Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 885: Blasphemy

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From heaven and earth to real life, Ning Xiaochuan's physical body has more than doubled, and the number of figurative magic swords that can be accommodated is naturally greater.

Each battle sword is a sublime supreme weapon, containing a large number of "soldier souls" and "essential spirits".

The soldier's soul and essence are absorbed into the body, and they quickly merge into the bones, flesh, and viscera, and are completely integrated with the flesh.

Supreme Soul of the Soul, Enhance the Primordial Spirit,

The essence of the Supreme Device condenses the flesh and strengthens the flesh.

Ning Xiaochuan's body originally had nineteen figurative magic swords.

It only took him a day to refine his twentieth figurative magic sword.

It took one day to refine the twenty-first figurative magic sword.

It took one day to refine the twenty-second figurative magic sword.


It took two days to refine the thirty-fourth figurative magic sword.


It took three days to refine the 39th figurative magic sword.


It took four days to refine the forty-four figurative magic sword.


When Ning Xiaochuan refining the 49th figurative magic sword, it took seven days.

Thirty-eight sublime-class battle swords made from the teeth of the King of the Fire King are all condensed into the body.

The number of Ning Xiaochuan's figurative magic swords reached 49.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that his body was still not saturated, and he could refine more war swords into his body.

But he no longer had a sublime-level sword, and even if he continued to refine, it would only take more time.

"This time, I have fully refined thirty swords of sublime level swords into the body. I wonder how long it took?"

Ning Xiaochuan made some calculations and found that this practice took two months.

For two months, the magic sword absorbed a lot of blood in the blood.

Part of his blood and demon **** power entered Ning Xiaochuan's body, just like taking Blood Dan at any time, and his physical strength increased rapidly.

"For two months outside, the purple stars are 180 to 200 years."

"The four minds and minds have been enlightened for nearly two hundred years, and martial arts should have been enlightened to another level. It should not be difficult to break through the third level of real life, and even have the opportunity to impact the fourth level of real life."

Ning Xiaochuan withdrew the four major minds from Xiao Linger's body. Instantly, four powerful martial arts thoughts poured into Ning Xiaochuan's body like four torrents.

Among them, three martial arts concepts are the enlightenment of the "Dijing", "The Extinction of the World", and the "Zixia Sutra", and the remaining one is the enlightenment of "receiving the Shinto".


Under the impact of powerful martial arts ideas, Ning Xiaochuan broke through the third place of real life in just one moment.

These martial arts ideas belong to Ning Xiaochuan. They don't need to be comprehended at all. They are directly converted into a rule and integrated into the two gods.

The third stage of real life.

The third stage of real life.

The third stage of real life.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan's realm hit the third stage of real life, and did not break through the fourth place of real life.

The real world is ninefold, and each triple is a small step. It is not easy to want to impact from the third real world to the fourth real world.

"At the current rate of practice, there is a maximum of three months, and there is a chance to impact the fourth realm of real people. Of course, if you want to impact the fourth realm of real people, not only the perception of martial arts, but also the opportunity for breakthrough."

The opportunity may come early or late. The key depends on whether one's fortune is strong and whether his perception is high enough.

Maybe, suddenly, the aura of light flashed, and it broke through the fourth realm of real people directly!

"Looking at my current practice, facing Long Taiyi of the previous day, he can be defeated within three strokes. However, with the talent of Long Taiyi, plus the resources of the Dragon clan and the divine power in the blood, it is estimated that he has also broken through the real person. Environment is the third most important thing. I am making progress and others are making progress. "

With the help of the purple stars in Xiao Linger's body, Ning Xiaochuan believes that she must cultivate faster than other geniuses.

The only thing that regretted Ning Xiaochuan was that after receiving Shinto, he still had not cultivated Xiaocheng.

Obviously he was very close to Xiaocheng, but he just crossed that hurdle, and realized it for nearly two hundred years without making any progress.

Sui Hanyu didn't tell Ning Xiaochuan how to practice Shinto, everything can only be realized and explored by himself.

"It seems that just relying on enlightenment, the cultivation of the Shinto is impossible, and we must find another way."

"Receiving God means communicating with the gods."

"The gods are high, even if they are supreme in their eyes, they are just like ants. Even though I use Shinto, I find the spirit of the god, but how can the **** communicate with the ants? What ’s more, I will not lend my divine power to the ants. . "

"There are only two ways to let the gods communicate with the ants. First, believe in the gods. Second, blasphemy."

"I cultivate the World Extinction, and as a successor of the World Extinction, I definitely don't believe in gods. Then there is only the second way, blasphemy."

With this in mind, Ning Xiaochuan seems to have finally grasped the key to practicing "receiving the Shinto".

Ning Xiaochuan walked in front of a stone wall, summoned the magic sword, the sword light flashed, and the sound of 唰 唰 was made.

