Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 907: Contact with God

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"call out!"

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light flew out of the battlefield and rushed in the direction of Ning Xiaochuan.

With super strong eyes, Ning Xiaochuan saw a figure wearing a big red jacket in the golden light.

That is a sacred monk from the western Buddhist world. To reach the eternal realm, Xiu was seriously injured in the battle with the Emperor of the Dream of Heaven, and escaped swiftly.

The Buddhist monk ’s chest seemed to be penetrated by some sharp weapon, and a blood hole of the size of the market was punched out. The organs and bones were clearly visible. The flesh was torn, and most of his life had gone.

A huge demon claw chased him behind, getting closer and closer, spreading five claws, tearing down.

The Buddhist monk escaped even more eagerly, burning the supreme blood in his body, with a bit of perseverance, Shen said: "Heavenly demon emperor, the old lady fights with you-golden body burning soul!"

The Buddhist monk wanted to detonate his relic gold body, but that demon claw did not give him a chance at all.

Before the relic gold body had time to detonate, he was taken into the town tower and suppressed by the strength of the town tower.

The town's tower revolved twice in the void and flew back to the battlefield.

A Buddhist monk in the eternal realm ... was so easily taken away by the emperor of the dream ...

Ning Xiaochuan saw this scene with his own eyes, and the shock in his heart was extremely great. If he continued this way, even if the Supreme Master of Humanity detonated all the gods, it would be impossible to kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

This is simply a unilateral slaughter!

"Xiao Hong, go to Xiao Linger and Xin Er first and leave here immediately, the farther the better."

Ning Xiaochuan and Xiaohong lifted the fit, and patted Xiaohong's shoulder with a big hand.

Xiaohong's figure has grown very tall, not much shorter than Ning Xiaochuan, and asked, "What are you still doing here? The Heavenly Demon Emperor is so terrible that even the Supreme of the Terran team is not her opponent. Let's escape together. Well, as long as you escape the heavenly continent, the Heavenly Demon Emperor may not have got us anyhow. "

Ning Xiaochuan shook his head and said, "You go first, don't worry about me."

After repeated urging by Ning Xiaochuan and assured her that she would be fine, Xiaohong reluctantly left.

Ning Xiaochuan communicated with the cold spirit of the old cold rain in order to meet Shinto, "Master, this time I must borrow your divine power!"

Between heaven and earth, the spirit of Sui Hanyu still did not respond.

Ning Xiaochuan will not be able to lend his divine power to him until the real moment of life and death.

"Since Master did not respond, don't blame the disciples for blaspheming Master again."

Ning Xiaochuan seems to have made a bold decision, trying to force the soul of the old cold rain out.

The best way is to anger her.

Ning Xiaochuan took out a picture scroll and unrolled it, which turned out to be the portrait of the **** of cold and rain. The idols in the scrolls are extremely beautiful and lifelike, and each line is beautiful.


Before Ning Xiaochuan had any action, the spirit of Sui Hanyu immediately came to the picture, and a woman who looked exactly like Sui Hanyu came out of the picture and stood in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

The scroll that originally painted the portrait of Sui Hanyu has become blank.

She actually came out of the picture ...

Sui Hanyu looks no different from a real person. He doesn't see that it is just a spirit. It can be said that this is the first time that Ning Xiaochuan really saw Sui Hanyu.

The beauty and deity master is really very cold and cold, giving people a feeling of being inhuman, those eyes are extremely sharp, like two swords, can pierce the heart of the person.

"See you, Master." Ning Xiaochuan bowed respectfully and respectfully to Sui Hanyu.

Sui Hanyu stands upright, more beautiful than the idol in the painting, just like the legendary fairy sister.

She was very strict with Ning Xiaochuan: "Do you want to desecrate your teacher for the second time?"

Ning Xiaochuan said: "This time, the disciples really need the help of Master."

"I know what's going on. You need to understand how much power you have, and how much you can do. Since your strength is not the opponent of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, you should leave immediately, and you should not interfere with the human race and the demon race. A direct battle. "

"Furthermore, as the preacher of the World Extinction, one should not be bound by those so-called feelings, and should not believe in any ethical righteousness. In the eyes of the preacher of World Extinction, all living beings are enemies." Sui Hanyu stood with his hands on his back On the ground, his posture was exceptionally upright, and no one said with a touch of humanity.

Ning Xiaochuan argued: "Since the world's souls are all enemies, why do we still have to pass the line of destruction? Is n’t my master and me also enemies?"

Sui Hanyu stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply, and said, "This time I can lend you some divine power, but I can only lend you an hour of time. Moreover, the divine power I lent to you and Heavenly Dream The power of the demon emperor is as powerful. If you can defeat her within the same time with the same power, it will be a good exercise for you. "

A joy in Ning Xiaochuan's heart said, "One hour is enough!"

