Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 906: Secondary artifact

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The secondary artifact is so rare that it is almost invisible in the world. Even a secondary **** may not be able to make a secondary artifact.

Only when the gods were combined, did some gods of calciner use the cultivation at the sub-level level to forge warriors against the sky.

It is called, secondary artifact.

If the Supreme Emperor is likened to the most destructive war soldier, it can destroy a civilization and break a corner of the continent.

Then, the purpose of the sub-artifact is stronger and more mysterious. It can move mountains and seas. It can display the power of the sub-god level. It can bring down the stars outside the territory.

Legend has it that several artifacts have survived during the Fengshen era, but most of those artifacts have been lost or decayed over millions of years.

There is nothing in the world that can last forever, even the sub-artifact may be corroded, or it may disappear in the long river of stone time.

This sub-artifact "Dingshan ruler" borrowed by the Lord of the First World is one of the few sub-artifacts retained from the Fengshen era. It can lock the earth's veins and control the air transport of the entire continent. Orientation can confine the space and measure the continent. Anyway, the power of the "fixed mountain ruler" is not what most people can imagine.

The Lord of the First World, the Lord of the Second World, the Lord of the Fourth World, and the predecessors of the twin religions, stood in four directions and combined the four supreme powers, and barely set the order of God is inspired.

The sub-artifact itself carries the power of the sub-god, even if only a breath is emitted, it can cause unimaginable destructive power.

"I didn't expect that there was a surviving secondary artifact in the Tianxu continent. It was great!"

Not only did the Heavenly Demon Emperor not panic, but he showed some joy.

Only the sub-god can exert the true power of the sub-artifact, and the monks in the eternal realm have at most inspired a source power of the sub-art.

If a secondary artifact falls into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the power that can be exerted will naturally be very different.

Her speed was extremely fast. She stepped on the void and flew down to the top of the bone bone altar. Her seemingly slender body stood upright and integrated her whole body power into the bone bone altar.

The White Bone Altar broke out with a sub-god power not weaker than the Dingshan ruler. Countless human-shaped skeletons flew from the altar to all directions, turning into a white sea of ​​bones.

The bone bone altar shook slightly, and the space originally settled by the setting ruler immediately became loose.

The bone bone altar has existed since the chaos of ancient times. I don't know how many generations of human race strong men have been piled up, making the bone bone altar into a war artifact comparable to the sub-artifact level.

But it is only comparable to a secondary artifact, not a real secondary artifact.

In the other direction, the ugly mother-in-law's body was standing in the void, and a sacrifice of danding was made, so that danding was suspended in front of him and gently rotated.

Withered palm, spread out gently, a black mysterious fire appeared on the palm.

The flame of the mysterious fire showed a stream-like form, permeating this sky, like turning into a sea of ​​flames, enclosing that Danding in the center.

Under the baking of the black mysterious fire, a dragon and snake pattern appeared on the tripod wall, as if there were thousands of dragons walking on the tripod wall.

If Ning Xiaochuan saw the Dan Ding in front of the ugly mother-in-law, he would be very shocked, because that Dan Ding was the ancient Dan that he and Princess Lan Fei had taken out from the magic palace of the God of Fire and Mountain Ridge. tripod.

That happened when he first met the ugly mother-in-law.

What Ning Xiaochuan didn't even know is that this ancient Danding is also an ancient artifact.

It is because the ugly mother-in-law traced the whereabouts of this secondary artifact that she went to the Yulan Empire and kept under the magic mountain for the ancient Danding in the magic palace.

However, her cultivation is too powerful to enter the magic palace.

At that time, Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was not strong, and he would not be rejected by the magic palace, so he helped the ugly mother-in-law to take the ancient Danding out of the magic palace. At that time, he didn't know at all that the ancient Danding would be a secondary artifact.

The reason why the ugly mother-in-law can suppress the demon is actually because of the power of the ancient artifact, Dan Ding.

With the ugly mother-in-law's arms raised, Wanlong Dan Shen Ding slowly rose to the void, the fiery flames poured out from the Ding, and the entire sky was burned into a golden sea of ​​fire.

The two elder messengers of the demon and the heavenly court stood behind the ugly mother-in-law, and at the same time struck out a beam of light condensed by the thick and supreme air of the bowl, and poured into the dragon and the dragon.


The original power of Wanlongdan Shending was inspired, and a powerful wave of sub-gods passed out, and the town man tower hit by the Heavenly Demon Emperor collapsed.

Although the power of the town's tower is very strong, it can't exert its power at all in front of Wanlongdan Shending.


Wan Long Dan Shen Ding hit the surface of the half town tower, and the half town tower shuddered again, making a crackling sound.

A crack appeared on the surface of the half-town tower, as if it was about to crack.

