Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 921: illicit sexual relations

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Ning Xiaochuan sighed softly, who wouldn't live a life easily? However, the reality is too cruel. If you don't work hard to become stronger, you will be trampled under your feet and you will not even have the power to resist.

With Fang Chang's mentality, he can even practice to the fifth level of heaven and human realm. It seems that his talent is not ordinary.

If he can worship in the holy earth and practice, it is estimated that his practice has already reached the real world.

Ning Xiaochuan doesn't say much, after all, everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle.

Before speaking, Fang Chang had taken Ning Xiaochuan outside Xue Qingshuang's practice cave.

He said, "Brother Chuan, wait for me outside for a while, I will go in to see Qing Shuang, and then I will take you to explore the Holy Land of Lingxiao."

"It's okay! Brother Fang and Qingshuang girl are not easy to meet once, so I should talk more. I'll just go around by myself!" Ning Xiaochuan said quickly.

He had originally "borrowed" the space to send the array to the Lingxiao Sacred Earth. It would be inconvenient for him to move if Fang accompanied him.

Fang Chang's face was sullen and he said, "Brother Chuan, you are not a disciple of Lingxiao Holy Land. If you run around, you will be expelled. Rest assured! I just went to explain to Qingshuang and I will come out immediately. You But be sure to wait for me outside! "

After saying this, Fang Chang pressed his palm on the stone gate, and the formation on the stone gate immediately emerged, opening up a portal of light and shadow, and sucking in Fang's body.

After entering Shimen, Fang Chang could not help becoming more excited. In order not to disturb Xue Qingshuang's practice, he deliberately condensed his breath and slowly walked towards the depths of Dongfu.

Suddenly, a faint moaning / groaning voice came from her ear: "Ah ... Uncle ... You are so good ... Ah ... Uncle, you promised to give me a Xuan Tuo Dan ... Ah ... help me to hit the eighth place of Heaven and Human Realm, don't lie to me ... "


In the middle of the cave, a stone room.

Liu Hengli's dry palms were slapted on Xue Qingshuang's white buttocks, with a somber laughter in his mouth: "Qingshuang girl, don't worry! When will Uncle lie to you? It's your aunt, if you let him I know you sleep with your husband for a Xuan Tuo Dan, I'm afraid he will go crazy! Giggle! "

"I hate it, uncle, how can people let him know about such things? Besides, he is just a casual repair, even if he knows it? With the uncle's repair, one finger can press him to death ... ah ...... Tap ... Um ... "Xue Qingshuang gave a coquettish sound.


The stone wall shattered and became fragmented.

Fang Chang gritted his teeth and stepped out from behind the broken stone wall, staring at the young woman and the skinny old man lying on the couch, a pair of bloodshot eyes, angrily said: " You ... you ... "

"Long ... brother, why are you here?"

Seeing Suddenly Fang Chang came in, Xue Qingshuang lying under Liu Hengli was shocked, and immediately grabbed his shirt, ashamed in his heart, anxious to find a hole to drill in immediately.

Why did he come here suddenly?

However, Liu Hengli held Xue Qingshuang's arm by one hand, preventing her from grabbing her clothes.

Liu Hengli still maintained the original posture, and he moved it gently, glanced at Fang Chang a little, and the corner of the old mouth made a slight arc, and laughed: "Wang Fang Changshi who allowed you to break in, did not see you Already disturbed Uncle Yaxing? "

Fang Chang was so angry that he shouted, "Old man, let me die!"

Fang Chang's vitality was mobilized, and a ghost of a white tiger condensed behind him, clapping at Liu Hengli in the palm of his hand.


With the palm of Fang Chang's palm, the white tiger's virtual shadow made a long howling, and also struck it with a claw.


Liu Hengli made a wild laugh, holding Xue Qingshuang's wrist with one hand, as if riding a mare, and waving the other hand, turned into a large fingerprint, slap on Fang Chang's body.


That huge white tiger was smashed instantly.

Fang Chang was hit by a large fingerprint, and his body flew out, hitting a thick stone wall, knocking the stone wall out of cracks.

Fang Chang was covered in blood, climbing hard from the ground, staring straight at Liu Hengli and Xue Qingshuang, spitting blood in his mouth, banging, and fell to the ground again.

We must know that Liu Hengli is the elder of the Holy Land of Lingxiao, who is in charge of the hall of medicine and martial arts.

With Fang Changtian's fifth-largest cultivation, naturally, he is far from his opponent.


Liu Hengli finally vented on Xue Qingshuang's body, exhaling a long breath.

He came down from the bed, put a robe on his body, tied his belt, and stared at Fang Chang who fell to the ground coldly, and laughed, "Nie Fang Shi, I have to say, you really Blessed, after Uncle's understanding of Qingshuang in the past six months, every inch of her skin is very tender! Haha! "


Fang Chang held his hands on the ground, biting his **** teeth, trying to get up from the ground.


Liu Hengli stepped on Fang Chang's back, and stepped Fang Chang on the ground again.

"Kill me ... Ah ..."

