Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 919: Suppression of sub-gods

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Night fell, and a wave of cold wind blew over the golden lake, blowing the lake into a bang.

Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lan sat side by side on the golden shore, facing each other, putting their hands together with their hands together and placing them at the center of their brows.


Jiu Liyujing bottle flew up, emitting nine colors of light, flying to the top of Ning Xiaochuan.

Nine powerful divine powers, showing red, orange, red, green, cyan, blue, purple, black, and white, respectively, are transformed into nine divine chains, piercing Ning Xiaochuan's eyebrows, and striking the dream monster Emperor's spirit.

"Jiu Li Jade Clean Bottle" is a sub-artifact made from the skulls of the nine sub-gods in the history of Yujing Beauty, and contains the spiritual powers of the nine sub-gods and nine different divine powers.

Ning Xiaochuan is fully operating to receive Shinto, and step by step to control the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"Two human race juniors, the emperor's spirit cannot be suppressed by you ..." The Tianmeng demon emperor sits in the middle of Ning Xiaochuan's Yuanshen Qihai, and is imposing. He exerts the power of the spirit and violently resists Ning Xiaochuan and Nie Lanzhi's power wanted to escape from the Yuanshen.


The nine kinds of divine power are like nine fierce lightnings, which are chopped on the **** spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, suppressing the soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor again.

Although the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is far less powerful than that of the real sub-god, it is still very perverted. With the help of Nie Lanxin, Ning Xiaochuan also spent three days and three nights to fully control the Heavenly Demon. Emperor's spirit.

"Fortunately, there is a Shinto, otherwise it will never be so easy to control the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor." Ning Xiaochuan exhaled a long breath.

Although the soul of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor has been controlled, Ning Xiaochuan still has a feeling of walking on thin ice and is not completely at ease.

This is like an ordinary person, holding a boulder weighing 200 kilograms above his head, although he can barely lift the boulder, and can even use the boulder to fight. However, that boulder may fall at any time and crush him to death.

The soul of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor is the huge rock held by Ning Xiaochuan.

"The magical power of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor is too powerful. With my current cultivation, I can only control her magical power at most, and I cannot mobilize her magical power."

You must know that the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is condensed with five thoughts, and the power of each thought is comparable to the ninth combat power of Wangu Realm.

Five thoughts of the gods are the fighting power of five ninth monks in Wangujing.

With Ning Xiaochuan's current practice, he can't control such a powerful force, at least he must practice to the seventh level of real life, or even higher practice, in order to be able to initially mobilize the huge magic power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"I can control Master ’s divine power. That ’s because Master and I are practicing the World Extinction, and the Master ’s spirit will cooperate with me. Although the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor was suppressed by me, I want to mobilize With her tremendous divine power, she may not fully cooperate with me. Or wait until the seventh level of real life is cultivated before trying to borrow the divine power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor! "

There is an essential difference between borrowing Sui Hanyu and borrowing the magic power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The soul of Sui Hanyu was actively cooperating with Ning Xiaochuan, and she and Ning Xiaochuan both practiced the World Extinction Road. With Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation, she could naturally control that huge divine power.

The soul of the Heavenly Demon Emperor is passively cooperating with Ning Xiaochuan. In this way, Ning Xiaochuan wants to control her divine power, and the difficulty naturally increases.

According to Ning Xiaochuan's estimation, at least it will not be possible to control the magical power of the Tianmeng Demon Emperor until the seventh-level cultivation of real life.

"How powerful are the ninth monks in Wangu Realm? How might they be invincible under the realm of creation?"

Ning Xiaochuan is anxious to cultivate to the seventh level of real life. Once he has mastered the magic power of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he is a top-tier powerhouse in the Tianxu continent.

In the following period, Ning Xiaochuan lived by this golden lake, and spent more than two months, refining all the blood in the body of the kiss kiss and the waitress, and finally repaired the real life fifth realm as Consolidate.

He felt that his cultivation had almost doubled, and it was not far from the fifth middle stage of real life.

In fact, the reason why Ning Xiaochuan's practice speed is so fast is not just that it's not just refining the blood of the two demon servants. The drop of divine fluid in his body is also continuously releasing the divine power to enhance his cultivation.

Moreover, he found that the more he drove himself to the life and death Jedi, the faster the drop of divine fluid released the divine power.

Just as when being kissed and killed by the demon kiss demon servant and the demon demon servant, the speed of Shenye's release of divine power quickly, so that Ning Xiaochuan broke through the fifth bottleneck of real life in one fell swoop.

"It seems that if I want to cultivate to the seventh level of the real world as soon as possible, I must go to some life and death forbidden practice to fully stimulate my potential."

There is a sense of urgency in Ning Xiaochuan's heart, whether it is the three thoughts of the Heavenly Demon Emperor fleeing, or the puppet that may kill the Heavenly Continent at any time, giving him a strong pressure, forcing him to obtain a powerful power.

