Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 883: Right first

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Princess Xi Xi said: "As the sisters of Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger, I naturally will not watch them fall into the hands of the Emperor Yaohuang. As long as we help the Fox family fully, we may not be able to keep the Yulan Empire. Stop the conspiracy of the demon emperor. "

Xiaohong cheered and rushed into the arms of Princess Xi Xi, saying, "I know that Sister Xi has the best way. Ning Xiaochuan, you even doubt Sister Xi!"

Ning Xiaochuan also had some doubts. Did he really look away? This fox princess is really just a naive girl and has no other thoughts?

Otherwise, why should she offend the demon emperor without hesitation and help them?

You know, although the Fox clan fears the demon emperor, it can't completely offend the existence of a demon emperor for the sake of a human being. It's not worth it!

Ning Xiaochuan really can't figure out the mind of this fox fairy princess.

He said, "His Royal Highness Princess, how do you plan to let the Emperor of the Landlord give up the annihilation of the Yulan Empire?"

At this moment, Ji Yue hurriedly walked in from the outside and said, "Obsued the King, the Emperor Demon Emperor sent a messenger to the Emperor to the Emperor Demon Hall, and talk about important matters!"

Come so fast!

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Princess Xi Xi, only to see the peerless enchanting fox fairy sister smiled at him. That smile can upside down sentient beings and charm the gods.

Obviously, she had expected that the Emperor of the Divine Land would attack Ning Xiaochuan today.

That's why she chose to follow Xiaohong today to Wangdong Palace.

After Ning Xiaochuan received the advance notice from Princess Xi Xi, she was already mentally prepared, and she was very peaceful. She followed the envoy of the demon emperor and went to the demon palace of the demon emperor.

A clone of the demon emperor, sitting above the demon temple, exuded a strong demon. The momentum was stronger than that of the emperor on earth.

Ning Xiaochuan walked into the hall of the monster, and felt a powerful force on his shoulders.

Every time you take a step in front of the demon temple, you will add a heavy power like a mountain.

In addition to the monster-level creatures, you can enter the monster hall. The other monks, including dozens of beast kings, all kneeled outside the hall. Thousands of monk monks kneeled down, and the scene was spectacular.

All of them were impressed by the Emperor Demon King, kneeling on the ground, unable to stand up.

After Ning Xiaochuan walked into the demon palace, he saw the left and right sides of the demon palace, each sitting in a long line of demon kings, all of which were real-life cultivation.

The stronger the demon king, the more forward the seat.

When Ning Xiaochuan saw the left side of the entrance of the demon hall, he had a vacant seat and walked straight ahead.

"King of Destruction, you are the great hero of the demon clan, how can the demon king who is close to you by the Heavenly Demon Emperor sit in the last seat? Come to the right of my emperor and take this position."

The demon kings all sneered, waiting to see the show.

In the Hall of the Demon, the most honorable position is the left-hand and right-hand positions below, in addition to the top position of the Emperor's Dragon King.

I don't know how many demon kings want to sit in those two positions, but if they want to sit in those two positions, they must have corresponding strength.

What kind of strength, what kind of position to sit.

Without that ability, he would only be forced to kneel on the ground by the momentum of the Emperor Demon Emperor, unable to sit at all.

Now sitting on the left is an old man with blue skin all over his body. His body is long, his bones are obvious, and blue dots of light flow in his body.

This is the old man, named "Fan Dazu", who cultivates the old demon king for tens of thousands of years.

The ancestor of Fanda is the most powerful demon king under the throne of the demon emperor, so he is qualified to sit in the first place on the left. With its cultivation, it is naturally able to withstand the mighty power of the Emperor Yaohuang.

"The Emperor Demon King wants to give me a power."

Ning Xiaochuan didn't panic, and said, "My king's cultivation is far from the demon king seniors present. How can He Dehe take the first place on the right? My king should be the last one!"

"My emperor said that you can sit, and no one dares to say a‘ no ’.” Di Yao demon Emperor Shen said.

"Okay! In this case, the king is more respectful than obeying."

Having said this, Ning Xiaochuan strode toward the right-hand position in front of the demon palace.

The demon king sitting on both sides widened his eyes, preparing to see how far Ning Xiaochuan could go?

In fact, Ning Xiaochuan also stared at the huge pressure, and every time he took a step forward, the pressure would increase.

When Ning Xiaochuan walked to the center of the demon temple, his body was like carrying a mountain of five fingers on his back, and the bones of his whole body made a "snap" sound, and his steps became slower.

"Great! No other demon king, there is no fourth-person cultivation of real life, you can not reach the center of the demon palace. The king of extinction is the second most real life, but it can be done." The demon king whispered.

"The King of Destroyer can defeat Long Taiyi. It is definitely true that it is not difficult to walk to the center of the demon palace. However, it is difficult to go forward. After all, in the demon palace, there is not only the momentum from the demon emperor, There is also the momentum from the demon king present, all of which are his resistance to advance. "

"If you want to take the right first place, you must have at least the seventh strength of real life. Obviously, the Destroyer King does not have such strength yet, wait and see! In a few more steps, he will be crushed to his knees. On the ground. "

Not only did the imperial imperial spirit impose on Ning Xiaochuan, other imperial kings also all pointed at Ning Xiaochuan, preventing him from reaching the right first place.

