Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 886: Shinto

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Ning Xiaochuan said: "How firm is the spirit of the gods, even if I can hijack a ray of spirits of the gods and want to threaten the gods and let the gods lend me divine power, that is impossible."

Sui Hanyu said: "You are wrong! The will of the gods can mobilize hundreds of thousands of gods and spirits that are scattered between the heavens and the earth, but each **** and soul also has an independent will and is not completely controlled by the gods."

"For example, Lord Zijin is dead, but his spirit is still scattered between heaven and earth. As long as you can hijack a strand of his soul, you can negotiate with his soul and borrow that one Divine power. "

"If that spirit is equivalent to one ten-millionth of the strength of the Emperor Zijin, you can borrow the power of one millionth of the Emperor Taojin."

"If that soul is equivalent to one hundred thousandth of the soul of Zijin Emperor, you can borrow the power of one hundred thousandth of Zijin."

"Of course, if that soul is very powerful, equivalent to one ten thousandth of the soul strength of Emperor Zijin, with your current cultivation, it is impossible to hijack it. Once it is forcibly hijacked, it will be killed by the soul. . "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I see! How much divine power I can borrow depends entirely on how strong my soul can be suppressed. As long as my mind and Yuanshen are strong enough, the more divine power I can borrow. I have a question, hijacking Is n’t it easier for the spirits of the dead gods to hijack the spirits of the living gods? "

Sui Hanyu said: "Actually, there is no difference. In the eyes of the gods, you are no different from an ant, not even a ant. Even if you bite it, as long as you can hide it in time, the **** It won't take much experience to kill you specifically. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and said, "It's like a mosquito biting at me, as long as it flew away and disappeared in a dark and remote corner. I would not spend a lot of energy to find it because I lost a little blood. It, chasing it, killing it, after all, I have more important things to do, and it is impossible to waste my energy on a mosquito. The **** also has more important things to do, and he won't even care about a mosquito. There are still small creatures. "

"That's the truth! This is called cannibalism. Cannibalism is eaten away little by little. Before the gods have come to their senses, his soul has been eaten away by most." Sui Hanyu said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "But as my cultivation gets higher and higher, I must borrow more and more divine power. If I get bitten by a mosquito, I may not be too angry. But if I get bitten by a snake, I'm sure I'm going to be angry, and I'll get rid of that snake at all costs. "

He continued: "After I become stronger, to the gods, I am not the snake that bit him, and he will surely get rid of me at all costs."

Sui Hanyu said: "When you really grow from a 'mosquito' to a 'snake,' it means that you can already pose a great threat to the gods. By that time, I will pass on you in the three thousand extinctions. Destroy Shinto 'and' Shinto '. "

"When God is destroyed, you can kill God directly."

"Spiritualism can plunder everything from the gods and own it."

"When the **** wakes up and is ready to kill you, you must kill him first and plunder him."

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly: "Since the true meaning of Shinto is the spirit of cannibalism, why should the master let me communicate with your spirit first? Aren't you afraid that I cannibalize your spirit?"

Sui Hanyu said, "If you really have that ability, is it possible?"

"Ning Xiaochuan, you have to remember, as a preacher of the Shinto. You can also kill relatives!"

"Even Master, why not kill?"

Sui Hanyu said, "Of course, since it is the Shinto I passed on to you, naturally there is a way to restrain the Shinto. Before you grow up, trying to kill me will only be a dead end. Besides, it ’s yours. Personality, I'm afraid it's never going to kill me ... you ... "


Ning Xiaochuan stabbed with a sword, penetrated the head of the idol on the stone wall, and turned it into pieces of rubble, which fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Sui Hanyu said coldly.

Ning Xiaochuan retracted the sword and said, "I just want to tell Master, do n’t underestimate my disciples. As the fourth generation of the World Destruction Path, I am not as weak as you think. If Master thought that he had seen me I will tell Master by action that you are very wrong. If Master wants to kill me in the future, it is best to remember what I said today. "

Sui Hanyu was very annoyed, but had to admit that Ning Xiaochuan was right.

Since accepting Ning Xiaochuan as a disciple, she has always believed that Ning Xiaochuan's character is not suitable for the practice of annihilation. Therefore, she does not think that Ning Xiaochuan can defeat that destiny enemy in the future.

However, Ning Xiaochuan gave her a lesson today.

He seemed to really underestimate him before.

"You are my only disciple, why should I kill you?" Sui Hanyu said a little puzzled.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Master didn't just say that, as a heir to the world, you can kill relatives?"

