Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 830: Glass stone gossip

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"Ning Xiaochuan, don't do too much! I am the **** son of the four elephant holy soil, and has a high status. If you dare to move me, the four elephant holy soil will surely have a strong one to take your life."

The Son of the Four Elephants is also a bit scared, after all, the fighting power of the Fire Lord is too terrible.

It is not at the level of heaven-human combat, but at the level of real-life combat. Even the amulet of the Supreme Refining is a bit defensive.

"It's a joke, who was the first to go too far?" Ning Xiaochuan was a little speechless, apparently he shot first, but said that Ning Xiaochuan did too much.

This person's way of thinking is really incomprehensible!

The King of the Fire God chased behind the Son of the Elephant, and shot the third claw. The claw was sharp like a knife, swung from the waist of the Son of the Elephant, and flew the Son of the Elephant from the ground.


The guardian jade in the hand of the four elephant gods broke the third gap, and his robe was shattered by the powerful attack of the Fire King, and looked extremely embarrassed.

If it weren't for a supremely refined amulet in his hands, the Fire Lord would only need to wave a claw to slap him to death.

The refined amulet jade amulet is indeed a rare treasure with a strong defense force, which has helped the four elephant gods to block three kills.

However, after three attacks from the Fire Lord, three gaps have been cracked in the amulet of the bodyguard, which may be broken at any time.

Once the guardian jade is broken, the four elephant **** son will die.

"Ning Xiaochuan, I know the entrance to the ancient road in the ninth district. If you kill me, no one will be able to take you there." The four elephant **** son was already seriously injured, and saw the king of the fire stalks again after him , Feeling desperate.

He must tell Ning Xiaochuan his worth and try to delay as long as he can wait for the elders of the Sacred Land of the Four Elephants to enter the Guixu, and Ning Xiaochuan will never kill him again.

However, Ning Xiaochuan had already given a killing heart to the four sons of the Four Elephants, and would not give him any chance to control the Huozhuo King with his heart, and hit the fourth claw.


After bearing this blow, the supreme jade charm in the hand of the four elephant gods burst completely and turned into a pinch of jade powder.

"No ..." A desperate roar uttered in the mouth of the **** of the four elephants, playing an ancient artifact with concrete magical powers, wanting to compete with the king of fire.

His figurative ancient artifacts turned out to be a top-notch Chinese masterpiece, shaped like Taiji gossip, emitting black, white, blue-red, purple, blue, yellow, and green. Eight kinds of eye-catching light formed a huge eight. Colorful clouds.


The king of the fire cricket patted his claws, and in an extremely powerful manner, beat down the concrete artifacts of the Four Elephant Deities and hit them on the head of the Four Elephant Deities.

How powerful is the Fire King's blow, how can it be stopped after the Four Elephant God Son loses the amulet of the Supreme Refined Body?


The body of the four elephant **** son was completely shredded and turned into a mist of blood, leaving only a broken white bone, which fell from the mist of blood.

The Son of the Four Elephants, born with different talents from urination, showed various abilities as powerful as those of the young god.

In the outside world, the monks of human beings' evaluation of the Four Elephants is still above the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper. They feel that his talents surpass the prince of the Emperor of the Emperor Tiandi Mountain and the prince of the family of the ghost-gathering **** Yan Yan, and his future achievements will be unlimited.

Who knows that such a peerless Tianjiao might be cultivated into a sub-god in the future, but still fall in Guihui?

"Unfortunately, it would be great if I could get the supremely refined amulet of the Four Elephant God Son. In the future, even if I fight with a real person, I can use the amulet to save my life." Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

Orbazaar said: "Although the Supreme is very rare, the history of each sacred earth must have produced a Supreme predecessor. Those predecessors have left many means for future generations, such as the refined jade charm and the Supreme The refining array, the blood lien left by the Supreme. "

"The four elephant holy earth has been passed down for more than three million years, and eleven supreme gods have been born in history. Although these supreme gods have died in the long river of history. However, there must be many supreme treasures left. It can be said that the four elephants The foundation of the holy earth is quite deep. It is not surprising that Xuan Tianji, as the **** son of the holy earth of the four elephants, was rewarded with a supremely refined jade charm. "

Ning Xiaochuan also nodded. In contrast, the sacred earth of the Four Elephants is indeed much stronger than Tiandi Mountain.

Tiandi Mountain has only a history of 10,000 years. For thousands of years, Tiandi Mountain is also a genius, but no one has ever born other than the seven ancestors of Tiandi Mountain.

This is also normal. Since it can be called "Extreme", it must be synonymous with the Supreme. If it is so easy to be born, it is a strange thing. The Sixiang Sacred Earth has a history of more than three million years, and only eleven Supreme People have been born. On average, it will also take three hundred thousand years before a Supreme People can be born.

