Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 890: Holy infant

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"Unfortunately, it's too late to understand!" Shi Ji demons later.

The demon emperor sneered, "Shi Ji, do you really think you have eaten the emperor? The emperor's cultivation is not as good as you, but in terms of real strength, it is not much weaker than you. You want to kill me, I am afraid Not so easy. "

There was a bit of irony in the eyes of the demon Queen Shi, saying: "The frog at the bottom of the well, it seems you must let you see the true strength behind this book!"

A horrible horror erupted from the body of the stone monster.

For a while, the whole space was confined, centered on the Queen of the Queen of Stone Ji.

The white hair on the back of the Shi Ji demon, each like a silk, grows at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and becomes nine thousand feet long. Each white hair looks like a white river that crosses this space.


A piece of white hair was cut out, and it was only in an instant that the body of the demon emperor was broken.

The demon blood splashed out from the body of the Emperor Demon Emperor, turned into a blood rain, and fell on the ground, dyeing a mountain red, and turning it into a **** mountain.

At its chest, the demon bone was broken, and blood was flowing like a spring.

The face of the Emperor Demon Emperor's face changed slightly, and he could clearly feel that the repair of the Shi Ji Demon was no longer what it used to be, and it was just a hair that could wreck it.

"Is Shi Ji already refining that drop of magic liquid!"

The Emperor Demon King didn't know that the drop of divine fluid was "Tianyi holy water", only he thought that the queen of the stone monster had refined the divine fluid and repaired it by leaps and bounds, reaching an incredible state.

"Taking Shi Ji's current practice, even the Thunder God and Emperor Taiqing Dragon Emperor may not be her opponents and cannot fight with her hardly." The Empress Demon Emperor made a decisive decision and immediately turned it into the body, a number Kilometers of black maggots are drilling into the ground.

After entering the ground, the Emperor Demon King fled in the direction of Damenze.

As long as you flee back to Damengze, even if Shi Ji Yao has the sky fighting power, you can't help it.

The queen Shi Ji stands above the clouds, like a judge on a high level, "Want to leave? The world is mine, not yours!"


A gap of several tens of meters wide cracked on the ground, separating a piece of land that was a hundred miles away.

As soon as the arm behind the Shi Ji demon was lifted, the piece of land that was a hundred miles away slowly flew from the ground and turned into a huge suspended island. Countless boulders fell from the cliffs of the suspended island, and the scene was extremely shocking, like the earth turned over.

On the ground, a huge sky pit appeared.

The real body of the demon emperor, a huge black cormorant, was imprisoned in the suspended island, and flew along with the suspended island.

"Shi Ji! The Emperor has fight with you!"

A layer of golden brilliance emanated from the black magpie's body, and a loud noise was made. The magpie's demon burst out from his body, shattered the suspended island, and rushed towards the stone monster.


A powerful wave of power came from the space where the Queen of Ji Ji and the Emperor of the Earth God were fighting fiercely, shaking all the living creatures within a thousand miles into a mist of blood.

The creatures that have not reached the level of heaven and humanity cannot bear the aftermath of the supreme battle, and the bones are crushed into powder.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong have flown more than three thousand miles and are still suffering.

Fortunately, their repairs are strong, blocking that impact.

The destructive power of the battle that erupts at the extreme level is too amazing. If you encounter an evenly matched situation, I am afraid that tens of thousands of miles will become a desert.

"Get out of here and go back to Damengze." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiaohong's heart was happy, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, which evil force have you refined?"

"No! It's only temporarily suppressed, and once I fall into a weak state again, that evil power will burst out more fiercely."

Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to thoroughly refine that evil power to prevent future troubles, but now he must return to Damenze first.

In case of being affected by the battle between the Emperor Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor Shi Ji, with him and Xiao Hong's cultivation, there is no chance of surviving.


A dazzling lightning flew over the heads of Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong.

Immediately, a thunder broke out.

"The Thunder God Demon Emperor has arrived too! Yeah, the Thunder God Demon Emperor and the Divine Demon Emperor were originally allies to deal with the Shi Ji Demon. Now that the Shi Ji Demon Queen has returned, it will naturally help the Demon Demon Emperor."

The presence of the three supreme ranks clashes and the battle escalates.

Looking from a distance, gray-black smoke and dust rushed up from the ground, forming a thick black cloud, covering the entire sky.

Deep valleys cracked on the ground. The crimson magma rushed out of the ground, and the whole land became a sea of ​​scorching fire.

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong joined together, unfolded the dragon wings, and immediately fled back to Damenze.

The battle of the demon emperor level also caused a great shock in Damengze. Many powerful demon students were inspired to learn about the battle fluctuations from the Manggu original, and they were discussing the results of the battle.

"The Queen of Stone Ji is not an ordinary existence. The natural spirit is enlightened. It must be cultivated and advanced, so she dared to kill it back. The Emperor of the Emperor is not her opponent." Under the Emperor of the Emperor One of the demon kings was a little worried.