"Another artifact!"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor showed a simple look. If there was only one secondary artifact, she could also use the power of the bone bone altar to cope. However, with her injured condition, it is impossible to cope with two artifacts.

"It seems that only the power of sacrifice can be used!"

The ten jade fingers of the Heavenly Demon Emperor were tied together, a light spot in the shape of a white begonia flower appeared on the eyebrow, and a white light flew out of her eyebrow, breaking through the sky. Is rushing into the extraterrestrial Xinghai.

The bony altar under her feet spun quickly, making a buzzing sound, and strong blood poured out of the altar, completely wrapping her body.

Throughout the world, the mysterious sacrifice of heaven sounds, as if all beings are praying, as if the gods are reading the divine will.


A puppet of divine power came from outside the region and became one with the bone bone altar.

"Not good! The Heavenly Demon Emperor is sacrificing to the demon god, and even has the power of the demon **** from outside the domain. This is a big trouble!"

Those supreme people of the human race have changed color, feeling an inexplicable force, the atmosphere is magnificent, the sky is reversed, and the entire sky seems to be down.

That divine power descended on the heavenly continent and merged with the bone bone altar.

That power was several times stronger than the Heavenly Demon Emperor before it was injured, and it even suppressed the power of the secondary artifact.

The mark of the begonia flower of the Heavenly Demon Emperor's eyebrow is getting brighter and brighter, and his eyes are getting sharper and sharper, saying: "It can actually force me to use the power of sacrifice. Even if you all die here, it is enough glory . "


The Lord of the First World had a dignified look, but he was not afraid of it. He yelled, mobilized the fixed mountain ruler, and turned it into a flat sky pillar. With the power of the second god, he slashed to the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

"Even if you have a secondary artifact? With the power of your eternal realm, you can't exert the true power of secondary artifacts. Give me all to die!"

The Bone Bone Altar rammed directly towards the Dingshan ruler. Under the strong sacrifice of the sacrificial forces, the three Lords of the Middle-earth and the previous Lord of the Twin Sects were beaten out at the same time.

Tianmeng Demon Emperor shot very ruthlessly. With a wave of his arm, his five fingers cut off like a heavenly sword, cutting the flesh of the previous generation of the ecclesiastical twins into two.

"Hmm ..."

The twin religions made a muffled sound in the mouth of the previous generation, and decisively abandoned the lower half of the body, controlled the upper half of the body, and immediately fled away.

The monk's vitality is very powerful. Even if his head is beheaded, he will not die immediately. If you can take Saint-Person, you may even grow a new skull.

"Want to run away?"

The Emperor Demon hummed coldly, waved his arm, and half of the town's tower flew out of the palm of his hand, taking the two bodies of the previous and previous generations of the Gemini Holy Father into the town's tower at the same time, suppressing in the tower.

"There is no other way, even if the second artifact is sacrificed, the Heavenly Demon Emperor cannot be suppressed, and people must sacrifice." The Lord of the Second World saw the previous and previous generations of the twin religions cut off in two, There was a certain look in his eyes.

He had been seriously injured, and his body would be smashed. Even if he continued to fight, he would not pose much threat to the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

In this case, it might be better to detonate the Yuan Shen, maybe it can also damage the Heavenly Demon Emperor, and let other Supreme people have more opportunities to kill her.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor took back the town's tower, held it in his palms, and stared at the other three masters of the world. Suddenly, she found one person missing.

In her sight, there are only two world masters: the first world master and the fourth world master, and one world master?

"Dream Emperor, let's all go together!"

The Lord of the Second World exhibited the magical power of space shuttle. With a snoring sound, it was incredibly fast and rushed directly to the front of Tianmeng Yaohuang.


His Supreme Primordian exploded in an instant.

In order to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor, the Lord of the Second World chose the same strategy. In this way, although there is a chance to re-create the Heavenly Demon Emperor again, he will also be destroyed and the soul will no longer exist.

In the human race, although there are many insidious villains, there are also some warriors who have given up their lives. In order to give more people a chance to survive, even if they give their lives, they will not hesitate.

The greater the capacity, the greater the responsibility.

Now that we have embarked on the road of the strong, we must shoulder some responsibilities.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a group of people that human races can survive in the thousands of worlds and have been passed down to the present. It's not just life, it's a spirit!

Standing outside the distant area, Ning Xiaochuan looked at the dazzling light that bloomed in the middle of the battlefield, and then heard a loud sound that made his whole body boil blood.

"Another Terran Supreme has fallen down! The Heavenly Demon Emperor is too strong, and she can't even suppress her with the sacred **** array and the second artifact. What should I do?" Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

"The Heavenly Demon Emperor must have known that I missed the news. Once she suppresses everyone ’s supreme people, the person who will die next is me. Not only me, my relatives and friends around me, but also the entire Yulan Empire All human monks will die in her rage. "

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