Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 891: Return of Shi Ji

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Three days have passed since the battle between the Queen of Stone Ji, the King of Thunder, and the King of Earth, and the battle passed back to Damenze.

"The landlord demon emperor eventually died in the hands of the stone empress demon, Bei. Jiang will only have eight demon emperors in the future!"

After Ning Xiaochuan heard the news, he didn't think it was strange.

After being able to step out of Fengshen Cave Mansion, Shi Ji Yao will definitely get an incredible chance. No one can guess what level her cultivation is so strong?

"It is said that even the Thunder God Demon Emperor was defeated in her hands and returned seriously." Princess Xi Xi looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a charming smile on her face.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Isn't the Queen of Stone Ji the traitor of the demon tribe? Didn't the Heavenly Demon Emperor take any action to suppress her?"

Princess Xi Xi shook her head and said, "In the eyes of Tianmeng Demon Emperor, only the cultivation of a sub-god is the most important thing. Other demon emperors and demon queens fight each other and fight each other. It is not a big deal. There will be a big chaos in the demon race, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor will not interfere. "

Ning Xiaochuan asked again, "Where has the Queen of Stone Ji gone now?"

Princess Xi Xi showed a bright smile, and said, "Why do you care so much about the Queen of Stone Ji? Is it true that you have an extraordinary relationship with the Queen of Stone Ji, as rumors say? It is said that you will be The Emperor Demon Emperor leads to Mengze, and after Shi Ji Demon has a chance to kill the Emperor Demon Emperor. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I really have nothing to do with Shi Ji Yaohou, but the Emperor Demon Emperor is our common enemy, so I hit it off and joined forces to remove the Emperor Demon Emperor."

Princess Xi Xi nodded her head and said, "The Queen of Stone Ji has returned to Damengze, and has already gone to meet the Emperor of the Dream!"


Shi Ji Yao actually returned!

They can cooperate when dealing with the land dwarf emperor. However, at the time of returning to the market, Ning Xiaochuan had counted her once and threatened her once. If the queen of Shi Ji was a woman with revenge, she would definitely take revenge on Ning Xiaochuan.

Is the Queen of Shi Ji a revenge woman?

Even the Emperor Demon Emperor died in her hands, and it's weird not to remember it.

Princess Xi Xi looked at Ning Xiaochuan with a curiosity, and said, "Why did you change your face when you heard that the Lord Shi Ji came back? Did you really do anything wrong with her?"

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head gently, and said, "Don't ask any more about this matter! Xi Xi, you have a high status in the demon race. I have one thing to ask you, do you know Qing Qing Wang and Where did you go after meeting with Tianmeng Yaohuang? "

Princess Xi Xi laughed: "I have already inquired about this for you. According to a demon servant under the throne of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the origins of the King of Qing and the uncle are not trivial. Kill them directly, and imprison them in the dungeon of the holy holy kingdom. "

Sure enough, he was imprisoned by the Emperor Tianmeng!

Fortunately, the king and the king of green princes came to see the Tianmeng Demon Emperor on their own initiative, and revealed their identities, so that the Tianmeng Demon Emperor had some scruples. If they let Tianmeng Yaohuang take the initiative to find them, it is estimated that they are dead.

The Tianmeng Demon Emperor dare to kill even the Phoenix, and I don't know what cards the Qing Dynasty King and the Emperor gave out, which actually allowed the Tianmeng Demon King to cast a mouse jerk, without killing them?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Where is the dungeon of the holy nation of the monster tribe?"

"You want to save them? You better not even think about it, it is a demon emperor who is guarding the sky prison, even if I can't go in." Princess Xi Xi was afraid of Ning Xiaochuan's danger and said so.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I just want to meet them."

Princess Xi Xi frowned slightly, saying: "The King of Qing and He are the reprisals detained by the Emperor Tianmeng. It is not easy to see them!"

"It seems I can only find another opportunity!" Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

Princess Xi Xi laughed: "Then don't think about it, guess where I've been recently?"

Ning Xiaochuan said, "Where have you been?"

"Guess!" Princess Xi Xi said.

Ning Xiaochuan pondered for a moment and looked at the smile on Princess Xi Xi's face. Suddenly, her heart moved slightly and she said, "Have you gone to the Yulan Empire?"

Princess Xi Xi covered her mouth and smiled, and said, "That's right! It's really smart! The Yulan Empire is indeed a good place. No wonder it can produce a man like Tiandi, and now a Ning Xiaochuan with no less talent than Tiandi is really born. A good place to make people yearn for. I think about where they went, Jiangehoufu, Ghost Mountain Villa, Guanyu Tower, Jiuziya, Tiandi Academy ... "

She said as she pulled her fingers.

Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned. All the places that Princess Xi Xi said were all the places he had been to.

From this perspective, Princess Xi Xi went to the Yulan Empire to investigate him. Investigate everything about him.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "His Royal Highness, what purpose do you have? Tell me!"

