Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 905: 诛 神 大 阵阵 defeat

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"King ... King of the King ... something to say well, we didn't mean that just now ..." Ouyang Chengde's battle suit was shattered by the palm print just made by Xiao Linger, and the skin on his body was shattered with blood stains. Spitting blood, receding.

No one would have thought that the two little demon girls who seemed harmless to humans and animals turned out to be so powerful, it was beyond ordinary people's cognition.

Especially Xiao Linger seems to be more terrible than the King of Destruction. The palmprint just now is not like the power that the younger monks can exert, and it only breaks the formation of the array with just one palm.

Even the top Tianjiao "Long Taiyi" and "Seven Princesses in Heaven" of the younger generation are very frightened, staring at Xiao Linger as if they were watching the evildoers.

Although Ning Xiaochuan is very powerful, after all, it is very limited and within the understanding of everyone.

What happened to the little demon girl who was next to Ning Xiaochuan? How could it be so powerful? How could the younger generations be so horrible?

Long Taiyi once claimed to be the most powerful creature of the young generation of the Tianxu mainland. Even if he was defeated in the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, at least it was a close fight, forcing Ning Xiaochuan to show his strongest hole card.

However, Long Taiyi had an illusion. If he and Xiaolinger were to fight, they would be defeated by Xiaolinger within three strokes, and the power gap would be too great.

Previously, the monks who were fighting for Xiao Linger and Xiao Hong's ideas saw them coming out of the formation, and all of them were frightened. Some of them were even scared, and almost kneeled.

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes did not look at Ouyang Chengde, Jiuxu Shenzi, etc., but instead stared at the direction of the gods, and felt that the formation had reached the edge of collapse.

"Xiao Linger, take Xiner away first! Xiaohong, fit." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Xiao Linger's personality is very mild. Although she hates those monks, she is not addicted to killing. After hearing Ning Xiaochuan's words, she immediately grasped Ning Xin'er's wrist and turned it into a purple streamer. Fly away.

Xiaohong was burning the flames of the dragon, widening her slick eyes, exposing two rows of white and white teeth, deliberately making a very fierce look, and staring at the monks.

Later, she turned into a group of crimson dragon qi and Ning Xiaochuan's body into a body, turned into a dragon battle armor, and grew a pair of huge dragon wings.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan's wing moved, he immediately flew into the sky, stormed into the clouds, and forcibly entered the battle area of ​​Princess Xixi and Luna.


Ning Xiaochuan stood in the middle of them, at the same time he gave them a slap and forced them back.

Princess Xi Xi stared angrily at Luna, saying: "It is not that the Princess of this palace does not want to stop, but she has to fight, she has to fight to be born and die."

The moon **** stood in the void of high altitude, turned into a bright moon, like a white immortal standing in the middle of the moon, and said, "The human race and the demon race are not mutually exclusive, and there is no possibility of negotiation. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and said, "The Great God array is about to be broken. We must leave here immediately, or else the war will burn out from the Great God array and everyone will die."

Luna glanced in the direction of the 诛 神 大 阵, and surely saw the eighty-one sword mountains on the edge of the formation being shaken, which may collapse at any time, and a sense of crisis was born in her heart. You wo n’t be so lucky to meet. Ning Xiaochuan, I would like to give you another advice. With your heart, you should not be lost in the charm of the demon fox. Wake up soon! "

Luna took out a dazzling **** stone from her arms, and her fingers trembled, and the lunar core stone that can help people stay awake fell into Ning Xiaochuan's hands.

Her cold beautiful eyes stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply, and turned into a white light shuttle toward the ground.

Ning Xiaochuan pinched the lunar core stone and felt a cold power coming out of the lunar core stone, pouring into the body, stimulating his mind and primordial spirit, condensing into a power to purify the soul.

The power of the moon core stone is similar to that of the Buddha's relic. When worn on the body, it can drive away demons and calm down.

"What does this mean? Thought I was really confused by Princess Xi Xi?" Ning Xiaochuan looked at the moonstone in his hand and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"She likes you." Princess Xi Xi squinted a pair of beautiful eyes, said with a smile.

"Will it?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Princess Xi Xi nodded and said, "If she didn't like you, she would have killed you long ago. But from beginning to end, she didn't mean to kill you. But she really moved to me. It's killing. "

"It doesn't matter, let's go!"

A dragon wing on Ning Xiaochuan's back turned into a cloud of fire, and flew away in a direction away from the gods array.

Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Xi Xi had not yet flew far, and the direction of the gods array changed to a dazzling beam of light, penetrated the clouds, and rushed into the sky.

A mighty demon shattered eighty-one sword mountains and rushed out in all directions.

Ning Xiaochuan and Princess Xi Xi, who were flying in the sky, were hit by that powerful airflow, and their whole bodies seemed to be hit by random punches and flew in two different directions.

In front of that powerful force, Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei also had difficulty controlling his body. He could only immediately stimulate the defensive forces of the twelve-pin black lotus and Aoki Takumi, and try to resist the emission of the Tianmeng Yaohuang Come out of enchantment.