Sui Hanyu stared deeply at Ning Xiaochuan, then closed a pair of **** eyes, and said, "Okay! I am very satisfied with your performance today, and finally let me see a glimmer of hope. If you meet you in the future, There may still be a chance of victory for that fateful enemy. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What is the fate of the enemy?"

"Now you don't need to know. When the time comes, you will naturally tell you. The most important thing you should do now is to fully practice the second half of Shinto. The training method for the second half of Shinto's" **** " , I have come to your mind. "

Sui Hanyu also said: "Since you can actively communicate with my spirit, you will be trained in Xiaocheng. If you encounter real life and death crisis in the future, you can communicate with me and borrow some of my divine power."

"Remember, I will only lend your divine power to you when you really encounter a crisis that is sure to die. Do not rely on the strength of others, that will only make you lose the motivation to cultivate, and let dependence become you. The greatest enemy on the road to growth. "

"Master, rest assured, if you can't borrow your divine power, I will never borrow it." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The soul of the old cold rain disappeared again and disappeared.

In Ning Xiaochuan's mind, there was one more word, forming a text of "Shinto God" practice.

The decisive decision to hijack the spirits.

The first half of the volume brings the spirits of the gods to their side.

In the second half of the book, hijack the divine spirit and hold it in your hands.

Ning Xiaochuan separated a human-shaped heart and spirit, flew into Xiao Ling's eyebrow, entered the purple star, and began to enlighten the second half of the book and rob God.

After Ning Xiaochuan discovered the secrets of the purple stars, Xiaolinger was also practicing with the purple stars.

In recent months, Ning Xiaochuan's practice speed has been fast.

Xiao Linger's practice speed is faster.

At first, she could let the Yuan Shen enter the purple stars to practice, but later she found a temple in the purple stars. As long as she entered the temple, she could form a bridge to communicate with her physical body.

Her physical body cannot enter the purple stars, but the purple stars are in her body.

As long as she enters the temple, even if she only takes the inexhaustible treasures and magical medicines of purple stars every day, she can make her practice speed extremely fast.

It seems that she just sat and practiced by the river for one day, in fact, it was equivalent to three years of practice.

After all, the purple star does not belong to Ning Xiaochuan. Therefore, he can only go to the purple star to practice with the mind and the Yuanshen. There are many restrictions.

If Xiao Linger had discovered the secrets of the purple stars earlier, it would not have delayed for more than ten years. I am afraid that the current cultivation has reached the sub-god realm.

"What kind of race is Xiao Linger? Who sealed the anti-treasures like purple stars in her body?" Ning Xiaochuan grew more and more shocked.

Although the time power of the purple stars and the infinite resources on the stars are all against the sky, it is impossible for a person to cultivate to the sub-god within ten years.

After all, there will be bottlenecks during cultivation. Once a bottleneck appears, even if it takes a lot of time, it will be useless to take more pills.

Moreover, to a certain level of cultivation, it will also lead to thunder. Once you practice too fast and the realm is unstable, it will be difficult to resist thunder.

But Xiaolinger never had a bottleneck, nor did she attract thunder.

This is the most terrifying place!

Even Xiaohong, as a baby dragon, has to undergo the baptism of thunder.

Why doesn't Xiao Linger cross the minefield?

Ning Xiaochuan was baffled, but one thing is certain, with Xiao Ling's current practice speed, within ten years, he must reach the realm of the sub-god, perhaps faster than the speed of the heavenly demon emperor to recast the body of the triple sub-god Even faster.

"Godfather, are you going out?"

Xiao Linger opened a pair of beautiful star eyes, staring at Ning Xiaochuan standing not far.

A ray of aura, escaped from her body, flowed around the body, and then merged into the body, turning into bright crystals.

She seemed to have grown up a bit. She looked fifteen or six years old, and her body was more perfect and crisp. The chest is more rounded, and the legs are more slender. Every inch of skin is like fairy jade, crystal clear and free of flaws.

Different from Xiao Hong's big sexy, Xiao Linger is always very quiet, simple-minded, empty-looking, like a little fairy standing in the picture scroll.

Xiaohong is often playful and has a lively personality. However, Xiao Linger has been able to follow Ning Xiaochuan and practice retreat with Ning Xiaochuan.

One moves like a cunning rabbit, and one is quiet.

Ning Xiaochuan had a faint smile on his face, just like looking at his little sister, and gently touched Xiao Linger's forehead. "In the future, don't call me godfather, just call my brother. "

Looking at Xiao Linger's maturing body and beautiful face, Ning Xiaochuan felt that he was not suitable for touching Xiao Linger's forehead, so he immediately retracted his palm.

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