Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 923: Battle Lingxiao Palm Teaching

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"Courageous! The old man will have to see, how arrogant you are?"

Xu Tianzhuo is a sword repairer, who possesses the third most important practice in real life. With a pinch of his fingers, he exhibits a sword trick. The three-meter-long white giant sword turned into a white rainbow and flew towards Ning Xiaochuan.


Just the sound of the sword breaking the wind, as loud as the sky thunder, countless small sword qi flew along with the giant sword, rushed to the front of Ning Xiaochuan, those sword qi converged into a little. The power of this sword immediately increased fivefold.


The blade of the giant sword was pinched by **** when he was only three inches away from Ning Xiaochuan.

In an instant, all sword energy disappeared without a trace.

Xu Tianzhuo stared at this scene, his face changed, and he exhibited "Tianlei Jianjue", and was caught by the other two fingers.

And it seems that the other party does not seem to use any power!

How strong is that young man?

"It's amazing!" Qingfeizi stared at the young man, shocked in his heart. The younger generation of the sky continent actually has such a strong man?

Even the top-ranking guys in the top five of the God's Reserve Palace are estimated to be just that.


Ning Xiaochuan forcibly seized Xu Tianzhuo ’s supreme weapon-level war sword, tempered the war sword with the fire of extinction, and completely refined the atmosphere that Xu Tianzhuo left in the war sword.

Xu Tianzhuo was very distressed, but it was a middle-class supreme weapon sword, which was taken away in this way, but he could not do anything, because the opponent's cultivation was much higher than him.

The next moment, a scene that made him even more shocked.

"It's a good sword!"

Ning Xiaochuan nodded slightly, and pierced his chest with a middle-class supreme sword.


After a moment, Ning Xiaochuan was completely refined into the body by Ning Xiaochuan, becoming Ning Xiaochuan's fifteenth figurative magic sword.

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan lightly put a piece of Chinese-style supreme device into his body, and shocked the people of Lingxiao Holy Land again.

"Your cultivation is really powerful, but if you dare to kill in the Holy Land of Sacred Earth, you have to pay the price." The momentum of Muhua's real person is getting stronger and stronger, sending out white brilliance, every pore burst out An extremely thin beam of light is like a scorching sun.

Qingfeizi knew that the real person should teach himself, and immediately retreated to the distance, hitting all the stones in all directions. The black stones were suspended in the void, forming a huge array.

The two elders Xu Tianzhuo and Mo Qi also immediately shot to help Qingfeizi arrange the formation to prevent Ning Xiaochuan from escaping.

Ning Xiaochuan stood calmly on the stone platform, at the foot of which was the bottomless cliff. Looking at the real person standing in the distance, he nodded softly. Real people, your talents, even if you play against the eighth most important person in real life, they should not fall below! "

"This young man already knows that my cultivation is a realm, but he can still calmly calm down. Is it possible to cultivate to a realm that can compete with me at his age?" Mu Hua Zhenren suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Stop talking nonsense, suppress me first. Paiyun goes through the palm of my heart."

Mu Hua raised his arm, and Tian Xuan Qi followed his arm and kept flowing, converging to the palm of his hand, condensing into a white cloud.

As a sacred earth, the real magical power of Muhua, a real human being, can be compared with the magical powers of ordinary warriors.

The palm pressed down and immediately turned into a huge palm print.

Fang Chang, standing next to Ning Xiaochuan, felt extremely depressed, as if the sky had fallen, the air was completely frozen, and it was very difficult to take a breath. He glanced up and saw a cloud pressed down, faintly seeing that there were five huge fingers in the cloud.

"Destroy the Soul!"

Ning Xiaochuan's finger pointed towards the void, and a sword wave flew from his fingertips, penetrating that big handprint.

"call out!"

Immediately afterwards, Ning Xiaochuan turned into a rapid streamer, soared into the sky, and slammed into Muhua's real person. His hands were full of electric light and shadows of beasts, making thunders of thunder and roar of giant beasts.

After Xiu had reached the fifth level of real life, Ning Xiaochuan was trying to test how strong he was without wearing a sub-blood of blood. Obviously Muhua was the best test subject.

Mu Hua didn't expect that the other party couldn't help but escape, and even dared to take the initiative to launch an attack.

"Good job!"

Mu Hua put a purple glove on his hand, and punched it in the palm of Ning Xiaochuan.

Two powerful forces collided, and the two flew out simultaneously.

Mu Hua's real man just flew backwards a few meters away, but Ning Xiaochuan was shot several kilometers away, and even the sleeves of his right hand were shattered by powerful air waves, revealing half of his arms.

"Superior Supreme!"

Ning Xiaochuan looked at the gloves worn by Muhua's real person and recognized that it was a top-quality supreme device with a powerful increase, and it was definitely a rare treasure.

In the blow just now, although Muhua's real person used the top quality supreme weapon, he just shot Ning Xiaochuan out and did not hurt Ning Xiaochuan.

After Ning Xiaochuan stabilized his body, he took out the mixed-class warhammer, which is also the highest grade of supreme equipment.

