Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 892: Self-eating

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"Perhaps this is the result of self-eating!"

Ning Xiaochuan took the one of the jade bottles containing "Tianyishengshui" in the hands of Shi Ji's demon, took it in his hands, and held firm in his eyes.

Naturally, he couldn't let the stone monster demon force Xiaohong and "Tianyishengshui". With Xiaohong's concentration, it was impossible to resist the medicinal properties of "Tianyishengshui".

Although "Tianyishengshui" is powerful, it may not be comparable to the evil power on the blood cloak of God last time.

"I can suppress even that evil power from Guihui. What can't I restrain?"

After Ning Xiaochuan's eyes stared at Shi Ji Demon, this demon queen was utterly exquisite, like a fairy of blue waves, obviously a high-end demon, possessing unparalleled cultivation, but she was just as stingy as a woman on earth, not at all Keeping promises makes people helpless and cannot reason with her.

He said: "I will drink the venom in the jade bottle. However, I have a request that after the demon, you must leave King Dongfu's Palace!"

The eyes of the monster behind Ji Ji are more beautiful than the stars, and her voice is more pleasant than the sound of nature, saying: "Why?"

"No reason." Ning Xiaochuan said.

The monster behind Ji Ji held a good mood of watching dramas. A pair of jade hands were held on her chest. She did not look like a queen who was above her. Instead, she was like a woman who had a feud with Ning Xiaochuan and laughed: "Since you do n’t give a reason , I have chosen not to leave since then, but I want to see what you look like when you drink the venom? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Okay! I tell you, I am afraid that after drinking the venom, I will lose my mind and do things that offend the demon."

"Oh! Then you can put a hundred hearts, and you won't be afraid to be offended afterwards. Even if you want to offend, you have to have that ability first!" Shi Ji Demon looked confident and took her cultivation as a With white hair, Ning Xiaochuan can be beheaded, and Ning Xiaochuan's words are not taken seriously at all.

She knows that Ning Xiaochuan has cultivated the Supreme Body and is not poisonous.

Even if the venom in that jade bottle was really powerful, it made him very embarrassed at most, and would not kill him.

Ning Xiaochuan also did not have the full grasp to be able to suppress the power of "Tianyi Holy Water", not to mention being embarrassed by the stone monster.

Genius also has the dignity of a genius.

He made a very difficult decision, saying: "If the demon queen is willing to leave, I can give the second volume of the Book of Earth to the demon queen for enlightenment."

Hearing this, the Queen Shi Ji was also slightly agitated, but she immediately shook her head and said, "The more you don't want Ben to see you embarrassed, the more you will stay here."

"I can give you the second to eighth volumes of the" Dijing "." Ning Xiaochuan once again gave a more generous condition, and he did not believe in the Shi Ji demon.

However, Ning Xiaochuan was wrong again this time.

The Queen Shi Ji still shook her head and said, "I did not expect a timeless arrogance like you, and sometimes bowed down to others. However, I will depend on you to obey the venom obediently, rest assured, if you are poisoned to death, Ben He will help you to collect the dead body and bury you thick. After all, you are the first man who dare to threaten Ben, and he still values ​​you very much. "

Ning Xiaochuan could not give all nine volumes of the Dijing to the Queen of Stone Ji.

Since none of the eight volumes of The Earth Script could send her away, Ning Xiaochuan also gave up continuing negotiations.

"In my will, I should be able to suppress the medicinal properties of 'Tianyishengshui'."

"Tianyi Holy Water" is called the first Holy Medicine of Yin and Yang Holy Religion.

However, Yue Mingsong claimed that a drop of "sky and holy water" can easily level a female supremacy.

How strong is the drug?

Ning Xiaochuan stared deeply at Shi Ji demon, squeezed the jade bottle tightly, and swallowed the drop of "Tianyi Holy Water" in the jade bottle directly into his mouth.

After seeing that drop of venom under Ning Xiaochuan's clothing, the demon Shi Ji immediately showed a beautiful smile, and her bright eyes flashed with radiance, admiring: "It is worthy of being the king of extinction, you can bend and stretch, let this admire. If you can resist the venom Toxicity will be reused in the future. "

Ning Xiaochuan stared fiercely at Shi Ji demon, and said secretly, "Let you enjoy yourself now, and in the future you will surely have a taste of being helpless!"

After taking "Tianyishengshui", Ning Xiaochuan immediately felt something wrong. The whole body was like a flame burning, which burst every bloodline.

It's medicinal, too fast!

Ning Xiaochuan summoned the Supreme King's "Eradicated Emerald Jade Bottle" and immediately flew into the bottle.

