Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 903: It's all the fox's fault

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The supreme spirit of the black and white gods and spirits emerged from the palm prints, cutting off the connection between Qin Hantian and Zhou Tian.

Ning Xiaochuan's five fingers and one buckle, and the two black and white air streams also contracted, enclosing the Zhou Tian Mo Pan, using the supreme air to forcibly take away the Zhou Tian Mo Pan.

Zhou Tian's grinding disc kept getting smaller, completely pinched by Ning Xiaochuan's palm.

Ning Xiaochuan spread his palm, and Zhou Tian's disc became the size of a matchbox, suspended in the palm of his hand, "Give me it!"


The fire of extinction came out from the palm of the hand, completely refining the breath of Qin Hantian left on the millstone of Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian Mo Pan immediately turned into a streamer, flew into Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow, and suspended in the air of the heaven and earth.

At the center of Qihai is a mysterious white bone bead, which exudes a strong sacred force, squeezing Zhoutian Mopan to the edge. This piece of Supreme King can only rotate around the white bone beads!

Qin Hantian looked at his empty hands dullly, and murmured in his mouth, "Impossible, impossible ... how could it be so strong, how could it ..."

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Ning Xiaochuan, with a strong sense of killing in his eyes, and yelled: "King of Destruction, return my discs to Zhoutian ... I want you to die!"

Qin Hantian was really desperate, with a drop of blood dripping from the eyebrows, and the whole body made a crackling sound. The entire arm turned into a dragon claw, becoming as thick as a bucket, and one claw hit Ning Xiaochuan's head.

The power carried by the claws is very horrifying, and the entire space is slammed with a cold and domineering spirit.

Ning Xiaochuan frowned slightly. He really felt a little upset about people who repeatedly challenged Qin Hantian.

He has been let go twice and given him two lessons, but he still hasn't realized it and has to continue to provoke.

If Long Taiyi and Cangyi were replaced, they would have been shredded into pieces of flesh and blood for a long time. How could he allow him to jump?

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at the distant kiss kiss demon waiter and the demon waiter, and found that they were staring at him with doubtful eyes. Obviously, Ning Xiaochuan let go of the opponent repeatedly, and already made them start to doubt .

Coupled with the supreme ambush of the Terran Demon Emperor in the Palace of the Gods, their doubts deepened.

Ning Xiaochuan no longer kept his hand. Since he wanted to find death, he fulfilled him.


No one saw how Qingning Xiaochuan shot, only to see his arm stab out like a phantom, a pointer in the void, like a sword gas flying from his fingertips.

Qin Hantian, who had rushed over, immediately stopped and stood rigidly, becoming motionless, and the position of his brows and back of his head was bleeding.

At the position of the eyebrow, a finger-sized blood hole appeared, and his head was pierced by the sword air, and vitality disappeared immediately.

A gust of wind blew over, and Qin Hantian's body fell directly to the ground.

When they heard the sound of the corpse falling to the ground, the hearts of the people trembled suddenly, and they stared at Ning Xiaochuan again, but they showed a bit of panic and fear.

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's arm and a gurgling sound, the magic sword flew out and was inserted into Qin Hantian's chest.

After a while, the blood in Qin Hantian's body was sucked up by the magic sword and turned into a dark brown dry corpse.

The magic sword flew back again, hovering in front of Ning Xiaochuan, exuding a strange blood.

"He ... he's afraid he's really enchanted!" The pair of beautiful eyes of Luna stared at the cold and ruthless Ning Xiaochuan, the crystal red lips moved slightly, and made a long sigh.

The extreme battle in the distance, because it was shrouded in a horde of gods, outsiders could not know the outcome of the battle.

In addition to the Battle of the Gods, the Kiss of the Demon and the Demon of the Demon are also confronted by more than a dozen elders of the Real People's Guild of the Mainland, and a battle no less than the supreme level may occur at any time.

