Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 908: Star hostel

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After the death of the Lord of the Second World and the Sage Monk of Great Tragedy, the number of Supremes of the human race dropped sharply, and all combat power was counted, and there were no more than ten Supremes.

The Supreme who is still fighting hard with the Heavenly Demon Emperor, only the Lord of the Fourth World "Xiliang Supreme", the Lord of the First World "Zhonglin Supreme", and the Mount of the First World Lord "Front-winged Black Cloud Bird" .

In addition, there are two supreme "Monge Supreme" and "Jenny Lanci Supreme" who come to the heavenly court, plus "Ugly Mother-in-law" who transcends the Supreme Realm, and "Heart Demon" following the Ugly Mother-in-law. Big strong.

Above the sky, golden Buddha clouds converge into a vast ocean, and a large red-red sun floats in the sky. In that golden day, there was a buddha in the eternal realm.

He is the "red sun sage" of the Tairi Kekura Palace, a sacred place in the western Buddhist world, and is regarded as the eighth human race. However, the responsibility of the holy monk of Red Sun is to imprison the sky and prevent the Emperor from dreaming from escaping from the sky, which is not the main force of the battle.

On the tattered earth, a gray robe Confucian student sat in a pan, holding a scroll of God's book, opened it, and ten million words in the book immediately flew out.

The divine texts are printed on the ground one by one, turning the earth into book pages, forming a matrix that covers the entire land, and confining the entire land.

The mission of the gray robe Confucian scholar is to imprison the earth and prevent the emperor from dreaming from escaping from the ground. This is the ninth supreme "Master Xiao" of the human race.

Grey-robed Confucian scholar, who had been living in a school in an ordinary town, taught poems and lived a comfortable and sour life. He just wanted to be an ordinary person. But three days ago, he was found by the Lord of the First World, dragged out of the academy, and pulled into the battlefield.

As the battle progressed, a Terran Supreme fell, and both Master Shaw and the Red Sun Monk were considering whether to also join the main battle.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor is too powerful, and now it is no longer thinking about how to prevent her from escaping, because she will not escape at all, like killing all the Supreme People.

Most of the seven Supreme Masters have been seriously wounded, but they are just struggling to support themselves, and they are ready to explode at the same time as the Emperor Yuan and the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"If you continue to fight like this, the supremacy of the human race will die. Let ’s join the battle with the red monk!" Xiao Xiaozi sighed a long time, and his lazy eyes showed a little brilliance, and he was done. Ready for battle.

Above the sky, the red sun sage in the red scorching sun nodded and said: "Fight! This is the only chance to suppress the Heavenly Demon Emperor. If this time fails, there will be no chance in the future. Now. "

Suddenly, a demon wind rushed towards Xiao Xiaozi, who was sitting on the ground. The speed of the demon wind was very fast, and the wind was wrapped in the beautiful form of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

Her gaze was cold, and she stretched out a jade hand, her fingernails were extremely sharp, and she shone brightly, piercing Xiao Fuzi's brows.

No one expected that the Heavenly Demon Emperor would break away from the seven main combat extremes of the human race and kill Xiao Fuzi first.

Mr. Shaw was just surprised for a moment, and immediately calmed down.

Hold the God Book in your hand and immediately turn to another page.


The words on the ground within thousands of miles flew back to the Book of God immediately. Tens of thousands of words wrapped Mr. Shaw's body, and all the words were rotating to form a huge turbine.

The text in the divine book is written by a Confucian deity himself. Each text is infused with powerful divine power, carries the Confucian vigor and righteousness, and has a powerful deterrent to evil spirits.

"The Song of Hao Ran's Righteousness, which is one of the three great books of Confucianism, is in your hands. Unfortunately, there are only half of your song of Hao Ran's Righteousness, otherwise there is more than just this power. Hao Ran's righteousness can scare away evil spirits, However, there is nothing I can do about it. "

The Heavenly Demon Emperor shouted, and a powerful sound wave came out, forming a circle of energy ripples like water ripples. The long hair on her body swayed, and her dress fluttered, shaking the turbine in front of the gods, which suddenly shook like a collapse.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifold forms. The lower part is Heyue and the upper part is sun star. Yu Renhao Haoran, Pei Cangming ..." Xiao Fuzi sat in the middle of thousands of words, like Is sitting in the center of the universe, remembering Hao Ran Zhengqi song.

Every word he uttered was upright, upright, and masculine, spreading over tens of thousands of miles like the sound of heaven and earth. Even the human monks in the ancient city of human race outside the distant battlefield can faintly hear. To that loud and honest song.

However, in the face of a powerful gap, even the Confucian scripture, "The Song of Hao Ran's Righteousness," could not stop the Tianmeng Demon Emperor.

"Break me!"

The eyes of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor are like two stars, with sharp fingertips resembling a divine sword, transformed into a ray of light and rushed into thousands of divine texts, shattering those divine texts into a plume of smoke.


Shaw was shocked, spitting blood in his mouth, and was hit hard.

In his pupils, the figure of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor grew bigger and bigger, and his sharp fingertips pierced his brows.

"Nothing ..."

