Supreme Celestial Devil

Chapter 926: Sudden army of monsters

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The town man's tower has only half a seat, but it is a real and supreme imperial weapon. The emperor in the weapon is not a supreme imperial weapon.

Coupled with the town's tower's restraint against the monks, soon Ning Xiaochuan defeated the three masters.


On the outside, the array of six leaders who taught the arrangement finally couldn't support the powerful power of the town's tower and King Kong's Shenxiao sword, which broke apart every inch and completely lost its defense.

A powerful force emerged from the formation like a tsunami, shattering the formation, and the six palm teachers were shocked to retreat, their blood fluttered, and their bodies seemed to explode.

"It's strong! The three major palm teachers can't occupy the top, and the extermination king's cultivation is so powerful!"

Those monks who had stood outside the formations saw the formations shattered and fled away.


Lingxiao's real person exhaled a sigh of breath, turning it into a long stream of air, shaking with trembling.

But how can the two sides fighting at the moment stop?

Ning Xiaochuan mobilized all the power in the two Yuanshen and broke into the town's tower at the same time.

The strength of the town's tower immediately doubled, hitting three palm teachers at the same time and vomiting blood, even the King Kong Xiaoxiao was thrown out and dropped out of a hundred miles.

How could Ning Xiaochuan let go of this opportunity and immediately knocked out the town tower and levitated above the head of Aoki palm teacher, saying, ‘Stop! "


The complexion of Aoki Zhangjiao changed drastically, and he immediately knocked out a Supreme Rune. He wanted to use the power of the Supreme Rune to resist the power of the town's tower.

As soon as Supreme Fuyu hit out, he was taken away by the town tower.

Immediately afterwards, Aoki Palmer screamed and was taken into the town's tower.


Supreme Fuyu burst in the town's tower, a deep voice sounded, and the whole tower shook.

The screams of Aoki palm teaching sounded again in the tower, and even if he was not killed by the power of Supreme Fuyu, it is estimated that he had already suffered serious injuries.

Seeing that Qingmu Zhangjiao was taken into the town's tower, Jiuxu Zhangjiao immediately displayed the magical power of "space shifting", hit it with one palm, and hit a light door in the void.

At the fastest speed, he immediately hid inside the light gate and entered a market world in the cracks of space.

"That kid has really grown up, it's terrible!"

Jiuxu Zhangjiao just breathed a sigh of relief, and saw the void above his head was crushed, and a huge bronze ancient tower flew from the sky, suspended above his head.

"Do not……"

Under the mighty power of the town's tower, Jiuxu Zhangjiao was also included in the tower.

The town's tower flew back from the gap in the space, fell into the hands of Ning Xiaochuan, and became a seven-inch-tall tower again.

"King of Destruction, watch the sword!"

Mu Hua real person once again sacrificed the King Kong Xiaoxiao sword, the huge war sword, turned into a golden mang, attacked Ning Xiaochuan in the past.

With a wave of Ning Xiaochuan's arm, the town's tower flew out and attacked the King Kong Xiaoxiao.


The real white-haired Lingxiao looks like Shou Yuan's not much, half of his feet have entered the pit, but at this moment he is really angry.

The momentum of his body suddenly changed, and a pair of big hands were stretched out. Two palms intertwined a chain of gods, which actually separated the town's tower and the Diamond Kong Xiaoxiao at the same time.

The two big hands are like two five-finger **** mountains. One hand suppresses the town tower and one hand suppresses the Vajra Sword.

"It is indeed an old antique that has lived for nine thousand years, and it is too deep. It is also the ninth most important cultivation of real people. Neither the kiss kiss demon servant nor the demon servant can be his opponent. It is estimated that he has already Reached the level of the Emperor Demon King! "Ning Xiaochuan stared at the direction of Lingxiao, thinking so.

He had long noticed the arrival of Lingxiao real person, but did not expect that the cultivation of this old man was so powerful that even if he wore the blood coat of the last god, he might not be able to defeat the real person.

"See you, Master!" Mu Hua real person immediately walked to Ling Xiao real person, saluting respectfully.

Lingxiao nodded gently, motioning him to retreat.


Ning Xiaochuan spurred the power of the town's tower spirit, shattered the big fingerprints of the real Xiao Ling, and forcibly recovered the town's tower.

The Lingxiao real person showed a somewhat surprised look, admiring: "Great young man, under the suppression of the real person's strength, he was able to take back the town tower. It seems that our generation is really old . "

Seeing Lingxiao's presence, those monks who had fled to the distance flew back again.

"Awesome King of Destruction, Aoki and Kyosho have been taken away by him. If the two masters cannot be rescued, those who are sacred in Aoki and Jiuxu will probably go crazy. . "

The God of Jiuxu composes calmly: "Since the real person from Lingxiao came forward in person, even if the Destroyer King controlled the town's tower, he would not be able to turn around."

"That's right! Lingxiao is one of the most powerful beings under the Supreme. Even if the Supreme takes his own shot, it is not easy to defeat the Lingxiao.

