Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 902: You don't deserve to fight me

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Long Tai hugged her hands in front of her chest, and stared at the tribe Tianjiao with a joke. "A group of ignorant humans, I really think that your tribe is supreme and able to kill the Lord of Heavenly Demon Emperor? Really think it is your strength Can kill the King of Destruction? All frogs at the bottom of the well. "

"What do you think? Why do you look down upon our monks? Even if the Destroyer King is strong, can we be our opponents?" God Aoki smiled disdainfully, staring at Tai Tai scornfully, never letting Tai Tai out. In the eyes.

He could see that Long Taiyi was also a monk of the young generation, not a creature of the old generation of the demons.

As a younger monk, God of Aoki is not afraid of anyone at all, even if he is a little weaker than the other person, if everyone on the scene makes a shot together, it will only be a dead end.

"What am I?" Long Taiyi's eyes flashed, and he stared at God Aoki.

As a dragon prince, how arrogant, even the Destroyer King who once defeated him did not dare to despise him so much that this human being was even more arrogant than him? No one is better than him?

Mr. Aoki rubbed his nose and smiled, "What? This makes me angry? Your mentality can actually cultivate into shape? It seems that your demon clan has no other strong person except a Heavenly Demon Emperor. It's no wonder that even Ning Xiaochuan can rule the king in the demon tribe. "

"act recklessly."

Long Taiyi has never been so ridiculed by anyone, and he can't bear it. The anger in his heart made the dragon's blood in his body completely burn.

The dragon spirit was boiling, and he stepped out one step, as fast as lightning, across a distance of tens of feet, and rushed directly in front of God Aoki. The five fingers spread out, and each finger was flowing with dragon spirit, which seemed to bring a strong Power.

So fast.

God of Aoki did not expect that Ryu Taiichi ’s cultivation was so powerful that the palm print in his eyes became bigger and bigger. Already frightened, he immediately exerted a fast magic power and quickly retreated.

It's a pity it's too late!


Ryuta slammed with one palm and grunted, slap Aoki's head into his neck, and blood kept pouring from his neck. God Aoki's shoulders all collapsed, giving a strange and terrifying feeling.

The body of the goddess Aoki fell straight.

As soon as Mrs. Long retracted her palm, she blew the bloodstains on the clothing corner and said, "This is the so-called Terran Pride of the Human Race? It's vulnerable."

The Tianjiao of those peoples were all stunned, looking at the corpse on the ground, could not help but take a step back. You must know that the goddess Aoki is the realm of the highest realm. It is a student in the inner courtyard of the God's Palace. However, he was shot dead with the other hand, and there was no chance of escape.

How powerful is the cultivation of that monster race?

The Seven Princesses of Heaven gently touched the white chin, stared at the pretty heroic Long Taiyi, showing a curious look, and said to herself: "There is a real dragon with such pure blood on the land, It also seems to have awakened the blood of ancient dragons. I am afraid that the younger generation in the Tianxu Continent may not be his opponents. "

The Seven Princesses of Heaven clearly felt the power of Long Taiyi, and even if she took the shot herself, she did not have the certainty to win.

Those monks did not dare to provocate the three deities of the Yao tribe easily, and could only point their finger at Ning Xiaochuan.

"King of Destruction, do you think you can save your life by hiding among the young masters of the monster race? Have the ability to stand up and fight with me alone," said Qin Hantian standing beside Tang Shuyao.

Qin Hantian has been pursuing Tang Shuyao. He naturally inquired about Tang Shuyao and knew that Tang Shuyao once loved Ning Xiaochuan.

Therefore, he must take this opportunity to defeat Ning Xiaochuan in the presence of Tang Shuyao and prove that he is stronger than Ning Xiaochuan. Only in this way may Tang Shuyao favor him.

Ning Xiaochuan stared at Qin Hantian and said, "You don't deserve to fight with me."

"King of Destruction, I know your cultivation is very strong and your talent is very high, but don't underestimate the talents of the world. It is not known who wins or loses!" The repair is strong, so I dare not despise Ning Xiaochuan in the slightest.

A silver needle as thin as a cow's hair pinched between Qin Hantian's two fingers, pierced into the eyebrow, and a vaguely real element poured out from the body.

This is a secret method for stimulating one's own potential, which can improve Qin Hantian's cultivation eight times in a short time.

He was originally the second most important person in the real world, and after the execution of the secret law, he was enough to challenge the third person in the real person.

"Qin Hantian is worthy of being a top 20 figure in the inner courtyard of the Divine Reserve Palace. He exhibited the secret method of" Spirit of Lingtai ". His combat power is enough to compete with the top ten."

"It is said that Qin Hantian broke into the Shenbing Tower, broke into the sixth floor, and was rewarded with a Supreme King. If he exhibited the Supreme King, what is the horror of combat effectiveness?"

