Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 922: kill

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"I naturally want to kill Liu Hengli, but killing him will surely alarm the entire Lingxiao Sacred Land. It doesn't matter if I die or not, but I want to involve you Brother Chuan."

Fang Chang's heart was very angry, and he squeezed his fists tightly. But he still kept his sense, knowing that after killing Liu Hengli, it would definitely have terrible consequences, and Ning Xiaochuan would be affected by that time.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "In fact, it is not a big deal. As long as you dare to kill them yourself, leave the rest to me!"

Fang Chang stared at Ning Xiaochuan deeply, and when he saw Ning Xiaochuan's calm smile, he had no regrets. Anyway, he is now a bad one. If he does not report this revenge, he will be alive in the future. Kind of pain.

Take out a long sword of Jiupin Xuanqi level, eyes flushed, and walked towards Liu Hengli.

Liu Hengli was very hurt, and the corners of his mouth kept bleeding, and he said gloomily, "Nie Fang Shi, if you think about it, once you kill the husband, you will surely startle the strong man in the Holy Land of Lingxiao. May escape! "

"Old man, I want you to die today even if I don't want this life."


Fang Chang cut off with a sword and cut off Liu Hengli's left ear.

Liu Hengli's left head immediately became blood red, blood was pouring out, and his body was shaking. He said, "Fang Shi nephew ... Fang Shi nephew, the old man admits that I was wrong, but I can't blame the old man ... you must I need to calm down ... Ah ... "

Fang Chang's arm was shaken, and another thirty-six swords were slashed. Each sword did not kill Liu Hengli, but only cut a piece of flesh from Liu Hengli's body.

After the thirty-six swords, Liu Hengli's right shoulder completely turned into bones.

"Kill me! Give me a good day!" Growled Liu Hengli.

"Isn't it cheap to kill you with one sword!"


Fang Chang kept swinging his sword, and each sword brought a piece of flesh and blood, accompanied by Liu Hengli's screams of killing a pig.

When the eighteenth twenty-one sword went down, most of Liu Hengli's body became bones, and he finally swallowed his last breath and died completely.


Holy sacred earth, dedicated to the temple.

The golden life beads with the words "Liu Hengli" shattered and startled the disciples who guarded the dedication temple, and immediately rang the dedication bell.


The thick bell rang through the entire Lingxiao Holy Land.

Those monks who came to Heshou were startled. They naturally knew what it meant to be ringing the dedication bell.

Today is the day of Lingxiao's real nine-thousand-year-old birthday. On such a big day, a real-life character has fallen, which is not a good sign!

Hope is just a coincidence!

The master of Lingxiao Sacred Earth taught Muhua the real person and hurried to worship the temple in person, his face was a bit ugly: "Who has fallen?"

Along with Mu Hua Zhenren, there were also two elders who went to the dedication hall. They are the third most important practice in real life. They have a high status in the Holy Land of Lingxiao.

The disciples who guarded the enshrined spot saw three real-life figures, among them even teaching real people, immediately scared to kneel on the ground and trembled: "It is the elder Liu Hengli and Uncle Liu who are sitting in the Dan Temple."

An elder Xu Tianzhuo with a Chinese-shaped face standing behind Muhua Zhenren said, "Impossible, Liu Hengli's birthday is at least two hundred years old, and he has been in the holy earth. Why did he suddenly fall? The evil man breaks into the Holy Earth Holy Land? "

Another elder elder Mo Qi had already entered the worship hall just a short time ago. Before long, Mo Qi stepped out of the worship hall, his face was solemn, and he nodded to Mu Hua Zhenren and Xu Tianzhuo. It's really broken! Liu Hengli could not have died for no reason, it must have been a poisoned hand. "

The elder Xu Tianzhuo's expression was condensed, and he said, "Liu Hengli ’s cultivation has reached the first place in real life. Even if he is my cultivation, he will not be able to kill him silently. If Liu Hengli really It was a fatal death, so the person who broke into the Holy Land of the Heaven is definitely a top master. "

"Did anyone dare to make trouble in Lingxiao's holy soil during the real life of Lingxiao's nine-thousand-year-old?" Taishang Moqi said.

Mu Hua's face was dull and indifferent, with a cold sharpness in his eyes, saying: "Send someone to check immediately. I want to know where Liu Hengli finally appeared? Who was the last person to meet?"

Of course, Qingfeizi also heard the bell from the dedication temple, and immediately rushed over. He heard the dialogue between the real Muhua and the other two elders. He walked over and said, "Teach the real person, maybe I can help you. "

"Feizi, your heavenly compass can help a lot. Quickly find out where Liu Hengli was killed?" Muhua really said.

Qingfeizi took out the heavenly compass, infused the true yuan into the compass, and the mind entered the compass, as if integrated with the compass. All the grass and trees of the entire Lingxiao Sacred Earth came into her mind.

Just a few moments later, she sensed Liu Hengli's position, and her mind retreated from the compass of the heavenly machine, saying, "In a cultivation cave house in Houshan, and there is another strong man there, we must immediately pass by , Stop that person. "


Under the leadership of Qingfeizi, Mu Huazhengren and the two elder elders flew past Houshan immediately.


