Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 828: Soldier-eating beast

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Yue Mingsong followed closely the Sixiang Shenzi, with a smile on his face at all times, and said, "Son, I heard that the monks in the Sixiang Holy Land are proficient in 'fortune telling' and 'stargazing', otherwise you can help me Do it? "

The four elephant **** son smiled leisurely and said, "There is a way, Wu Ji is born of Tai Chi, Tai Chi is born of Liang Yi, Liang Yi is born of Four Elephants, Four Elephants are born of all things. What do you want to do for you? "

"Can you help me calculate the fortune?" Yue Mingsong said.

God of the Four Elephants laughed: "Master Mo Feiyue is afraid of dying in Guihui?"

"No way. Forbidden places like Guixu, even real people may fall. I'm so afraid of death. Naturally I want to find someone like you." Yue Mingsong said.

"Okay! Then count on for Master Yue."

Sixiang Shenzi took out two palm-sized yin and yang turtles and threw them towards the ground.

The four elephant **** son looked at the position of the two yin and yang xuangui hexagrams, his mouth made a gurgling sound, shook his head and sighed, "brother Yue, I think it's a good idea to leave Guihui as soon as possible."

"What is the solution to the Gua Xiang?" Yue Mingsong rushed over, staring at the two yin and yang xuan turtles on the ground, asking curiously.

"Hexagram, no solution."

The **** of the four elephants put away the two yin and yang mysterious turtles on the ground, and sighed again: "Don't be too concerned about Brother Yue, maybe I don't have the accuracy."

"I don't think so!"

Yue Mingsong grinned, exposed two rows of white teeth, and chased Ning Xiaochuan and others in front.

The four elephant gods stared at Yue Mingsong's back, and smiled coldly: "Stupid. The ninth district of Guixu is where you bury your bones."

Ning Xiaochuan and Zi Hanyan walked side by side, either to explore the doubts about cultivation, or to talk to each other about their recent experience. It was like a pair of immortal relatives.

Treasures of the pearl followed them, holding the beads of all beings in their hands, wearing pure white impeccable robes, long hair fluttering, looking very calm, with a volume of meditation sutra in their mouths.


There was a loud noise at the ground, and the ground under the feet of several of them cracked, revealing a large bottomless pit.

There was a strong suction at the bottom of the big pit, drawing everyone to the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately pulled the purple cold smoke and Xiaohong, soared into the sky, escaped the pull of suction, and fell out of the tens of miles.

"What happened?" Yue Ming screamed, and ran away, running faster than the wolf dog.

The four elephant **** sons and the orb disciple are the top masters of the younger generation, each of them exerting superb power to escape from that area without being pulled in by the suction of the big pit.


The ground did not break apart, and a fissure that was several kilometers long appeared, and then subsided downward. A weird creature with a height of several kilometers was covered with the fragments of the broken iron breakers all over the body and climbed from the ground.

The big pit just now is just that weird creature's mouth.

The reason for the suction is that that weird creature is breathing.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the behemoth in front of him, and felt a strong killer breath on his body, making people's back sweat constantly.

Yue Mingsong recognized the strange creature and said, "The big event is not good. We have reached the edge of the ninth district. This is a rare" food beast "that devours mysterious and supreme vessels for a living. Look at it With such a huge body size, I am afraid that it has already swallowed millions of pieces of war soldiers, and the fighting power is comparable to a real person. "

Yue Mingsong is like a know-how, and he knows Guigui very well, and there is almost nothing he does not know.

Xiaohong breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, I don't have a weapon blade, it should not attack me."


The red eyes of the soldier-eating beast are like two huge lanterns, staring at Xiaohong, opening his mouth and snarling at Xiaohong.

The gas it exhaled turned into a terrible hurricane, blowing Xiao Hong directly.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm ..."

The soldier-eating beast ran on the ground, each step was a distance of more than a thousand meters, and chased towards Xiaohong.

It reached out a metal claw and slapped Xiao Hong's body, flying Xiao Hong thousands of miles away.

Shenlong cubs are so strong that they can resist the full blow of the soldier-eating beast.

Xiao Hong got up from the ground, and she was in pain. She squeezed her two fists tightly, her eyes were full of anger, and her mouth spit out the fire.

The **** extinguished the dragon and turned it into a sea of ​​fire. He wrapped the soldiers and beasts and wanted to melt them.

The five elements are in harmony with each other, and "fire" is restraint in "gold."

More than 80% of the body of the soldier-eating beast is made of metal, which happens to be restrained by flames.

However, the five elements are based on the same strength. If the gap between the two elements is too large, even the flame cannot melt the metal.


The soldier-eating beast rushed out of the fire of the dragon, waved a claw again, and beat Xiaohong out again.

"Isn't it saying that it only eats mysterious and supreme vessels, why is it always attacking me?"

