Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 904: Fairies and goddesses

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"Want to fight? Of course!"

Facing the challenge of Luna, Princess Xi Xi didn't have any trace of fear. She slightly lifted her **** that were more rounded and fuller than Luna, staring at Luna's rather flat breasts, showing a somewhat charming smile, as if in The momentum has taken over.

Luna saw that Princess Xi Xi was provocative in this way, so she even saw the fox spirit unpleasantly. The jade arm waved gently, and the trapping method of trapping Princess Xi Xi immediately opened a corner and released Princess Xi Xi.

Two stunning women, one person and one demon, confront each other. Just standing there is already a beautiful landscape, which has attracted everyone's attention.

At this moment, no one even went to look at the big traitor Ning Xiaochuan. All eyes were on the body of Princess Xi Xi and Luna.

Princess Xi Xi is naturally charming, **** and fragrant. Even if she covers the world with white gauze, she is still fascinating, just like a peerless stunner.

The moon **** has the appearance of sinking fish and falling geese, and the moon is ashamed of flowers. Every inch of skin exudes a bright moon-like brilliance, like an iceberg, giving people an inaccessible icy feeling, but it further stimulates the desire for conquest in men's hearts. .

Fighting erupted instantly.

The two jade fingers of the moon **** formed a sword tactic to control the silver sword that emits moonlight. "The first form of the Haoyue Nether Sword, the sword flower is like a moon."

A sword stabbed out, and the sword light traversed the void, like a divine flower blooming and turned into 999 sword awns.

Princess Xi Xi's body exudes a faint enchantment. With a wave of the jade arm, a fog bridge appears under the foot. Stepping on the fog, the bridge is like a maiden dance, flying in the void, leaving a gorgeous and beautiful figure, seven white The fluffy foxtail swayed below her hips, and the sword qi that flew past was broken in succession.

"It is indeed worthy of Tianjiao, the top three people in God's Palace, and it's not bad!" Princess Xi Xi stared at Luna with a smile, her eyes lingering, her eyes still staring at Luna's chest, and her provocative eyes were deliberately exposed.

Below, the genius Junjie of these human races scolded one after another, "This deceiving woman spirit is so arrogant that she should take care of her."

Although everyone cursed in their hearts, no one could look away and be completely attracted by Princess Xi's charming body.

Others lamented in their hearts that if they could sleep with this fox spirit, let alone let him betray the human race, even if he was allowed to die, he would never frown.

"Haoyue Void Sword Second Form, Haoyue is empty!"

Luna holds the sword handle with both hands, and the body and sword are integrated into a straight light shuttle, rising into the sky, condensing into a huge and bright full moon above the sky.

A strong breath emanates from the full moon, and it seems to carry a pure and cold divine power.

The divine power turned into a white light rain, which fell from the moon.

People looked up, as if they could see a holy and flawless goddess standing in the middle of the moon, a pair of slender snow-white jade arms raised high, sketching flawless lines, holding their swords in their hands, and swinging them with a sword.

This sword carries the power of the gods, like a crescent-shaped sword river, with a sword strength of dozens of miles.

Princess Xi Xi put away the smile on her face, opened her mouth, twisted a crimson petal from the top of the fragrant tongue, pinched between two jade fingers.

The red petals are only the size of a fingernail. They are extremely thin, crystal clear, and emit a layer of red brilliance.

If you look closely, you will find that it is not a real petal, but a special Supreme King. On the surface of the red petals, there are very fine lines.

The princess of Xi Xi shook her finger, and the red petals flew out immediately. At first, there were only one, then two, three ... One thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand ...

In the end, a red petal ocean appeared in the void.

The sword spirit cut out by Luna is indeed powerful. If it falls to the ground, the entire earth will crack.

However, Princess Xi Xi is also not weak, inspiring the original power of red petals, and merging with thousands of petals, like a flower fairy with seven fox tails.

"Haoyue Void Sword Third Form, Void Sword Robbery."

The moon **** actually condensed a round of real bright moon with sword tricks. In the middle of the bright moon, there were numerous thunders and lightnings, making a thunderous sound, covering the whole earth.

This feeling is like the advent of the day, so that everyone standing on the ground feels extremely depressed.

A finger of Jian Guang, a thunderbolt with a thick bowl mouth, emerged from the moon, turned into the shape of a sword shuttle, and chopped towards Princess Xi Xi.




The sword-shaped thunder and lightning continued to fall from the void, and the power was terrifying.

A thunderbolt fell from the cloud and hit the ground, instantly splitting a thousand-meter-high mountain and disappearing. Above the ground, there is only a bottomless thunderbolt.

Even the real people at the level of Holy Earth Palm were slightly moved and felt shocked.

"I didn't expect that there is such a terrible sword trick in the world. It can actually mobilize the power of Thunderbolt for its own use. Once it is displayed, who can block it in the same realm?"

