Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 821: Move to Middle-earth

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The results of the human race and the demon race in Damenze gradually spread, not only did the high-level officials of the major holy soils know about it, but even ordinary inner disciples knew it.

"This battle is north. The Xinjiang practice world is considered to be completely damaged, and the sacred soils have suffered heavy losses. It is said that the teaching of the four elephant sacred soils that led this battle almost fell to Damenze."

"Fortunately, the Heavenly Demon Emperor is restrained by the strong emperor and the seven ancestors. Otherwise, the monks who went to attack Damengze will be wiped out."

"Ah! The ancestor of Qixuan disappeared after the battle with Tianmeng Yaohuang. However, Tianmeng Yaohuang has returned to Damengze, I am afraid that the holy earth she will deal with next is our Tiandi Mountain!"


The news that the Tianmeng Demon Emperor returned to Damengze in recent days has reached Tiandi Mountain. To the human monks who were originally full of fear of monsters, it is like a lifeline, making everyone more panic.

The Tang people were destroyed, and then the bright holy land was razed to the ground.

No one can block the Tianmeng Demon Clan and the monster army. If they want to destroy Tiandi Mountain, I am afraid that Tiandi Mountain will also become **** scorched earth and the bones will become a mountain overnight.

The next day, Tiandishan's palm taught real people, and finally announced that they would recall the Tiandishan disciples outside, and after three days, moved to Middle-earth.

Not just Tiandi Mountain, north. The sacred soil of other territories also made such a decision.

This was a helpless decision. We had to travel far away and flee to Middle-earth. Otherwise, it will be a dead end.

In the Baicao Garden, the young mind-raisers are all moving, some are picking the mysterious medicine in the medicine field, some are sorting out the medical books and pharmacopoeia, and everyone is ready to travel.

"After leaving here, I am afraid that it will take tens of thousands of years before we can build another holy place like the Bai Cao Yuan."

Yu Qianqian held an ancient medicine classic and sighed gently, and put the medicine classic into the storage ring given to her by Ning Xiaochuan.

She had so many thoughts that she didn't want to leave.

Yu Qianqian raised her eyes and stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Ogawa, you have played against monsters. Are they really so powerful? Can't even a sacred earth resist?"

Ning Xiaochuan hugged his hands in front of his chest and said, "Don't think about it so much, even if the monster army really comes, isn't there me? Um ... Sissy, I'm afraid I have to leave for a while, and you and your fellow brothers Middle-earth! "

"Why?" Yu Qianxi stared a pair of staring eyes and asked puzzledly.

Ning Xiaochuan gently touched Yu Qianqian's white forehead and said, "I want to go back to Yulan Empire to see Grandpa and your mother. After all, this time I'm going to Middle-earth and want to go back to Yulan Empire again. It will be even harder. I'm afraid I will never see them again in the future. "

Naturally Ning Xiaochuan could not tell Yu Qianxi that she was going to return to the market. Otherwise, Yu Qianxi would definitely stop him.

"Really? I haven't seen my mother and brother Huang for a long time, and I want to go back and see." Yu Qianxi said.

"No, it's too dangerous. You must leave with the big team, and leave the matter of the Yulan Empire to me!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"But ..." Yu Qianxi said.

"No, but."

Ning Xiaochuan also said: "Qi Qian, there is a king of blue eagles looking after the Yulan Empire. The Yulan Empire will not be attacked by monsters, you can rest assured! If it is possible, you can still see your mother-in-law and brother-in-law in the future. "

"Okay! I listen to you, Ogawa." Yu Qianqian nodded slightly.

Although Tiandi Mountain was about to move to Middle-earth, it still sent a large number of older monks to return to the market to try to rescue the Emperor Goddess.

Although everyone thinks that it is unlikely that the Emperor Goddess is still alive, as long as there is still a glimmer of hope, the goddess must be retrieved.

Three days later, the monks in Tiandi Mountain formed a mighty army of monks, marching towards Middle-earth.

However, Ning Xiaochuan stayed alone, glanced at the ancient mountain gate behind him, and prepared to go to Guixu.

Guixu, located throughout the north. Extremely north of Xinjiang, near the North Sea, it is an extremely cold and barren place.

On the way to Guixu, it was really necessary to pass through the desolate mountains and the Yulan Empire. Ning Xiaochuan naturally wanted to go back to see Grandpa and Erbo.

"Ning Xiaochuan!"

A white streamer emerged from the clouds and mists in the mountains and turned into a beautiful woman with a beautiful figure.

Treasure Land is standing next to the stream, holding a golden buddha, with long slender eyebrows and water-like eyes. The skin is snowy and delicate like white gel, and the white Buddhist clothing flutters with the wind. Stand up to form a round and beautiful arc.

The hem of the Buddha's clothing is very transparent, revealing a pair of slender and slender *. The light of the eyes is like being able to hook away the soul of a person, staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw Baozhu Jizo, he immediately greeted him and said, "You didn't leave with everyone?"

"I've been waiting for you!" Baozhu said.

Ning Xiaochuan froze slightly and said, "What are you waiting for?"

