought in his heart is that he doesn't want to marry Jinling. Even if she barely marries Jinling, I'm afraid Ning Xiaochuan will not use her feelings in her future.

This is unfair to Ning Xiaochuan. For Jinling, it is even more unfair.

Ning Xiaochuan disagrees most about this marriage, which is united by interests.

However, when he was not yet strong, the Jin people did help him. If he refused the marriage now, he would inevitably be regarded as an ungrateful person.

This is where Ning Xiaochuan has the most headache!

If other men encounter such things and are too late to be happy, why would they have a headache?

North now. The situation in Xinjiang is unstable. Human monks are facing calamity at any time, and the Jin people have no time to urge Ning Xiaochuan and Jinling to get married as soon as possible.

This matter can only be stranded temporarily, and we will try to solve it in the future. There is always a best of both worlds.

Not long after Ning Xiaochuan returned to Tiandi Mountain, bad news came back from Damengze, and the hearts of countless human monks sank again.

"The strong of the human race, went to attack Damenze, encountered ambushes of the demons, and suffered numerous injuries."

Hearing the news, countless hopeful human monks fell into despair again. Many holy soils have begun to retrieve their disciples and plan to move to Middle-earth.

The demise of the Tang and Guangming sacred soil made the major sacred soils also afraid, and they dared not contend with the demons, fearing that they would end up dead.

However, there is also good news coming back: the martial arts palace of Emperor Zijin fell into the hands of a human monk and has brought out the dream.

"In whose hands has it fallen?" Ning Xiaochuan asked quickly.

Yue Mingsong said: "I heard that it is a descendant of Emperor Tian. She took the precious treasure" Baiyundongtian "left by the emperor, crossed the space, broke into the holy nation of the demons, and used the" Baiyundongtian "to collect the royal palace of Zijin. Let ’s go. It ’s so terrible that she could n’t even do the teachings of the holy earth. ”

"Xue Ling Xu!" Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Yue Mingsong whispered: "It is said that the monster tribe sent countless strong men to chase her down, and even the characters of the demon emperor and the queen level were dispatched. The probability of her being able to escape is very small."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Isn't the human race strong enough to answer her?"

"Of course there is! But, do you know where she fled?" Yue Mingsong said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Where?"

"Return to the market!"

Yue Mingsong also said: "The return to the market is famous but there is no way out, even if the **** breaks in, it will also die. Xue Lingxu is also smart, knowing that he can never escape the demon strong Killing, therefore, holding the mortal heart directly, broke into the market. "

"In this way, although human beings can't find the martial arts palace of the Emperor Zijin, the Heavenly Demon Emperor does not have the martial arts palace of the Emperor Zijin, and he never dreams of being born again. It is indeed the goddess of the Emperor Tiandi Mountain. Overhauling, and having great courage, when Shi Yingjie hardly matched any of her. "

Hearing the words "guihui", Ning Xiaochuan's eyes changed slightly, and he nodded slightly, seeming to make a decision.


Classmates get married today and may not have time for more, so two chapters were issued together!

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