If he was allowed to achieve the right first place, wouldn't he just acknowledge his position in the demon race?

"Da da!"

In the eyes of everyone, although Ning Xiaochuan is getting harder and harder, he is getting closer to the right.

Could he still sit in the right first place?




The demons released their momentum to the extreme, suppressing Ning Xiaochuan with all their strength.

Even the landlord demon emperor sitting on top of it slightly increased his strength to stop Ning Xiaochuan's pace.

This imposing coercion is not only suppressing Ning Xiaochuan's physical body, but also suppressing Ning Xiaochuan's soul.

Fortunately, Ning Xiaochuan is already seven-pointed, his soul and mind are extremely powerful, and he is not afraid to suppress the soul of the demon emperor.

"Super Demon Body."

Ning Xiaochuan inspired the supreme power in the blood, and a powerful aura like a monk in the ancient world burst out from Ning Xiaochuan's body.

Several demon kings who were repaired to be weaker were counter-pressed by the power of the Supreme Body. The seat under them "creaked" and almost fell to the ground.

Taking this opportunity, Ning Xiaochuan grabbed a few steps, and before the demon kings and the land prince demon emperors had not responded, they were already sitting on the right.

Sitting in the first place on the right, Ning Xiaochuan's eyes glanced at the demon kings in the demon palace, and he smiled, and said, "Since the seniors of the demon king are so kind, the juniors will dare to sit down in this position! Thank you, thank you!"

Hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, all the demon kings were mad with anger.

Originally, he wanted to give Ning Xiaochuan a power to let him kneel in the demon temple automatically under the coercion of the Emperor and the Demon Kings.

However, Ning Xiaochuan actually broke through, and he really took the first place on the right, and he was on an equal footing with the ancestors of Vanda, and many of the old demon kings who wanted to take the first place were furious.

The Vanda ancestor sitting in the first place on the left, as if just waking up, opened a pair of old eyes, gave a slight glance at Ning Xiaochuan, and then continued to close his eyes, as if he fell asleep again.

After this time of confrontation, Ning Xiaochuan really realized the horror of the Emperor.

"The Emperor of the Divine Emperor exudes momentum, and it is by no means the ninth most important creature in the real world to possess. It is the ninth most important practice in the real world, but it has the strength to contend with the supremacy of the eternal realm."

"I used to look down on the demon emperor. With its great strength, even if I really reach the fourth level of the real world, plus the blood coat of the god, it will never be its opponent."

"Everyone at the level of the demon emperor cannot be underestimated and has extraordinary strength. In the future, you must be more careful."

The breath of the Emperor of the Divine Demon was similar to that of the old real person who had settled Ning Xiaochuan with the "fixing ruler" in the nine-day holy city.

That real person with the surname "Old" is also the ninth realm of real life, but possessing the power to compete with the Supreme is definitely one of the top beings on the continent.

The face of the demon emperor is very ugly, saying: "Exterminator, you have been in the demon for some time. In order to show your loyalty to the demon tribe and loyalty to the Lord of Heavenly Demon Emperor, the emperor will definitely give you a task."

"Come here!" Ning Xiaochuan said secretly.

"The northwest of Zhantian Mountains, there is a fifth-grade human civilization. You will now lead an army of monsters to capture all the humans of that fifth-grade civilization, and bring them back to Damenze. Do As a sacrifice, to the great demon god. "

Ning Xiaochuan said eagerly: "Zhantianhuangling is the territory of the Vatican Demon Emperor, after all, we will lead the army of monsters and go to the territory of the Vatican Demon Emperor to **** the offerings, which will definitely offend the Vatican Demon Emperor! I don't think it would be appropriate to do so. "

The Emperor of the Dionysius had long expected that Ning Xiaochuan would say this, saying: "King of Destruction, you need to understand that this time you are sent to the fifth grade of human civilization, the main purpose is to hunt down and hide in that fifth grade. The aftermath of the Shi Ji demon in human civilization. As for the destruction of that five grades of human civilization, it is just a matter of hand. "

"It is the task entrusted by the Emperor Tianmeng Demon Emperor to kill the remaining evil under the back seat of Shiji Demon. Even the Fanxi Demon Emperor has no right to ask questions."

"So, as the emperor ordered, rest assured. As long as you destroy that fifth-class human civilization and kill the remaining injustices in the back seat of Shi Ji demon, the emperor will never treat you!"

"But ..." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Emperor's gaze fell, and said: "The King of Destruction is so hesitant to dare not kill the human race. Is it true that you have to rely on the demon family?

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the demon emperor's eyes.

The Emperor Demon King also stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes tightly, one person and one demon, the eyes were extremely sharp, as if the needle point was against Mai Mang.

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