Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 895: Demon prison

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The battle between the Queen of Stone Queen and the Saint Baby Demon Emperor was not as thrilling and destructive as the last time to slay the Emperor Demon King.

A battle of ideas!

The two monsters are supreme, and the two creatures standing at the top of the pyramid of the heavenly continent are standing still, looking at the counter, like two statues.

Even the air stopped flowing, the wind didn't blow, and the air didn't move.

Seems calm, no smoke. However, if someone dared to enter the space between them, they would be instantly shredded into powder by an invisible force.

The battle between ideas is more terrifying than simply confrontation with strength. It not only tests the practice of monks, but also tests the strength of the mind and spirit, comprehends the rules of martial arts, and its own natural will.

After a long while, the Holy Baby Demon Emperor's face gradually turned pale.

The calm expression gradually became distorted.


A spit of blood spit out, and the Holy Infant Emperor immediately flew out, turned into a beam of light, and immediately fled.

"Shi Ji, I did not expect that your cultivation is so powerful that the emperor will come back and continue to challenge you." The heart of the holy infant demon emperor was very unwilling, and the voice came from a distant sky with a grudge. mood.

The Queen of Ji Ji did not take the words of the Emperor Infant too seriously, she left this barren field alone, returned to the Temple of Ji Ji and began to consolidate the state she had just broken.

In order to reach the eternal realm, every little upgrade requires a lot of resources and energy.

Breaking through a realm is already a huge improvement for Supreme.

Last time, although Shi Ji Yao slightly beat the thunder **** queen, but she couldn't help it.

Now that her cultivation has raised a realm, if she and the Thunder King Demon Emperor still want to escape, it will not be so easy.

Queen Shi Ji is a person who has revenge. Since the Thunder God Demon dared to calculate her, she must let the Thunder God Demon Emperor pay a heavy price.


The heaven prison of the Yaozu Kingdom is located in the underground world, suspended in the center of a void space, surrounded by a dark area, and the air is bitter and cold, making people think of the legendary hell.

In that void space, a black stone door was suspended, and the top was engraved with two ghostly characters-demon prison.

Xiaohong was a little nervous, followed Ning Xiaochuan, clutching Ning Xiaochuan's clothes, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, what are we going to do in the dungeon of the demon holy kingdom? Hiding here, I can really hide behind the stone monster Ji Hunting? "

Ning Xiaochuan's purpose, naturally, is not just as simple as evading Shi Ji.

According to Princess Xi Xi, the King of Qing and He were detained here.

Ning Xiaochuan would like to meet them and ask them something in person.

On the left and right sides of the gate, a nine-meter-tall two-headed fire lion is squatting, like a monster body made of red copper, with scales all over the body.

The double-headed fire lion on the left saw Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong standing near the demon prison, and immediately stood up, with a voice in his mouth: "Humans, demon prison is not the place you should be."

The two fire lions are the ninth realm of heaven and man, filled with flames, and their eyes are like fire thunder, staring closely at Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong who approached.

It is not difficult for Ning Xiaochuan to kill them.

However, Ning Xiaochuan knew that there was a demon-level existence guarding the demon prison. If that horrible existence was alarmed, the trouble would be great!

Ning Xiaochuan said: "My King is the 'Destroyer King' personally sealed by the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. Please ask the two guarding lion kings to make it easy. The King only wants to see a friend in prison without delay. Long time. "

The fire lion on the right said in a cold voice: "Without the token of the queen and queen of the queen, no one can enter the land of the demon prisoner. Destroyer, you better leave as soon as possible, this is not what you should do local!"

Ning Xiaochuan took out two human-grade dans and handed them to two fire lions, and said, "This is 'Blood Bodhi'. You can add two centuries to cultivate it. Can you two be accommodating?"

The two fire lions returned Blood Bodhidan to Ning Xiaochuan and said: "The demon prison is heavy and there is no possibility of accommodation. If you don't leave again, we will blame us for taking you down and entering the demon prison. You will never see the sun again. "

Xiaohong was immediately angry, rolled her sleeves and said, "Give shame to your face, and see if this girl doesn't twist your head off."

"You can give it a try. If you dare to do this, I dare to guarantee that you two will never leave here alive."

The two fire lions issued a ridiculous laughter, feeling that Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong were too ignorant, and they dared to make trouble in the demon prison, they were deliberately seeking death.

"I'm so mad ..." Xiao Hong's eyes widened and she was about to spit out the dragon fire to make the two fire lions burn more brightly.

Ning Xiaochuan stopped Xiaohong.

He frowned slightly, glanced at the two fire lions again, his heart secretly said, it seems that he really can't enter the demon prison, and must think of another way.

"Noisy? Noisy? No matter how demon prisoner, who dares to be wanton here?" The Silver Horn Demon King rubbed his eyes, looked sleepy, and walked out from the gate of Demon Prison.

"Oblique the Silver Horn Demon King, those two humans, should you take them down?" Said the fire lion on the left.