Xue Qingshuang, who was half-naked on the couch, saw Ning Xiaochuan flying Liu Hengli with a finger and wounded Liu Hengli seriously. Later, she saw that Liu Hengli was chopped by Fang Chang with more than a thousand swords, and Ling died to death.

Fearing to the extreme, she immediately climbed down from the bed and kneeled in front of Fang Chang, crying and crying, "Brother, please believe me, it was Liu Hengli who persecuted me before I had to submit to him. In my heart The person you really love is always you. "

"Slut, you dare to pretend to be in front of me. Since Liu Hengli persecuted you, how would you explain the Xuan Tuo Dan in your hand?"

Fang Chang sneered and kicked Xue Qingshuang away.

Xue Qingshuang knew that he could not be Ning Xiaochuan's opponent anyway. If he wanted to survive, he had to delay time until the strong man in the holy land came over.

"Brother, I'm all confused for a moment, please see me in the past, please spare me this time!" Xue Qingshuang hugged Fang's trousers and kept crying.

Fang Chang kicked Xue Qingshuang out again and walked towards Ning Xiaochuan, revealing his disappointment, and said, "Brother Chuan, I can't stop."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "You want me to help you kill her?"

"I want to ... let her go. After all, she and I will only be strangers in the future, and there will be no chance to meet. She is dead or alive. What does it have to do with me?" Fang Chang said bitterly.

"Your business is of course your own decision." Ning Xiaochuan said.

Suddenly, Xue Qingshuang, who was lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up, rushed to the back of Fang Chang quickly, stretched out two fingers, and buckled Fang Chang's neck.

Her fingers were wrapped in a layer of blue vitality, and Fang's throat was pinched and depressed, alerting Ning Xiaochuan, who was not far away, and saying, "Don't come over! If you dare to move, I will kill immediately he."

Ning Xiaochuan's brow frowned, he shook his head, and said, "It's hopeless!"

Taking Ning Xiaochuan's cultivation as an example, it was not difficult to rescue Fang Long before Xue Qingshuang killed it.


Suddenly, the gate of Dongfu was smashed by a powerful force, the stone gate was torn apart, and muddy stone dust poured in toward Dongfu.

Muhua was standing in the void at a distance of thirty feet from the entrance of Shimen Cave. He stepped on a white cloud and made a thick voice: "Friend inside, you have killed Liu Hengli, do you want to continue to murder?"

Xue Qingshuang, who squeezed Fang Chang's throat, heard the voice of teaching a real person, his face was a joy, knowing that he was saved.

Since he taught the real person to come in person, no matter how high the other's cultivation is, he can't escape.

Ning Xiaochuan glanced at Xue Qingshuang, and two sword qi flew from his pupils.

With a short bang, the two sword qi hit directly into Xue Qingshuang's eyes. The sword qi passed through her head and hit the stone wall behind Xue Qingshuang, punching the stone wall into two bottomless holes.

Xue Qingscream screamed, and the hand holding Fang's throat was slightly loose.

Fang Chang seized the opportunity and immediately seized Xue Qingshuang's wrist to restrain her.

"Slut, I have the heart to spare you, but you are ruthless. In this case, then you will die!"

Fang Chang grabbed Xue Qingshuang's wrist and threw her out.


The stone wall of Dongfu was smashed layer by layer. When Xue Qingshuang's body broke through the last layer of stone wall and fell on the stone platform outside Dongfu, it became blurred and fluttered, and he was completely out of breath.

The Muhua real person standing outside the Dongfu, Qingfeizi, the two elders were all surprised.

In front of them, how dare they commit murder?


The elder Xu Tianzhuo summoned the three-meter-long white large sword and held it in his hand.

He was about to enter Dongfu, but saw two figures coming out of Dongfu.

"It's them." Qingfeizi saw the two men coming out of the cave, and a little surprised on the fairy face of the country.

Muhua really said: "Hito, do you know them?"

Qingfeizi nodded and said, "I have seen one before. The middle-aged scribe in his thirties is the elder of the outer gate of Lingxiao Holy Land, named Fang Chang. The young man standing next to Fang Chang People are his disciples. "

Mu Hua's real person squinted his eyes and said, "How do I think that the cultivation of that young man is even more unfathomable."

Qingfeizi also stared at Ning Xiaochuan and looked at Ning Xiaochuan carefully before realizing that the young man seemed really extraordinary.

He just stood there casually, giving the impression that the mountains were standing still, and the mystery between the whole world was spinning around him.

This person is not easy.

"Who the **** are you? Why kill Liu Hengli and Xue Qingshuang?" Elder Xu Tianzhuo said in a deep voice.

Ning Xiaochuan stood with his hands on his back and stood tall, staring at Xu Tianzhuo standing in the void, saying, "I kill the one who should be killed, and I don't need to explain it to you."

Regarding Liu Hengli and Xue Qingshuang, after all, it is very disgraceful. If you go out, the most uncomfortable person is actually Fang Chang.

In this case, Ning Xiaochuan intends to back down the gangster and take full responsibility on him. Anyway, he is now a public enemy of the human race and does not care about one more crime.

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