He was still afraid of being ugly in front of the demon Shi Ji. If he really failed to control the medicinal properties of "Tianyi Holy Water", his face would be lost!

Inside the Emerald Jade Bottle is a separate space.

In the cold and dark world, there are huge icebergs suspended. At the bottom of the treasure bottle, there is a vast ice lake. The waves are full of light, and there are light crystals emitted from the ice lake.

Stimulated by that cold air, Ning Xiaochuan was sober immediately and fell steadily to an iceberg.

Sitting on the iceberg, he began to suppress the medicinal power of "Tianyi Holy Water" with all his strength.

"Make it for me!"

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized the whole world's fire of extinction, and tried his best to refine the medicinal power of the "Tianyisheng water".

At the same time, the remaining three minds are tightly guarding the position of the heart, guarding against the invasion of the medicine at any time.


That drop of "Tianyishengshui" has a terrifying medicine. Although it is not a divine fluid, its energy is not much weaker than the real divine fluid.

Ning Xiaochuan felt that his whole body was full of strength, and that strength was constantly expanding, as if to explode his body.

"Still ... look down on ... the medicine of Tianyi Holy Water, the first medicine of Yin and Yang religion ... Sure enough ... not manpower can counteract, even if it is a sub-God ... it is difficult to resist ..."

If it were not for the Supreme Body, Ning Xiaochuan would have been torn apart, and he would soon be unable to control his will.

What's more terrible is that the evil force hidden in Ning Xiaochuan's body actually broke out again.

The evil power radiates, scarlet light, covering Ning Xiaochuan's whole body.

Under the attack of dual forces, Ning Xiaochuan reached the brink of collapse.


The stone demon queen stood next to the Blood River, very proud and arrogant, like an unattainable iceberg, looking at the annihilated emerald bottle suspended above the Blood River, showing a smile: "What a great king There are so many treasures in this kid! "


Suddenly, the Emerald Jade Bottle shook violently.

A mighty and powerful force rushed out of the bottle mouth and turned into a scarlet beam of light.

"What happened?"

An ill-premonition was born in the heart of the demon Shi Ji.

Although she forced Ning Xiaochuan to take the venom, she did not really want to put Ning Xiaochuan to death. If she wants Ning Xiaochuan to die, she doesn't need to bother at all.

At first, Ning Xiaochuan reminded her not to take "venom". At that time, she did not have any hostility towards Ning Xiaochuan, but she liked this human boy somewhat.

Of course, this "like" is not a "like" between men and women, but simply interested in him.

Besides, a genius like Ning Xiaochuan can hardly meet one in ten thousand years. It would be a pity to die like this.

"Ning Xiaochuan, if you promised to surrender to Ben Hou, and after allegiance to Heng Ben, you can save you later." Shi Ji Yaohou said loudly.

The sound passed into the Emerald Emerald Bottle.

There was no echo in the Evil Jade Bottle.

The evil power escaped from the mouth of the bottle was more intense.

"Is that human kid already dead in an aquarium?"

The face of Shi Ji's demon face was cloudy and slightly regretted. After all, in her opinion, Ning Xiaochuan was not hateful, and the way of doing things was very appetizing to her.

It's a pity that a peerless genius died like this!


She immediately turned into a beautiful arc, flew into the Emerald Emerald Bottle, entered the world in the bottle, and searched for the trace of Ning Xiaochuan everywhere ...

Behind her, a beast-like demon roar came, and a **** rush came to her.

A man with a scarlet glow all over his body flew out of the iceberg, throwing the stone monster behind.

A pair of sturdy arms, like iron bolts, tightly hugged the delicate body of Shi Ji's demon, and directly crushed her to the ground.

"Ning Xiaochuan, what are you doing? You ..."

The queen of Shi Ji was extremely angry, and her eyes seemed to be flaming, and she saw Ning Xiaochuan messily kiss and rub on her body. His face, which had never been touched by a man, was even covered with his saliva.

"court death!"

She wanted to tear up the human kid who offended herself. The next moment, she was horrified to find that Ning Xiaochuan was even more powerful than her. She slammed her on the glacier, making her unable to fight back.


The heart of the Queen of Shi Ji sinks to the bottom of the valley, and she has a feeling of pitting herself.


After midnight, there is a chapter, but it is relatively late, and it is recommended to read tomorrow morning.

Now, after all, Lao Jiu has his own work to do. He does n’t have so much time to write a book. Please forgive me! There was something going on today, only two chapters, but since I promised to make it up, I will finish it after staying up late.

In addition, I wish everyone a happy book, Happy Children's Day!

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