Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 866: Unity of Heaven and Man

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Baozhu Jizo looked at Ning Xiaochuan Junyi's face, his broad chest, his heart beating.

I don't know how many ordeals have gone through, and finally I will give myself to him!

Baozhu Dizang is extremely shameful and said softly: "To cultivate the joy of Zen, you need to stimulate the nine sensitive acupoints on the body of the Buddha's yin body. ... and then flowed back from the tenth big acupuncture point to the body of the Buddha's body, forming a week and sky. After this cycle, we will be able to blend water and milk, and heaven and man are one. "

Ning Xiaochuan sat on the ground, holding the slender bee waist hidden in the pearl beads, staring at her bright eyes, saying: "Where are the nine sensitive points in your body? The tenth important point is in Where?"

Orb hid a beautiful face, revealing a shameful expression.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly: "If you don't say it, how do you cultivate?"

Baozhu Jizo bit his shell teeth and gradually compromised. He told Ning Xiaochuan the location of the nine sensitive points in his body. Finally, after Jiao Ling left, he also told Ning Xiaochuan the location of the tenth important point.

After speaking, she flew into Ning Xiaochuan's arms, and the jade body kept trembling.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes were exquisite, and he had a deeper understanding of Huanxi. The location of the nine big points is almost like the nine stars on a woman, and every time she stimulates, she will make her desire. Pulled deeper into the sea.

Ning Xiaochuan stroked every inch of skin on the whole body of Baozhu Jizang, stimulating her nine points.

For the Orb Jizo, it was definitely life-threatening. Full of elasticity *, rubbing between Ning Xiaochuan's legs, gradually immersed in desire. Looking forward.

After all, this is the first time she has tried to contact a man. She has far less experience than Ning Xiaochuan. At the beginning, she was able to teach Ning Xiaochuan Huanxi Zen. However, after Ning Xiaochuan's tricks, it didn't take long for her mouth to touch her. There was only the sound of babble.

Under the white robe, jade. **** between the legs, dripping waves.

Xiu joy, first bliss.

Tonight, the maiden of the nine days will fall to earth.

Although the Orbuzakura is a Buddhist practitioner, every part of the body is full of charm, with natural bones and a fairy-like body. While Ning Xiaochuan was in contact with her body, she also achieved desire. The edge of the sea.

"Can we start?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Baozhudi hid a pair of phoenix eyes and nodded gently, the jade body kept trembling, and it could not wait any longer.

Ning Xiaochuan lifted the white pearl robe of Baozhu Dizhang and kissed and rubbed it. After only a moment, Baozhu Jizhang became blurred, and I do n’t know where tonight and night, like drunk wine, fiercely responded to Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan noticed that she was in a bad state and seemed to be lost in love. If you want, immediately hold her fan with the palm of your hand and sip softly: "Orb!"

The original blurry eyes of the Orb Jizo immediately became sober. At this moment, she realized that she had been stripped to the ground by Ning Xiaochuan, and there was nothing left, but powerful black and white vitality poured into her body.

That's right, black and white.

When Ning Xiaochuan took off the robe of the Orb Jizo, he inspired the supreme power in the body, merged the supreme power and vitality into one body, and injected it into the body of the Orb Jizo through nine points.

Huanxi Zen is about yin and yang integration, the union of heaven and man, and the strength of the two together, becoming a yin and yang week.

Just like the yin and yang fish on the gossip, once the yin and yang fish starts to rotate, it can stir the power of yin and yang between the whole world!

Incorporating the power of supreme power into the vitality, and entering the two days of the body, will only make the yin and yang two energy more abundant, clear the magazines in the body, and make the body more pure.

Baozhu hides the whole body red / naked, and every inch of skin is as bright as jade. Sitting on the waist and abdomen of Ning Xiaochuan, a ray of holy Buddha blooms in the body without any trace of **** / evil.

Ning Xiaochuan sat below, like holding a real nine-day maiden, and hurriedly.

The two kept the posture of rejoicing Buddha in the Buddhist temple, forming a continuous cycle in the body, absorbing the yin and yang air between heaven and earth, and continually marching towards the real world.

Cultivate all night until the day of dawn, the two talents separated.

Double cultivation is also a step-by-step practice. It is impossible to practice overnight, and then you can directly break through the real world. You can only increase the speed of the two people to better understand the real world.

Of course, after practicing this night, their cultivation has been greatly improved.

In particular, the orb shogunate directly rose from the middle of the ninth realm of heaven and human to the peak of the ninth realm of heaven and human.

Ning Xiaochuan was originally the pinnacle of the ninth realm of heaven and man, but now he has made further progress.

Baozhu Jizo re-put on the Buddha's clothing, fastened his belt, and stared at Ning Xiaochuan tenderly. His face was shy like a little girl, and said, "Ogawa, from now on we will be a double path. Lover! Last night, we were all immersed in the practice and failed to enjoy the joy between men and women, otherwise we now ... "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the jungle in the distance and said, "Xiao Hong is back!"