"Cultivate the" Living Buddhism "with me and comprehend the cultivation avenue!" Baozhu Jizang folded his hands together, really like a sacred Buddha, said seriously.

Ning Xiaochuan smiled and said, "How many men do you want to pursue with you because of your beauty and talent? Why do you choose me?"

Orbuzi said: "Will you reject me?"

"It's hard to refuse." Ning Xiaochuan looked at the whole body of Baozhu Jizo from top to bottom. It is really rare in the world for such a beautiful woman as Baozhu Jizo.

It would be absolutely wonderful to be able to cultivate with her.

Not to mention Ning Xiaochuan, changing to any man, it is absolutely difficult to refuse such a thing.

Baozhu's red lips were slightly tilted, and Minghao's teeth smiled: "So you promised?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently, and said, "It's hard to agree."

"Why?" Baozhu Jizo was puzzled.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I'm going to go home first!"

"I'll go with you." Baozhu said.

Ning Xiaochuan's face was sullen and he said, "Going to the market is not a joke, even I have no confidence to be able to walk out of the market. I have a reason to go, but you don't have to accompany me to adventure.

Baozhu Dizang said: "For me, you are already the Buddha body I have identified. I can go with you wherever you want to go. If you haven't thought about repairing with me, I can wait, Wait until the day you make your decision. "

"Ning Xiaochuan, what are you still hesitating about? This kind of thing that can improve one's self-cultivation and embrace the beauty is not always encountered. If you don't want to, I will be very willing."

Yue Mingsong walked over, smiled and walked in front of Baozhu Jizo, and thought that he was very polite, saying: "I am the nin Xiaochuan's brother, Yue Mingsong, who has seen the nine-day sage."

"If Her Royal Highness really wants to find the body of the Buddha, she may not necessarily look for Ning Xiaochuan. Her physical fitness is also at the top level, which can fully meet the needs of Her Royal Highness. Especially at night, my physical fitness will change. Even stronger, with endless strength and energy. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Yue Mingsong and said, "Why didn't you leave?"

When Yue Mingsong saw Baozhu Jizo not looking at him at all, he suddenly lost some interest, turned around and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "Aren't you going to return to the market? I just want to find a calcined gas material, or else we Will we go together? "

Baozhu Jizo's eyes were a little chilled, saying: "I want to share my training experience with Ning Xiaochuan alone. I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to go with us."

"Inappropriate, where is it inappropriate?"

Yue Mingsong didn't feel the hostility in Baozhu Jizo at all, and said, "Her Royal Highness, rest assured, if you want to practice the joyful Zen scripture, I will definitely avoid it immediately, and I will never peep. Ning Xiaochuan knows me best. A principled person. "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said to Baozhu Di Zang: "Ignore him, let's go!"

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan summoned the double-headed stone beast from the mysterious beast book and turned it into a stone beast with wings that was more than 100 meters long.

He and Baozhu Jizo flew to the back of the stone beast, took the stone beast, and flew in the direction of Guihui.

The treasure bead sat on the back of the stone beast, and behind him appeared a circle of golden Buddha light. The beautiful eyes gazed at Ning Xiaochuan, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan, if you think clearly, you can tell me immediately, I can always contact with You practice the joyful Zen scripture together. "

Hearing this, Ning Xiaochuan also had some red-faced ears, but Baozhu Jizo was very calm.

She had long black hair on the top of her original head, and it didn't take long for her hair to grow to three feet long, becoming more feminine and enchanting.

"His Royal Highness is so beautiful and beautiful, Ning Xiaochuan, you promised it! If you don't, I really want to compete with you fairly." Yue Mingsong rode on the three emperors and chased them up, using hate iron A look of steellessness looked at Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan ignored Yue Mingsong at all, and set himself up not far from the treasure house, and began to cultivate.

He took out a lower-quality Supreme War Sword that had been forged with the teeth of the King of Fire, preparing to refine the War Sword, and practice the nineteenth Sword with the Supernatural Power.

He cultivated that he has reached the eighth realm of heaven and man, condensed his debut fetus, and it may really be possible to smelt another figurative magic sword.

It took three days for Ning Xiaochuan to practice this figurative magic sword into his body.

After absorbing the soul and essence of the sublime device, Ning Xiaochuan can clearly feel that his cultivation has improved a bit. However, it did not reach the late stage of the Eighth Realm of Heaven and Man.

The following time, Ning Xiaochuan began to study the Medicine Classic and Medical Code again to expand his knowledge.

Until the ninth day, the two-headed stone beast finally flew to a familiar area and came to the sky above the Yulan Empire!

Ning Xiaochuan put away the medicine classics and medical classics and planned to go to Jiangehoufu to visit Grandpa and Erbo. He was slightly excited. It has been a long time since I came back, and Ning Xiaochuan still misses them very much.

"I'll go with you!" Baozhu Jizo stood up, his hair fluttering, and his beauty was touching, just like a fairy standing in the clouds.

"What are you going to do? I just went to see a few loved ones, and I will be back soon. You will wait for me on the back of the two-headed stone beast, and when I return, I will go back to the market together." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Baozhu Dizang said: "Now that I have come to the Yulan Empire, I naturally want to give your grandpa a gift. This is what the younger generations want from their elders."

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