When that wave of air weakened, Ning Xiaochuan had been rushed more than 800 miles away, struggling to control his body, and landed on the ground smoothly.

He looked for Princess Xi Xi everywhere, but Princess Xi Xi was rushed in the other direction and disappeared long ago.

In the distance, the moon **** sacrificed a supreme royal weapon, holding a pearl in his hand. That pearl turned into a huge bright moon, wrapping some monks' monks in the defense of the supreme imperial weapon, and fled towards the distance in a hurry.

The monks of these races were scared lightly. If it were not for the protection of the Supreme Emperor's weapon, the demon impact of the moment would have blown them into the bones of the flesh.

Ning Xiaochuan did not escape, but converged his breath, hiding on the edge of the battlefield. Want to determine whether the human race achieved the ultimate victory? Or did Tianmeng Demon Emperor Town kill all human races and become the true master of the continent?

Some monks also held the same purpose as Ning Xiaochuan and did not immediately fled away, observing the battle between the Supreme and the Heavenly Demon Emperor. For example, the kiss demon waiter, the demon waiter, some of the most powerful people under the human race.

After the sacrifice of the gods was broken, it was no longer difficult for the Supreme Family to suppress the Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the battle began to become a one-sided situation.


The five fingers and one claw of the Heavenly Demon Emperor directly pinched the Lord of the Third World in the palm of his hand.

The Lord of the Third World was severely damaged, the Supreme Real Body was crushed by the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and the whole body's bones were crushed into a ball of blood.

The Lord of the First World originally wanted to save him, but was hit by the town's tower and flew out. He couldn't get close to the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"God ... dream ... demon emperor ... we all die together ..."

The Lord of the Fourth World inspires an ancient divinity, which even swells his own Yuanshen and expands his body. The human body quickly became as big as a mountain.

How terrible is the supreme power?

If it really detonates the Yuanshen, the power is absolutely terrifying, even if it is the Heavenly Demon Emperor, it may not be able to resist it.

"You want to share everything with the emperor, you are not qualified." The voice of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is like Hong Zhong Daluo, mobilizing the bone bone altar and suppressing the Lord of the Fourth World into the bone bone altar.


A louder sound than thunder came from the bone bone altar, which made the bone bone altar shake violently, but it did not hurt the Heavenly Demon Emperor at all.

This is how a human Supreme fell, and eventually died in the bone bone altar, the blood of the Supreme merged into the sea of ​​blood in the bone bone altar, and the bone of the bone became another new bone on the bone bone altar.

In fact, in the battle of the gods, three human races have fallen. They are the Lord of the Fifth World “Northern World Supreme”, the ancestor of Taiji Holy Land “Hongdao Supreme” and one of the three Supreme Messengers of Heaven. "Extremely Ruger." Coupled with the Lord of the Third World who just died, four human races have fallen.

You must know that each Supreme is the precious wealth of the human race, which can support a world for the human race, and each is a prestigious existence. On the same day, four human races fell in succession, and such a terrible thing has not happened in the Tianxu continent for more than 100,000 years. It's definitely a dark day for the human race.

Of course, the Heavenly Demon Emperor is not invincible. When she broke through the large array of gods with a powerful force, she was also injured by the power of the large number of gods, and the first deities were severely damaged.

"After losing the God of God array, you will be vulnerable?" Tianmeng Demon Emperor looked as if he had not been injured at all, glanced at the supreme human races, with a mighty power that ravaged the world.

Most of the remaining human races were also injured, but they did not intend to escape, and their ideas were firm, and they would fight to the end with the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"Heavenly demon emperor, it's too early to say this! Fix the ruler!"

The Lord of the First World took out a copper ruler, sacrificed the copper ruler, and inserted it into the ground. The bronze ruler immediately turned into a massive bronze pillar, and countless Xuanwen floated above the bronze pillar, sending out the mighty power to imprison heaven and earth.

"Everyone helps me to wake up the original strength of the Dingshan ruler." The Lord of the First World spit out blood and gushed on the bronze Tianzhu. The power of the bronze Tianzhu became even more terrifying, as if it was going to be nailed into the heart of the earth and rush to heaven.

"It's great. The Lord of the First World even borrowed the Dingshan ruler. With this ancient artifact, it is enough to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor."

The Lord of the Second World, the previous and previous generations of the Twin Evangelicals, and the Lord of the Fourth World, have exerted their strongest power, and exerted their power together with the Lord of the First World, bringing the original power of this secondary artifact wake.


I'm sorry everyone, because I have to take the college entrance examination, I didn't update on time. Immediately after finishing the math test, I rushed to the internet cafe next to the test room and uploaded the chapter. Rest assured! Tomorrow's test will be comprehensive. The old nine are full of confidence. Tonight, they will take the time to review and continue to write and try to make up for it.

Although the college entrance examination is very important to me, book friends are more important to me. You don't have to score, but you can't owe more. This is my principle!

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