The Lingxiao real person converged the momentum in his body and said, "The King of Destruction, let the Aoki palm religion and Jiuxu palm religion be released. The real person will not embarrass you and can let you go."

Ning Xiaochuan stood on the broken ground with a vigorous appearance, and said, "If I were suppressed by the Aoki and Aoki palms today, would you let the Aoki and Aiba palms release me?"

Mu Hua really scolded: "King of Destruction, don't toast or eat or drink, and the Master decides to let you go. It is already very kind."

The real Xiao Ling raised his arm gently to stop Mu Hua from continuing to say, "The King of Destruction, the real person can tell you very clearly that even if you are suppressed by the Jiuxu and Aoki palm religions today, the real person Will come to your life. "

Ning Xiaochuan's eyes looked a little surprised, and immediately came to understand that Lingxiao real person was the top of the Celestial Terran, and the ugly mother-in-law must have told him something secret.

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Well! I believe what you say! I can spare the lives of Qingmu and Jiuxu, but I will cut off their arms."

The God of Nine Ruins secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time laughed at Ning Xiaochuan too silly. In order to reach the level of teaching real people, it is not difficult for Martial arts to grow back even if their arms are cut off.

Ning Xiaochuan released the Qingmu Zhangjiao and Jiuxu Zhangjiao from the town's tower. Among them, Qingmu Zhangjiao was seriously wounded by the power of Supreme Fuyu, and was lying on the ground dying.

Ning Xiaochuan had no mercy, summoned the magic sword, waved four swords in a row, and cut off the arms of the Aoki palm teaching and the Jiuxu teaching.

When Ning Xiaochuan waved his sword and chopped it out, he condensed the spirit of annihilation into the sword, and broke into the bodies of the Aoki palm religion and Jiuxu palm religion.

In this way, the arms of Qingmu Zhangjiao and Jiuxu Zhangjiao will never grow again. Moreover, the demise of the world remaining in their bodies will continue to erode their true elements and physical bodies. In the future, their cultivation will gradually regress, and no progress can be made at all.

The God of Jiuxu and a sacred earth descendant of the Aoki Holy Land immediately walked over to support the Aoki palm and Jiuxu palm religions, and immediately entered the crowd.

As he walked past Ning Xiaochuan, the **** of Jiuxu's eyes showed a bit of coldness.

All this can't escape Ning Xiaochuan's eyes, but Ning Xiaochuan didn't pay much attention. Jiuxu God Son is far from his opponent now, and when they meet again, their gap will only grow wider.

Suddenly, Ning Xiaochuan's complexion changed slightly, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

The real Xiao Ling seemed to feel something, his face changed greatly, all the white hair on his head stood upside down, looking in the same direction as Ning Xiaochuan's gaze.

I saw a dark cloud of demons coming from the sky, and there was boiling boiling spirit in the demons. The black demon cloud covered the sky, and it didn't take long for the whole world to turn black!

"Hurry up! Start the Parade!"

Lingxiao's face changed drastically. As soon as his body moved, he disappeared from the spot instantly. The next moment, he had already flown to the top of the first peak of the "Xiaoxiao Peak" in the Holy Land of Lingxiao.

Under the full force of Lingxiao's real person, a thick white beam of light rushed from the top of Shenxiao Peak and shot into the sky.

Subsequently, the thirty-six main peaks of the Lingxiao Sacred Soil simultaneously raised a beam of light, connecting the entire Lingxiao Sacred Soil into a large array. A layer of light mask rose from the ground and suspended above the Holy Earth Holy Land.

In the holy earth, all monks were shocked by the sudden change, and some of them still looked very confused.

"What the **** happened? How did all the big battles start?"

"Look at it, there is a demon cloud in the sky!"

"How is it possible that not all the Heavenly Demon Emperor has been suppressed. Why did the monster army dare to come to Middle-earth?"



The monks in the holy earth were panicking.

Ning Xiaochuan immediately rushed to Fang Chang and said, "Brother Fang, we must leave Lingxiao Holy Land immediately!"

Fang Changdao: "Brother Chuan, what happened? Why did the monster army suddenly come to the Holy Land of Lingxiao?"

Ning Xiaochuan also had a look of doubt, in theory, the Heavenly Demon Emperor was suppressed, north. Within a short period of time, those demon empresses and queens of Xinjiang should not be able to attack Middle-earth.

The only explanation is that this army of monsters who came to the Holy Land of Lingxiao did not come to the north. Xinjiang, but from other places.

No matter what the origin of this monster army is, you can't be underestimated. Obviously, because they know that today is the real life of Lingxiao, they will choose to launch an attack on Lingxiao Holy Land today.

Fang Changdao said: "The army of monsters must have surrounded the sacred soil of Lingxiao. Now we are leaving the sacred soil of Lingxiao, shouldn't it be a sheep's entrance?"

"That's not necessarily the case."

Ning Xiaochuan said: "Do you know where the space teleportation array in the Holy Land of Lingxiao is?"

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