Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 887: Fit and double repair

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"But Godfather is Godfather. How could he be called Brother?"

Xiao Linger was very stubborn and did not agree to Ning Xiaochuan at all.

In the end, Ning Xiaochuan no longer forced her, and ordered her to continue her cultivation, and then she walked out of the exterminator Wang Dongfu.

"Abominable, that mental power has reappeared."

Ning Xiaochuan felt the powerful mental power again and glanced over her.

The other side is hidden in the dark, and it is very strong, at least the seventh oldest demon king in real life.

Although it can feel its existence, Ning Xiaochuan cannot find it out.

"If the threat of the Emperor Demon King can't be lifted, I am in the demon race, like walking on thin ice, and a deadly crisis may occur at any time."

"Once the Emperor Demon Sneak attacked in the dark, it would only take one blow to kill me. At that time, I had no time to perform the Shinto, or even to wear the last God's blood coat."

Ning Xiaochuan is pondering how to deal with the scumbag emperor and the old demon king hiding in the dark ...

A voice passed into Ning Xiaochuan's ears, "The King of Destruction, Firefly Bamboo Forest, the old people met."

A woman's voice is familiar, and seems to have been heard somewhere.

who is it?

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes showed doubts, and he looked around, but did not see any figure.

"Firefly Bamboo Forest. I'll see who you really are?"

As soon as his body moved, he turned into a streamer and flew towards Firefly Mountain.

Firefly Mountain, an ancient mountain in Damenze, occupies an area of ​​3,500 miles.

The mountain is full of green bamboo, some of which have been growing for tens of thousands of years. The diameter of the bamboo poles is seven or eight meters thick, and a demon is born, which will actively attack the living creatures that pass by.

When Ning Xiaochuan walked into the bamboo forest, he felt an unusual breath.

Looking for that breath, came to the depths of the bamboo forest, a relatively empty place.


As soon as Ning Xiaochuan stepped in, he felt like walking through an invisible door into another space.

It is still that bamboo forest, but Ning Xiaochuan has a beautiful woman in front of her eyes.

The woman was standing under a green bamboo, with a charming smile, staring at Ning Xiaochuan, and said, "King of Destruction, I didn't expect it to be me?"

"Ling Yun!"

Ning Xiaochuan stared at the very **** girl in front of her eyes, and finally understood why she invited herself here.

Because, she is one of the two autobiographical disciples of the Queen Shi Ji, Her Royal Highness.

When returning to the market, Ning Xiaochuan had a relationship with her.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Now, all the monsters are chasing you, do you dare to come to Damenze?"

Lingyun smiled: "I am the order of the Supreme Master to make a special trip to see you in Damengze. One thing, the Master wants to cooperate with you!"

After a pause, she said, "Be assured that when I came to Damenze, Master gave me a hidden silk garment, and no one would find me coming to Damenze. Even where we are now , Also separated by the supreme array method, the demon king behind you will not find anomalies. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Have you ever been to Fengshen Cave House after the monster Shi Ji?"

Lingyun nodded, and said, "I and Chase the Moon together with Master to enter Fengshen Cave Mansion, and also got a lot of opportunities."

"Master said, based on this, you can prove that King of Destruction is a person you can trust, so I will personally send me to contact you to discuss cooperation."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "What is the cooperation?"

"Kill the Emperor Demon King!" Lingyun said: "The Emperor Demon King colluded with the Thunder God Demon King, not only joined hands to fight against Master and **** the divine fluid. Moreover, it also reversed the right and wrong, and framed Master. This hatred, Master naturally wants Report. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved and said, "How to cooperate?"

Lingyun said: "You only need to draw the Emperor Demon Emperor out of Damenze, and Master will naturally kill it."

The landlord demon emperor is indeed a big threat. If it is not removed, it will make people sleepless.

The hatred between the Queen of Stone Ji and the Emperor Yao really is deep, if you can use the hand of the Emperor Shi Ji to get rid of the Emperor Yao Xi, it is naturally best.

"I can't fully believe that after the Shi Ji demon, after all, she was cheated by me when she returned to the market. It's hard to guarantee that after she killed the Emperor Demon King, she won't find me an old account.

"Guiding the Emperor to the ambush site, I immediately left." Ning Xiaochuan thought so.

"Okay! After you go back and tell Demon Shi Ji, tonight I can lead the Emperor of the Divine Demon to Damenze." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Ning Xiaochuan and Lingyun discussed for another half an hour, and after making a precise plan, Ning Xiaochuan left the bamboo forest of the fire mountain and returned to the Wangdong Palace.

"The Queen of Ji Ji actually got her chance in Fengshen Cave House. What state of her cultivation has she reached now?" Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly, her heart was very unbalanced.

He clearly remembers that there is a huge danger in Fengshendong Mansion. Why does someone get an opportunity after he enters, and he escapes every time he enters?

