Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 881: Fox Princess

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The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King took the purple gold red gourd from Ning Xiaochuan's hands, and then left happily.

Ning Xiaochuan sat by the Blood River, facing the empty Dongfu, and said, "Who the **** are you? Come out!"

When the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King came in, Ning Xiaochuan noticed a faint aura, followed by the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horn and the Silver Horn into the Destroyed King Cave.

After the Golden Horned Demon King and Silver Horned Demon King left, the faint breath did not leave, but remained in the cave.

The other side's concealment method is very clever. If Ning Xiaochuan is already distracted and his mental strength has increased greatly, he may not be able to detect the breath of that person.

"Ha ha! The great King of Destruction, the insight is so keen, no wonder that even Dragon Tai has been defeated in your hands. The slavery's Qi Qi, even the seventh oldest monster in real life may not be able to detect, I can't hide your eyes. "

A soft and beautiful sound, sounding from somewhere in Dongfu, is like a quaint sound.

Ning Xiaochuan has never heard such a beautiful sound. Just just the sound can numb a man's bones, and the master of the uncontrollable fantasy voice in his mind will be such a beautiful and touching woman.


A white mist escaped from the air and turned into a fantasy world.

A beautiful woman with crystal clear skin came out of the mist, Fengmu teased, and Qiong nose was very cocky. The face was not like a woman on earth.

Slender and slender neck, **** clavicle, moon-white coat tightly clinging to Suona's delicate body, squeezing a pair of crisp peaks on the chest into the shape of a jade bowl.

She is red. Naked with a pair of lotus feet, with a fresh and elegant fragrance, each action has a sultry style, and every step is charming and ecstatic.

Even with Ning Xiaochuan's current mind, she was bewildered for a moment, her eyes became dull, and countless pictures appeared in her mind.

However, it was only a moment, and soon Ning Xiaochuan held his heart.

His eyes became cold and sharp, saying: "In front of me, it is best to put away your charm."

There was a little surprise in the eyes of that beautiful demon girl. Ning Xiaochuan was able to wake up from the illusion so quickly.

How firm is his will?

"Why is it so cold? The slave family is not malicious, just admiring the King of Destruction to defeat the supreme heroine of Long Taiyi. Is this also wrong?" The beautiful girl's beautiful eyes were pitiful and pitiful.

Any man who sees her like this will immediately hold her in his arms and love him.

She walked to Ning Xiaochuan's body, stretched out a delicate jade hand, hooked Ning Xiaochuan's neck, and fell softly into Ning Xiaochuan's arms.


Ning Xiaochuan didn't hesitate, pointed out and broke through the heart of that demon girl.

The demon girl screamed, and her flawless body was immediately torn apart, turned into a plume of smoke, and disappeared in the cave.

After that demon girl's body was broken, the illusion in Dongfu disappeared.

Ning Xiaochuan whispered coldly: "Fortunately, you are lucky and have not used the real body. Otherwise, I will surely make you physically ruined, and you will not be much better than the Iron Snail King."

After the illusion disappeared, only a white fox fur remained, falling from the air and falling to the ground.

In a verdant green bamboo forest not far from Wangdong Palace of Destruction, stood a beautiful tall fox girl with six white foxtails, just like the legendary fox fairy.

The all-encompassing fairy face is more beautiful and more enchanting than the seductive phantom of Ning Xiaochuan who seduced Ning Xiaochuan in the King of the Caves.

"Hehe! The will is so firm and interesting, and it seems that ordinary methods cannot be used to deal with him." Xi Xi's two jade fingers gently touched the firm jaw, with a faint smile on his face.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor ordered the extermination of human races, in fact, it will also have a great impact on some of them.

For example, the Fox family.

If the human race is completely extinct, then the Fox race will basically be extinct.

Because the foxes need to breed offspring, they can't do without humans.

The Fox family, the entire ethnic group is female, there is no male.

If they want to breed offspring, they must find a human race man to deal with. Match.

Among them, there are also many fox women who truly love each other and are married. However, once the fox girl is pregnant with the offspring of that man, she will forget all the feelings of herself and that man, and then take the little fox girl and leave the human civilization.

Some of the fox girls would even **** up the Yang Yuan, a man he once loved, kill that man, and completely cut off the relationship with him.

Therefore, legends about the Fox Fairy are widely spread in all civilizations of the human race, and they are all seducing men. Even in some legends, Fox Fairy will be emotional to human race men, but in the end, there is no good result.

Behind Xi Xi, followed by two young and beautiful four-tailed fox girls, about sixteen or seven years old.

"Princess, do you decide to choose King of Devil as your spouse?" One of the four-tailed fox girls said.

Xi Xi laughed: "The King of Destruction can defeat Long Taiyi. In the young generation of the human race, no one is better than him. His blood and my blood, how strong will the offspring born in the future?"

The four-tailed fox girl said, "But, should you sue the demon first?"

