Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 925: Lingxiao

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A pair of light and shadow dragon wings grew on Ning Xiaochuan's back, resisting the pulling force of space, and hurried backward, far away from that space hole.

"Want to run away?" Jiuxu taught with a sneer.

Purple Mirror changed direction immediately and shot a beam of light again, hitting Ning Xiaochuan again.


The space next to Ning Xiaochuan collapsed again, and a hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters was formed, transmitting a strong pulling force.

Ning Xiaochuan was forced to retreat again.

The soles of Aoki's palms stepped on the ground. Nine buckets of thick golden vines grew out of the soil and soared into the sky, like nine thousand stalks of whip growling, constantly beating towards Ning Xiaochuan.

The surface of each golden vine is a stream of electric light, full of toughness, powerful, and the power of smashing out can split the mountain in half.

A lot of flames burst into Ning Xiaochuan's body, forming a huge fireball, wrapping his body in the center of the fireball.


Fifty-handed sacred magic swords, like sword rain, flew out of Ning Xiaochuan's body, and at the same time cut to the palms of Jiuxu.

Nine Xiaochuan was so frightened that he couldn't imagine that Ning Xiaochuan could cultivate so many Supreme Masterpieces into a figurative magical power?

He immediately stepped back a half step, slap on the back of the Zijinbao mirror. The mirror, which was only the size of a palm, became as large as a grinding disc and turned into a purple Aegis.




The battle sword continued to hit the surface of the Zijinbao Mirror, shaking the Jiuxu palm teaching back and forth, trembling to the extreme.

"King Kong God Xiaojian!"

Mu Hua's hands were folded together, and the true elements in the body were completely released.

The Diamond Kong Xiaojian, which was originally inserted at the peak of Shen Xiao, issued a dazzling golden mane, and made a sound like a dragon's yin, flying out of the mountain.


The 13-meter-long golden giant sword flew from Shen Xiaofeng, carrying a supreme air, and stabbed at Ning Xiaochuan, who was standing in the center of the fireball.

Immediately after Ning Xiaochuan felt a strong and dangerous atmosphere, the town's king weapon "King Kong God Xiao Sword" of Lingxiao Sacred Earth shouted, "The battle sword is one!"

Fifty stalks of extreme sword-level battle swords were immediately merged together and turned into a giant sword more than ten meters long and more than two meters wide, chopped towards the King Kong Xiaoxiao.

The King Kong Sword is the supreme king weapon, the town sacred soldier of the Holy Sacred Earth. After the original strength is inspired, how powerful is it. With just one blow, the huge sword condensed by the fifty-handed sword is broken. It turned into a fifty-handed sword again, and the tremors flew out.


King Kong's Shen Xiao sword struck Ning Xiaochuan's chest, half a meter away from the heart of Ning Xiaochuan, and the golden sword tip was blocked by a supreme royal weapon in the shape of a purple dish.

This piece of supreme kingware in the shape of a purple dish is incomplete, and its power cannot be compared with the true supreme kingware. It was originally a war weapon of the evil spirit servant. After the evil spirit servant died, this broken supreme king weapon fell into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

At a critical moment, this purple dish-shaped incomplete supreme king tool helped Ning Xiaochuan block the attack of the King Kong Xiaoxiao.

"Break me!"

Mu Hua's hands poured two beams of light into the palms of his hands and pushed forward.


King Kong's Shenxiao sword suddenly hit the surface of the purple dish, and then hit Ning Xiaochuan's body, and Ning Xiaochuan flew out with the purple dish at the same time.

"It's just a broken Supreme King, but it's too naive to dare to compete with a complete Supreme King!" Aoki taught a cold smile, twisting the nine golden vines into one, turning it into a thick one. God's vine suddenly drew towards Ning Xiaochuan.

As soon as Ning Xiaochuan stabilized his body, he saw a thick golden **** rat beaten over, and immediately hit a crescent-shaped supreme device.


The golden **** rattan was immediately cut into three pieces by the crescent-shaped supreme device, and the crescent-shaped supreme device continued to fly out, chopped off from the neck of the Aoki palm teacher, leaving a ten centimeter of blood.

The crescent-shaped supreme device flew a circle in the void, and then flew back, flying around Ning Xiaochuan's body.

This crescent-shaped supreme device reaches the pinnacle of top-class supreme device, and belongs to the same level of soldiers as the mixed world warhammer.

It was originally a treasure of the Kissing Demon servant, named "Moon Star Treasure Wheel". After the Kissing Demon waited on death, the "Moon Star Treasure Wheel" fell into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan.

Aoki taught to touch the blood on his neck, and gritted his teeth, saying, "There are too many war treasures on the King of Destruction, and each one is a peerless treasure!"

Aoki's palm teaches only two top-quality Supremes and several middle-class Supremes. However, Ning Xiaochuan's body has only a few quasi-Extreme Kings, and there are a lot of scary battle treasures.

The Sacred Earth of Qingmu and the Sacred Earth of Jiuxu naturally also have a Supreme King, but each Supreme King is a treasure that suppresses the transportation of the Holy Land and must remain in the Holy Earth. Even if the Holy Land Palmists want to bring the Supreme King Tool out of the Holy Land, they must have the consent of your elders.