"The king of Huojiao is really too powerful, Yue Mingsong, how much is it equivalent to a few high-grade Xuanshi dolls?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Yue Mingsong said: "Think of it as the third-grade Xuanshi doll!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "That is to say, its fighting power bursts out, and it is comparable to the strong in the real third realm. However, if you really control the King of Fire and go against the strong in the real third realm, you will definitely lose. "

Yue Mingsong nodded and said, "Yes. Xuanshi puppet, after all, still rely on Xuanshi to provide vitality for it, it can not be compared with a real person."

The Fire King consumes a great deal of black stone, and it consumes heavenly stone.

Just now, Ning Xiaochuan killed the four elephant **** sons and consumed a lot of heavenly stones. The seven heavenly stones in the abdomen of the Fire King were thinned a lot, and almost one-fifth was consumed.

To activate the King of Fire, you need seven Celestial Black Stones at a time.

There are only ten Ning Xiaochuan in total, and now there are only three left.

"Although the fire fighter's combat power is strong, it must be used reasonably. If the heavenly stones are exhausted, it is only a dead thing! When you leave Guihui, you must find a way to get more heavenly stones. Stone. "Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

Because the attack of the Fire King was too powerful, almost all the treasures of the four elephant **** sons were broken, and only that one gossip artifact was preserved.

Ning Xiaochuan picked up the gossip artifact of the highest quality from the ground, held it in the palm of his hand, and exuded the fire of extinction in his body, refining the power of the four elephant **** son remaining in the gossip artifact.

It didn't take long for that gossip artifact to return to its original appearance, about one foot long, showing eight kinds of glory, like it was made from a rare eight-color jade.

The surface of the ancient gossip is full of mysterious words. However, those words are very old and belong to human beings long ago. Apart from those wise men who specialize in ancient words, few people can understand them.

"Let me have a look." Yue Mingsong squeezed to Ning Xiaochuan's side, holding the gossip artifact in his hands, looking carefully, with a look of wonder on his face.

"Don't you understand?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"You can understand, you can understand!" Yue Mingsong said: "This is an ancient artifact called" Li Shi Ba Gua ". It used to be a ring worn by a Taoist **** on his waist. Unique, the world can never find the second one. Such a treasure fell into the hands of the four elephant **** son, and he was made into a figurative magical power, which is too bad a treasure! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Isn't it an aggressive Supreme?"

"Of course not. The glass stone gossip is a spiritual treasure that explores the earth. You can find the veins of the earth, search for mineral deposits, excavate ancient tombs, and chase the spirit ......... Hehe, with this piece of glass stone gossip, I can also find the ninth That ancient road in the district. "Yue Mingsong said confidently.

Zi Hanyan stared at Yue Mingsong's hand and said, "The four elephant **** son was killed by Ogawa. This glass gossip is naturally Ogawa's thing. Do you want to own it?"

Yue Mingsong had already carried glass stone gossip into her arms, and immediately heard Zi Hanyan's words, she was so angry that she took glass stone gossip out of her arms and said, "A woman is a small-minded, not a top-notch premium Device, Ye Ye would care? Not to mention the supreme device, even if it is two or three, Ye Ye will never care. "

Despite this, Yue Mingsong still tightly grasped the glass gossip and did not return it to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed and said, "Okay! Yue Mingsong, if you give Zihan Yan and Baozhu the possession of two pieces of supreme premium equipment each, then glass stone gossip is yours."

Ning Xiaochuan already had jade seals, and didn't care about that piece of gossip.

"What? Two pieces of premium products per person? How easy is it for you to be a supreme device? Your supreme device is Chinese cabbage?" Yue Mingsong held the glass gossip in his arms, shaking his head vigorously, shaking like a rattle. same.

The glass stone gossip is very different from other Chinese premium supreme devices. It is neither a defensive supreme device nor an aggressive supreme device, which belongs to a special spiritual treasure.

However, it is precisely because of its particularity that it appears extremely precious. Even if it is Yue Mingsong's calciner, it may not be able to be forged.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Well then, return me the glass gossip."

"Wait a minute, let me think about it." Yue Ming loosely squeezed glass stone gossip, revealing a thoughtful look.

"You have to think slowly!" Ning Xiaochuan laughed.

There are not many opportunities to blackmail Yue Mingsong. Since you have encountered it, you must blackmail him well.

After a long while, Yue Mingsong clenched his teeth and made a difficult decision, just like being severely slaughtered on his body, "Okay! Forget you, I promise!"

Yue Mingsong took out four pieces of middle-class blackware, one was a purple-blue armor, one was a sword emitting the glory of the stars, a half-foot-long flying knife, and a nine-foot-long silver silk belt.

Baozhu Jizo made a flick in his mouth, took over the nine-foot-long silver silk belt, injected vitality into the belt, and his arms trembled. The belt immediately became tens of thousands of meters long and directly penetrated the clouds. Rushing out of the sky is almost like a silver waterfall falling down from the sky.

As soon as Baozhu's arm was closed, the silver silk belt became only nine feet long and said, "I want this belt!"


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