Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 896: Roots of troubled times

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Ning Xiaochuan withdrew his palm, and the light curtain at the edge of the jade table disappeared immediately.

He asked, "What is your identity as a concubine, why did the Heavenly Demon Emperor imprison you here?"

How powerful is the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, who dares to kill the Phoenix, but why hasn't he killed the King of Qing and He?

Qing Qing Wang pondered for a moment, and said, "Thanks to your current practice, there are some things that can be told to you. Ning Xiaochuan, do you know Dayan World?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently, saying: "I've heard that the world we are in now is the world of Da Yan."

Wang Qingdao said: "There are forty-nine continents in the Dayan World, which are distributed in vast seas. The Tianxu continent is just one of them."

"This world is so huge!" Although Ning Xiaochuan had long known that Dayan World could not use only one continent, he was a little surprised when he learned that there were 49 continents like Tianxu Continent.

The vast expanse of the continent is boundless, with hundreds of millions of souls and hundreds of people gathered. Even the North / Xinjiang continent is vast.

north. Ninety percent of Xinjiang's territory has never been to Ning Xiaochuan.

"Is it huge?"

The King of Qingyan shook his head and said, "Daiyan World, in the entire universe, can only be regarded as a drop of the sea, a grain of sand on the sand table. Outside the Dayan World, there is a vast expanse of starry sky and starry sky. With hundreds of millions of living planets, there are also large worlds, small worlds, and plane planes that are as independent as the Dayan world. "

"From the perspective of outside beings, the world of Da Yan is actually a completely closed world, isolated from the world, and unable to contact outside civilization and beings."

"What does a completely closed world mean?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Qing Qing Wang said: "Do you know the battle of ancient gods?"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded.

Qingyue Wangdao: "Forty-nine continents and boundless seas of the entire 'Dayan World' are the battlefields of the Ancient God War. Or, 'Dayan World' is a god-making array arranged by the God King of the Shenhe civilization. Dharma is known as the 'Da Yan Formation Method'. The creatures of your Da Yan Formation are all 'God species' scattered in the God Formation Method. "

Even if Ning Xiaochuan's receiving ability is very strong, it is difficult to digest everything that Qing Qingwang just said.

The entire world of Da Yan turned out to be just an array formed by a supreme master in the universe, making up the array of gods.

Including humans, demons, and countless creatures, all of them are the seeds of the gods scattered in the formation.

Ning Xiaochuan was full of doubts, and said, "Wait a minute, what happened to the ancient God-fighting war? What kind of civilization is the Shenhe civilization? How can the Dayan world be just a **** formation method? The creatures living in the Dayan world are considered What? Are the animals raised by the gods? "

Qing Qing Wangdao said: "The Shenhe civilization is a long river formed by hundreds of billions of planets. It belongs to the Bapin civilization, which is what you call the" nine heaven **** world ". It rules the entire universe. You stand in the sky. On the mainland, as long as you look up, you can see the Shenhe civilization. However, the Shenhe civilization is far from you for billions of miles, far beyond imagination. "

"As for what are the creatures of the Da Yan World? If you can cultivate into God, you will naturally be able to jump out of the barrier of the world, enter the Shenhe civilization, and sit on an equal footing with the gods. If you have not cultivated into a god, yes, then you will be raised There is no difference in the livestock in the pen. "

Ning Xiaochuan closed his eyes, digested everything that King Qingyu said, and then said, "You and He are from the Shenhe civilization?"

The King of Qingyu nodded and said, "In theory, the creatures in the Dayan world cannot go out, and the outside creatures cannot come in. However, if you pay some price and use some special means, you can also enter the Dayan world. Self-cultivation will be suppressed by the world ’s power. The higher the soul, the greater the price to enter the world. ”

Ning Xiaochuan asked, "Why are you coming to the world?"

Qing Qing Wang stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply and said, "I said just now that the world of Dayan is a great array of god-making in the universe. As long as it enters the cycle of god-making, the probability of cultivating a **** in the world of Dayan is more than The probability of becoming a **** in another part of the universe is hundreds of times. Even the Shenhe civilization with sufficient resources is far worse than the Dayan world. Ten thousand years ago, the Dayan world entered the next god-making cycle. "

Ning Xiaochuan's heart moved and said: "So, God of Heaven has become a god!"

The King of Qingyan nodded and said, "The cultivation of God by the Emperor indeed marks the entering of the Dayan world into the next god-making cycle. At the same time, it marks the coming of the next feudal war. Moreover, it is not just between the Dayan world. The struggle is even more a struggle between the forces of the Shenhe civilization. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "The major forces of the Shenhe civilization will also come in?"

"Of course, there are many new gods born in each god-creating cycle, but the number of new gods is limited, and the major forces will naturally strive for more places. Even the younger generation of Shenhe civilization will be sent into the world of Da Yan, and seize it. Chance of becoming a god. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Even if the major forces of the Shenhe civilization sent the younger generation into the Dayan world, they would not have any advantage, but they would be suppressed by the world power of the Dayan world."