"Of course I have to sue the mother, I believe the mother will also be very satisfied with the King of Destruction." Xi Xi said.

Whether it is a woman or a fox girl, it is born to hope to find a man who can conquer himself, and find a man stronger than himself.

Xi Xi knew that if he wanted to breed offspring, he had to find a man as a spouse. Rather than looking for those weak human men, it was better to find a strong one like King of Destroyer.

If the foxes have descendants of the annihilation king, they will also protect the fox tribe after they become strong in the future.

"But the destroyer's will is firm, and even the princess' fox fairyland can't confuse him. I'm afraid it won't be easy." A four-tailed fox girl said.

Xi Xi smiled slightly and said: "People like King of Destroyer want to take him down, and must not use the cliché, let alone lie to him."

Xi Xi's apricot eyes had a bright smile, and it was like a little fox essence who was conceiving how to eat Ning Xiaochuan!

At this moment, Xiaohong was carrying a medicine basket, humming the ballads she didn't know from where she was, and went into the bamboo forest, looking for medicinal herbs everywhere.

When Xi Xi saw Xiao Hong's figure, she immediately thought of a countermeasure and walked towards Xiao Hong.

The King of Destroyer defeated Long Taiyi and killed the Iron Snail Demon King. The news spread quickly among the demon clan.

The demons were shocked.

Even the news came to the ears of the existence of the demon queen and queen level.

This is definitely not a trivial matter. If the talent of the Destroyer King is really more terrible than Long Taiyi, the future achievements will be absolutely amazing.

Originally, after the human race took refuge in the demons, they were basically under the status and could only be slaves to the demons. The only exception was the King of Destroyer, which made the existence of the demon king feel taboo and did not dare to provoke him.

After hearing the news, the human monks who came to the Demon Clan came to see the King of Destruction, and wanted to join the King of Destruction and become a subordinate of the King of Destruction.

Among them, there are even some demon creatures without a background, who also bring great gifts to meet the King of Destruction.

The human monks and monsters who came to visit the Destroyed King Caves were almost in a long line, all with gifts.

Ji Yue, in the past few days, can be regarded as raising his eyebrows and exhaling completely.

As a slave of the human race, he came to the demon clan for the first time, and felt that he was also the number one person in the demon clan.

On this day, Xiaohong came back to pick her medicine, and she was followed by a gorgeous foxwoman.

The fox girl and Xiaohong seemed very familiar, talking and laughing, and seemed to be talking about something pleasant!

"Sister Xi, thank you for helping me to collect medicine these days. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know that Damengze still has so many treasures for growing exotic drugs. If Ning Xiaochuan saw that I had picked so many medicines for him, sure It will be dumbfounded. "Xiaohong laughed.

Xi Xi laughed: "Xiao Hong, you are a dragon girl of the Shenlong family, and you are willing to collect medicine for the King of Destruction, don't you usually cultivate?"

Xiaohong froze slightly, and said, "Why cultivate?"

Xi Xi said: "..."

Xiaohongdao: "Cultivation, how boring! As a dragon girl of the Shenlong family, eat more elixir and eat more natural treasures. Cultivation can naturally improve, without having to work so hard."

Between words, they have already walked outside the exterminator Wang Dongfu.

Ji Yue saw Xiaohong return and immediately greeted him.

After seeing the demon woman standing next to Xiao Hong, Ji Yue's eyes brightened, and she was shocked to the heavens. Is there such a beautiful nymph in the world?

His three souls and seven souls were almost hooked away by Xi Xi, and after a long absence, he recovered.

When he saw the six foxtails behind Xi Xi, he immediately understood Xi Xi's identity, and "Xi" knelt on the ground and worshiped with five bodies: "Meet Princess Xi Xi!"

In the Fox clan, how many women can cultivate six tails, and still be so beautiful?

Of course, it is one of the three **** princes of the Ming Zhen demon clan, Princess Xi Xi of the Jiuwei fox clan.

Xi Xi stared at Ji Yue with a smile and said, "Get up!"

Ji Yue stood up inexplicably, and said, "I don't know Princess Xi Xi is coming to Wangdong Mansion, but want to visit the king of my family? The old servant is now the obituary king!"

"No! Princess Ben and Xiaohong are friends, just to send her back, don't alarm the King of Destruction." Xi Xi said.

Xi Xi was about to leave. Suddenly, the voice of Ning Xiaochuan came from the cave of the King of Destruction. "Since Princess Xi Xi, the first beauty of the monster family, came to King Devil's Palace, why can't the king come out to welcome him!"

As soon as the words fell, Ning Xiaochuan was already standing at the gate of Dongfu, staring at the gorgeous figure not far away.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Xi Xi's mouth, like a fish hooked. She turned and stared at the handsome human race man, softly saying, "I have heard the name of the King of Destruction, and today, I finally saw the real person!"

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