Princess Xi Xi squinted a pair of apricot eyes and said, "I have no purpose? I'm just curious about you and want to know everything about you, so I went to every place you've been to, and stepped on what you once left Every footprint you breathe, every breath you have left. And, I have seen the old man, and the mother and the emperor of Princess Sissi ... "

Suddenly, Princess Xi Xi felt a bitter cold on Ning Xiaochuan's body.

So she closed her mouth immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan said, "What are you going to see them for?"

"I just want to know more about you! By the way, who is Princess Sissi? Where is she now? I really want to see her, and I want to know what kind of woman she is, and she will be favored by the King of Destruction The woman who became the King of Destruction really makes me envious! "Princess Xi Xi said.

Ning Xiaochuan stood up and walked out, and said, "Hi Princess, thank you for helping me take care of Xiao Linger. I have to leave now."

"I'll send you one free?"

"No need to!"

After saying this, Ning Xiaochuan took Xiao Linger and left the Fox clan.

"What a funny man!"

Princess Xi Xi's jade finger gently touched the crystal-clear red lips, showing a charming smile.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaolinger walked to the entrance of Wangdong Palace, they suddenly felt something, their faces changed slightly, and they stopped immediately, saying, "Xiaolinger, stay back to Princess Xi Xi for a few days, I'll pick you up in a few days. "

"Did we just come back from the Fox clan?" Xiao Linger said a little puzzled.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Don't ask why, you go! If you see Xiao Hong, also take her to the Fox clan, if I didn't come to pick you up, you don't want to return to Wangdongfu for the time being."

Xiao Linger glanced into the deep cave house, then nodded and left immediately.

After Xiao Linger left, Ning Xiaochuan walked slowly into the Destroyed King's Cave. After seeing the Shi Ji demon sitting by the blood river, he said helplessly: "Meet the demon! Congratulations to the demon and return to the holy nation of the demon tribe. ! "

The Shi Ji demon sat on the edge of the Blood River and remained motionless. Long white hair was dragged to the ground, and every hair was flowing with demon light.

"The Emperor of the Divine Demon is dead, should Ning Xiaochuan, the account between us, be settled well?" The eyelashes behind the stone monster Demon are long and warped, and the eyelids are opened slightly, revealing a pair of black and white Clear beautiful eyes.

Although she was sitting there quietly, her body was flowing with the brilliance of Taoism, just like the light of the gods.

It is definitely to understand martial arts to a new height, in order to have such a profound charm.

Ning Xiaochuan said humblely: "Isn't the account between me and the queen of the queen cleared? I don't know what the queen of the devil is talking about?"

"Two clears? You are too naive! You had a serious injury in the original and had to compromise. If you escaped from the heavenly continent, you will naturally not pursue this matter again. But now you are the original The subordinates who wanted you to die now will never live tomorrow. "

Stone Ji Yao back.

Ning Xiaochuan secretly operated to receive Shinto, and began to communicate with the soul of the old Han Yu, saying: "You are the supreme level of the queen, how can you go against it?"

Damn it! No response!

Is it really necessary to wait until the dead and death, before Master can give me God's power?

Isn't life and death now? Shi Ji Yaohou is not good.

Shi Ji demon later said: "You don't have to be so nervous. Now it's the time of employment. I won't kill you from now on."

Ning Xiaochuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "How did I become your subordinate after the demon?"

The Queen Shi Ji snorted coldly and said, "The Emperor of the Divine Land will either kill or subdue the subordinates. Now there are not many subordinates that can be used in the hands. Xiang Tianmeng Demon Emperor, will bring you over. Now, your King of Destroyer is my queen of the Stone Queen, and you will execute the subsequent orders unconditionally! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Since it is the meaning of Lord Tianmeng Demon Emperor, his subordinates are naturally willing to surrender to the demon."

"It is so, then you drink this first." Shi Ji Yaoxi took out a small and delicate jade bottle and handed it to Ning Xiaochuan.

Isn't that a jade bottle containing Tianyi holy water?

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Queen, this is not good!"

Shi Ji Yaohou stood up, showing a slender figure, the crisp peaks on her chest were particularly full, and her waist was slim. Her features are extraordinarily delicate, but with an overwhelming momentum, she laughed: "When you first handed it over to Ben, didn't you just want to calculate it? I wanted to know this drop of the so-called 'God Liquid, what is the poison? "

"It was Mingming Song who calculated her well? How did it count on my head?"

Ning Xiaochuan's heart was very speechless, saying: "After the demon, I can't execute your order."

After the stone monster Yao said: "If you don't drink, I will feed you afterwards. Do you really need to do it yourself?"

"Tianyi holy water" is absolutely impossible to drink, but, with Ning Xiaochuan's current practice, it is far from being the opponent of Shi Ji.

The soul of Sui Hanyu was also unresponsive.

What should we do at this time?

Ning Xiaochuan was the first person who dared to threaten her. For the arrogant Shi Ji demon, it was a shame that she couldn't let go.

Seeing what Ning Xiaochuan looked like at the moment, Shi Ji's heart was very happy, "Finally, there are things you dare not do, and I thought you were truly lawless and fearless. Not a drop of poison, you are poison Do n’t dare to try the inviolable Supreme? Well! In this case, you can only drink the little dragon girl you raised! ”

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