Xiao Xiaozi knew that he couldn't escape death in any case. No one in Tianxu continent was the opponent of Tianmeng Demon Emperor. This was a mortal ending.

At such a short distance, even if you want to explode, it is too late.

There was a flash of despair in his eyes, and then, slowly closing his eyes, closing the god's book, still talking in the mouth of Hao Ran Zheng Qi, waiting for the next moment of death.


Suddenly, Master Xiao felt a strong wave of breath coming from behind him, like a cool wind blowing over him, as if someone was rushing past him.

An old, hoarse voice sounded: "Heavenly demon emperor, my husband will come to you for a while!"

Immediately after that, I heard a loud noise, two powerful forces hit each other, like tearing the ground in half, exposing a huge crack that was hundreds of meters wide. The cracks are extremely deep and cannot bottom out.

How powerful is this to cause such terrible destructive power?

Master Shao was also rushed out by the waves caused by the strong collision. However, his cultivation was strong, and he quickly settled down and looked at the hundreds of meters wide that suddenly appeared.

I saw two figures standing at the two ends of the ground fissure, with the same momentum, facing each other.

One of them is the Heavenly Demon Emperor who has become a human being. It has the beauty of sinking fish and geese, but it is the enemy of the human race. No one wants to appreciate this beauty at all.

She was originally a begonia growing in Damengze, which absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. It took many years to cultivate a human figure.

Although it is not the congenital incarnation of the Queen of Stone Ji and the King of Thunder Gods, the qualifications of the King of Dreams are still very high. With her own understanding, she has become a sub-god by herself and is the leader of the demons in that era.

Another figure stood opposite the Heavenly Demon Emperor, wearing a black blood armor, covering his whole body, and couldn't see what he looked like?

However, according to his voice, he can be judged as an elderly man.

"Who is he?"

It's not just Master Xiao who asked such questions, every Supreme Master present, including the Heavenly Demon Emperor, had such questions.

Just now Master Xiao didn't know what happened, but other people of the Supreme People could see very clearly. This mysterious strong man who had been suddenly killed had repulsed the Heavenly Demon Emperor in one hand and rescued Master Xiao. under.

Can actually repulse the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, when did Tianxu mainland emerge a powerful creature?

You must know that all the Supremes in the field joined hands and failed to make Tianmeng Yaohuang take a half step back, which shows that Tianmeng Yaohuang is powerful. Had it not been for the strength of the same level, it would have been impossible to drive her back.

Those who have been seriously injured are exulting. Although they have not yet identified the identity of the mysterious man, since the mysterious man has rescued Xiao Xiaozi, it means that he will at least not be the helper of the Heavenly Demon Emperor. It is likely that Is a certain hidden ancestor of the human race.

"It's interesting. When did Tianxu continent emerge as a strong man like you?"

The Heavenly Demon Emperor stared at the mysterious man wearing the blood and blood armor standing on the opposite side, and a cold momentum continued to rise. If it had not been clear how to deal with it, she would have already made a strong shot and would be mysterious. People crushed.

The mysterious man made a hoarse voice, "The ancestor of the old man's Xingshu school, the old star of Xingsu, has been living in seclusion for many years. I didn't want to get involved in the disputes of the various continents. , The old man will no longer stand idly by, and will suppress you today to stop this human catastrophe. "

The Xingsu School was originally a martial art created by Ning Xiaochuan. It used to use the identity of Ding Chunqiu, a successor of the Xingsu School, to defeat many of the young generation of strong demons in the bright holy earth, and was named North / One of the three gods of the Xinjiang people.

So this time, he decided to use the name of the ancestral ancestor of the Xingsu School, "Xingsu Old Immortal".

There are not many people who know that the Xingsu School was made up by Ning Xiaochuan. Only a few are the Bright Lady, Bright God Son, Tang Shuyao, Yue Mingsong, Yaoshen Valley Goddess.

After this battle, no matter whether Ning Xiaochuan lost or won, or died or died, the name of "Xingsu Laoxian" will surely spread to the entire continent.

At that time, even if they guessed the truth, Ning Xiaochuan believed that they would not reveal their identity, and he would keep it secret.

"Xingsu School? Why haven't you heard that there is such a hidden Sejong gate in Tianxu mainland?" Xiao Xiaozi secretly said.

Xiao Fuzi has lived for thousands of years. He loves to specialize in research, read ancient books extensively, and is well informed. He knows all the secrets of the heavenly continent. There are few hidden hereditary ancestors he does not know. But never heard of the stars and the stars.

Lords of the First World, Ugly Mother-in-law, Red Sun Sage, and other human race Supremes also frowned slightly, asking for related stories of the "Astrology" in their minds, but still no results.

Ding Chunqiu, the heir to the Star School, just debuted for a year or two. Except for some fame in North / Xinjiang, few people in the Middle-earth world know of such a young strong man.

What's more, the highest-ranking characters in the human race naturally seldom care about a fledgling human race genius, so they have never heard of the Astrology.

Everyone firmly remembers the three words "star school". After all, the person who can compete with the Tianmeng Demon Emperor, today, there is only this star hostel!


Xingsu Laoxian has infinite mana and supernatural powers, and only asks for a monthly pass.

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