Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 829: Fighting Power of the Fire Lord

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"Ah! My **** ..." Yue Mingsong screamed.

"Uh, uh!"

Sixiang Shenzi's shooting speed is as fast as lightning. He hits two punches in the air, condensing two huge punches in the air.

Two boxing shadows struck the backs of Zi Hanyan and Baozhu Jizo, and the two women were severely wounded, spitting blood at the same time, like a broken kite, flew out.

"Four elephant **** sons, what are you doing?" Zi Hanyan's mouth was bloodied, his eyes were cold and he was puzzled.

"What? Of course to get you."

The Son of the Four Elephants approached the four with the posture of a victor.

With a proud smile on his face, he walked in front of Zi Hanyan and said, "Sister Zi, a beautiful woman like you, only I can deserve you. Don't you think other people are bothersome? "

Zi Hanyan looked at the four elephant gods who came over and immediately condensed his vitality.

However, the last blow from the four elephant **** sons completely dissipated the vitality in her body and could not gather strength at all.

"I think you are looking for death!" Ning Xiaochuan stood up again, holding a half-rusted bronze halberd, and said coldly.

The Sixiangzizi glanced at Ning Xiaochuan gently and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, you just urged the Supreme King to forcibly kill the soldier-eating beast. Has the vitality in the body already consumed almost?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't answer him, just stared at him coldly.

Sixiang Shenzi again said: "In addition, you hit me just now. Even if you have the power to defeat the Emperor Prince in the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, I am afraid that you can't exert a little power now?"

"You can try it?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The look of the four-god **** son sank and said, "Truth tell you, don't say that you are now very injured, even in your heyday, it may not be your opponent of the god-god."

Baozhu Jizo was also wounded by the Son of the Four Elephants just now, and his vitality was very chaotic. He said, "If the Son of the Four Elephants really has the ability, wait for Ning Xiaochuan's injury to recover and fight a fair fight with him."

"Haha! Do you think I'm a fool? Now that I have 100% confidence to suppress you, why take a risk?"

The four elephant **** son took out a chain rope with a rune engraved, and his arm trembled. The chain rope seemed to turn into a serpentine spirit snake, binding the orb of the treasure.

"You are the maiden of Jiutian Pavilion! It really is a peerless stunner. Why are you such a beautiful and enchanting force? Why believe in Buddha?"

"You have too much control!" Said Pozhu.

The four elephant gods laughed: "It is said that the Buddhist monk has a dharma called 'Happy Joy Zen'. The yang body and the yin body of the Buddha are combined with each other, and the heaven and man are united together to achieve the state of joy and joy! The Son of God cultivates this kind of Zen scripture together to help the Son of God reach the real world. The Son of God can consider saving your life. "

Although Baozhu Jizo was bound by iron cables, it was still very calm and not panic. He said, "Study with me, but just want to make yourself real?"

Cultivation of "Happy Zen" was originally to achieve joy and bliss under the condition that heaven and man are united, so that cultivation can advance by leaps and bounds.

However, it is clear that the four elephant **** sons only want to reach the real world, and not really want to cultivate with the orb. He just wanted to use Orbizakura as a furnace.

The corner of the mouth of the **** of four elephants slightly picked, and said, "This is your only choice? Otherwise, it will be a dead end."

"Then I will choose the dead end." Baozhu Jizo folded his hands, and a pair of Danfeng eyes closed slowly.

"That can't be for you. If the Son of God wants to use you to make the furnace, then you can only be the furnace of the Son of God. You have no choice." Said the Son of the Four Elephants in a deep voice.

"I'm getting more and more uncomfortable with this guy, Ning Xiaochuan, kill him!" Yue Mingsong fumbled in his arms for a long time, taking out a fist-sized flame, and the center of the flame was wrapped in a red crest.

With a wave of Yue Mingsong's arm, the flame flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The little cormorant in the center of the flame was originally only two or three centimeters long, but when it flew in front of Ning Xiaochuan, it immediately became more than seven hundred meters long and turned into a behemoth-like king of flames.

There are seven fist-sized dimples under the Fire King's abdomen. Repeatedly, the light filaments flowed in the positions of the seven pits, like blood lines connecting the whole body of the Fire Lord.

When Yue Mingsong threw the Huowang King, Ning Xiaochuan immediately grasped it, took out seven heavenly stones, and drove it into the seven pits of Huoyu King's belly.


Tianpinxuan filled the seven pits, emitting a halo, like seven stars inlaid on the king of fire.

The Fire King is here!

There was a long howl in his mouth, soared and dived from the void.

From the heart of Ning Xiaochuan, a human-shaped heart and goddess flew out, integrated with the King of Fire, and controlled the body drive of the King of Fire, attacking the four elephant gods.


The four elephant **** son was a little surprised, and felt the powerful power erupting from the body of the king of fire, just like a divine dragon flying out of the flood wilderness, and had the power to swallow the sky and eat the earth.

Ning Xiaochuan and the King of the Huo are integrated into one, and one paw slaps down to the four elephant **** son.

The four elephant **** son immediately played the "four elephant holy law", and the ghosts of the four great beasts, blue dragon, white tiger, phoenix, and basalt, burst out of the body. Each phantom is as high as a hill, and represents a holy law among the four holy laws.


However, the four-law holy law he shot was completely broken by a paw uttered by the King of Fire.

"How is that possible?" The four elephant **** son looked at the huge paw and felt a choking force down.


The paw of the King of the Fire Lord severely hit the body of the four elephant gods, and nearly hit the four elephant gods to the ground.

However, there is a talisman made by the elder ancestors of the elder kingdom in the body of the four elephants, turned into a layer of mist, which blocked most of the fire king's attacks, and did not die under the fire king's paw.

"What a powerful attack!"

Sixiang Shenzi glanced at the amulet Yufu in his hand, and found that a gap was formed in Yufu.

How could the amulet made by the ancestors of Wangu Realm be cracked? How terrible was the attack of the Fire Lord?

Ning Xiaochuan also did not expect that Yue Mingsong actually made such a powerful "Xuanshi doll" with the body of the King of Fire.

Its fighting power is probably several times stronger than that of a real person, and it has the magic power of rowing mountains.

"Do you still want to escape?"

When Ning Xiaochuan saw that the four elephant gods fled towards the ninth area, he immediately controlled the king of fire to catch up, hit another claw, hit the top of the four elephant gods, and cracked the head of the four elephant gods into a bloodstain. It's like cracking.


After being attacked, the amulet in the hand of the four elephant gods split a second gap.


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