Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 882: Weakness

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Ning Xiaochuan invited Xun Xi to Wang Dong Palace of the Destroyer, and they each sat in two positions of the stone table, which contained nine dandelions.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the stunning and enchanting fox tribe sitting opposite, and said: "Princess Xi Xi can dare to taste the human-grade Dan refined by Wang Wang?"

Xi Xi's body is proud, her skin is white, and she has a glamorous jade face. Six furry foxtails are exposed under the long skirt, which keeps floating behind her.

She smiled slightly and said, "It is the honor of Xi Xi to be able to taste the personal refining of the elixir."

Ning Xiaochuan explained to her, saying: "This pot of human-level Dan is called 'six transfers to Yangdan", reaching the level of soul-level human-level Dan. No matter how many injuries, only the next elixir was taken. The injury will heal immediately. "

Later, Ning Xiaochuan brought up another pot of Dan, saying: "This is also a pot of soul-level human-level Dan, called 'Bingao Lianhun Dan'. All soul Cordyceps is made with 27 psychic miracle medicines. One serving can enhance 200 years of skill. "

"But if you take the second one, the potency will be halved. The third potion will be halved again. Also, it is only suitable for humans with demon constitution, or demons with negative constitution."

Subsequently, Ning Xiaochuan introduced another seven pots of panax to Xixi. Some panax can enhance blood gas, some panax can be modified, some panax can be purely refined, and some panax can be purified. Increase Shou Yuan.

These elixirs are all human-grade elixirs made by Ning Xiaochuan in the recent period using the medicinal materials of the Treasury of the Great Empire and the medicinal materials sent by the Dragon clan.

Each human-level dan is valuable, and among the monsters who are not proficient in alchemy, throwing out a single elixir will also be robbed by the powerful monsters.

Xi Xi pours out an ice spirit refining dan from the pot, pinches it between two slender jade fingers, puts it on the edge of the white and clean shell teeth, and does not immediately take it. Instead, it seems to be sniffing the Danxiang .

At this moment, her expression was extremely serious, like being intoxicated in Danxiang, slowly closing a pair of soft apricot eyes, stretching out a rainbow-like incense tongue, and licking gently on the elixir, as if a dragonfly had water. .

Ning Xiaochuan raised his head slightly, staring at the stunning face of Xi Xi, secretly in his heart, worthy of being the fox banshee. Even tasting elixir, it was so charming and attractive.

If it is only about beauty, of the women Ning Xiaochuan knows, I am afraid that only Yu Ningsheng and Xue Lingxu can compare with Princess Xi Xi. As for the three goddesses, saints, and spirits of Jiutian Pavilion, they are better than her Slightly weaker.

Moreover, Xun Xi's body was charming and sexy, but it did not make people feel ordinary. Every action, every sound, seems to seduce a man to commit a crime, but you carefully observe her, but you can't see the slightest contrition.

The beauty of Yu Ningsheng is pure and holy, just like the white lotus in the lake, and it is not muddy. Born in a blue building, there is no vulgar woman in the slightest.

Xueling's imaginary beauty is a kind of sloppy beauty, like she doesn't belong to this world at all, and will fly away from the world at any time.

However, the beauty of Princess Xi Xi is another extreme. She is on earth. If it enters human civilization, it can even bring disaster to the world and cause chaos in the world.

Xi Xi finally put the Bingmo Lianhun Dan into Tankou, the cheeks moved gently, and tasted carefully.

After a long while, she refined the ice soul soul refining Dan, opened a pair of eyes as beautiful as the moon, and said: "Good Dan! It has been improved for two hundred years, and I feel that I am about to cultivate the seventh one. The foxtail! I did not expect that the Destroyer King is not only a talented martial arts genius, but also a master of alchemy. I am afraid that even the 800-year-old **** emperor, his talent is not as good as you. "

Xi Xi said: "Unfortunately, the demon clan does not value medicine and alchemy. Otherwise, I would also learn alchemy at that time. Hey! King of Destruction, how can I worship you as a teacher?"

Ning Xiaochuan also took down an ice soul refining spirit pan, while refining, said: "Alchemy is not a one-touch thing. If you don't like alchemy, but want to learn alchemy, then it will only delay practice!"

Xi Xi laughed: "I sincerely want to learn alchemy, how can I not like it?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My King invited His Royal Highness Princess Xi to enjoy the elixir, and to do the best of the landlord's friendship, it is regarded as respect for His Royal Highness Princess and Queen Nine-tailed Demon. Now, my King has several questions to ask His Royal Highness, I do not know His Royal Highness. Fang is inconvenient to answer? "

"But ask." Xi Xi still had a beautiful smile on her face.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes had several sharp edges, saying: "Why do you want to approach Xiao Hong intentionally?"