A moment later, a two-meter-high human-shaped stone sculpture appeared on the stone wall!

It was a woman with a beautiful face, thin and lifelike, as if she could walk out of a stone wall.

There was a cold, murderous look in her eyebrows. Although it was just a stone sculpture, it still gave a deterrent power!

If it is not enough cultivation, when you see this stone sculpture, you will be shocked by the strength of the stone sculpture and kneel on the ground, worshiping the stone sculpture in awe.

This is the first deity Ning Xiaochuan carved for his master "Shou Hanyu"!

"Master, I'm sorry. I can only use you as an experiment to confirm whether my thoughts are correct."

Ning Xiaochuan walked to the stone statue, slowly stretched out a palm, and pinched the hand of the **** of cold and rain, "take God!"

Ning Xiaochuan runs the "receive Shinto" practiced by himself, and injects a powerful thought into the idol.

After looking for a ray of divine power from Sui Hanyu, they followed that ray of divine power to communicate the spirit of Sui Hanyu.


How could it fail? Is my guess wrong?

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, staring at the peerless face of the idol, and a bolder idea came to her mind.

After a series of psychological struggles, Ning Xiaochuan finally stretched out his palm again, like touching his own lover, touching his palm to the cheek of the stone statue.

"Get God!"

Ning Xiaochuan once again put his mind into the palm of his hand to inject the idol to communicate the soul of the old cold rain.

Not long after.

That idol finally changed.


The surface of the idol emits a dazzling light.

An overwhelming force erupted from the icy stone statue.

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was a joy, knowing that he had succeeded, immediately withdrew his palm, backed out three steps, bowed his hands and said, "Disciple, see Master."

That stone statue was still motionless.

There is only a layer of light and shadow in the shape of a human, appearing on the surface of the idol.

It is indeed the soul of Sui Hanyu.

The cold and rainy year-old stared at Ning Xiaochuan coldly, and said with a little anger: "This is how you receive God?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master wants me to practice Shinto, doesn't it mean that I desecrate the gods? Anyway, at least I can now actively communicate with Master's spirit."

Sui Hanyu said: "Then you know how to blaspheme the gods when I practiced the Shinto? How did I receive the spirit of your ancestor?"

Ning Xiaochuan showed a curious look and said, "Disco, I don't know."

Sui Hanyu said: "I cast 990,000 idols for your ancestors, and chopped all the 990,000 idols of your ancestors. Split in half ... "

Ning Xiaochuan's mind was slightly frozen, saying: "When the Master cut the statue of the ancestor, did he not have resistance in his heart? Unbearable?"

Sui Hanyu's voice sank, and said, "When you touch the face of your deity's deity, you will not have resistance in your heart?

She added: "If you were a male god, would you still blaspheme in this way?"

Ning Xiaochuan was silent for a moment, and said with firm eyes: "The blasphemy I can think of is the fastest way to get the spirits of the gods. Since the **** I want to blaspheme is the Master, the fastest way is this ! Let me choose again, this way too! "

"Why?" Sui Hanyu said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Because Master is the third-generation descendant of the World Destruction Way, only the mind and destruction are in my heart. If so, I desecrate Master by slashing the image of Master, even if I slash 990,000 times It may not be possible to draw Master's spirits, because Master has been used to killing and is not afraid of killing. "

"However, since Master is practicing the World Extinction, he must never have been touched by a man. Or, any man who dared to touch Master has died under the Master's World Extermination Sword. In this case, if I touch the Master, I will definitely be able to anger the Master in the fastest way, so that the spirit of the Master can actively appear in the stone statue. "

"So, blasphemy depends on what method you can use to anger the gods the fastest."

The anger carried by the cold soul of the year-old Han Yu gradually calmed down and said, "This is the god-gathering you realize? Desecration of the gods will only anger the gods. Under the wrath of the gods, you will be wiped out instantly. Not every deity. The spirits of the gods can give you so many opportunities to speak like me. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the idol in front of him, saying with confidence: "I believe that the Shinto I am practicing now is not a complete Shinto."

There is a little appreciation in the eyes of the old Hanyu, saying: "Yes. You are only practicing the first half of the Shinto: blasphemy, communicating with the gods, and attracting the gods. These three steps are actually the most basic. thing."

"What really tests you is the second half of the Shinto. The second half, also known as‘ Shinto ’, hijacks the gods.”

Although Ning Xiaochuan already knew that the cultivation of the Shinto was incomplete, he was startled by the words of the old Han Yu, "hijacking the gods? How can he hijack the gods with the power of mortals?"

Sui Hanyu said: "To be precise, it is the spirit that hijacks the gods. Only by holding the spirits of the gods in your hands can you be qualified to communicate with the gods."

"Kidnapping the spirits and threatening them?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Sui Hanyu said: "That's right! This is the style of extinction!"

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