Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 865: Teach Joy

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The waiter of the angel of heaven?

Hearing this news, the face of the ten sacred earth's palm teachers changed greatly, and immediately packed up the soldiers, waiting for the angel of heaven to come.

"Ning Xiaochuan actually knew the people in heaven, these troubles are so big!"

There is an unpredictable feeling in the hearts of the Holy Land Palmists.

With the protection of a heavenly messenger, it is almost impossible to kill Ning Xiaochuan again.

The old real man riding a colorful deer immediately withdrew the "fixing foot".


The original tall pillar of copper immediately turned into a copper ruler and flew back into the hands of the old real person.

This is an ancient **** soldier that has been passed down from the time of the gods. At least they are treasures of the supreme imperial rank. They are the gods used by ancient ancestors to measure the continent, the mountains, and the rivers.

After the "fixing ruler" was taken away, Ning Xiaochuan immediately resumed his ability to move freely.

The ugly mother-in-law and the seventh princess of the heavenly court stepped out of the holy city of Jiutian. Wherever they passed, all the monks fell to their knees, gave them a big gift, and did not dare to look up at them.

"Aoki Holy Earth Palm Teaching, Xiang Li, Meet the Heavenly Messenger!" Aoki Palm Teaching bowed to the ugly mother-in-law.

"Yinzuka Holy Earth Palm Teaching, Master Luo, meet the heavenly messenger!"


Everyone can feel the powerful power fluctuations in the ugly mother-in-law. It is by no means a life-level power, but a power beyond the real person.

The court of heaven is the master of the entire Da Yan world, let alone the teaching of the holy earth. Even the five masters of the world must obey the command of the court of heaven.

The teachings of the major holy soils saluted the ugly mother-in-law.

The ugly mother-in-law didn't look at them at all. When she came to Ning Xiaochuan's body, an old face slowly lifted up, and her voice was hoarse: "Ning Xiaochuan, would you like to become a disciple of the God's Palace?"

The ten holy palm religions not far away all looked up, with a few different colors in their eyes, staring at Ning Xiaochuan.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the demon, he had already guessed that the angel of heaven was probably the ugly mother-in-law, so he was not surprised.

The ugly mother-in-law saw that Ning Xiaochuan didn't answer, and then she said, "The blood suit on your body is the jersey of the Emperor Zijin, isn't it? It's a pity! The blood suit has a magic power from Guihui, that evil power. It ’s affecting your heart and mind, leading you to an evil path. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were cold, glanced at the palm teachings of the ten sacred soils standing in the distance, and said lightly, "During the troubled times, is there a difference between the right way and the evil way?"

The ugly mother-in-law coughed twice and laughed: "As long as you can keep your heart, there is no difference between the right way and the evil way, you are afraid that your heart will be swallowed up by evil forces and lost in the abyss of evil."

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a long time, and said, "My mother-in-law's kindness led my junior. My heart never belonged to me alone, and no one can let me get lost."

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan resolutely left, and took away Xiaohong and the nine-day maiden, leaving the nine-day holy city.

The Seven Princesses of Heaven stood beside her ugly mother-in-law, frowning frantically, and said unhappy: "This boy is too ignorant to lift up! Mother-in-law invites him to join the God's Crown Palace in person. What a honour, he didn't even look back Left! "

The ugly mother-in-law smiled and shook her head gently, and said, "Let him go! The killing thoughts in his heart are endless, and Mosha has been integrated into the bloodline. Give him some time. I believe he can come out of the demon realm."

"If it is really the evil power in the Guixu, invaded his body, and based on his current practice, can he really get out of the demon realm?" The Seven Princesses of Tianting have also heard of the Guixu, even in the classics of Tianting Above, that is also an ancient forbidden area.

The ugly mother-in-law said meaningfully: "Don't worry about him, someone will help him. Besides, this son has a lot to do with me. With my understanding of him, his heart is very firm."


At night, a secret room in the holy city of Jiutian.

On the periphery of the closet, array methods are arranged.

Aoki Zhang teaches sitting on a large stone chair, twisting his white beard, with a sharp light in his eyes, and said, "I didn't expect Ning Xiaochuan to be supported by a heavenly man behind him. This time let him leave, in the future There are bound to be endless consequences. "

The shadow of the Jiuxu Palm Religion is reflected on the icy walls, the size of a slap, as if standing outside a distant void, and the voice is extremely ethereal: "It is said that in the north. When there was a phoenix, there was once a phoenix She was sheltering him, so he had a young man with no identity background to be able to grow up in the dangerous north. Xinjiang now gradually grew up. Now it seems that the reason he knows the heaven is probably related to that phoenix. Otherwise, How could a young boy who came out of the wild, know the great man in heaven? "

The shadow of the teachings of the Yinzhang is also reflected on the wall, and said coldly: "The boy actually refused to join the God's Palace, apparently hating us, and the killing thoughts in his heart continued. If he waits for his success, He will definitely seek revenge on us. "

Aoki nodded and nodded, and said, "Although the boy ’s cultivation is not high, there is a blood cloak of God. Even my cultivation cannot stop him. He almost let him escape. Fortunately, the old man used a fixing ruler. Keep him calm. "

"It is also a good thing for us that he refused to join the prince's palace."

"That's right, if he joins the sacred palace, we can't get rid of him at all."

"Yes! While he is not growing up, he must be wiped out in the cradle. I will send someone to do this!" Yinzuzhang taught.