Xun kiss demon waiter and Xun demon waiter are the ninth most important practice in real life, and they are adjusted by the Emperor Tianmeng. The strong demons who were taught were none of them much weaker than the dead magpie emperor who had died. The fighting really broke out, and the elders of the real people's guild may not stand up.

The current situation is no longer Ning Xiaochuan's power.

Before the results come out, no one can say for sure that the human race can win? Or can the demons win? Anyway, no matter which side wins, it will completely change the situation in the continent.

Now it is already the best result. If the second dream **** is cast by the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the human race will not even have a chance to fight once, and can only wait for the annihilated race.

This is an opportunity for the Terran, and it is the only opportunity. Next, let ’s look at those Terran Supremes!

However, whether it is the Heavenly Demon Emperor to win or the Terran Supreme to win, Ning Xiaochuan is a dead end.

Therefore, he must leave immediately.

Ning Xiaochuan looked at Ning Xin'er, who was standing not far from him, and walked over, a little soft in her eyes, and said, "Xin'er, would you like to follow me?"

Ning Xiner is half a head shorter than Ning Xiaochuan. She is no longer a little girl. She is graceful, with a beautiful face and long eyelashes. She stared at those eyes of Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Brother, where can we go? Can the demons have our place to live? All the ethnic civilizations in northern / Xinjiang have been destroyed by demons, everyone has died, has the Yulan Empire been destroyed? Did grandpa die in the stomach of demons? Brother , We have become homeless! "

Ning Xiaochuan was silent.

He could clearly feel the sadness in Ning Xin'er's heart, and he wanted to tell her that the Yulan Empire had not been destroyed, and he had always protected it well. However, at the moment, it cannot be said.

Ning Xin'er seemed to be able to feel the sorrow of Ning Xiaochuan. He stared at Ning Xiaochuan with poor eyes, holding Ning Xiaochuan's hand, and said, "Brother, if I go with you, I don't care if I go to the demon tribe. Where my brother is, this is my home. "


Ning Xiaochuan stretched out a big hand and touched Ning Xin'er's head.

As long as Ning Xin'er was willing to follow him, it means that Ning Xin'er really believed in him.

In Ning Xin'er's view, the Yulan Empire must have been destroyed by the monster, and her loved ones must have died in the belly of the monster, but in this case, she was still willing to follow Ning Xiaochuan and still recognize him as his brother She believes that his brother must have his troubles and his helplessness.

Seeing that Ning Xiner could leave with Ning Xiaochuan without any hesitation, Tang Shuyao's heart gave birth to a slight regret. Both are feelings, but her feelings for Ning Xiaochuan are not as good as those of Ning Xiner and Ning Xiaochuan. So fearless, so sincere.

There is hatred in Tang Shuyao ’s heart. The enemies against the demons are responsible for reviving the Tangs. She is destined that she cannot stand in the same camp with the demons, and cannot betray the whole race as frankly as Ning Xiner. Ning Xiaochuan went to the demon tribe.

Tang Shuyao knew that this time, she and Ning Xiaochuan were destined to have no future, only a sigh in her heart.

"Xiao Hong, please bring Xiner. We will leave now!" Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Lushen, Tang Shuyao, Baozhu Jizo, Yu Qianqian in the distance, and found that Yu Qianqian wanted to come to him, but , But was stopped by the moon **** standing next to him.

One of the moon's palms was pressed against Yu Qianqian's shoulder, and she was settled. Not only could she not move, her lips could not be opened, and she could only stare at Ning Xiaochuan with a pair of water and spirit eyes.

Ning Xiaochuan doesn't blame them at all. Everyone has their own hardships. Maybe they also have their own ideas, and they don't necessarily believe him.

In fact, he did not want them to leave with him, because the road he was going to take would be extremely dangerous, and if he was inadvertent, he would lose everything.

"King of Destruction, even if your cultivation is very strong, but today you can't even think about being able to escape!"

