Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 920: Holy Land Holy Land

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The sacred earth of Lingxiao is built between the mountains and mountains, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, cliffs and cliffs. At a glance, it looks like a heaven and earth where the gods live.

Under the ground, there is a stream of earth that has been deposited for thousands of years, nourishing this territory, and has bred countless natural treasures. The Taoism of the Holy Earth is established at the position of the dragon head of the earth.

When Ning Xiaochuan and Fang Chang arrived in the Holy Land of Lingxiao, it was already the second day.

The monks of the various holy soils have come to wish for their lives. Some ride mysterious beasts, and some drive golden cars. They gather from all sides and gather at the gates of the holy soil of Lingxiao.

There is a long line at the main gate of Lingxiao Holy Land, which can be said to be overcrowded. There are both strong men of the older generation and handsome men and women of the younger generation.

"Let's enter the holy earth from another road!" Fang Chang saw the long line standing in the distance, frowned slightly, and pulled Ning Xiaochuan toward the hill behind Lingxiao holy earth.

"Is there another way to enter the Holy Land of Lingxiao?" Ning Xiaochuan said.

"There is a path behind the Lingxiao Holy Earth. Generally speaking, only the core disciples of the Lingxiao Holy Earth know this path." Fang Chang laughed.

Ning Xiaochuan nodded gently. Since Fang Chang's companion is the core disciple of Lingxiao Holy Land, it should be that she told Fang Chang the location of this path, so that they could meet in private.

Talking along the way, Ning Xiaochuan also had some understanding of this man called Fang Chang.

Fang Chang is a martial arts monk, and after becoming a dual companion with Xue Qingshuang, a core disciple of Lingxiao Holy Land, he is now considered an elder of Lingxiao Holy Land.

A martial arts monk who can marry a sacred core disciple is naturally an envy of countless people.

Fang is very elegant and can cultivate to the fifth highest level of heaven and human realm without the support of the huge resources of the Holy Land. His talent is certainly not low. Therefore, he could marry the core disciples of Lingxiao Sacred Soil. Ning Xiaochuan was not surprised, but rather envious of him.

Ning Xiaochuan also has his own dual companion, but they all have their own things to do. In their hearts, cultivation is the first priority and **** is the second priority, which leads them to gather less and leave more. It is impossible to rush to hundreds of thousands of miles like Fang Chang just to come and see his aunt.

"Brother Chuan, what are you thinking?" Fang Chang looked towards Ning Xiaochuan and asked curiously.

Ning Xiaochuan's pseudonym is now called "Gongzichuan". Fang Chang didn't know that the young man standing next to him was the infamous King of Desolation today.

Ning Xiaochuan laughed: "It's nothing, I just suddenly feel that if there is a dual-religion partner who loves each other on the cultivation path, I will no longer be lonely."

Fang Chang laughed: "Brother Chuan, as a talented person, you will definitely be able to find a suitable dual monk. If not, I can take Brother Chuan to meet my priest Qingshuang, and let her give her You're looking for a talented twin brother. "

Along the way, Fang Chang also found that Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation was not low, and he was definitely a young genius. That's why he made a living trying to find Ning Xiaochuan as a Shuang Xiu companion in Lingxiao Sacred Land.

Speaking of "Qingshuang", Fang Chang showed a somewhat urgent look, and his steps could not help speeding up.

Ning Xiaochuan just smiled, but did not take Fang Chang's words seriously.

The two of them passed through a gorge that was dozens of miles long and entered a formation array. Under the leadership of Fang Chang, they easily passed through the formation group.

Looking from a distance, you can already see the ancient buildings that are row after row, the white waterfalls cascading above the mountains, and the mist bridges suspended in the void.

A young disciple in Tsing Yi stood on the back of a group of white cranes and flew over from a distance.

"Who's coming?" A young man in a blue battle suit, holding a spear, pointed at Fang Chang and Ning Xiaochuan standing below.

The founder took out a token and injected his vitality into the token, and the token immediately issued a cyan brilliance.

Among the group of young disciples, someone recognized Fang Chang, flying Bai He to the forefront, and bowing to Fang Chang, "It turned out to be Master Shi Fang, you came to Ling Xiao Holy Land to visit Master Shi Qingshuang. Right? "

Fang Chang collected the token and laughed, "Are you Master Qingshuang still practicing in Dongfu?"

The young disciple nodded and said: "Uncle Qingshuang is retreating and impacting the eighth state of heaven and earth. Today, the ancestor of the ancestor will be alive, and she will definitely go out."

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded, and the young disciples all boiled and looked towards the east with clear eyes.

"It was Sister Ying's Yinglong drive. Sister Qing really came back to the holy earth."

"If you can see the fairy face of Sister Qing, even if you just meet, it would be great!"

"Sister Qing is a student of the inner courtyard of the God's Reserve Palace. In the future, she will definitely be the supreme human race. She may even become a sub-god and become an existence that we cannot look forward to. In the future, it is estimated that there will be no chance to see her!


Ning Xiaochuan also looked at the palace-sized car flying in the sky. It was just a car, but it was built with extravagant luxury. A human-sized pearl was inlaid on the top of the car, emitting a glorious brilliance.