Xiaohong knew that she was not an opponent of the soldier-eating beast, and immediately turned into a body, turning into a red dragon with a length of tens of meters, stepping on the auspicious cloud, with a light on her head, and fled quickly.

Yue Mingsong said: "The soldier-eating beast has a natural killer. The higher the level of the creature, the more vulnerable it is to attack. You are the dragon cub and must be taken care of by it."

Under the chase of the soldiers and beasts, Xiao Hong must not be able to persist for long.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Everyone shots together, with the strength of all of us, to suppress the soldier-eating beast."

Ning Xiaochuan Yi Gao's daring, even if it is a human-level existence, dare to fight.

Yue Mingsong looked very excited and laughed: "The blood of the soldier-eating beast contains the 'army'. If it can kill this soldier-eating beast, it will definitely be enough to raise the Jiu Pin Xuan Qi to the rank of the lower grade Supreme. "

Hearing Yue Mingsong's words, Ning Xiaochuan was even more excited. If he can upgrade the magic sword to the level of the sublime supreme device, I am afraid he can immediately break through the ninth realm of heaven and human.

It's so good. At any cost, we will kill the beast-eater.

"Little Red, fit!"

Ning Xiaochuan summoned Xing Luo Ji and integrated with Xiao Hong.

The strength of one person and one dragon is superimposed on each other, and a powerful dragon gas bursts out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, turning into a dazzling flame.

Xing Luoji flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's hand. The original rusty broken halberd immediately burst into a dazzling light and hit the top of the soldier's beast.


The position of Xingluo Ji on the top of the soldier-eating beast dropped a piece of semi-metallic flesh weighing 10,000 pounds.

Immediately after eating the pain, the soldier-eating beast became extremely angry. He spit out more than a hundred swords and fighters in his mouth, forming a torrent of mysterious weapons, attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately unfolded his wings, exhibited the speed of the dragon, and flew out of the attack range of soldiers and beasts.

Compared with the previous killing of the rat, the cultivation of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong has been improved. The strength of the fit and the combat power have become more powerful.

Even if they are not real opponents, it is definitely not easy for real people to deal with them.

"Human, you irritated me!" The human voice uttered in the mouth of the soldier-eating beast, roared to the sky, and pursued Ning Xiaochuan.

A black light appeared on its abdomen, and an icy air flow escaped.


A palm-sized piece of metal flew out of its belly, emitting a black brilliance, turning the entire space black.

"No, that's a fragment of the Supreme King!"

Ning Xiaochuan immediately infused all the vitality in the body into the star halberd, and pierced the black debris flying fast.

The black fragments and the star halberd collided together, and a loud sound of metal impact erupted, and a large spark bloomed.


Ning Xiaochuan pinched Xing Luoji's arm and was hit by a black fragment, leaving a wound.

A piercing cold invaded the body and penetrated into the blood, making the blood flow in Ning Xiaochuan's body slower and slower, as if to solidify.

"This cold ... is the magic ..."

Ning Xiaochuan's whole body seemed to be frozen, and the blood was almost completely coagulated.

The magic gas enters the body and drills towards his martial heart, trying to corrode his martial heart.

At this time, Ning Xiaochuan's blood veins appeared in the depths of another impertinent magic, more powerful than this magic invasion into him, but actually swallowed that magic.


After devouring the magical invasion into the body, Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei even raised a large section again, impacting the peak of the Eighth Realm of Heaven and Man.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes opened, her pupils turned red, and the vitality in her body continued to penetrate the star halberd, finally awakening a hint of power from the star halberd and attacked the soldiers and beasts.


Orb Jizo, Zi Hanyan, and Yue Mingsong almost simultaneously struck the power into the star halberd, inspiring more power of the Supreme King, and fighting against the black debris spit by the soldiers and beasts.

Combining the strength of everyone, finally suppress the soldiers and beasts.




The star Luo Ji continuously attacks the body of the eater, and countless half-metal blood clots fall from the body of the eater, almost tearing the body of the eater into pieces.

The Sixiangzizi stood not far away, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He stretched out his palm, and two purple jade knives emerged from his palm.

Ning Xiaochuan and others devoted all their energy to the control of Xingluo Ji, and did not notice the Four Elephants.

Just when the soldier-eating beast was about to be killed by Ning Xiaochuan and others ...


Two purple jade knives were chopped on Ning Xiaochuan and Yue Mingsong at the same time, blood splattered, and the sword gas flew them out at the same time.

The purple jade knife was originally cut to Ning Xiaochuan's neck, but Ning Xiaochuan noticed in advance and avoided the key. The purple jade sword was cut on Ning Xiaochuan's back, leaving a three-foot-long knife wound.

Yue Mingsong's body was almost cut off by a purple jade sword, and he died unfortunately. Fortunately, he also noticed that he had escaped the kill of the four elephant **** son. However, his **** was cut by a purple jade sword, and his pants turned completely blood red.


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