"Although the Lord of the Divine Demon Emperor is not the opponent of the Stone Queen, but the Thunder King is a powerful being. Like the Queen of the Stone Demon, it is also a congenital demon spirit, a thunderbolt and a spirit. As long as the Thunder God Emperor takes the shot, he will definitely be able to repel the Stone Ji Demon. "

"I don't know if the Heavenly Demon Emperor will intervene?" Another old demon king under the demon emperor's throne stared at the floating palace above the bone bone altar, exposing awe and admiration.

A three- or five-year-old child, wearing a red bellyband, looked a bit childish and sneered: "Master Tianmen is high above him, and there is a god-like existence. How could he get in between the queen and the queen? Battle? As long as there is no real chaos in the demon clan, the Heavenly Demon Emperor will never intervene. Besides, how can the demon race be chaotic since the Lord of the Demon Emperor sits in the demon clan? "

"Little **** boy, all the creatures who can enter the demon king tower to practice are all above the real world. How can you enter the demon king tower?"

The little fart glared at it, "Naturally, my cultivation is above real life. Are you an idiot?"

An old demon king in the sixth realm of real life looked carefully at this kid who had nowhere to come out, and wanted to see the origin of the other party.

It's too weird that a little fart who can't even walk can enter the demon king tower.

The more weird things, the more you need to be vigilant.

At this moment, on the third floor of the demon king tower, all the demon kings gathered under the throne of the demon emperor, among which there are even demon kings with the seventh-largest real world.

They are worrying about the landlord demon emperor and discussing the next response strategy. No one noticed, when did this little fart walk in?

The kid wearing a big red bellyband, with a pair of little fat hands behind his back, said arrogantly: "Frankly tell you! Emperor Xiu, no doubt he will die tonight, no one can save it! Hey!"

"Little **** boy, how old are you, and you dare to say crazy words. Even though Shi Ji Yao is powerful, the Lord of the Divine Demon Emperor is comparable to the supreme level of combat power. If you want to leave, no one can keep it.

A demon king who is the third most important person in real life, the more he sees, the more he feels that little fart child is not pleasing to the eye, and wants to test his details.

Without any warning, the third demon king in real life suddenly shot, and slaps his paw against the child's head.

Speed ​​as fast as lightning.

If it were hit by a paw, it is conceivable that the child would be broken into a ball of rotten meat.

"Ah!" Screamed.

It wasn't the child who screamed, but the demon king who was the third most important person in real life.

The other demon kings looked intently, and saw that the third demon king in real life was swallowed by the child wearing a big red bellyband, leaving no bones or fur,

God! Is it really just a two or three year old kid?

The demon kings feel scalp tingling!

After that kid swallowed a demon king, he showed a pure smile and said, "The demon king in the third realm of real life, the blood is already pure, and the taste is still good!"

"Who the **** are you?" Said the old demon king, the sixth-heaviest in real life, in a deep voice.

"I can't even recognize it, do you want to continue practicing in Damengze?" The little child smiled, stretched out a white and tender arm, and grabbed toward the void.

The sixth oldest demon king in real life flew into his hands immediately, his neck was choked tightly, completely sealing the demon element in the old demon king.

The old demon king, the sixth most important person in real life, felt like he was asphyxiated and could not struggle at all.

The child carried the old demon king with a cruel smile, and he would swallow the old demon king.

"Holy infant demon emperor, save it for life!" The ancestor of Fanda stepped out of a group of blue demon mists, walked to the child, and bowed down.

Fan Da's ancestor was the most powerful demon king under the throne of the demon emperor. Even if it salutes that child, how terrible is that child?

Holy baby demon king!

Is he actually the legendary holy infant demon emperor?

The little boy grinned, just like throwing a dead dog, and threw the sixth oldest demon king in the real world to the ground, patted the dust on the palm of his hand, and said, "I've figured out an eye-catcher!"

The demon kings under the emperor's throne, sincerely frightened and inexplicable, immediately knelt down on the ground, and said in unison: "Meet the Lord the Holy Baby Demon Emperor!"

"Hey! Let's all get up! Tonight, the landlord demon emperor will die. In the future, you will obey the emperor!" The little fart boy's eyes glanced at the demon kings, and he laughed: "You will Will you? "

Just now, a demon king who is the third most important person in real life was eaten alive by him.

Who will dare to disobey the holy infant demon king?

"In the future, we will be the subordinates of the holy infant demon emperor, and will do everything for the holy infant demon emperor!" The demon kings said in unison.

The Saint Baby Demon Emperor is carrying a pair of small arms, standing on the third floor of the Demon King Tower, staring at the dark night sky, and a smile of evil spirits is revealed at the corner of his mouth: "I wonder who is stronger in the repair of Shi Ji and Thor Haha! The clams compete, and the fishermen gain. "


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