The cart was a white Yinglong with a length of more than 70 meters, and a pair of huge dragon wings fanned out, flying at an astonishing speed. Just the cultivation of Yinglong at that end has reached the ninth level of heaven and mankind, which can be regarded as a powerful creature.

The disciples of Lingxiao Sacred Earth are very envious, just like looking at the goddess, staring at the Yinglong car and making a sound of exclamation.

As the young monks talked, Yinglong drove straight ahead in this direction.

Ning Xiaochuan's complexion was slightly frozen, what was the car flying over in this direction?

If Qingfeizi was really a disciple of the Inner Court of the God's Palace, chances are she would have seen Ning Xiaochuan.

Once Ning Xiaochuan's identity is discovered, he will surely be besieged by everyone, and may even harm Fang Chang.

Of course, Ning Xiaochuan was not afraid at all. Based on his current cultivation, a sacred earth in the district could not keep him.

Qingfeizi came out of the car, wearing a clean white spiritual silk skirt, long black hair, a perfect figure, and unevenness, but her face seemed to have a stream of mist, and those young monks couldn't see it. Clear her true face.

Even if Fang Chang's repair is used, he can't see exactly what the oblique looks like. He can only see a fuzzy outline.

It is mysterious and full of beauty. It is almost like a fairy descending from the sky above nine days, making those young monks look dull for a long time.

At the scene, only Ning Xiaochuan's Xiuwei was above Qingfeizi, who was able to see her true face. He was indeed a stunning beauty, with an outstanding temperament, and deserved the title of the second beauty in Middle-earth.

There was a look of doubt in Qingfeizi's eyes, and he looked towards Fang Chang and Ning Xiaochuan and said, "Who are you?"

After all, Fang Chang's Xiu Wei was much taller than those young disciples, and he quickly reacted from his disappointment. He bowed his hands and worshipped at Qingfeizi, and said, "Elder Fang at Xiawaimen, this one beside me ... this One of my new disciples is called Gongzichuan. "

Fang Chang had a good opinion of Ning Xiaochuan, but it did not mean that the monks in Lingxiao Holy Land also had a good opinion of Ning Xiaochuan. In order to reduce the trouble, Fang Chang temporarily called Ning Xiaochuan as his new disciple.

In the practice world, he has always respected his strength. Just like Fang Chang, his generation is obviously higher than that of Qingfeizi. However, in order to reach the real world, Qiufeizi's cultivation must salute him.

"Since it's Uncle Fang, then it's okay." Qingfeizi glanced at Ning Xiaochuan standing next to Fang Chang, but his eyes did not stay on Ning Xiaochuan for a long time, then he turned into the car and drove.

She had never seen Ning Xiaochuan when she was in the Shenchu ​​Palace, so she did not recognize Ning Xiaochuan.

Driven by Ying Long, the car flew towards the hinterland of Lingxiao Holy Earth again.

Sitting on an original jade platform in the car, Qingfeizipan held a compass that emited countless stars, and said to himself, "In fact, it is strange that the heavenly compass cannot point in the direction just now for no apparent reason. You're telling me that there was a strong man in that direction. But why suddenly the pointer on the compass points to another place? "

Qing Fei Zi is also a monk with great fortune and great talent. This "kingdom compass" of the supreme king level was found in an ancient ruin.

The heavenly compass is a special treasure, not the ultimate king of battle type, but it is more valuable than the ultimate king of battle type, and has many wonderful uses.

"Don't think about it that much! Today is Grandpa's nine-thousand-year-old birthday. There must be a lot of strong people coming to Lingxiao Holy Land. It is normal for the compass of the heavenly compass to have some deviations." Qingfeizi thought so.

After Qingfeizi's Yinglong car flew away, the young monks in Lingxiao Holy Land also left.

Ning Xiaochuan worshiped Fang Chang with his fist and said, "Thank you Brother Fang for making a siege."

Fang Chang smiled and said, "No matter what! I thought I was just like you at the beginning, just a short break, and I wanted to sneak into the holy soil and take a look. It was this time that I sneaked into the holy soil secretly. I met the woman I loved the most in my life. "

Fang Chang also regarded Ning Xiaochuan as the same martial art meditationist, and thought that Ning Xiaochuan also wanted to sneak into the holy land to learn from him, so he did not have much defense against Ning Xiaochuan.

"In fact, with the talents of the Brothers Chuan, they can worship the Lingxiao Holy Land and become the core disciples of the Lingxiao Holy Land." Fang Chang said.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "I don't like to be bound by the rules of the Holy Earth, but I'd better be free."

"Too good to say, in fact, this is also the idea of ​​being a brother. Although being a holy earth disciple, although you can get a lot of cultivation resources, you have to fight with other disciples all day, competing for resources, and even vilifying each other. You must tighten your nerves to practice, for fear that your own practice will fall behind others. "

"In order to obtain resources for practice, some disciples even betrayed their principles and conscience. Instead of living such a boring life, it is better to be an ordinary person easily." Fang Chang laughed.

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