The Mixed Warhammer is the top warrior in the top-class supreme weapon, and its destructive power is even more terrifying than some supreme kings. Even if it is a quasi-premier king, it is not an exaggeration.

In the past, Ning Xiaochuan could only lift the mixed world warhammer with his physical strength. Now his cultivation is to reach the fifth level of real life. He wants to test how powerful the full power of the mixed world warhammer is?

The original weight of the melee warhammer was 380 million kilograms.

After Ning Xiaochuan continuously injected the true yuan into the mixed world warhammer, the weight of the mixed world warhammer also continued to rise, and soon exceeded 400 million kilograms, followed by 500 million kilograms, 600 million kilograms ..., which has always reached 1.80 billion Pounds, the weight of the melee warhammer stopped rising.

After inspiring the original power of the Mixed World Warhammer, the weight of the Mixed World Warhammer even reached 1.8 billion kilograms. A string of black flames escaped from the surface of the Warhammer, turning into a huge cloud of black fire.

Even the array of the arrogant and the two elder elders were burned by the flames, and they would break at any time.


Ning Xiaochuan erupted his whole body strength, raised the melee warhammer, and blasted it down towards Muhua.

The real person of Muhua felt the powerful power transmitted from the Warhammer, and he was shocked. He didn't want to hit each other hard. But he couldn't retreat. Knowing that he was the teaching of a holy earth, how could he retreat under the attack of a young monk?

He immediately mobilized the true elements of the body, all the gloves that were injected into his hands.

The gloves immediately burst into purple light, hitting the melee warhammer.

Two extreme forces struck again,

A ripple of energy came from between the gloves and the Warhammer, rushing in all directions. In just a moment, the array of the arrangement of Qingfeizi and the two elders broke apart. The black stones suspended in the void burst.

The two elder elders seemed to have been hit by an invisible iron mountain. The internal organs were violently aching, and wow, blood was spit out of his mouth. Under the impact of the ripples of energy, the two of them flew out and crashed into a mountain.

Qing Fei Zi had the Supreme King's body guard, and was not injured, but was still rushed by the energy ripples for dozens of miles before he could barely stabilize his body.

After Ning Xiaochuan and Muhua lived together for the first time, Ning Xiaochuan ordered Fang Chang to step away. Therefore, the energy wave just now did not hurt Fang Chang.


With Ning Xiaochuan and Muhua real people as the center, many ancient buildings and caves have been torn down. If there is no guardianship of formations, it is estimated that the mountains in the Holy Land of Lingxiao have fallen a lot.

Such a big movement would startle all the monks in the Holy Land of Lingxiao.

The crowd flew in the direction of the real battle between Ning Xiaochuan and Muhua, and their hearts were very curious. Who was it that actually rushed to the sacred soil of Lingxiao?

The talented students of the God's Palace also rushed over, including Jiuxu God Son, Ouyang Chengde and others. They saw the oblique son standing on the edge of the battlefield and immediately approached her.

Ouyang Chengde said, "Sister Qing, what happened in the end? Who is Muhua fighting with?"

Qingfeizi shook his head and said, "I don't know! I only know that the other party is a young man, and he is quite strong."

Ouyang Chengde really denied, saying: "Young men? No one in the young generation can be Muhua's real opponent. Even the one ranked first in the Divine Reserve Palace cannot have such a powerful combat force."

The God of Jiuxu smiled coldly: "Brother Ouyang is right, the younger generation cannot be so strong. It is estimated that an old man who has lived for thousands of years intentionally maintains a young appearance."

Qingfeizi also nodded, quite agreeing with the words of the God of Jiuxu.

You know, they are already the top talents of the younger generation. Even if someone is stronger than them, it is impossible to be so powerful.

There are more and more monks coming here, among which are the teachings of other sacred soils, such as the Aoki palm religion, Jiuxu palm religion, Yinzhuzhang palm religion ... These sacred soils and the Lingxiao sacred soil have always been good.

What's more, the real life of Lingxiao is infinitely close to the ancient realm, and only one step can be regarded as supreme. Lingxiao real people ’s nine-thousand-year-old birthday, they will naturally come to personally congratulate them, to show their respect for the real people of Lingxiao.

"What kind of man is so arrogant? Doesn't he know that there is an infinitely close to the existence of Lingxiao Sacred Soil?" Aoki Zhang taught with a beard, a look of embarrassment on his face.

Jiuxu taught: "Dare to run into the sacred soil of Lingxiao during Lingxiao's longevity, and really live a good life."

"It is said that the heavenly messenger is refining a furnace of Sheng Dan. Once the Sheng Dan is refined, the Lingxiao real person will definitely be able to get one. By then, the Lingxiao real person can break through the eternal realm and become the supreme Lingxiao." Holy holy palm teaches.

Looking at the Jiuxu palm teaching on the battlefield, a pair of sharp eyes shrank a little, thinking that he had taken a look, rubbed his eyes and stared again, showing a somewhat shocked look, saying: "Look at me, that one Is n’t Muhua the real young man?

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