Long Taiyi, who has always been arrogant, did not put anyone in his eyes at all. At the moment, he became serious, and secretly said, "I did not expect that there is such a terrible genius in the human race besides a destroyer. No wonder she dare to challenge destruction King of men, it really has a lot of strength. "

Just as the battle between Luna and Princess Xi entered the heat, the distant sacred array shook suddenly, and the eighty-one sword mountains surrounding the sacred array also shook. Every Jianshan mountain has a crack.

Ning Xiaochuan looked in the direction of the 诛 神 大 阵, his eyes suddenly shrank, facing the second daughter who was fiercely fighting in the sky, and said, "The 诛 神 大 阵 is about to be broken immediately, and if you don't give up, everyone will die. Here."

The geniuses below naturally felt the strong fluctuations just now, but they did not believe what Ning Xiaochuan said.

"Do n’t be fooled by him. How powerful are the extreme powers of the human race, combined with the power of the gods array, it is enough to kill the Tianmen demon emperor. The Tianmen demon emperor cannot escape the gods. "Said a sacred girl from Dongyi's holy soil.

She has absolute confidence in the supreme people of the human race. With so many big men shooting together, together with the powerful hordes of gods, it is impossible to kill a demon emperor.

The God of Jiuxu stared coldly at Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing in the formation. He smiled sarcastically, "Yeah, the Destroyer just wants to scare us, let us panic, and then he can take this opportunity to escape Get out of the way. Hey! Don't be fooled by him. "

Ouyang Chengde, who had resentment with Ning Xiaochuan at the Jiuxu Holy City, also stood up at this moment, staring at Ning Xiaochuan with resentment, and said, "Otherwise, we will take the shot and kill the King of Demon and the few demon girls following him Crush together? "

Another sturdy human race Tianjiao, from a sacred earth in Nanman, holding a giant axe, showing a bit of obscene / obscene evil smile in his eyes, glanced at Xiao Hong and Xiao Linger, saying: "The king of extermination must die, but the two demon girls are terrific in the world. It is a pity to kill them. They should be temporarily saved as compensation for the demon tribe to our tribe. Hehe!"

"That's right! How many compatriots have been killed by our demon beasts? Let them pay some price. We can't just lighten them." Another male monk laughed evilly.

The people present were already teased by Princess Pei Xi's peerless enchantment. The fire was confused, and at this moment, when they saw the two little demon girls "Little Bell" and "Little Red" imprisoned in the formation, they naturally moved their evil thoughts.

Those monks are discussing **** Ning Xiaochuan, and then they capture the two little demon girls.

The monks in Middle-earth, Nanman, and Dongyi have not really dealt with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, nor have they seen the destructive power of the monster army. They have only heard others say how powerful and powerful the monster army is. So, they don't understand how terrible the Heavenly Demon Emperor is at all?

However, the Bright Lady, Hua Qinglian, Yan Ming, and so on, came to the north. However, the monks in Jiangxi knew very well the power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and were very worried about the battle in the battle of the gods.


The large group of sacred gods made another violent sensation. The eighty-one sword mountains were more severely broken, and the mountain body seemed to break at any time.

Ning Xiaochuan was completely disappointed with the genius Junjie of these peoples, and no longer waited, facing Xiaohong and Xiaolinger, saying, "Go ahead!"

Xiaohong has been very upset with the monks of these races, and there are still people who are working on her idea. How can this be the case? I must teach them some lessons.

Xiao Linger was also very angry when she heard the discussion of monks from outside the matrix. If Ning Xiaochuan had not given an order, she would have already shot.

Xiaohong stretched out a slender finger and pointed at the sky to perform the dragon's magic.


In the sky, dozens of thunder and lightning were immediately split, and the array of imprisonment was shaken suddenly, and almost broke.

"That little demon girl's cultivation is so strong that she can use lightning to quickly stabilize the formation and prevent them from escaping!" Ouyang Chengde shouted.

The geniuses of these human races have shot in succession, hitting each real element and turning them into beams of light, wanting to make the formation more solid.


Xiao Linger patted it with a palm, and a force of devastation broke out. The imprisonment array set by the monk monk was split into pieces, and the matrix rune suspended in the void was immediately broken into a plume of smoke.


Everyone flew out.

You know, Xiao Linger's cultivation of the seventh realm of the real person, coupled with her strong physique and anti-natural talent, even if he fights with the ninth-level creature of the real person, it may not fall.

The formation of the Terran monk, although very powerful, she only needs to break between the hands.

Under the palm of Xiao Ling'er, more than a dozen people's arrogant celestial beings flew out of their bodies, becoming blurred in flesh and blood, and trembling all over, unable to get up from the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan, with both hands on his shoulders, took a slow pace and stepped out of the smoky array of formations, scaring and terrifying the genius Junjie and Tianjiao, who stumbled backward, as if seeing a demon Escape the seal.


Recommend an extremely ambiguous and extremely good-looking urban **** "Sacred Hand of the Divine Doctor"!

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