The geniuses and talents of the Shenchu ​​Palace completely came around, and did not intend to let Ning Xiaochuan leave. They each played a matrix rune to seal the entire space and imprisoned Ning Xiaochuan, Ning Xin'er and others in the center of the formation.

The moon **** stood outside the formation, his eyes were cold, and he stared at Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, and said, "King of extinction, do you want to kill Xiner? She and you go to the demon tribe, and will stand completely opposite the tribe , Like you, become a traitor to the human race. If you are temporarily proud of the demons, you can really satisfy you, and you will not be condemned? "

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Even if you betray the entire human race, it is your turn to teach me how to be a human?"

"Okay! I have never had a chance to fight with you fairly. If you really want to leave, win first. If you lose under my sword, I will let you go, but you must leave Xiner Now, I do n’t want to watch her fall into the boundless darkness, become a traitor to the human race, and be cast aside by everyone. ”Moon Shinto.

It is not a lucky or unfortunate thing to meet a woman with a sense of justice. Obviously, if Ning Xiaochuan did not fight her, she would never let Ning Xiaochuan leave.

Perhaps, she still wants to wake up Ning Xiaochuan from the realm by defeating Ning Xiaochuan.

"Hehe! It's interesting. Xiner's sister is willing to leave with the Lord of the Devil, but you want to stop her. What is it you want to press?" Princess Xi Xi wore a thin veil to cover the peerless evil face . She stared at the moon **** standing on the edge of the formation, smiling brightly, and she looked so seductive that she looked at the geniuses and talents of the human race for a while, and could hardly control the formation.

"Who are you?" Moon Shinto.

The Seven Princesses of Heaven stared at the seven white foxtails under the skirt of Princess Xi Xi, and laughed: "She is the maiden of the nine-tailed fox tribe, born with beautiful bones and dazzling beauty. Her ancestors directly led to the end of the last feudal age. I do n’t know how many A god-level existence was killed in the hands of her ancestors. The Destroyer King will take refuge in the demon tribe, maybe it is related to her temptation. After all, too few men have been able to resist the temptation of the nine-tailed fox since ancient times. In front of them, even the gods have difficulty controlling their minds. "

Luna looked at Princess Xi Xi again, and it turned out that Princess Xi Xi and Ning Xiaochuan stood very close. It seemed that the relationship was really unusual.

When Princess Xi Xi heard the words of the Seven Princesses of Heaven, she smiled suddenly, her voice was as pleasant as the sound of heaven, "Yeah! The slave family really admired such heroes as the King of Destruction. I have been alone for a night and have unforgettable memories. I just do n’t know if some people are jealous? "

During the conversation, a fragrant jade arm of Princess Xi Xi gently caught Ning Xiaochuan's wrist, and smiled at Ning Xiaochuan, her eyelashes fluttered and her eyes waved.

Seeing this scene, several women present were very angry and angry. They all felt that it must be because of the temptation of Princess Xi Xi, the seductive fox spirit, that Ning Xiaochuan would lose her mind, turn to the demon, and become the sinner of the human race.

It must be all the fox's fault. Otherwise, how could Ning Xiaochuan dedicate the town demon tower to the dream emperor? How could it be cast aside by the entire human race? How could it be what it is now?

When Tang Shuyao saw Princess Xi Xi holding Ning Xiaochuan's arm, she felt very uncomfortable. She felt that her man had been hooked away by fox spirits, and she wanted to teach that fox spirit a meal.

Luna also seems to find the source of the problem, using Princess Xi Xi as the culprit.


The ancient sword with the color like moonlight flew out from the hang, suspended above the moon god's head, exuding a bright luster like the bright moon.

A light rain shrouded on Luna's body, exuding a cold demeanor. She stared at Princess Xi Xi and said coldly: "It seems that the source of everything is really your fox spirit! Let me see For a moment, in addition to your ability to seduce a man, how much is your real strength? "


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