Sui Hanyu said: "Ning Xiaochuan, the reason why I must wait for you to reach the edge of life and death before lending you divine power, in fact, I want you to grow independently, do not rely on the strength of others. Once you learn to rely on, people also It will be difficult to grow again. "

"Disciple understand. Even in the future, even if a disciple encounters a life and death catastrophe, he will try to resolve it with his own strength. He will not easily borrow the power of Master." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Sui Hanyu said: "It is enough to have you!"


Sui Hanyu turned into a light shuttle, flew directly into Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow, and integrated with Ning Xiaochuan.

A force that is not weaker than the Heavenly Dream Emperor was born from Ning Xiaochuan's heaven and earth primordial god, and spread to every part of the body's blood, meat, tendons, and bones.


The voice of Sui Hanyu was heard in Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrow, with a little surprise, and said, "Ning Xiaochuan, where did you get that white bone bead in your heaven and earth?

"That was obtained by chance, Master Murphy knew the origin of that white bone bead? I also got a mysterious book, which was forged from white fan bone, and seems to be homologous to the white bone bead. "Ning Xiaochuan took the Xuanshoujian and held it in his hands.

Sui Hanyu said: "It does have a great origin, white bone beads, fan-shaped treasures ... each bone soldier is extremely precious, even if it appears in the Shenhe civilization, it will also be contested by the gods. If you can Gather all bone soldiers together ... "

Suddenly, Sui Hanyu stopped, paused, and said, "Some things, you still don't know what's better now. You just need to remember that if the creatures of the Shenhe civilization come to the heavenly continent soon, you Never expose white bone beads and fan-shaped treasures. "

"In addition, after borrowing my power, you can already activate some of the power of the white bone beads. Once that power is excited, it is enough to be comparable to a secondary artifact."

I did not expect the origin of the white bone beads, which is so large, it is great.

Ning Xiaochuan began to think, "If I play against the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, the entire demon will know that I am an undercover of the human race, and I will be behind the Tianmeng Demon Emperor. By that time, North. Those demon creatures of Xinjiang They will certainly be furious, and under their anger, they will definitely be angry at the human beings of the Yulan Empire. "

"No, I can't reveal my identity yet."

It is really heartbreaking to be misunderstood by those monks, or even misunderstood by love and friends.

However, Ning Xiaochuan must have a strong heart, and must not tell the truth, because he has to protect more lives.


Ning Xiaochuan took out a fist-sized black bead, and a real yuan rushed into the black bead.


The black beads immediately cracked and turned into pieces of iron armor, wrapping Ning Xiaochuan's entire body up and down, and completely hiding Ning Xiaochuan's breath in the armor.

This is a set of "God Blood Warframe", which Ning Xiaochuan snatched from the mad real and red lie real people. There are two sets in total, and they have been staying on.

After putting on the blood battle armor, as long as Ning Xiaochuan did not take the initiative to say his name, no one knew his true identity.


The battle at the God's Reserve Palace has long shaken the entire Middle-earth world, and has affected countless human lives.

Many ethnic monks are staying in the city not far from the god's palace, waiting for the latest news.

Knowing that one human race after another has fallen, monks of all races seem desperate, as if the end is coming, and you ca n’t see where hope is?

If all the Supreme of the human race fall, as long as the monster army is crushed over, the entire Middle-Earth world and the entire Tianxu continent will become a slaughterhouse, and the human race will be completely destroyed.

"The lord of the second world wanted to end up with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, detonating his own god, but unfortunately failed to seriously damage the Heavenly Demon Emperor." A real-life human race strong man returned the latest news.

"Another powerful Terran Supreme has fallen!"

All the human monks in the major ancient cities were plunged into a sad and bleak atmosphere.

Disciples of Luna God, Yu Qianqian, Tang Shuyao, Jiuxu God Son, Ouyang Chengde, and other princes of the God's Palace also fled to this ancient city. When they heard the news, everyone was silent, and their hearts sank into the valley.

Not long after, another bad news came: "In the Western Buddhist world, the monk of the Great Tragedy of Tianlong Temple was taken into the town's tower by the Emperor of the Dream of Heaven. After the Lord of the Second World, another human race has fallen."

Ouyang Chengde gritted his teeth fiercely and said indignantly: "I blame Ning Xiaochuan's beast, and I actually dedicated the town demon tower to the Emperor Demon King. Otherwise, the town demon tower will suppress the demon's creatures, Your Supreme Master will never have any fighting back. "

"Yes! The Supreme of the Terrans will be killed in battle, all Ning Xiaochuan, all the Blame King. He is the sinner of the Terran ... He must be scolded by all ages ..."

Many ethnic monks are sorrowful, kneeling on the ground, crying and mourning, mourning the supreme tribe of those who died in battle. At the same time, he is cursing the sinners of the human race and destroying the king.

For the human race, this day is definitely a dark day, as if the dawn is never seen. After this day, some people ’s names will be engraved with monuments and will be chanted by future generations; some people ’s names will be written into history books, and they will be abused by future generations of humans.

That's the answer: the best and the worst make history, and the mediocre breed the race.

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