"Is my luck too bad? Or is the luck of others too good? No, although I escaped from the dead, I got the Earth Sutra from Fengshendongfu, and I have also seen the creation of Kaitian splitting the earth. It's a huge opportunity. "

"Does it mean that all the creatures who entered Fengshen Dongfu can get the chance. The so-called fierce danger is just the illusion given by Fengshen Dongfu?"

Ning Xiaochuan seemed to suddenly understand something, secretly thinking, it seems that I must go to Fengshendongfu again.

However, before that, you must first remove the scumbag emperor.

Ning Xiaochuan is naturally very cautious to deal with the Demon Emperor, a supreme class existence.

First, Ning Xiaochuan sent Xiao Linger to the Fox clan. Although she did not see Princess Xi Xi, she saw a niece of Princess Xi Xi.

The niece seemed to know the relationship between Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Xi Xi, so she agreed to temporarily keep Xiaolinger.

After arranging Xiao Linger, Ning Xiaochuan took Xiao Hong and left Damenze overnight.

"Ning Xiaochuan, where are we going?" Xiao Hong converged, and followed Ning Xiaochuan, looking very excited.

Ning Xiaochuan said curiously, "You don't know where to go, but you are so happy?"

Xiaohong stood tall and quite tall, blinked, and smiled, "I know everything!"

"What do you know?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiaohong narrowed her eyes and said, "You're not really taking refuge with the demons, but you want to lurk into the demons and explore the secrets of the demons. I guess you must know some big secrets and plan to send them immediately Go out. I guess right? "


Ning Xiaochuan knocked on Xiaohong's head and said, "Guess what? I'll tell you, this time it will be very dangerous. After leaving Damengze, you will immediately merge with me and fly at the fastest speed."

Xiaohong's hands clasped her chest and stared at her eyes. She said, "What fits, it's awful to speak, just like I want to be your woman."

There was a black line on Ning Xiaochuan's forehead and he said, "Didn't you say that at first?"

Xiao Hongdao: "I was still young and didn't understand anything, so I said‘ fitness ’. But after seeing you and my elder sister, I realized that the original‘ fitness ’was so evil.”

The black line on Ning Xiaochuan's forehead was even darker, and said, "Who made you peek?"

"I didn't peek! I was standing in the distance, looking very upright, I just want to know how Shuang Xiu cultivates?" Xiao Hong said very seriously.


Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very speechless, saying: "Tonight there is really business, and I don't have time to tell you the difference between fit and dual practice."

"You don't need to tell me, I already know."

Xiaohong said in a serious way: "Fitness means fit. Double cultivation means fit and cultivation. Ning Xiaochuan, anyway, we are already combined, or should we come to double cultivation?"


Ning Xiaochuan knocked on Xiaohong's head again and said, "Leave me!"

"Why knock me again?"

Xiao Hong rubbed the top of her head, and squeezed a pair of fists, like an angry little hen, exclaimed: "I'm so smart and intelligent, what should I do if I'm stupid?"

Ning Xiaochuan didn't bother to care about her.

After combining with Xiaohong, she can show the real speed of Shenlong's rapid speed, and it will help to escape in the hands of the demon-level existence. If it wasn't for this reason, Ning Xiaochuan would send her directly to the Fox Clan, and take refuge with the Xiao Linger in the Fox Clan.

Of course, the main goal of the Emperor Demon Emperor is Xiao Hong, and she will surely capture Xiao Hong at all costs. Even if Xiaohong stays with the Fox family, she is not absolutely safe.

Let Xiaohong follow him, but be safer.


An illusive figure appeared in the demon temple out of thin air, and said, "Oblame to the demon king, the king of extermination and the dragon cubs secretly left Damenze!

The magpie demon sitting above opened his eyes, revealing two spirits, and said, "Are you sure?"

"It is true. The subordinates of the subordinates have always followed them. After walking out of Damengze, they condensed their thoughts to sue the demon emperor."

The illusive figure smiled proudly and said, "They deliberately converged and selected the most secretive exit. However, they did not even know that their every move was under the surveillance of the king. "

The landlord demon emperor laughed a long time: "It's great! If they have been in Damenze, the emperor can't help them at all. Since they choose to walk out of Damenze, they are looking for death."

"Snake fly, since the King of Destroyer dared to leave Damenze secretly, he wanted to betray the demons, and even if he was killed in a fair and upright manner, it would not cause any criticism. You immediately shot him and killed him, and then killed Dragon Cub, bring back Dreams. With your strength, shouldn't you solve the problem? "

The illusive figure laughed: "A rude king of extermination and a dinosaur-like dragon cub would be easy to take down."


The illusory figure spread out immediately, turned into a plume of smoke, and disappeared in the demon palace.

The landlord demon emperor sat above the demon temple and gave out a cheerful laugh.

As long as you grab the dragon cub, you can quickly break through the ancient realm, and then you can sit on an equal footing with other demon emperors and demon queens.

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