Xi Xi's face did not change, and she smiled and said, "How come people and Xiao Hong are just a coincidence. How could they be deliberately approaching? King of extinction, don't you always look at a fox woman based on the stories in the human race legend. In fact, we fox The women of the tribe are ... simple, not so careful. "

When Xiaohong saw Ning Xiaochuan, she seemed to be questioning Princess Xi Xi, and she was a little unhappy: "Ning Xiaochuan, don't take the heart of a beautiful woman with a villain's heart, sister Xi, and I really just met by chance. Linger and Sister Xi have formed Jin Lan and become good sisters. "

Having said this, Xiaohong poured out a handful of human-grade dan from the pot, just like eating sweet beans and stuffing it into the small mouth.

Xiao Linger also nodded gently, saying: "Sister Xi also helped Xiao Hong to collect medicine and also taught me some magical powers of the Fox family. Godfather, Sister Xi is really not malicious."

When Princess Xi Xi heard Xiao Linger's title to Ning Xiaochuan, she felt a resentment in her heart, "Xiao Linger, he is actually his daughter. After I worshiped with Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong, would I not ask him to do it? father?"

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Princess Xi Xi, and she wanted to know what purpose Princess Xi Xi was holding?

He can be sure that the person who created the illusion in the exterminator Wang Dongfu the other day was Princess Xi.

If it is said that she was in order to obtain the Shenlong cub, with her scheming and means, Xiao Hong had already been captured by her.

Since it's not for the Shenlong cub, what's her purpose?

The fox demon girl has many tricks, and I don't know how many ethnic men died in their hands, and Ning Xiaochuan had to grow an eye.

Moreover, he is now alone in the holy nation of the demon tribe, and there are murders everywhere. He must be careful and cautious.

Xi Xi was really a little angry, she put a smile on her face, and said gravely, "Princess indeed has one thing to remind the King of Destruction, you killed the Iron Snail Demon King under the Emperor Demon Throne. , Has enraged the Emperor Demon Emperor. The Emperor Demon Emperor should deal with you within today. "

After hearing what Princess Xi Xi said, Xiao Linger immediately became nervous, holding Princess Xi Xi's jade arm, and said, "Sister Xi, you are a Fox Princess, you must know a lot of internal information about the demons. How do you deal with us? "

Xi Xi was watching Ning Xiaochuan's expression secretly, but she found that Ning Xiaochuan had no expression from beginning to end.

"In the recent past, the Emperor of the Divine Land has been investigating the origin of the King of Destruction, and eventually he found clues and found that you are from a human civilization named 'Yu Lan Empire'."

Xi Xi saw that Ning Xiaochuan's eyes had finally changed, and her heart was slightly happy. See if you can keep calm?

She continued: "Moreover, that human civilization has not yet been destroyed, it is in the north. Xinjiang. If the princess is not bad, the Emperor Demon Emperor should order the Demon King to lead the monster army, go Destroy the Yulan Empire. "

"As long as the Demon King left Damengze, the Emperor Demon King will have many opportunities to kill you. Demon King, do you think you are now the opponent of Demon Emperor? Under the power of Demon Emperor, Do you think you are protected by Xiao Hong? "

Ning Xiaochuan's state of mind can no longer remain calm.

He stared at Princess Xixi's eyes and said, "Is your news reliable?"

"This is not news from the princess. This is the message from the Emperor of the Divine Demon to his subordinates, but it was accidentally known by our fox family."

This is a trick killer mastered by Princess Xi Xi. She already knew that once this trick killer was sacrificed, she would definitely make Ning Xiaochuan a big mess.

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan's heart was not too flustered. When he decided to turn to Tianmeng Demon Emperor, he had already guessed that Tianmeng Demon Emperor would send him to cruel people.

But he didn't expect that the Emperor Demon Emperor had not ordered it yet, but the Emperor Demon Emperor first attacked him.

Moreover, let him destroy the Yulan Empire.

"The King of Qing and the King of Hell must have been detained by the Heavenly Demon Emperor and left the holy nation of the demon tribe. Otherwise, the Emperor Demon Emperor would never bypass them and directly attack the Yulan Empire.

The Yulan Empire was the weakness of Ning Xiaochuan.

The Emperor Demon Emperor was able to find the Yulan Empire, which did cause a lot of pressure on Ning Xiaochuan.

It is not easy to crack this crisis.

By that time, not only the Yulan Empire could not be maintained, even Ning Xiaochuan's life would be difficult to maintain.

The reason why Ning Xiaochuan was able to gain a foothold in the demon tribe was because he was still in the holy state of the demon tribe.

However, once you leave Damengze, it is so easy to kill Ning Xiaochuan without knowing it!

"There are only two ways to resolve the crisis of the Yulan Empire. First, kill the Emperor Demon King. Second, go to see the Heavenly Demon Emperor and let the Heavenly Demon Emperor divide the Yulan Empire to me as My territory. "

"Both of these methods, the probability of success is very small!"

"If only I could ascend the two realms and reach the fourth realm of the real person, with the help of the blood of the sub-god, I would be able to compete with the Emperor Demon Emperor."

With the current practice speed of Ning Xiaochuan and the purple stars in Xiao Linger's body, he is completely confident that he will practice to the fourth realm within six months.

It only takes half a year.

The landlord demon emperor did not give him a chance to grow at all.

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