"The blood coat of the second **** is not impossible to suppress. The old man will let him know that personal strength can never compete with the Holy Land." Aoki taught.

If the news is spread out, tell the world that the masters of the holy earth are plotting against a young junior. Surely no one believed it.

You know, the age of any of them is more than 100 times the age of Ning Xiaochuan. The cultivation of any one of them is more than one hundred times that of Ning Xiaochuan. The identity of any one of them is more than a hundred times that of Ning Xiaochuan. Any one of them can mobilize hundreds of millions of monks who can move mountains, reclaim the sea, destroy the country, and cause earth-shattering effects.

Only the characters at the highest level are worthy of conspiracy.

However, a young junior made them feel a sense of crisis, made them sleepless, and wanted to get rid of it quickly.


The vast and vast wilderness is surrounded by dense trees.

One of the trees was as thick as ten people, surrounded by a black vine, and even branches and leaves were entwined by the vine. A towering tree has lost its vitality and turned into a dead tree.

Ning Xiaochuan stood under the big tree, staring at the vine, without saying a word, as if pondering, but also as understanding the cruelty of nature.

After leaving the holy city of Jiutian, he brought Xiaohong and Orbuz into the wilderness. He didn't know where to go, but it was as if only this deserted desert was the safest!

"Ogawa, those sacred soils in Middle-earth will never let you go. Why didn't you promise the heavenly messengers to enter the God's Palace, and they have the shelter of the heavenly messengers, and they will certainly do nothing for you." Beside the heap, warm red flames reflected on her body, reflecting her snow-white skin and intoxicating red glow.

Ning Xiaochuan's voice was cold: "When entering the God's Palace, they will be bound by the God's Palace. They can't kill me, and I can't kill them anymore?"

"They? The palm of the top ten holy earth teaches real people?" Baozhu Jizo felt that Ning Xiaochuan really became a little different, and even his eyes became cold, so that she could not feel the temperature on him.

Ning Xiaochuan did not answer, and continued to stare at the dead trees and old vines.

Xiaohong held an iron sword in his hand. There was a huge beast leg strung on the iron sword. While turning the beast leg, he drooled and cried, "Kill! One of those old guys in Middle-earth. All of them are too despicable, so it's best to kill them all, leaving no one behind. "

Ning Xiaochuan took out a fist-sized Lightning Dragon Yuan from the Qiankun bracelet and threw it to Xiao Hong.

When Xiaohong saw that Dragon Yuan, her eyes were round and slick, she immediately lowered the roasted animal legs, swooped up, caught Long Yuan, and held it in her hand, "Ning Xiaochuan, wait for me to become a true dragon, Xiu was sure to advance by leaps and bounds. At that time, we will kill Middle-earth together and let those old men see how powerful we are. "

Baozhu Jizo is not as happy as Xiao Hong, but is worried about Ning Xiaochuan, saying, "Ogawa, can you really suppress the evil spirit on the blood cloak of the gods? May I help you?"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at her deeply, then nodded gently.

The two sat quietly under the moon, very quiet.

After Xiaohong got Long Yuan, she seemed to realize that Ning Xiaochuan and Baozhu Jizo were going to practice special exercises, so she got into the jungle, and she didn't know where to hide and refine Long Yuan.

The soft moonlight sprinkled on the body of Baozhu Jizo, so that her fair skin was covered with a fine layer of jade wax.

The orb hid with a hand-carved rosary, and her eyes were beautiful, saying: "The history of joyful Zen can be traced back to the era of Fengshen. At that time, there was an emperor named 'Yejia'. , Kill Buddhists. "

"At that time, the Lord of Buddhism sent a female Bodhisattva to teach him. However, that female Bodhisattva could not use any method to slay the demon, and in the end, she and Yejia fled. The physical relationship was in that female Bodhisattva. In his arms, Ye Jia immediately resolved all evil thoughts, filled his heart with love, converted to Buddhism, and became the lord of Buddhist monks. "

"Yejia is the Lord of the Five Great Kings of the Buddha, and that female Bodhisattva is the Concubine Ming. The two masters of the Buddha were together to become Buddhas."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Do you think I'm Yejia who was a demon in my heart now? And you are here for my concubine?"

Baozhu Dizang said: "This is the mantra recorded in the Buddhist scriptures! After wearing the last blood cloak of God, you were trapped by evil spirits and became demon in your heart. It is very similar to the history of Huanxian Zen.

She also said, "I will now teach you the method of cultivating the joy of meditation-joy is the source of heaven and earth, the root of all things, the Buddha Yin body is Prajna, the Buddha Yang body is convenient, and **** coexist ...

Ning Xiaochuan listened to Baozhu Jizo's explanation and realized the true meaning of joyful meditation.

The seemingly simple Zen method, but there are countless dangers. If you accidentally fall into love / desire, you cannot survive.

Gradually, the two moved closer to each other, and Baozhu hid in Ning Xiaochuan's arms. Her voice was charming and she taught Ning Xiaochuan's joyful scriptures.

Her holy face, with a charming appearance, was seductive to the extreme.

Under the temptation of her soft words, Ning Xiaochuan's desire / fire burned more and more vigorously. When the burning reached the extreme, he wanted to hide the jade of the precious pearl. With the legs apart, she sat across his legs, and the soft jade body was tightly attached to the body, forming a male / female body.

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