Fang Chang's face was clinging to the ground tightly, staring at Xue Qingshuang, who was naked / naked / body sitting on the bed, with a deep hatred in his heart why he hadn't tried hard to cultivate before, otherwise he would not have the power to resist.

Liu Hengli found a bottle of Dan, dropped Xue Qingshuang, and laughed: "Qingshuang, this is the Xuan Tuo Dan you want! This is the human-grade Dan you only exchanged with your uncle for half a year, remember to collect it. . In addition, since our incident was discovered by him, his life will be immeasurable. After all, you have a husband and wife, or you can take him on the road yourself! "

"Thank you Uncle!"

After Xue Qingshuang took Xuan Tuo Dan, he held it tightly in his hands and worked hard, finally got it, and finally got this elixir.

"With Xuan Tuo Dan, I can break through to the eighth level of heaven and human realm."

After Xue Qingshuang heard Liu Hengli's second sentence, his face was still slightly fixed, staring at Fang Chang who was lying on the ground, and sighed softly, saying, "Brother, you shouldn't break in, or else I won't die in vain. "

"Haha ... Xue Qingshuang, our Fang is really blinded by the dog's eyes. I actually fancy you, **** ... **** ..." Fang Chang said angrily.

Xue Qingshuang stared at Liu Hengli with a bit of begging, and said, "Uncle, I and he are in a couple after all. I can't get it, but you can kill him!"

"Hey! It's okay for the husband to do it, but only if you give the husband some benefits." Liu Hengli smiled intently and stared at Xue Qingshuang's delicate body.

Xue Qingshuang's cheeks appeared on his cheeks, and said, "Hate! Not all the benefits of others have been occupied by you, what else do you want?"

"Companion to the husband for another year. If you agree, the husband will reluctantly be a bad guy and help you kill your husband." Liu Hengli laughed.

Xue Qingshuang thought for a moment, then nodded gently, "Huh!"


Liu Hengli has been looking at Fang Chang's expression, and his heart is very happy. He fell asleep with his wife and mastered his life and death. This feeling is so happy!

"Fang Chang, before you die, the uncle has to teach you, as a man, you must work hard to make yourself stronger. Only with strong strength can you do whatever you want, just like uncle and me Oh! "

A faint blue mystery condensed on the palm of Liu Hengli's palm, and his old face became more and more dazed.

"With your strength, you want to do whatever you want? You might be overestimating yourself!"

Dading footsteps sounded, echoing in the cave.

Ning Xiaochuan, with both hands on his back, walked in step by step from outside the Dongfu, with steady steps, each step like a mountain!

The formations arranged in the Dongfu are in front of Ning Xiaochuan.

Stepping on it, the formation is broken.

Liu Hengli's eyes narrowed and he stared at Ning Xiaochuan, and said coldly, "Boy, who are you? Do you want to be nosy?"

Fang Chang knew that Liu Hengli ’s cultivation had reached the real world. The little brother who came to the Holy Land of Lingxiao with himself could never be his opponent, so he yelled, "Brother Chuan, escape! Come here, they will kill you, run away ... keke! "

Xue Qingshuang didn't expect that an outsider would come in, and she could not help feeling a little flustered. If someone spread the news that she and his uncle were together, she would lose her face and stay in Lingxiao Holy Land.

"Uncle, you take a shot and kill both of them. You must not let outsiders know about it." Xue Qingshuang said.

Liu Hengli's face showed a cruel look, and he hit Fang Chang with one palm, intending to kill Fang Chang first, and then remove Ning Xiaochuan.


Liu Hengli only felt a flower in front of his eyes. Ning Xiaochuan, who was still standing more than ten feet away, stood in front of him the next moment.


Ning Xiaochuan flicked Liu Hengli's finger directly. Liu Hengli's body slammed into the stone wall, bumping the stone wall out of a large human-shaped pit, coughing two blood in his mouth, and then rolling down to the ground, shaking constantly.

"Brother Fang, are you okay!" Ning Xiaochuan raised Fang Chang from the ground.

He carried a drop of nine-colored mystery from Yangxin Zhending and dropped it on the palm of Fang's long palm.

Fang Chang's body was immediately wrapped in nine-colored light, and his injuries recovered at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It didn't take long for him to recover most of his injuries.

"Brother Chuan, you ..." Fang Chang stared at Ning Xiaochuan, shocked in his heart.

Liu Hengli's practice is that he knows better than anyone, but he is a real person who has survived thunder. But Ning Xiaochuan flew him with just a finger.

So how powerful is Ning Xiaochuan's repair?

"Don't ask me more about my identity."

Ning Xiaochuan's gaze was on Liu Hengli, who was crawling out of the wall, and then on Xue Qingshuang, who was still sitting on the bed, and frowned, saying: "Brother Fang, what are you going to do about this?"

Every real person has a "life bead" in the temple of worship of the Holy Earth. Once the real person dies, the "life bead" will be broken.

In other words, the killing of Liu Hengli will surely shock the entire Lingxiao Holy Land.

Ning Xiaochuan is now the public enemy of the human race, the most wicked and unforgiving traitor in the entire emptiness continent, naturally does not care about offending one more spiritual sacred land. The key is to see what Fang Chang means?

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