"Qin Hantian has been pursuing the Jiutian Spirit Girl Tang Shuyao, but unfortunately Tang Shuyao doesn't look down on him and is still waiting for that traitor. This time is the time for Qin Hantian to prove himself. , Will immediately become a hero of the human race, favored by countless heavenly pride women. It is estimated that even the nine-day spirit girl will be unable to resist his charm. "

Qin Khantian's five fingers formed a paw print, with a sharp edge in his eyes, and said, "King of Destruction, now is eligible to fight against you?"

Ning Xiaochuan said faintly: "With your talents, you will definitely be able to become supreme in the future, and there is even a trace that may seize the good fortune and become a god. Why do you need to find death?"

Hearing this, Qin Hantian was even more angry, after all, the Destroyer King still did not take him seriously.


Qin Hantian yelled and rushed out in one step, hitting the "Eagle Dragon Machine". His palms were like eagle claws and dragon claws, and each finger was wrapped in a cyan flame, burning the air with the blazing heat.

Ning Xiaochuan just stood still, with his body as the center, within three meters, forming a red air current.


Qin Hantian hit the "Eagle Dragon Aircraft" on the red air stream, making the air stream ripples like water ripples, but he couldn't break the air.

Qin Hantian was blocked by Ning Xiaochuan's Zhenyuan three meters away, and even Zhenyuan's body protection could not break through, let alone hurt Ning Xiaochuan.

"how is this possible?"

Qin Hantian stared unbelievably at Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing three meters away steadily. It seemed to be close at hand, but he was so far away as to be tens of thousands of miles away and could not be approached at all.

Those monks were shocked to add. Although everyone knew that the King of Destruction was very strong, they did not expect to be so strong. With Qin Hantian's cultivation, he couldn't break his body?

Long Taiyi's eyelids jumped slightly, and squeezed his fists tightly, "The Xiuwei of the Destroyer King has indeed reached the fourth level of real life, and it seems that it is not as simple as it was at the beginning."

In the early days of the second level of real life, King of Destruction defeated Long Taiyi, the second highest peak of real life.

Now, Xiu Xiu ’s Xiu reached the middle stage of the fourth stage of real life, and Long Taiyi is only the early stage of the fourth stage of real life. The gap between them is even greater.

However, in a life-and-death duel, Long Taiyi still firmly believes that he can kill the Destroyer King, because his palm holds a trick, once it is displayed, it will be enough to create the ninth monk in real life.

"His cultivation is so powerful that it is dozens of times stronger than when he was in the Holy City of Nine Heavens, and the cultivation should have reached the fourth level of a real person." A look of surprise.

Even with the accumulation of various resources, coupled with the talents of the heavens, there are very few young people who can reach the fourth level of real life.


The real yuan around Ning Xiaochuan's body was like turning into layers of air waves, stacked together, rushing out, and hitting Qin Hantian's body.

Qin Hantian slid backwards and withdrew. The battle suit on his body was shattered in layers, and his chest seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer and collapsed slightly.


Qin Hantian's body hit a mountain wall in the distance, the whole person was inlaid into the mountain wall, the hair crown on his head was broken, the long hair fell down, and the appearance of the shawl seemed a bit downcast.

"Ahem ..."

He was full of blood, squeezed a pair of iron fists, flew out of the mountain wall, stared unwillingly at Ning Xiaochuan not far away, and yelled, "Zhou Tian Mo Pan."

On his chest, a pair of crimson stone grinding discs flew, divided into two layers, and kept spinning.

The supreme king weapon that Qin Hantian obtained from the Shenbing Tower was "Zhou Tian Mo Pan".

The scarlet grinding disc rotates between Qin Hantian's hands, the volume keeps increasing, and the diameter becomes more than 50 meters. It looks like two stone mountains that are stuck together, keeps rising, and finally stays in Qin Hantian's. Rotating overhead, making a buzzing sound.

The volume of Zhou Tian's grinding disc is still getting bigger and stronger and stronger.

With the full urging of Qin Hantian, he awakened a trace of the original power of Zhou Tianmopan.

The spirit of Zhou Tian's disc revived, and the power fluctuation became more and more horrible.

The geniuses and talents of the Divine Reserve Palace were shocked by the power of Zhou Tianmopan and felt the powerful destructive power contained in Zhoutian Mopan. All of them fled immediately, fearing that the power of Zhoutian Mopan would spread.

The Supreme King, which inspired the original power, is a trivial matter. You can kill real people with just one hit.

"go to hell!"

Under Qin Hantian's control, Zhou Tianmopan took a strong force to form a huge vortex, bombarding Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan was still standing there, and he did not evade, nor did he perform magical powers or Taoism. He did not even sacrifice the soldier blade, but just extended a hand.


Zhou Tianmopan stopped in midair and was caught by Ning Xiaochuan with one hand. In the palm of his hand, two kinds of brilliance appeared in black and white.

Capture the Supreme King with physical power.

Seeing this scene, countless human monks were stunned and their eyes were staring out of their eyes.


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