He always felt that suppressing the spirit of the Heavenly Demon Emperor did not mean the end. The turmoil in the heavenly continent seemed to have just begun, and a greater storm was coming.

"It's time to go to Fengshen Cave!"

Ning Xiaochuan stood up, bombed the sand and dust on his body, and saw Nie Lanzhi and Nie Lanxin approaching.

"Ning Xiaochuan, are you going to leave?" Nie Lanxin asked.

Ning Xiaochuan asked: "Are you going to leave too?"

Nie Lan said, "The escaped puppet is a serious problem for the human race. I plan to go to the Beihai and kill it while its vitality has not recovered. Even if it cannot be killed, it must be damaged. Make it impossible for the short-term continent to make trouble. "

Ning Xiaochuan was rather surprised: "You are actually willing to tremble for the survival of the human race? I thought that you would always only do things for your own benefit. It seems that I have to take a look at you."

Nie Lan said: "When you reach a certain level, the way of thinking naturally becomes different. I will kill myself, and it will be a challenge for myself. If I succeed, my cultivation is expected to go further. Ning Ogawa, work hard to practice! There will be no peace in the Tianxu continent. I already feel that the "guihui" is about to move, and a magic force that has been sealed for millions of years seems to be leaking out. A huge storm is also breeding, and danger is approaching step by step. "

After reaching the realm of cultivation, Xiu will become abnormally sensitive, and even be able to perceive the creation of the heavens and earth, and predict some major events that will happen in the future.

"Guixu" and "Mangguyuan" are known as the two death forbidden areas in North / Xinjiang, hiding huge secrets.

In the long history of the Tianxu continent, more than one "Second God" died in Guigui.

"Mangguyuan" is the supreme collective burial ground.

After Nie Lanxin and Nie Lanzhi left, Ning Xiaochuan also fell into silence. With Nie Lanxin's strong cultivation, she couldn't wait to improve herself, it must be because she felt that she couldn't resist the danger.

"The more you know, the greater the pressure." Ning Xiaochuan sighed.

Ning Xiaochuan spent another half a month researching the space teleportation array, researched the opening method of the matrix method roughly, and arranged a hidden array method on the periphery of the space transport array.

Covered by the covert array method, the space teleportation array disappeared from its place immediately.

"This space teleportation array can also be considered as a backward path, and it will probably be used!"

After doing all this, Ning Xiaochuan immediately flew towards the holy soil of a human race nearest to this place.

He is now in the hinterland of Middle-earth. If he does not use a space teleport array, he does not know how long it will take to fly back to the north. Xinjiang.

He intends to go to the nearest holy earth, "borrow" the space teleport array, and send it directly back to North / Xinjiang.

After flying for a long time, I finally met a human monk.

Ning Xiaochuan flew down from the sky and called out, "Brother Taiwan, what direction is the nearest sacred earth here?"

Standing on the mountain road is a middle-aged martial artist in his thirties, named Fang Chang, dressed in a Confucian school, and not too low in cultivation, reaching the fifth realm of heaven and human realm.

Fang Chang looked at Ning Xiaochuan. When he saw that Ning Xiaochuan was only in his twenties, he was very young and very handsome. He did n’t seem to be a bad person, so he said, “It ’s 80,000 miles away. It is the famous Holy Land of Lingxiao. Is the little brother going to worship? Or is he going to worship? Or to visit his relatives? "

Ning Xiaochuan was slightly surprised, and said, "Pray for life?"

Fang Chang laughed: "Tomorrow is the nine-thousand-year-old birthday of the real Xiao Ling, and the teachings of many sacred soils and outstanding heirs in the Middle-earth world will come to wish for longevity. Teaching, the teaching of the holy grave of the graveyard ... coincides with the supreme suppression of the Heavenly Demon Emperor by the human race, and the entire human race is excited. "

"This time, Lingxiao's birthday is definitely a grand event for the human race! If you are lucky, you may also see the second-place beauty in the Middle-earth world," Qiaofeizi ". You must know that" Qiaofeizi "is spiritual. Xiao Zhenren's granddaughter, a student of the inner court of the Divine Reserve Palace, is so scary that she is said to have reached the real world. "

"I didn't expect those old guys to go to worship, it's really a narrow road for enemies." Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently, thinking whether he had to prepare a gift and went to worship.

Fang Chang laughed: "I just want to go to Lingxiao Sacred Land to see my Shuangxiu partner, let's go together!"

"Your twin companion, is it Qifeizi?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

Fang Chang smiled and said, "Don't make jokes, brother, but Qingfeizi is like a fairy. How can I deserve her? My twin companion is a sister of Qingfeizi. It ’s also a core disciple, and it ’s more powerful than me. I think you ’re a handsome man on your brother ’s platform. This time you ’re heading to the Holy Land of Lingxiao. The Sacred Earth is a Sacred Earth. "

The two talked and laughed, flying all the way in the direction of the Holy Land of Lingxiao.


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