Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 864: Top Ten Holy Palms

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The old deer riding a deer was a little surprised, and immediately struck a beam of light, hitting the top of the copper ruler, sinking the copper ruler to the ground more than a hundred meters, buried deeper, and nailed more stable.

If there is a stranger who is proficient in astronomy and geography here, you will be surprised to find that the copper ruler not only fixes the space, but also the veins of the earth under the ground are locked, and the air of the earth stops flowing.

The world is settled.

Yinzhuzhangjiao and Jiutian Pavilion Master also came over, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, Jiutian Virgin, and Xiaohong who were set in the void.

"Master of Jiutian Pavilion, should you give the old man an explanation? Why did Jiutian Holy City appear such a fierce evil man? Why didn't you stop it in time when the bloodshed occurred?" Aoki Zhangjiao said very angrily.

The first person of the young generation of Sacred Aoki was beaten to half life.

A real man in Sacred Earth of Aoki died tragically on the banks of the son-in-law.

All of this happened in the holy city of Jiutian. How could Aoki palm teaching not be angry?

The master of Jiutiange said sarcastically, "The evil man in your mouth is only North. A young junior in Xinjiang. There are so many strong men in Middle-earth who go to besiege a junior, but they are being killed. You can only say that you The monk is incompetent! "

Aoki's palm taught his eyes sinking sharply: "Young junior? Can young juniors have such a powerful combat force? If the old man didn't stop him with a fixing ruler, I'm afraid that even if the old man took the shot, he might not be able to capture him . "

Jiutian Pavilion said: "He is the spirit son of Tiandi Mountain, named Ning Xiaochuan. This is the Tianjiao of the younger generation. If you don't believe it, you can check it."

The owner of Jiutian Pavilion glanced at Ning Xiaochuan, and secretly sighed. This junior is indeed a rare man. Unfortunately, he has offended all the holy earths in Middle-earth. It is impossible for the holy earth to spare his life!

Within half a day, the palm religion of the other holy earth also came to the nine-day holy city through the teleportation array.

Nine Xiaochuan was taught by Jiuxu, Lingshu, and six other holy soils. They were most angry, and they were about to let Ning Xiaochuan die.

From the mouths of those disciples who have survived, they already know the whole story of the whole incident. Although they know that the monks in the Middle-earth world lost money, but what?

In the practice world, power is truth.

"You must kill Ning Xiaochuan before Tiandi Mountain comes." Lingshu's palm taught a somber face, with a little deep meaning in his eyes.

Not only because Ning Xiaochuan and Lingshu Sacred Soil have vengeance, but also because Ning Xiaochuan is too talented.

So far, we haven't broken through the real world.

In the real world in the future, who else is his opponent?

Tiandi Mountain's ancestor "Seven Xuan Taoists" has not died, and "Emperor Concubine" has been born again. If Ning Xiaochuan grows up again, which sacred earth can compete with Tiandi Mountain in the future?

Should n’t Middle-earth be dominated by an outsider, Tiandi Mountain?

Yinzum Zhang taught: "Yes, we will kill Ning Xiaochuan now, even if the people of Tiandi Mountain arrive at Jiutian Holy City by then."

"Our sacred soils have joined forces to put pressure on Tiandi Mountain, and the Lord of the Fourth World is behind it. Even if angry, Tiandi Mountain can only accept this fact."

The teachings of the Ten Holy Lands were negotiated and finally reached an agreement.

Qingmu Zhangjiao stood over the holy city of Nine Heavens, announced the evil deeds of Ning Xiaochuan, and spoke loudly throughout the ancient city: "The demon tribe declared war on the human race, the entire north. The corpse lies a thousand miles away, human civilization is fragmented and shattered, and countless heroes turn into bone bone altar The sacrifice is the time when our peoples unite against the demons. However, a sad thing happened! "

"The disciples of Tiandi Mountain, Ning Xiaochuan, are bloodthirsty, fall into magic, and kill fellow human beings. Just real people, he was slaughtered by eight people. For the human race, it is a huge loss. Regardless of the overall situation, We must not condone indiscriminate killing of innocent evildoers. One word, kill! "

Most of the female disciples in Jiutian Pavilion knew the truth of the matter, and understood why Ning Xiaochuan had fought back and sympathized with the experience of Ning Xiaochuan and the Jiutian Virgin.

After hearing the words of Aoki palm teaching, many people showed a disdainful look, as a holy earth palm teaching, even said such shameless words, the skin is really thick.

"It is said to be for the sake of humanity, north. When the major human civilizations in Xinjiang were attacked by the army of monsters, they did not see the holy soil of the Middle-earth world to help."

Tang Shuyao stood in the holy city of Jiutian, staring at Qingmu Zhangjiao, "Too shameless!"

"Miss, don't do stupid things. Ning Xiaochuan offends the top ten sacred soils of Middle-earth world. If you go ahead and dominate for him at this time, it will not only save him, but will also put the entire Tang people into a desperate situation." An old man stood next to Tang Shuyao and was always alert to Tang Shuyao to prevent her from doing things that were unreasonable.