Baozhu Jizo immediately separated from Ning Xiaochuan by three steps, staring at the little girl who came out of the jungle with bare feet, a little bit annoyed, and felt that Xiao Hong was too late to return.

Xiaohong handed a bag to Baozhu Jizo, saying: "Sister, you must have consumed your body very much last night. This is the spiritual fruit I have collected from the mountains. You can eat something to supplement your body loss. Moisture. "

Having said this, Xiaohong turned and left again.

Baozhu Jizo stared at the little back, some cried and looked at Ning Xiaochuan.

"Xiao Hong is a baby dragon of Shenlong who can find the spirit of heaven and earth. The spirit fruits she picked up must be rare treasures, comparable to psychic medicine. You have to eat something! It is of great help to promote cultivation "Ning Xiaochuan said.

Baozhudi hid his lips and teeth, and said, "But don't you think she knows too much?"

"The wisdom of the Shenlong cub is far superior to humans. Moreover, as she grows up, the knowledge in the blood of the Dragon tribe will gradually wake up, and she knows that it is normal to have more things!" .

It's night again!

Ning Xiaochuan inlaid a piece of top-quality basalt in the earth, and spent 90,000 pieces of top-quality basalt on a three-meter-high basalt platform!

Strong mystery envelops the entire stone platform.

Looking at it from a distance, that piece of Xuanshitai exudes brilliance, echoing the stars above the sky.

One man and one woman, showing friendship. In a proper posture, he sat on the sacred stone platform, shrouded in misty mysterious fog, exuding circles of Buddha.

It took a total of eight nights and consumed 720,000 pieces of ground stones, and the status of the two finally changed.

The light of the Buddha continued to emerge from their bodies, condensing into a huge lotus flower, and the petals unfolded in nine directions.

The earth, over the sky, a rolling cloud of ink covered the moon and stars, and shrouded above the heads of Ning Xiaochuan and Baozhu Jizo.

The strong vitality fluctuations finally attracted real people.


The thunderbolt was as thick as a bucket, like a pouring rain, poured down from the sky, and smashed over the heads of Ning Xiaochuan and Baozhu Jizo.

Ning Xiaochuan and Baodi Jizo still maintain the posture of rejoicing Buddha, turning the vitality in the body to form a nine-layer Buddha ring, resisting the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky.

Their expressions were very calm and immersed in love. In the world of desire, no matter how strong Lei Jie is, their body is unbeatable by thunder.

On a distant foothill, a bright moon was suspended. A young woman stood in the middle of the moon, staring at the thunderbolt above the sky. "The joy of Zen is so powerful that the real robberies that are brought in are nine times stronger than those of ordinary real people."

She is the goddess of the Jiutian Pavilion-Luna.

Luna is not a name, but her name.

In the name of God.

Showing her determination to become a god.

These days, she has been hiding in the dark, quietly observing the state of Ning Xiaochuan.

After Ning Xiaochuan and the Nine Heavenly Virgins cultivated joy zen, the evil power in his body was indeed temporarily suppressed!

"It seems that the mother-in-law's worries are superfluous. The Nine Heavenly Sisters use joy zen to channel the evil power in Ning Xiaochuan. think.


The sound of rapid flight came from the air.

Suddenly, every shadow, with a killing cloud, flew towards the direction of Thunder.

"The thunderstorm is too loud. Did all the killers dispatched from the Top Ten Holy Lands be attracted?"

Luna immediately took all the moonlight back into her body, and her body was still.


Crystal skin becomes stone skin.

After a while, she turned into a cold statue of a goddess.

This is a fossil superpower! Just for a moment, a beautiful woman turned into a lifeless stone statue.

Two mighty monks in black armor fell from the sky and fell to the stone statue of the goddess.

The two monks had real yuan flowing on them, and even looking at the thunderbolt in the distance, they seemed very calm.

The black armor, as heavy as a mountain, wrapped every part of their whole body, covering their eyes and teeth.

"Strange, just now I felt someone standing here, why did I disappear in a blink of an eye?" The madman released his mind and explored in all directions, but he couldn't find the human breath at all.

"Crazy real person, you should be wrong! There is no one here except a stone sculpture?" Honglie real person laughed.

The crazy real person shook his head gently, and said, "No matter, let's resolve it to Ning Xiaochuan first. If you let him survive thunderstorm and become a real person, it will be difficult to deal with!"

"Even after thunderstorm? It's just the first place of real people! As long as the power of the blood cloak of the second **** is suppressed, he is the lamb that we slaughter." Honglie lively laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan, who was going through the calamity, also felt that a strong enemy was coming, and immediately mobilized his vitality to put away the nine petals of Buddhism into a huge lotus bud, wrapping him and the treasure in the center of Buddhism. .

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