Fire lion, I don't know at all, Xiaohong is a dragon girl of the Shenlong family, only thinking that she is also human.


The Silver Horn Demon King woke up slightly, stared at the past, and saw Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong not far away, and was slightly surprised.


The Silver Horn Demon King pulled out a python tendon wrapped around the waistband of the trousers, and fought two lashes fiercely on the fire lion's ass, drawing the fire lion's constant mourning.

"Don't have long eyes, don't you know it's the King of Destruction? Actually dare to talk back to the King of Destruction and see that I won't kill you!"

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

The Silver Horn Demon King waved his whip and drew the fire lion on the left side for more than ten whip, and he kept begging for mercy. Then, I took another fire lion on the right, and I was tired, so I put away the python tendon.

"The King of Destruction is really sorry, these two mounts are too unruly." The Silver Horned Demon King came to Ning Xiaochuan very enthusiastically, folded his hands and bowed his arms, always smiling with a smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter! Since you are on a job in the demon prison, there is one thing, I have to trouble you!" Ning Xiaochuan said.

The Silver Horned Demon King suddenly became angry and patted his chest, and said, "What is trouble? It's not your own king? Your matter is my Silver Horn. What's the trouble? What's the matter?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "A friend of mine," The King of Qing, "was imprisoned in demon prison. I want to see her!"

The expression on the face of the Silver Horn Demon King froze immediately, revealing embarrassment, and said indifferently: "King of Destruction, this ... I am not a brother and I will not help you, but I ca n’t help it. The Green King and the King are both first-class A recidivism, the Heavenly Demon Emperor personally ordered the captive soul. In case of any accident, our brothers will lose their lives! "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I just want to see them alone, isn't it?"

The Silver Horn Demon King shook his head vigorously and said, "This is really hard to do!"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You and the Golden Horned Demon King vowed to the demon **** and promised to help me do three things. Now I think about it, the first thing, I'm going to see the King of Qing. Think about it for yourself! Is it taking me to meet the King of Qing, or is he punished by the oath of the demon god? "

The Silver Horn Demon King gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go and discuss it with my eldest brother!"

It immediately ran into the gate of the demon prison to discuss with the Golden Horned Demon King.

Ning Xiaochuan stood in front of the gate of the demon prison and waited quietly.

The two fire lions guarding the demon prison were like two pugs, obediently dormant at the feet of Ning Xiaochuan, dare not say a word.

After a long while, the Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King slowly walked out from the gate of the demon prison.

The Silver Horned Demon King came to Ning Xiaochuan and whispered, "I have discussed with my elder brother and can take you to see the King of Qing, but the repair of He is too terrible, we can't be Lord."

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "It's okay, just meet the King of Qingyu. This time I really want to thank you."

Led by the Golden Horn Demon King and the Silver Horn Demon King, Ning Xiaochuan and Xiao Hong smoothly entered the demon prison.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King are not low in demon prison. They are in charge of the three prisoners of the heaven and earth, and they can be said to be the two masters of demon prison. Their ancestors are the prisoner of the demon prisoner, the octagonal demon emperor.

When he came to the bottom of the prison, the Golden Horned Demon King pressed his palm into one of the dents of the stone gate, and immediately opened the matrix method on the surface of the stone gate. To hurry up and meet quickly, we must leave immediately. If found by our ancestors, Silver Horn and I will be finished. "

Ning Xiaochuan nodded and walked into Shimen.

The Golden Horned Demon King immediately closed the stone door again, exhaling a long breath, and staring at Xiao Hong standing not far away, and said, "What is the relationship between Ning Xiaochuan and the King of Qing? What is the risk? Just to see her. "

The Silver Horn Demon King was also curiously staring at Xiao Hong.

A red smile flashed in Xiao Hong's eyes, and he hooked his fingers at the Golden Horn Demon King and the Silver Horn Demon King.

The Golden Horned Demon King and Silver Horned Demon King immediately attached ears.

Xiaohong whispered something in their ears.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King heard Xiao Hong's words and suddenly realized that they nodded deeply.

The golden horned demon king showed an incredible look, and said, "That's it, I understand!"

The Silver Horn Demon King looked at the stone door, revealing a meaningful look, "No wonder he insisted on meeting with the King of Qingyu alone, this is the reason."


The King of the Qing Dynasty sits in the center of a round jade platform with a diameter of ten feet, practices with closed eyes, and feels that someone has entered the prison, and immediately opens his eyes.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan standing on the edge of Yushitai, she was slightly surprised, so she stood up and said, "I can see you here."

Ning Xiaochuan's palm reached the edge of the jade platform, and a white light immediately lit up, blocking Ning Xiaochuan's palm from the light.

"It's useless, that's the jade table cast by the Heavenly Demon Emperor using the rules of the second god. Only the second artifact can break it." Qingxi Wang said lightly.


Lao Jiu continued to ask for monthly tickets cheekily. At the beginning of the month, the monthly tickets cannot fall too much! Everyone looks at my skin so thick, give me the monthly ticket! Haha!

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