Another Tang elder said: "Even the Jiutian Pavilion Lord cannot reverse the trend and can only remain silent in the presence of the Ten Holy Lands. We Tang people have lost their former glory and must be patient."

"Today, Ning Xiaochuan is bound to die. No one can save him."

Tang Shuyao squeezed his hands tightly and tried to restrain himself. For the Tang people, he must restrain himself.

In the face of the general situation, even the palmist of the Holy Land must bow her head, let alone her.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in the void and made a loud laugh: "You have to kill me, I have no complaints. I only have one condition, don't hurt them."

His gaze was on the nine-day maiden and Xiaohong.

The other sacred earth palm teachings have not yet spoken. The Lord of the Heavenly Courts took a step forward and said: "The Lord of the Courts will help you to save their lives!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared deeply at the Jiutiange Master, and knew in his heart that it was not easy for the Jiutiange Master to do this step.

He said, "Thank you!"

The teachings of the top ten holy earth originally did not want to let Xiaohong and Orbazak hide, but since the owner of Jiutiange has let go, they are not too offensive to Jiutiange, so they temporarily killed Orbiko and Azusa Set aside.

At this moment, Ning Xiaochuan was set in the void, and the top ten holy palms taught to prepare their own strength to kill Ning Xiaochuan in the simplest way.

The white-haired old man riding on the colorful deer gently sighed, feeling sorry, saying: "Although this son is addicted to killing, after all, he is exceptionally talented. If he can get back on track, maybe In the future, they can help the human race against the attack by the monster army. "

"Old man, you don't need to plead for him. You can't condone such an evil horse. If you don't kill him now, you will only become the bane of the human race and become a tumor of the human race."

The ten sacred earth palm teachings, each condensed supernatural powers, attacked Ning Xiaochuan set on the sky.

"I didn't expect to die in the battlefield against the monsters, but in the hands of the seniors of the human race. Haha!"

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes and had only an unprecedented disappointment in his heart.


Suddenly, a ghostly figure flew across the sky and landed in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

He looks like a human and a ghost, with gray hair and a thin body, like a bone.

With his mouth open, he even swallowed the ten supernatural powers taught by the Holy Land Palm.

After swallowing the magical power into his mouth, his body immediately turned red, like a red iron block, making a crackling sound.

After a long while, those magical powers were refined by him and transformed into vitality again.

"Hey! Can the Holy Earth Palm teach this?" The demon gently wiped his lips and grinned.

Although the top ten holy palm teachings only hit a random attack, the strength of that level is also scary enough, and few people can resist it. Not to mention swallowing the magical powers of the top ten holy palms?

The ten sacred earth palm religions were all stunned, staring at the old ghost standing in the void, all showing the look of the enemy.

Aoki Zhang taught and reprimanded: "How can the evil spirits dare to make trouble in the holy city of Jiutian?"

The demon revealed two rows of yellow teeth, staring at Aoki's palm, and said, "Boy, step back, there is no place for you to speak!"

What is Aoki Palm Teaching?

Someone dare to look down on him so.


With the wave of Aoki's arm, tens of thousands of golden leaves condensed in the air.

The leaves exude a golden awn, sharper than the blade.

The arm trembled, the golden leaves like a golden blade of rain, rushing towards the old ghost.

The location of the heart of the demon rushes out of the dazzling blood, and the heart is like a magic drum, and emits the sound of "咚咚".

Those golden leaves immediately stood still in the void, unable to approach the demon's body.

Qingmu Zhang taught Lengheng, and a real spit was spit out in his mouth. The golden leaves immediately condensed together, forming a golden treasure tree, and sprinkled countless golden light rain.

The demon smiled and disappeared into the void.

When it reappeared, the demon was already standing in front of Aoki's palm teacher, patted it with one palm, and beat the Aoki palm teacher hundreds of miles away.

Aoki Zhang taught to stabilize his body, covering his sore chest, and his eyes were a little dignified.

"Demon! Wasn't he subdued by the ugly mother-in-law? How could he appear here?" Ning Xiaochuan stared at the old, thin figure with countless doubts in his heart.

"Quack! Ning Xiaochuan, we meet again!" The Devil laughed.

"How could it be you?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

"If it weren't for me, wouldn't you have been killed by someone?" The demon said.

Perceived the power of the demon, ten holy earth palms taught, and immediately stood in ten directions, each holding up a powerful supreme device, blocking the ten sides of the world.

"That little devil, really knew the old devil. Shoot together and kill them all." Jiuxu taught.

The demon stared at ten powerful figures standing in ten directions, and laughed: "The old man is the waiter of the angel of heaven. Who do you say is the old demon?"

"Bullshit, how can there be a demon like you in heaven?" Aoki taught Shen Shen.

The master of the Jiutian Pavilion did not expect that Ning Xiaochuan actually knew the people in Tianting. The boy's good fortune is not small. He was enshrined by the people in Heaven.

At this time, she must stand up and warn the Ten Holy Lands to teach, lest they anger the angels of heaven.

The Jiutian Pavilion master personally confirmed the identity of the demon and said: "This old gentleman is indeed a waiter around the heavenly messengers! Everyone teaches, do not immediately put away the fighter, is this a desire to fight against heaven?

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