"Although there are several quasi-extreme kings on the king's body, they should not be underestimated, but those quasi-extreme kings can never stop the Vajrayana sword."

Muhua really said: "Two teachers, you will help the real people to fully stimulate the original strength of the King Kong Xiaoxiao sword to kill the King of Kings."

"it is good!"

Qingmu Zhangjiao and Jiuxu Zhangjiao immediately flew behind Muhua's real person, and each shot a beam of light and poured into King Kong Shenxiao.

Combining the power of the three masters to teach real people, the instrumental spirit of the Vajra Divine Sword awakens, and the original power is fully excited.

In a short time, the world changed color.

Golden clouds appeared in the sky, and electric snake-like thunderbolts shuttled through the clouds, making a loud noise. Even strands of electric light appeared on the ground, covering the entire space.

"Tower of the town!" Ning Xiaochuan spread his palm, and a broken seven-inch-tall bronze bronze tower emerged from the palm of his hand, suspended in the void.

The seven-inch residual tower slowly rotated and kept growing, and soon became as large as a thousand-meter-high mountain peak. Many places were rusty, with a quaint and vicissitudes.

"That's ... that's the town's tower ..."

Seeing Ning Xiaochuan sacrifice the town's tower, the eyes of Jiuxu's teacher were all staring out, an unbelievable look.

Qingmu Zhangjiao and Muhua Zhenren were also shocked. Under the influence of the town tower, their hearts naturally felt a sense of fear.

"Isn't the Zhenren Tower in the hands of the Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Emperor? After the Emperor Demon was suppressed, shouldn't the Towner's Tower be with the predecessors of the old stars Xingsu?" Aoki taught.

Mu Hua's real person guessed: "The Emperor Tianmeng only holds half of the town towers, and the Destroyer King only gets the other half of the town towers."

Jiuxu Zhangjiao suppressed the fear in his heart and clenched his teeth. He said, "With the cultivation of the King of Destruction, even if you have half a town tower, you may not be our opponents. Fight!"

The three forces in charge of teaching merged into one, bursting out the strongest power of King Kong Xiaoxiao, making a thrilling sound like thunder and attacking Ning Xiaochuan.

Ning Xiaochuan also immediately blasted out half of the town's tower and bombarded it towards the King Kong Xiaoxiao.


The two terrifying forces collided constantly, causing huge destructive force. The earth was beaten without breaking apart, the space was torn apart, and a chaotic airflow like a huge wave surged out, impacting in all directions.

Had it not been for the formation of the array of six masters to control that power within a certain range, I am afraid that half of the Lingxiao Sacred Land would have been ruined.

"It's terrible! How old is the King of Destruction? He has actually been able to compete with the three masters of teaching, and it hasn't fallen into the wind." A young disciple in Lingxiao Holy Land was frightened a little.

"The King of Destroyer actually holds half of the town's towers, which is really abominable." The Goddess Jiuxu said indignantly.

Ouyang Chengde kept wiping the sweat on his forehead and trembled: "It seems ... it seems that only Ling Xiao's real shot can suppress him."

They are also powerful younger generations, but the Destroyer Kings are much better than them.

As long as the King of Destruction is alive, who dares to say that he is a genius today?

Qingfeizi supported an old man with white hair, walked slowly, stood on a high place not far from the battlefield, and looked at the two non-stop collision weapons above the sky.

"Grandpa! I have already investigated it. In fact, Liu Hengli and Xue Qingshuang had already been infected. It was precisely because their **** was discovered by Fang Chang that they died in the hands of King of Destruction and Fang Chang." Qingfeizi faced that A gray-haired old woman whispered.

Fang Chang also stood aside, looking at the white-haired old woman with awe, and summoned his courage, "Lingxiao is real! I don't care if Brother Chuan is the Destroyer King, but I know that if it wasn't for me He is definitely not going to injure Liu Hengli and Xue Qingshuang. Moreover, the person who killed Liu Hengli and Xue Qingshuang was not him, but me. Please let the Sichuan brothers live! "

The old man with white hair twisted his thin beard gently, squinted his eyes, and said, "So, often, we can't look at a person from the surface. Everyone says that King of Devil is A killer, killing innocent, but who really saw him kill? Everyone said that the Devil King dedicated the town demon tower to the dream emperor, but who knows that a large devil is suppressed in the town demon tower. Alas, even if it is not dedicated to the Heavenly Demon Emperor, our people can not use the town demon tower. "

Fang Chang's heart was pleased and said: "So the real person intends to let the Sichuan brothers pass?"


The old man with white hair smiled and said, "Since the King of Destruction has come to the Holy Land of Lingxiao, the old man naturally wants to ask him carefully, why on earth should he trust the Emperor of the Heavenly Dream? The old man is still very interested in this question. Hehe! "

Neither Chang Fang nor Qingfeizi could guess what Lingxiao real person was thinking, but they felt something in Lingxiao real person's words!

Moreover, what is going on in the town demon tower suppressing a big salamander? Why have they never heard of it?

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