Qing Qing Wang said: "You are wrong! Once the battle of the gods has begun, the world power of Da Yan will no longer suppress foreign monks. Many of the geniuses of the Shenhe civilization are the sons of the gods, the grandchildren of the gods, the blood is strong, and the constitution Extraordinary, the indigenous geniuses of the Dayan World cannot be their opponents at all. "

"It is precisely for this reason that the Heavenly Court that manages the Dayan World immediately established the 'God's Palace' and the 'Tianting Academy', in order to increase the competitiveness of the indigenous talents of the Dayan World and prepare for the future battle for God's place. . "

"In fact, the continents of the Dayan World have long been smoky, and have started to compete for resources before the feudal war. Even the Heavenly Demon Emperor has a shadow of the existence of a Shenhe civilization behind her. This It is the root cause of all scourges, and this scourge will spread even wider. "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I see! The Heavenly Demon Emperor ordered the slaughter of the human race, not only to accumulate human blood and forge the sub-physical body, but also to raise the harvest of the human god's **** seeds. As long as the human race destroys the race, nature can no longer Compete with the demons to become a god. "

Qing Qing Wang said: "Ning Xiaochuan, you must understand that in the eyes of the gods, there is no difference between humans and monsters. The key is who do you surrender to? So you can only accept you if you turn to the Heavenly Demon Emperor. But, As a human being, she can never believe you so easily. She will use her methods to conquer your will and force you to the opposite side of the human race. "

"No one can conquer my will." Ning Xiaochuan's conviction was very firm, and he said, "King Qing, how can I save you out?"

King Qingyu shook his head and said, "No one can save us from the entire heavenly continent. If you really want to help me, there are two ways."

"Which two ways?" Ning Xiaochuan asked.

Wang Qingdao said: "In the extremely far south of the Tianxu Continent, there is a Sumi Turtle Island. A long-lived turtle lives on the Sumi Turtle Island. If you can find it, you may be able to rescue me. . However, according to the elders in the clan, that long-lived turtle has lived for a long time, may not be able to live forever, and may have died old in the Dayan world. "

Ning Xiaochuan said, "What about the second method?"

The Qing Dynasty King said: "Go to Fengshen Cave House and look for a piece of artifact of the Qing Dynasty family, called 'Liuli Tianjing'. As long as you wear 'Lili Tianjing' on your body, you can resist the suppression of the world power of Da Yan World and restore your own combat power. "

"If Uncle Xun's repair can recover, it is enough to fight the Tianmeng Demon Emperor. However, Uncle Xun and I have been to Fengshendongfu several times, but they haven't found 'Liuli Tianjing'."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Tell me the shape and characteristics of 'Liuli Tianjing'. I will look for you. I am preparing to enter Fengshendongfu again. Maybe I am stronger than you and can find Liuli Tianjing. "

Qing Qing Wang said: "I pass you a formula. As long as Liuli Tianjing is within your thousand miles, you will read the formula and Liuli Tianjing will transmit power fluctuations."

King Qingyu passed the formula to Ning Xiaochuan, staring at Ning Xiaochuan deeply and saying, "Ning Xiaochuan, I do n’t know if your Master has reminded you that you have a fatal enemy. According to my guess, that A fateful enemy should soon enter the world of Da Yan, and there must be a death between you. "

Ning Xiaochuan had come to Shimen, and when he heard this, he immediately asked: "You also know my fateful enemy, who is he or she? What is the origin of our destruction?"

"When he or she finds you, you will naturally know." Qing Qing Wang stretched his waist and rubbed his eyes, "No! No! It's too sleepy, I have to sleep!"

After saying this, the King of Qingyan actually fell on the jade platform, and put his hands under his cheeks, and slept gracefully.

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head with a bitter smile, and only the snooze Qingying Wang could sleep so comfortably in the prison.

After exiting Shimen, Shimen closed it tightly again.

The Golden Horned Demon King and the Silver Horned Demon King saw Ning Xiaochuan come out of them, and their faces were all surprised, saying: "Ning Xiaochuan, you are too fast!"

"What?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"No ... no, nothing, I think you're coming soon ..." The Golden Horned Demon King smiled meaningfully.

Ning Xiaochuan felt a little inexplicable and stopped paying attention to the Golden Horn and Silver Horn monsters and was about to leave the monster prison.

The news I heard from King Qing Ye was really shocking. If all of Qing Qing's words are true, in the future, the enemies facing him and the souls of the heavenly continent will be even more terrible and must be prepared in advance.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's mind trembled slightly, stopped outside a stone gate, and looked over to that stone gate. "Who is being held in this stone gate?"

Ning Xiaochuan just felt a familiar wave that came from that stone gate.

The Golden Horned Demon King said: "It is also a criminal taken in by the Lord Tianmeng Demon Emperor. It is said that he is a big disciple of the Emperor. The old guy can be embarrassed. , So, he has not been killed yet. "

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